<script lang="ts" setup> const { t } = useI18n() // limit: 20 is the default configuration of the official client const masto = useMasto() const { data, pending, error } = useLazyAsyncData( () => masto.suggestions.fetchAll({ limit: 20 }), { immediate: true }, ) useHeadFixed({ title: () => `${t('tab.for_you')} | ${t('nav.explore')}`, }) </script> <template> <div v-if="data && data.length"> <AccountBigCard v-for="suggestion of data" :key="suggestion.account.id" :account="suggestion.account" as="router-link" :to="getAccountRoute(suggestion.account)" border="b base" /> <div p5 text-center text-secondary-light italic> {{ $t('common.end_of_list') }} </div> </div> <div v-else-if="pending"> <AccountBigCardSkeleton border="b base" /> <AccountBigCardSkeleton border="b base" op50 /> <AccountBigCardSkeleton border="b base" op25 /> </div> <div v-else-if="error" p5 text-center text-red italic> {{ $t('common.error') }}: {{ error }} </div> <div v-else p5 text-center text-secondary italic> {{ $t('common.not_found') }} </div> </template>