# Nikus Dotfiles ## Note for env.shell.example Copy it and rename it to .env.sh. Don't commit one with your environment variables, that variables are secret keys ## Fonts used - [Inter](https://github.com/rsms/inter) as System Font - [Fantasque Nerd Font](https://www.programmingfonts.org/#fantasque-sans) as Monospace/Terminal font ## docker-compose-v1 compatibility At some times some projects require the old docker-compose-v1 to be installed. I wrote the `docker-compose` file here to simply yeet all of that commands into the new `docker compose` command. Copy it somewhere into your path (maybe `/usr/local/bin`) to get it working. ## Python ### Install required libraries #### Debian `apt install libbz2-dev libncurses-dev libffi-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev liblzma-dev`