// @unimport-disable import type { mastodon } from 'masto' import type { Node } from 'ultrahtml' import { DOCUMENT_NODE, ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE, h, parse, render } from 'ultrahtml' import { findAndReplaceEmojisInText } from '@iconify/utils' import { emojiRegEx, getEmojiAttributes } from '../config/emojis' export interface ContentParseOptions { emojis?: Record markdown?: boolean replaceUnicodeEmoji?: boolean astTransforms?: Transform[] convertMentionLink?: boolean } const sanitizerBasicClasses = filterClasses(/^(h-\S*|p-\S*|u-\S*|dt-\S*|e-\S*|mention|hashtag|ellipsis|invisible)$/u) const sanitizer = sanitize({ // Allow basic elements as seen in https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/17f79082b098e05b68d6f0d38fabb3ac121879a9/lib/sanitize_ext/sanitize_config.rb br: {}, p: {}, a: { href: filterHref(), class: sanitizerBasicClasses, rel: set('nofollow noopener noreferrer'), target: set('_blank'), }, span: { class: sanitizerBasicClasses, }, // Allow elements potentially created for Markdown code blocks above pre: {}, code: { class: filterClasses(/^language-\w+$/), }, }) const decoder = process.client ? document.createElement('textarea') : null export function decodeHtml(text: string) { if (!decoder) // not available when SSR return text decoder.innerHTML = text return decoder.value } /** * Parse raw HTML form Mastodon server to AST, * with interop of custom emojis and inline Markdown syntax */ export function parseMastodonHTML( html: string, options: ContentParseOptions = {}, ) { const { markdown = true, replaceUnicodeEmoji = true, convertMentionLink = false, } = options if (markdown) { // Handle code blocks html = html .replace(/>(```|~~~)(\w*)([\s\S]+?)\1/g, (_1, _2, lang: string, raw: string) => { const code = htmlToText(raw) const classes = lang ? ` class="language-${lang}"` : '' return `>
` }) } // Always sanitize the raw HTML data *after* it has been modified const transforms: Transform[] = [ sanitizer, ...options.astTransforms || [], ] if (replaceUnicodeEmoji) transforms.push(transformUnicodeEmoji) if (markdown) transforms.push(transformMarkdown) if (convertMentionLink) transforms.push(transformMentionLink) transforms.push(replaceCustomEmoji(options.emojis || {})) transforms.push(transformParagraphs) return transformSync(parse(html), transforms) } /** * Converts raw HTML form Mastodon server to HTML for Tiptap editor */ export function convertMastodonHTML(html: string, customEmojis: Record = {}) { const tree = parseMastodonHTML(html, { emojis: customEmojis, markdown: true, replaceUnicodeEmoji: false, convertMentionLink: true, }) return render(tree) } export function htmlToText(html: string) { const tree = parse(html) return (tree.children as Node[]).map(n => treeToText(n)).join('').trim() } export function treeToText(input: Node): string { let pre = '' let body = '' let post = '' if (input.type === TEXT_NODE) return decodeHtml(input.value) if (input.name === 'br') return '\n' if (['p', 'pre'].includes(input.name)) pre = '\n' if (input.name === 'code') { if (input.parent?.name === 'pre') { const lang = input.attributes.class?.replace('language-', '') pre = `\`\`\`${lang || ''}\n` post = '\n```' } else { pre = '`' post = '`' } } else if (input.name === 'b' || input.name === 'strong') { pre = '**' post = '**' } else if (input.name === 'i' || input.name === 'em') { pre = '*' post = '*' } else if (input.name === 'del') { pre = '~~' post = '~~' } if ('children' in input) body = (input.children as Node[]).map(n => treeToText(n)).join('') if (input.name === 'img') { if (input.attributes.class?.includes('custom-emoji')) return `:${input.attributes['data-emoji-id']}:` if (input.attributes.class?.includes('iconify-emoji')) return input.attributes.alt } return pre + body + post } // A tree transform function takes an ultrahtml Node object and returns // new content that will replace the given node in the tree. // Returning a null removes the node from the tree. // Strings get converted to text nodes. // The input node's children have been transformed before the node itself // gets transformed. type Transform = (node: Node) => (Node | string)[] | Node | string | null // Helpers for transforming (filtering, modifying, ...) a parsed HTML tree // by running the given chain of transform functions one-by-one. function transformSync(doc: Node, transforms: Transform[]) { function visit(node: Node, transform: Transform, isRoot = false) { if (Array.isArray(node.children)) { const children = [] as (Node | string)[] for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const result = visit(node.children[i], transform) if (Array.isArray(result)) children.push(...result) else if (result) children.push(result) } node.children = children.map((value) => { if (typeof value === 'string') return { type: TEXT_NODE, value, parent: node } value.parent = node return value }) } return isRoot ? node : transform(node) } for (const transform of transforms) doc = visit(doc, transform, true) as Node return doc } // A tree transform for sanitizing elements & their attributes. type AttrSanitizers = Record string | undefined> function sanitize(allowedElements: Record): Transform { return (node) => { if (node.type !== ELEMENT_NODE) return node if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(allowedElements, node.name)) return null const attrSanitizers = allowedElements[node.name] const attrs = {} as Record for (const [name, func] of Object.entries(attrSanitizers)) { const value = func(node.attributes[name]) if (value !== undefined) attrs[name] = value } node.attributes = attrs return node } } function filterClasses(allowed: RegExp) { return (c: string | undefined) => { if (!c) return undefined return c.split(/\s/g).filter(cls => allowed.test(cls)).join(' ') } } function set(value: string) { return () => value } function filterHref() { const LINK_PROTOCOLS = new Set([ 'http:', 'https:', 'dat:', 'dweb:', 'ipfs:', 'ipns:', 'ssb:', 'gopher:', 'xmpp:', 'magnet:', 'gemini:', ]) return (href: string | undefined) => { if (href === undefined) return undefined // Allow relative links if (href.startsWith('/') || href.startsWith('.')) return href let url try { url = new URL(href) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) return undefined throw err } if (LINK_PROTOCOLS.has(url.protocol)) return url.toString() return '#' } } function transformUnicodeEmoji(node: Node) { if (node.type !== TEXT_NODE) return node let start = 0 const matches = [] as (string | Node)[] findAndReplaceEmojisInText(emojiRegEx, node.value, (match, result) => { const attrs = getEmojiAttributes(match) matches.push(result.slice(start)) matches.push(h('img', { src: attrs.src, alt: attrs.alt, class: attrs.class })) start = result.length + match.match.length return undefined }) if (matches.length === 0) return node matches.push(node.value.slice(start)) return matches.filter(Boolean) } function replaceCustomEmoji(customEmojis: Record): Transform { return (node) => { if (node.type !== TEXT_NODE) return node const split = node.value.split(/:([\w-]+?):/g) if (split.length === 1) return node return split.map((name, i) => { if (i % 2 === 0) return name const emoji = customEmojis[name] if (!emoji) return `:${name}:` return h('img', { 'src': emoji.url, 'alt': `:${name}:`, 'class': 'custom-emoji', 'data-emoji-id': name }) }).filter(Boolean) } } const _markdownReplacements: [RegExp, (c: (string | Node)[]) => Node][] = [ [/\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*/g, c => h('b', null, [h('em', null, c)])], [/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, c => h('b', null, c)], [/\*(.*?)\*/g, c => h('em', null, c)], [/~~(.*?)~~/g, c => h('del', null, c)], [/`([^`]+?)`/g, c => h('code', null, c)], // transform @username@twitter.com as links [/(?:^|\b)@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)@twitter\.com(?:$|\b)/gi, c => h('a', { href: `https://twitter.com/${c[0]}`, target: '_blank', class: 'mention external' }, `@${c[0]}@twitter.com`)], ] function _markdownProcess(value: string) { const results = [] as (string | Node)[] let start = 0 while (true) { let found: { match: RegExpMatchArray; replacer: (c: (string | Node)[]) => Node } | undefined for (const [re, replacer] of _markdownReplacements) { re.lastIndex = start const match = re.exec(value) if (match) { if (!found || match.index < found.match.index!) found = { match, replacer } } } if (!found) break results.push(value.slice(start, found.match.index)) results.push(found.replacer(_markdownProcess(found.match[1]))) start = found.match.index! + found.match[0].length } results.push(value.slice(start)) return results.filter(Boolean) } function transformMarkdown(node: Node) { if (node.type !== TEXT_NODE) return node return _markdownProcess(node.value) } function transformParagraphs(node: Node): Node | Node[] { // For top level paragraphs, inject an empty

to preserve status paragraphs in our editor (except for the last one) if (node.parent?.type === DOCUMENT_NODE && node.name === 'p' && node.parent.children.at(-1) !== node) return [node, h('p')] return node } function transformMentionLink(node: Node): string | Node | (string | Node)[] | null { if (node.name === 'a' && node.attributes.class?.includes('mention')) { const href = node.attributes.href if (href) { const matchUser = href.match(UserLinkRE) if (matchUser) { const [, server, username] = matchUser const handle = `${username}@${server.replace(/(.+\.)(.+\..+)/, '$2')}` // convert to TipTap mention node return h('span', { 'data-type': 'mention', 'data-id': handle }, handle) } } } return node }