<script setup lang="ts"> import type { mastodon } from 'masto' const { status } = defineProps<{ status: mastodon.v1.Status }>() const poll = reactive({ ...status.poll! }) function toPercentage(num: number) { const percentage = 100 * num return `${percentage.toFixed(1).replace(/\.?0+$/, '')}%` } const timeAgoOptions = useTimeAgoOptions() const expiredTimeAgo = useTimeAgo(poll.expiresAt!, timeAgoOptions) const expiredTimeFormatted = useFormattedDateTime(poll.expiresAt!) const { formatPercentage } = useHumanReadableNumber() const { client } = $(useMasto()) async function vote(e: Event) { const formData = new FormData(e.target as HTMLFormElement) const choices = formData.getAll('choices').map(i => +i) as number[] // Update the poll optimistically for (const [index, option] of poll.options.entries()) { if (choices.includes(index)) option.votesCount = (option.votesCount || 0) + 1 } poll.voted = true poll.votesCount++ if (!poll.votersCount && poll.votesCount) poll.votesCount = poll.votesCount + 1 else poll.votersCount = (poll.votersCount || 0) + 1 cacheStatus({ ...status, poll }, undefined, true) await client.v1.polls.vote(poll.id, { choices }) } const votersCount = $computed(() => poll.votersCount ?? poll.votesCount ?? 0) </script> <template> <div flex flex-col w-full items-stretch gap-2 py3 dir="auto" class="poll-wrapper"> <form v-if="!poll.voted && !poll.expired" flex="~ col gap3" accent-primary @click.stop="noop" @submit.prevent="vote"> <label v-for="(option, index) of poll.options" :key="index" flex="~ gap2" items-center> <input name="choices" :value="index" :type="poll.multiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'" cursor-pointer> {{ option.title }} </label> <button btn-solid mt-1> {{ $t('action.vote') }} </button> </form> <template v-else> <div v-for="(option, index) of poll.options" :key="index" py-1 relative :style="{ '--bar-width': toPercentage(votersCount === 0 ? 0 : (option.votesCount ?? 0) / votersCount) }" > <div flex justify-between pb-2 w-full> <span inline-flex align-items> {{ option.title }} <span v-if="poll.voted && poll.ownVotes?.includes(index)" ms-2 mt-1 inline-block i-ri:checkbox-circle-line /> </span> <span text-primary-active> {{ formatPercentage(votersCount > 0 ? (option.votesCount || 0) / votersCount : 0) }}</span> </div> <div class="bg-gray/40" rounded-l-sm rounded-r-lg h-5px w-full> <div bg-primary-active h-full min-w="1%" class="w-[var(--bar-width)]" /> </div> </div> </template> <div text-sm flex="~ inline" gap-x-1 text-secondary> <CommonLocalizedNumber keypath="status.poll.count" :count="poll.votesCount" /> · <CommonTooltip :content="expiredTimeFormatted" class="inline-block" placement="right"> <time :datetime="poll.expiresAt!">{{ $t(poll.expired ? 'status.poll.finished' : 'status.poll.ends', [expiredTimeAgo]) }}</time> </CommonTooltip> </div> </div> </template>