import type { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router' import { useMagicSequence } from '~/composables/magickeys' export default defineNuxtPlugin(({ $scrollToTop }) => { const keys = useMagicKeys() const router = useRouter() // disable shortcuts when focused on inputs ( const activeElement = useActiveElement() const notUsingInput = computed(() => activeElement.value?.tagName !== 'INPUT' && activeElement.value?.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA' && !activeElement.value?.isContentEditable, ) const isAuthenticated = currentUser.value !== undefined const navigateTo = (to: string | RouteLocationRaw) => { closeKeyboardShortcuts() ;($scrollToTop as () => void)() // is this really required? router.push(to) } whenever(logicAnd(notUsingInput, keys['?']), toggleKeyboardShortcuts) const defaultPublishDialog = () => { const current = keys.current // exclusive 'c' - not apply in combination // TODO: bugfix -> create PR for vueuse, reset `current` ref on window focus|blur if (!current.has('shift') && !current.has('meta') && !current.has('control') && !current.has('alt')) { // TODO: is this the correct way of using openPublishDialog()? openPublishDialog('dialog', getDefaultDraft()) } } whenever(logicAnd(isAuthenticated, notUsingInput, keys.c), defaultPublishDialog) whenever(logicAnd(notUsingInput, useMagicSequence(['g', 'h'])), () => navigateTo('/home')) whenever(logicAnd(isAuthenticated, notUsingInput, useMagicSequence(['g', 'n'])), () => navigateTo('/notifications')) const toggleFavouriteActiveStatus = () => { // TODO: find a better solution than clicking buttons... document .querySelector<HTMLElement>('[aria-roledescription=status-details]') ?.querySelector<HTMLElement>('button[aria-label=Favourite]') ?.click() } whenever(logicAnd(isAuthenticated, notUsingInput, keys.f), toggleFavouriteActiveStatus) const toggleBoostActiveStatus = () => { // TODO: find a better solution than clicking buttons... document .querySelector<HTMLElement>('[aria-roledescription=status-details]') ?.querySelector<HTMLElement>('button[aria-label=Boost]') ?.click() } whenever(logicAnd(isAuthenticated, notUsingInput, keys.b), toggleBoostActiveStatus) })