<script setup lang="ts"> import type { Card } from 'masto' const props = defineProps<{ card: Card /** For the preview image, only the small image mode is displayed */ smallPictureOnly?: boolean /** When it is root card in the list, not appear as a child card */ root?: boolean }>() const alt = $computed(() => `${props.card.title} - ${props.card.title}`) const isSquare = $computed(() => props.smallPictureOnly || props.card.width === props.card.height) const providerName = $computed(() => props.card.providerName ? props.card.providerName : new URL(props.card.url).hostname) // TODO: handle card.type: 'photo' | 'video' | 'rich'; </script> <template> <NuxtLink block of-hidden hover:bg-active :to="card.url" :class="{ 'flex': isSquare, 'p-4': root, 'rounded-lg border border-base': !root, }" target="_blank" > <div v-if="card.image" flex flex-col display-block of-hidden border="base" :class="{ 'sm:(min-w-32 w-32 h-32) min-w-22 w-22 h-22 border-r': isSquare, 'w-full aspect-[1.91] border-b': !isSquare, 'rounded-lg': root, }" > <CommonBlurhash :blurhash="card.blurhash" :src="card.image" :width="card.width" :height="card.height" :alt="alt" w-full h-full object-cover /> </div> <div v-else min-w-22 w-22 h-22 sm="min-w-32 w-32 h-32" bg="slate-500/10" flex justify-center items-center :class="[ root ? 'rounded-lg' : '', ]" > <div i-ri:profile-line w="30%" h="30%" text-secondary /> </div> <div px3 max-h-2xl flex flex-col :class="[ root ? 'flex-gap-1 py1 sm:py3' : 'py3 justify-center sm:justify-start', ]" > <p text-secondary ws-pre-wrap break-all :class="[ !card.description || root ? 'line-clamp-1' : 'hidden sm:line-clamp-1', ]" > {{ providerName }} </p> <strong v-if="card.title" font-normal sm:font-medium line-clamp-1 break-all ws-pre-wrap >{{ card.title }}</strong> <p v-if="card.description" line-clamp-1 break-all sm:line-clamp-2 sm:break-words text-secondary ws-pre-wrap > {{ card.description }} </p> </div> </NuxtLink> </template>