<script setup lang="ts"> interface Team { github: string display: string twitter: string mastodon: string } const emit = defineEmits<{ (event: 'close'): void }>() const teams: Team[] = [ { github: 'antfu', display: 'Anthony Fu', twitter: 'antfu7', mastodon: 'antfu@mas.to', }, { github: 'patak-dev', display: 'Patak', twitter: 'patak_dev', mastodon: 'patak@webtoo.ls', }, { github: 'danielroe', display: 'Daniel Roe', twitter: 'danielcroe', mastodon: 'daniel@roe.dev', }, { github: 'sxzz', display: 'sxzz', twitter: 'sanxiaozhizi', mastodon: 'sxzz@mas.to', }, ].sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5) </script> <template> <div my-8 px-3 sm:px-8 md:max-w-200 flex="~ col gap-4" relative> <button btn-action-icon absolute top--8 right-0 m1 aria-label="Close" @click="emit('close')"> <div i-ri:close-line /> </button> <img src="/logo.svg" w-20 h-20 height="80" width="80" mxa alt="logo"> <h1 mxa text-4xl mb4> {{ $t('help.title') }} </h1> <p> {{ $t('help.desc_para1') }} </p> <p> <b text-primary>{{ $t('help.desc_highlight') }}</b> {{ $t('help.desc_para2') }} </p> <p> Before that, if you'd like to help with testing, giving feedback, or contributing, <a font-bold text-primary href="/m.webtoo.ls/@elk" target="_blank"> reach out to us on Mastodon </a> and get involved. </p> {{ $t('help.desc_para3') }} <p flex="~ gap-2 wrap" mxa> <template v-for="team of teams" :key="team.github"> <a :href="`https://github.com/sponsors/${team.github}`" target="_blank" rounded-full transition duration-300 border="~ transparent" hover="scale-105 border-primary"> <img :src="`https://res.cloudinary.com/dchoja2nb/image/twitter_name/h_120,w_120/f_auto/${team.twitter}.jpg`" :alt="team.display" rounded-full w-15 h-15 height="60" width="60"> </a> </template> </p> <p italic flex justify-center w-full> <span text-xl font-script>The Elk Team</span> </p> <button btn-solid mxa tabindex="2" @click="emit('close')"> {{ $t('action.enter_app') }} </button> </div> </template>