#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) echo ' ------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ | \ | (_) | ___ _ ___| _ \ ___ | |_| ___(_) | ___ ___ | \| | | |/ / | | / __| | | |/ _ \| __| |_ | | |/ _ \/ __| | |\ | | <| |_| \__ \ |_| | (_) | |_| _| | | | __/\__ \ |_| \_|_|_|\_\\__,_|___/____/ \___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/ Dirty Setup Script for this glorious Dotfiles -------------------------------------------------------------' if type -p apt > /dev/null then echo 'Debian/Ubuntu' PKG_MNGR="apt" elif type -p dnf > /dev/null then echo 'RHEL/Fedora' PKG_MNGR="dnf" fi echo ' ------------------------------------------------------------- Install hard dependencies golang, jq -------------------------------------------------------------' if [ "$PKG_MNGR" = "apt" ] then sudo apt-get update > /dev/null && sudo apt-get install golang jq elif [ "$PKG_MNGR" = "dnf" ] then sudo dnf install golang jq else echo "No Package Manager configured, couldn't install" fi if ! type -p go > /dev/null then echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' echo "Couldn't install go qwq... Aborting the script" echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi echo ' ------------------------------------------------------------- Install Gum for a pretty CLI Experience -------------------------------------------------------------' go install github.com/charmbracelet/gum@latest > /dev/null if ! type -p gum > /dev/null then echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' echo "Couldn't install gum qwq... Aborting the script" echo '-------------------------------------------------------------' exit 1 fi gum style --border rounded --margin '1 2' --padding '2 4' --align center --foreground '#5BCEFA' --border-foreground '#F5A9B8' 'Gum is now installed' 'yay :3' echo "Niku perfers to use the fish shell, but the design of the dotfiles (starship) works with nearly any shell, do you want to switch to fish" WANTS_FISH=$(gum choose "Yes" "No") if [ "$WANTS_FISH" = "Yes" ] then if [ "$PKG_MNGR" = "apt" ] then sudo apt-get update > /dev/null && sudo apt-get install fish elif [ "$PKG_MNGR" = "dnf" ] then sudo dnf install fish else echo "No Package Manager configured, couldn't install" fi fi gum style --border rounded --margin '1 1' --padding '1 1' --align center --foreground '#5BCEFA' --border-foreground '#F5A9B8' 'Do you want to install nikus fish config' WANTS_SHELL_THEME=$(gum choose "Yes" "No") if [ "$WANTS_SHELL_THEME" = "Yes" ] then ln -s "$SCRIPT_DIR/fish" $HOME/.config/ fi gum style --border rounded --margin '1 1' --padding '1 1' --align center --foreground '#5BCEFA' --border-foreground '#F5A9B8' 'Do you want to install nikus shell theme' 'If you havnt installed nikus fish config you need to reference starship in your shell, by yourself' WANTS_SHELL_STARSHIP=$(gum choose "Yes" "No") if [ "$WANTS_SHELL_STARSHIP" = "Yes" ] then ln -s "$SCRIPT_DIR/starship/config.toml" $HOME/.config/starship.toml fi gum style --border rounded --margin '1 1' --padding '1 1' --align center --foreground '#5BCEFA' --border-foreground '#F5A9B8' 'Do you want to patch your vscodium config to use microsofts marketplace instead of open-vsx' WANTS_SHELL_MS_MARKET=$(gum choose "Yes" "No") if [ "$WANTS_SHELL_MS_MARKET" = "Yes" ] then