<script setup lang="ts"> const params = useRoute().params const accountName = $(computedEager(() => toShortHandle(params.account as string))) const { t } = useI18n() const { data: account, refresh } = $(await useAsyncData(() => fetchAccountByHandle(accountName).catch(() => null))) if (account) { useHeadFixed({ title: () => `${getDisplayName(account)} (@${account.acct})`, }) } onReactivated(() => { // Silently update data when reentering the page // The user will see the previous content first, and any changes will be updated to the UI when the request is completed refresh() }) </script> <template> <MainContent back> <template #title> <span text-lg font-bold>{{ account ? getDisplayName(account) : t('nav_side.profile') }}</span> </template> <template v-if="account"> <AccountHeader :account="account" command border="b base" /> <NuxtPage /> </template> <CommonNotFound v-else> {{ $t('error.account_not_found', [`@${accountName}`]) }} </CommonNotFound> </MainContent> </template>