import type { mastodon } from 'masto' const notifications = reactive<Record<string, undefined | [Promise<mastodon.streaming.Subscription>, string[]]>>({}) export function useNotifications() { const id = currentUser.value? const { client, streamingClient } = useMasto() async function clearNotifications() { if (!id || !notifications[id]) return const lastReadId = notifications[id]![1][0] notifications[id]![1] = [] if (lastReadId) { await client.value.v1.markers.create({ notifications: { lastReadId }, }) } } async function processNotifications(stream: mastodon.streaming.Subscription, id: string) { for await (const entry of stream) { if (entry.event === 'notification' && notifications[id]) notifications[id]![1].unshift( } } async function connect(): Promise<void> { if (!isHydrated.value || !id || notifications[id] !== undefined || !currentUser.value?.token) return let resolveStream: ((value: mastodon.streaming.Subscription | PromiseLike<mastodon.streaming.Subscription>) => void) | undefined const streamPromise = new Promise<mastodon.streaming.Subscription>(resolve => resolveStream = resolve) notifications[id] = [streamPromise, []] await until(streamingClient).toBeTruthy() const stream = streamingClient.value!.user.subscribe() resolveStream!(stream) processNotifications(stream, id) const position = await client.value.v1.markers.fetch({ timeline: ['notifications'] }) const paginator = client.value.v1.notifications.list({ limit: 30 }) do { const result = await if (!result.done && result.value.length) { for (const notification of result.value) { if ( === position.notifications.lastReadId) return notifications[id]![1].push( } } else { break } } while (true) } function disconnect(): void { if (!id || !notifications[id]) return notifications[id]![0].then(stream => stream.unsubscribe()) notifications[id] = undefined } watch(currentUser, disconnect) onHydrated(() => { connect() }) return { notifications: computed(() => id ? notifications[id]?.[1].length ?? 0 : 0), clearNotifications, } }