import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer' import { readFile } from 'fs-extra' import { createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { ManifestOptions } from 'vite-plugin-pwa' import { getEnv } from '../../config/env' import { i18n } from '../../config/i18n' import type { LocaleObject } from '#i18n' export type LocalizedWebManifest = Record> export const pwaLocales = i18n.locales as LocaleObject[] type WebManifestEntry = Pick type RequiredWebManifestEntry = Required> export async function createI18n(): Promise { const { env } = await getEnv() const envName = `${env === 'release' ? '' : `(${env})`}` const { action, nav, pwa } = await readI18nFile('en.json') const defaultManifest: Required = pwa.webmanifest[env] const defaultShortcuts: ManifestOptions['shortcuts'] = [{ name: nav.home, url: '/home', icons: [ { src: 'shortcuts/home-96x96.png', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'shortcuts/home.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, ], }, { name: nav.local, url: '/?local-pwa-shortcut=true', icons: [ { src: 'shortcuts/local-96x96.png', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'shortcuts/local.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, ], }, { name: nav.notifications, url: '/?notifications-pwa-shortcut=true', icons: [ { src: 'shortcuts/notifications-96x96.png', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'shortcuts/notifications.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, ], }, { name: action.compose, url: '/compose', icons: [ { src: 'shortcuts/compose-96x96.png', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'shortcuts/compose.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, ], }, { name: nav.settings, url: '/settings', icons: [ { src: 'shortcuts/settings-96x96.png', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'shortcuts/settings.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, ], }] const defaultScreenshots: ManifestOptions['screenshots'] = [{ src: 'screenshots/dark-1.webp', sizes: '3840x2400', type: 'image/webp', label: pwa.screenshots.dark, }, { src: 'screenshots/light-1.webp', sizes: '3840x2400', type: 'image/webp', label: pwa.screenshots.light, }] const manifestEntries: Partial = { scope: '/', id: '/', start_url: '/', orientation: 'natural', display: 'standalone', display_override: ['window-controls-overlay'], categories: ['social', 'social networking', 'news'], icons: [ { src: 'pwa-64x64.png', sizes: '64x64', type: 'image/png', }, { src: 'pwa-192x192.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png', }, { src: 'pwa-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', purpose: 'any', }, { src: 'maskable-icon.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', purpose: 'maskable', }, ], share_target: { action: '/web-share-target', method: 'POST', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', params: { title: 'title', text: 'text', url: 'url', files: [ { name: 'files', accept: ['image/*', 'video/*'], }, ], }, }, handle_links: 'preferred', launch_handler: { client_mode: ['navigate-existing', 'auto'], }, edge_side_panel: { preferred_width: 480, }, protocol_handlers: [{ protocol: 'web+ap', url: '/?protocol-handler=1&target=%s', }], } if (env === 'release') { manifestEntries.prefer_related_applications = true manifestEntries.related_applications = [{ platform: 'windows', url: '', id: '53213ElkTeam.Elk_6x2f3wfg7gnst', }] } const locales: RequiredWebManifestEntry[] = await Promise.all( pwaLocales .filter(l => l.code !== 'en-US') .map(async ({ code, dir = 'ltr', file, files }) => { // read locale file or files const { action, app_desc_short, app_name, nav, pwa } = file ? await readI18nFile(file) : await findBestWebManifestData(files, env) const entry = pwa?.webmanifest?.[env] ?? {} if (! && app_name) = dir === 'rtl' ? `${envName} ${app_name}` : `${app_name} ${envName}` if (!entry.short_name && app_name) entry.short_name = dir === 'rtl' ? `${envName} ${app_name}` : `${app_name} ${envName}` if (!entry.description && app_desc_short) entry.description = app_desc_short // clone default screenshots and shortcuts const useScreenshots = [ => ({ ...screenshot }))] const useShortcuts = [ => ({ ...shortcut }))] const pwaScreenshots = pwa?.screenshots if (pwaScreenshots) { useScreenshots.forEach((screenshot, idx) => { if (idx === 0 && pwaScreenshots?.dark) screenshot.label = pwaScreenshots.dark if (idx === 1 && pwaScreenshots?.light) screenshot.label = pwaScreenshots.light }) } useShortcuts.forEach((shortcut, idx) => { if (idx === 0 && nav?.home) = nav.home if (idx === 1 && nav?.local) = nav.local if (idx === 2 && nav?.notifications) = nav.notifications if (idx === 3 && action?.compose) = action?.compose if (idx === 4 && nav?.settings) = nav.settings }) return { ...defaultManifest, ...entry, lang: code, dir, screenshots: useScreenshots, shortcuts: useShortcuts, } }), ) locales.push({ ...defaultManifest, lang: 'en-US', dir: 'ltr', screenshots: defaultScreenshots, shortcuts: defaultShortcuts, }) return locales.reduce((acc, { lang, dir, name, short_name, description, shortcuts, screenshots, }) => { acc[lang] = { lang, name, short_name, description, dir, background_color: '#ffffff', theme_color: '#ffffff', ...manifestEntries, shortcuts, screenshots, } acc[`${lang}-dark`] = { lang, name, short_name, description, dir, background_color: '#111111', theme_color: '#111111', ...manifestEntries, shortcuts, screenshots, } return acc }, {} as LocalizedWebManifest) } async function readI18nFile(file: string) { const { resolve } = createResolver(import.meta.url) return JSON.parse(Buffer.from( await readFile(resolve(`../../locales/${file}`), 'utf-8'), ).toString()) } interface PWAEntry { webmanifest?: Record screenshots?: Record shortcuts?: Record } interface JsonEntry { pwa?: PWAEntry app_name?: string app_desc_short?: string action?: Record nav?: Record screenshots?: Record } async function findBestWebManifestData(files: string[], env: string) { const entries: JsonEntry[] = await Promise.all( (file) => { const { action, app_name, app_desc_short, nav, pwa } = await readI18nFile(file) return { action, app_name, app_desc_short, nav, pwa } })) let pwa: PWAEntry | undefined let app_name: string | undefined let app_desc_short: string | undefined const action: Record = {} const nav: Record = {} for (const entry of entries) { const webmanifest = entry?.pwa?.webmanifest?.[env] if (webmanifest) { if (pwa) { if ( pwa.webmanifest![env].name = if (webmanifest.short_name) pwa.webmanifest![env].short_name = webmanifest.short_name if (webmanifest.description) pwa.webmanifest![env].description = webmanifest.description } else { pwa = entry.pwa } } if (entry.app_name) app_name = entry.app_name if (entry.app_desc_short) app_desc_short = entry.app_desc_short if (entry.nav) { ['home', 'local', 'notifications', 'settings'].forEach((key) => { const value = entry.nav![key] if (value) nav[key] = value }) } if (entry.action?.compose) action.compose = entry.action.compose if (entry.pwa?.screenshots) { if (!pwa) pwa = {} pwa.screenshots = pwa.screenshots ?? {} Object .entries(entry.pwa.screenshots) .forEach(([key, value]) => pwa!.screenshots![key] = value) } } return { action, app_desc_short, app_name, nav, pwa } }