package xcaddycmd import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "" "" "" ) var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "xcaddy <args...>", Long: "xcaddy is a custom Caddy builder for advanced users and plugin developers.\n" + "The xcaddy command has two primary uses:\n" + "- Compile custom caddy binaries\n" + "- A replacement for `go run` while developing Caddy plugins\n" + "xcaddy accepts any Caddy command (except help and version) to pass through to the custom-built Caddy, notably `run` and `list-modules`. The command pass-through allows for iterative development process.\n\n" + "Report bugs on\n", Short: "Caddy module development helper", SilenceUsage: true, Version: xcaddyVersion(), Args: cobra.ArbitraryArgs, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { binOutput := getCaddyOutputFile() // get current/main module name and the root directory of the main module // // make sure the module being developed is replaced // so that the local copy is used // // replace directives only apply to the top-level/main go.mod, // and since this tool is a carry-through for the user's actual // go.mod, we need to transfer their replace directives through // to the one we're making execCmd := exec.Command(utils.GetGo(), "list", "-mod=readonly", "-m", "-json", "all") execCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr out, err := execCmd.Output() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("exec %v: %v: %s", cmd.Args, err, string(out)) } currentModule, moduleDir, replacements, err := parseGoListJson(out) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("json parse error: %v", err) } // reconcile remaining path segments; for example if a module foo/a // is rooted at directory path /home/foo/a, but the current directory // is /home/foo/a/b, then the package to import should be foo/a/b cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to determine current directory: %v", err) } importPath := normalizeImportPath(currentModule, cwd, moduleDir) // build caddy with this module plugged in builder := xcaddy.Builder{ Compile: xcaddy.Compile{ Cgo: os.Getenv("CGO_ENABLED") == "1", }, CaddyVersion: caddyVersion, Plugins: []xcaddy.Dependency{ {PackagePath: importPath}, }, Replacements: replacements, RaceDetector: raceDetector, SkipBuild: skipBuild, SkipCleanup: skipCleanup, Debug: buildDebugOutput, } err = builder.Build(cmd.Context(), binOutput) if err != nil { return err } // if requested, run setcap to allow binding to low ports err = setcapIfRequested(binOutput) if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("[INFO] Running %v\n\n", append([]string{binOutput}, args...)) execCmd = exec.Command(binOutput, args...) execCmd.Stdin = os.Stdin execCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout execCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr err = execCmd.Start() if err != nil { return err } defer func() { if skipCleanup { log.Printf("[INFO] Skipping cleanup as requested; leaving artifact: %s", binOutput) return } err = os.Remove(binOutput) if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Printf("[ERROR] Deleting temporary binary %s: %v", binOutput, err) } }() return execCmd.Wait() }, } const fullDocsFooter = `Full documentation is available at:` func init() { rootCmd.SetVersionTemplate("{{.Version}}\n") rootCmd.SetHelpTemplate(rootCmd.HelpTemplate() + "\n" + fullDocsFooter + "\n") rootCmd.AddCommand(buildCommand) rootCmd.AddCommand(versionCommand) }