import './compose.css'; import '@github/text-expander-element'; import { msg, plural, t, Trans } from '@lingui/macro'; import { useLingui } from '@lingui/react'; import { MenuItem } from '@szhsin/react-menu'; import { deepEqual } from 'fast-equals'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import { forwardRef, memo } from 'preact/compat'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useHotkeys } from 'react-hotkeys-hook'; import stringLength from 'string-length'; // import { detectAll } from 'tinyld/light'; import { uid } from 'uid/single'; import { useDebouncedCallback, useThrottledCallback } from 'use-debounce'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import poweredByGiphyURL from '../assets/powered-by-giphy.svg'; import Menu2 from '../components/menu2'; import supportedLanguages from '../data/status-supported-languages'; import urlRegex from '../data/url-regex'; import { api } from '../utils/api'; import db from '../utils/db'; import emojifyText from '../utils/emojify-text'; import i18nDuration from '../utils/i18n-duration'; import isRTL from '../utils/is-rtl'; import localeMatch from '../utils/locale-match'; import localeCode2Text from '../utils/localeCode2Text'; import mem from '../utils/mem'; import openCompose from '../utils/open-compose'; import pmem from '../utils/pmem'; import prettyBytes from '../utils/pretty-bytes'; import { fetchRelationships } from '../utils/relationships'; import shortenNumber from '../utils/shorten-number'; import showToast from '../utils/show-toast'; import states, { saveStatus } from '../utils/states'; import store from '../utils/store'; import { getCurrentAccount, getCurrentAccountNS, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentInstanceConfiguration, } from '../utils/store-utils'; import supports from '../utils/supports'; import useCloseWatcher from '../utils/useCloseWatcher'; import useInterval from '../utils/useInterval'; import visibilityIconsMap from '../utils/visibility-icons-map'; import AccountBlock from './account-block'; // import Avatar from './avatar'; import Icon from './icon'; import Loader from './loader'; import Modal from './modal'; import Status from './status'; const { PHANPY_IMG_ALT_API_URL: IMG_ALT_API_URL, PHANPY_GIPHY_API_KEY: GIPHY_API_KEY, } = import.meta.env; const supportedLanguagesMap = supportedLanguages.reduce((acc, l) => { const [code, common, native] = l; acc[code] = { common, native, }; return acc; }, {}); /* NOTES: - Max character limit includes BOTH status text and Content Warning text */ const expiryOptions = { 300: i18nDuration(5, 'minute'), 1_800: i18nDuration(30, 'minute'), 3_600: i18nDuration(1, 'hour'), 21_600: i18nDuration(6, 'hour'), 86_400: i18nDuration(1, 'day'), 259_200: i18nDuration(3, 'day'), 604_800: i18nDuration(1, 'week'), }; const expirySeconds = Object.keys(expiryOptions); const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60; const expiresInFromExpiresAt = (expiresAt) => { if (!expiresAt) return oneDay; const delta = (new Date(expiresAt).getTime() - / 1000; return expirySeconds.find((s) => s >= delta) || oneDay; }; const menu = document.createElement('ul'); menu.role = 'listbox'; menu.className = 'text-expander-menu'; // Set IntersectionObserver on menu, reposition it because text-expander doesn't handle it const windowMargin = 16; const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const { left, width } = entry.boundingClientRect; const { innerWidth } = window; if (left + width > innerWidth) { const insetInlineStart = isRTL() ? 'right' : 'left';[insetInlineStart] = innerWidth - width - windowMargin + 'px'; } } }); }); observer.observe(menu); const DEFAULT_LANG = localeMatch( [new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale, ...navigator.languages], => l[0]), 'en', ); // const urlRegexObj = new RegExp(urlRegex.source, urlRegex.flags); const usernameRegex = /(^|[^\/\w])@(([a-z0-9_]+)@[a-z0-9\.\-]+[a-z0-9]+)/gi; const urlPlaceholder = '$2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; function countableText(inputText) { return inputText .replace(urlRegexObj, urlPlaceholder) .replace(usernameRegex, '$1@$3'); } // const USERNAME_RE = /[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9_]+)?/i; const MENTION_RE = new RegExp( `(^|[^=\\/\\w])(@${USERNAME_RE.source}(?:@[\\p{L}\\w.-]+[\\w]+)?)`, 'uig', ); // AI-generated, all other regexes are too complicated const HASHTAG_RE = new RegExp( `(^|[^=\\/\\w])(#[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_.]+[a-z0-9_]+)?)(?![\\/\\w])`, 'ig', ); // const SHORTCODE_RE_FRAGMENT = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,}'; const SCAN_RE = new RegExp( `(^|[^=\\/\\w])(:${SHORTCODE_RE_FRAGMENT}:)(?=[^A-Za-z0-9_:]|$)`, 'g', ); const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter(); function escapeHTML(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } function highlightText(text, { maxCharacters = Infinity }) { // Exceeded characters limit const { composerCharacterCount } = states; if (composerCharacterCount > maxCharacters) { // Highlight exceeded characters let withinLimitHTML = '', exceedLimitHTML = ''; const htmlSegments = segmenter.segment(text); for (const { segment, index } of htmlSegments) { if (index < maxCharacters) { withinLimitHTML += segment; } else { exceedLimitHTML += segment; } } if (exceedLimitHTML) { exceedLimitHTML = '<mark class="compose-highlight-exceeded">' + escapeHTML(exceedLimitHTML) + '</mark>'; } return escapeHTML(withinLimitHTML) + exceedLimitHTML; } return escapeHTML(text) .replace(urlRegexObj, '$2<mark class="compose-highlight-url">$3</mark>') // URLs .replace(MENTION_RE, '$1<mark class="compose-highlight-mention">$2</mark>') // Mentions .replace(HASHTAG_RE, '$1<mark class="compose-highlight-hashtag">$2</mark>') // Hashtags .replace( SCAN_RE, '$1<mark class="compose-highlight-emoji-shortcode">$2</mark>', ); // Emoji shortcodes } // const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(); const RTF = mem((locale) => new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(locale || undefined)); const LF = mem((locale) => new Intl.ListFormat(locale || undefined)); const CUSTOM_EMOJIS_COUNT = 100; function Compose({ onClose, replyToStatus, editStatus, draftStatus, standalone, hasOpener, }) { const { i18n } = useLingui(); const rtf = RTF(i18n.locale); const lf = LF(i18n.locale); console.warn('RENDER COMPOSER'); const { masto, instance } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const UID = useRef(draftStatus?.uid || uid()); console.log('Compose UID', UID.current); const currentAccount = getCurrentAccount(); const currentAccountInfo =; const configuration = getCurrentInstanceConfiguration(); console.log('⚙️ Configuration', configuration); const { statuses: { maxCharacters, maxMediaAttachments, // Beware: it can be undefined! charactersReservedPerUrl, } = {}, mediaAttachments: { supportedMimeTypes, imageSizeLimit, imageMatrixLimit, videoSizeLimit, videoMatrixLimit, videoFrameRateLimit, } = {}, polls: { maxOptions, maxCharactersPerOption, maxExpiration, minExpiration, } = {}, } = configuration || {}; const textareaRef = useRef(); const spoilerTextRef = useRef(); const [visibility, setVisibility] = useState('public'); const [sensitive, setSensitive] = useState(false); const [language, setLanguage] = useState( store.session.get('currentLanguage') || DEFAULT_LANG, ); const prevLanguage = useRef(language); const [mediaAttachments, setMediaAttachments] = useState([]); const [poll, setPoll] = useState(null); const prefs = store.account.get('preferences') || {}; const oninputTextarea = () => { if (!textareaRef.current) return; textareaRef.current.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); }; const focusTextarea = () => { setTimeout(() => { if (!textareaRef.current) return; // status starts with newline, focus on first position if (draftStatus?.status?.startsWith?.('\n')) { textareaRef.current.selectionStart = 0; textareaRef.current.selectionEnd = 0; } console.debug('FOCUS textarea'); textareaRef.current?.focus(); }, 300); }; useEffect(() => { if (replyToStatus) { const { spoilerText, visibility, language, sensitive } = replyToStatus; if (spoilerText && spoilerTextRef.current) { spoilerTextRef.current.value = spoilerText; } const mentions = new Set([ replyToStatus.account.acct, => m.acct), ]); const allMentions = [...mentions].filter( (m) => m !== currentAccountInfo.acct, ); if (allMentions.length > 0) { textareaRef.current.value = `${allMentions .map((m) => `@${m}`) .join(' ')} `; oninputTextarea(); } focusTextarea(); setVisibility( visibility === 'public' && prefs['posting:default:visibility'] ? prefs['posting:default:visibility'].toLowerCase() : visibility, ); setLanguage( language || prefs['posting:default:language']?.toLowerCase() || DEFAULT_LANG, ); setSensitive(sensitive && !!spoilerText); } else if (editStatus) { const { visibility, language, sensitive, poll, mediaAttachments } = editStatus; const composablePoll = !!poll?.options && { ...poll, options: => o?.title || o), expiresIn: poll?.expiresIn || expiresInFromExpiresAt(poll.expiresAt), }; setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const statusSource = await masto.v1.statuses .$select( .source.fetch(); console.log({ statusSource }); const { text, spoilerText } = statusSource; textareaRef.current.value = text; textareaRef.current.dataset.source = text; oninputTextarea(); focusTextarea(); spoilerTextRef.current.value = spoilerText; setVisibility(visibility); setLanguage( language || prefs['posting:default:language']?.toLowerCase() || DEFAULT_LANG, ); setSensitive(sensitive); if (composablePoll) setPoll(composablePoll); setMediaAttachments(mediaAttachments); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert(e?.reason || e); setUIState('error'); } })(); } else { focusTextarea(); console.log('Apply prefs', prefs); if (prefs['posting:default:visibility']) { setVisibility(prefs['posting:default:visibility'].toLowerCase()); } if (prefs['posting:default:language']) { setLanguage(prefs['posting:default:language'].toLowerCase()); } if (prefs['posting:default:sensitive']) { setSensitive(!!prefs['posting:default:sensitive']); } } if (draftStatus) { const { status, spoilerText, visibility, language, sensitive, poll, mediaAttachments, } = draftStatus; const composablePoll = !!poll?.options && { ...poll, options: => o?.title || o), expiresIn: poll?.expiresIn || expiresInFromExpiresAt(poll.expiresAt), }; textareaRef.current.value = status; oninputTextarea(); focusTextarea(); if (spoilerText) spoilerTextRef.current.value = spoilerText; if (visibility) setVisibility(visibility); setLanguage( language || prefs['posting:default:language']?.toLowerCase() || DEFAULT_LANG, ); if (sensitive !== null) setSensitive(sensitive); if (composablePoll) setPoll(composablePoll); if (mediaAttachments) setMediaAttachments(mediaAttachments); } }, [draftStatus, editStatus, replyToStatus]); const formRef = useRef(); const beforeUnloadCopy = t`You have unsaved changes. Discard this post?`; const canClose = () => { const { value, dataset } = textareaRef.current; // check if loading if (uiState === 'loading') { console.log('canClose', { uiState }); return false; } // check for status and media attachments const hasValue = (value || '') .trim() .replace(/^\p{White_Space}+|\p{White_Space}+$/gu, ''); const hasMediaAttachments = mediaAttachments.length > 0; if (!hasValue && !hasMediaAttachments) { console.log('canClose', { value, mediaAttachments }); return true; } // check if all media attachments have IDs const hasIDMediaAttachments = mediaAttachments.length > 0 && mediaAttachments.every((media) =>; if (hasIDMediaAttachments) { console.log('canClose', { hasIDMediaAttachments }); return true; } // check if status contains only "@acct", if replying const isSelf = replyToStatus? ===; const hasOnlyAcct = replyToStatus && value.trim() === `@${replyToStatus.account.acct}`; // TODO: check for mentions, or maybe just generic "@username<space>", including multiple mentions like "@username1<space>@username2<space>" if (!isSelf && hasOnlyAcct) { console.log('canClose', { isSelf, hasOnlyAcct }); return true; } // check if status is same with source const sameWithSource = value === dataset?.source; if (sameWithSource) { console.log('canClose', { sameWithSource }); return true; } console.log('canClose', { value, hasMediaAttachments, hasIDMediaAttachments, poll, isSelf, hasOnlyAcct, sameWithSource, uiState, }); return false; }; const confirmClose = () => { if (!canClose()) { const yes = confirm(beforeUnloadCopy); return yes; } return true; }; useEffect(() => { // Show warning if user tries to close window with unsaved changes const handleBeforeUnload = (e) => { if (!canClose()) { e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = beforeUnloadCopy; } }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleBeforeUnload, { capture: true, }); return () => window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', handleBeforeUnload, { capture: true, }); }, []); const getCharCount = () => { const { value } = textareaRef.current; const { value: spoilerText } = spoilerTextRef.current; return stringLength(countableText(value)) + stringLength(spoilerText); }; const updateCharCount = () => { const count = getCharCount(); states.composerCharacterCount = count; }; useEffect(updateCharCount, []); const supportsCloseWatcher = window.CloseWatcher; const escDownRef = useRef(false); useHotkeys( 'esc', () => { escDownRef.current = true; // This won't be true if this event is already handled and not propagated 🤞 }, { enabled: !supportsCloseWatcher, enableOnFormTags: true, }, ); useHotkeys( 'esc', () => { if (!standalone && escDownRef.current && confirmClose()) { onClose(); } escDownRef.current = false; }, { enabled: !supportsCloseWatcher, enableOnFormTags: true, // Use keyup because Esc keydown will close the confirm dialog on Safari keyup: true, ignoreEventWhen: (e) => { const modals = document.querySelectorAll('#modal-container > *'); const hasModal = !!modals; const hasOnlyComposer = modals.length === 1 && modals[0].querySelector('#compose-container'); return hasModal && !hasOnlyComposer; }, }, ); useCloseWatcher(() => { if (!standalone && confirmClose()) { onClose(); } }, [standalone, confirmClose, onClose]); const prevBackgroundDraft = useRef({}); const draftKey = () => { const ns = getCurrentAccountNS(); return `${ns}#${UID.current}`; }; const saveUnsavedDraft = () => { // Not enabling this for editing status // I don't think this warrant a draft mode for a status that's already posted // Maybe it could be a big edit change but it should be rare if (editStatus) return; if (states.composerState.minimized) return; const key = draftKey(); const backgroundDraft = { key, replyTo: replyToStatus ? { /* Smaller payload of replyToStatus. Reasons: - No point storing whole thing - Could have media attachments - Could be deleted/edited later */ id:, account: { id:, username: replyToStatus.account.username, acct: replyToStatus.account.acct, }, } : null, draftStatus: { uid: UID.current, status: textareaRef.current.value, spoilerText: spoilerTextRef.current.value, visibility, language, sensitive, poll, mediaAttachments, }, }; if ( !deepEqual(backgroundDraft, prevBackgroundDraft.current) && !canClose() ) { console.debug('not equal', backgroundDraft, prevBackgroundDraft.current); db.drafts .set(key, { ...backgroundDraft, state: 'unsaved', updatedAt:, }) .then(() => { console.debug('DRAFT saved', key, backgroundDraft); }) .catch((e) => { console.error('DRAFT failed', key, e); }); prevBackgroundDraft.current = structuredClone(backgroundDraft); } }; useInterval(saveUnsavedDraft, 5000); // background save every 5s useEffect(() => { saveUnsavedDraft(); // If unmounted, means user discarded the draft // Also means pop-out 🙈, but it's okay because the pop-out will persist the ID and re-create the draft return () => { db.drafts.del(draftKey()); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { const handleItems = (e) => { const { items } = e.clipboardData || e.dataTransfer; const files = []; const unsupportedFiles = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; if (item.kind === 'file') { const file = item.getAsFile(); if ( supportedMimeTypes !== undefined && !supportedMimeTypes.includes(file.type) ) { unsupportedFiles.push(file); } else { files.push(file); } } } if (unsupportedFiles.length > 0) { alert( plural(unsupportedFiles.length, { one: `File ${unsupportedFiles[0].name} is not supported.`, other: `Files ${lf.format( =>, )} are not supported.`, }), ); } if (files.length > 0 && mediaAttachments.length >= maxMediaAttachments) { alert( plural(maxMediaAttachments, { one: 'You can only attach up to 1 file.', other: 'You can only attach up to # files.', }), ); return; } console.log({ files }); if (files.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // Auto-cut-off files to avoid exceeding maxMediaAttachments let allowedFiles = files; if (maxMediaAttachments !== undefined) { const max = maxMediaAttachments - mediaAttachments.length; allowedFiles = allowedFiles.slice(0, max); if (allowedFiles.length <= 0) { alert( plural(maxMediaAttachments, { one: 'You can only attach up to 1 file.', other: 'You can only attach up to # files.', }), ); return; } } const mediaFiles = => ({ file, type: file.type, size: file.size, url: URL.createObjectURL(file), id: null, description: null, })); setMediaAttachments([...mediaAttachments, ...mediaFiles]); } }; window.addEventListener('paste', handleItems); const handleDragover = (e) => { // Prevent default if there's files if (e.dataTransfer.items.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }; window.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragover); window.addEventListener('drop', handleItems); return () => { window.removeEventListener('paste', handleItems); window.removeEventListener('dragover', handleDragover); window.removeEventListener('drop', handleItems); }; }, [mediaAttachments]); const [showMentionPicker, setShowMentionPicker] = useState(false); const [showEmoji2Picker, setShowEmoji2Picker] = useState(false); const [showGIFPicker, setShowGIFPicker] = useState(false); const [autoDetectedLanguages, setAutoDetectedLanguages] = useState(null); const [topSupportedLanguages, restSupportedLanguages] = useMemo(() => { const topLanguages = []; const restLanguages = []; const { contentTranslationHideLanguages = [] } = states.settings; supportedLanguages.forEach((l) => { const [code] = l; if ( code === language || code === prevLanguage.current || code === DEFAULT_LANG || contentTranslationHideLanguages.includes(code) || (autoDetectedLanguages?.length && autoDetectedLanguages.includes(code)) ) { topLanguages.push(l); } else { restLanguages.push(l); } }); topLanguages.sort(([codeA, commonA], [codeB, commonB]) => { if (codeA === language) return -1; if (codeB === language) return 1; return commonA.localeCompare(commonB); }); restLanguages.sort(([codeA, commonA], [codeB, commonB]) => commonA.localeCompare(commonB), ); return [topLanguages, restLanguages]; }, [language, autoDetectedLanguages]); const replyToStatusMonthsAgo = useMemo( () => !!replyToStatus?.createdAt && Math.floor( ( - new Date(replyToStatus.createdAt)) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), ), [replyToStatus], ); const onMinimize = () => { saveUnsavedDraft(); states.composerState.minimized = true; }; return ( <div id="compose-container-outer"> <div id="compose-container" class={standalone ? 'standalone' : ''}> <div class="compose-top"> {currentAccountInfo?.avatarStatic && ( // <Avatar // url={currentAccountInfo.avatarStatic} // size="xl" // alt={currentAccountInfo.username} // squircle={currentAccountInfo?.bot} // /> <AccountBlock account={currentAccountInfo} accountInstance={currentAccount.instanceURL} hideDisplayName useAvatarStatic /> )} {!standalone ? ( <span class="compose-controls"> <button type="button" class="plain4 pop-button" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { // If there are non-ID media attachments (not yet uploaded), show confirmation dialog because they are not going to be passed to the new window // const containNonIDMediaAttachments = // mediaAttachments.length > 0 && // mediaAttachments.some((media) => !; // if (containNonIDMediaAttachments) { // const yes = confirm( // 'You have media attachments that are not yet uploaded. Opening a new window will discard them and you will need to re-attach them. Are you sure you want to continue?', // ); // if (!yes) { // return; // } // } // const mediaAttachmentsWithIDs = mediaAttachments.filter( // (media) =>, // ); const newWin = openCompose({ editStatus, replyToStatus, draftStatus: { uid: UID.current, status: textareaRef.current.value, spoilerText: spoilerTextRef.current.value, visibility, language, sensitive, poll, mediaAttachments, }, }); if (!newWin) { return; } onClose(); }} > <Icon icon="popout" alt={t`Pop out`} /> </button> <button type="button" class="plain4 min-button" onClick={onMinimize} > <Icon icon="minimize" alt={t`Minimize`} /> </button>{' '} <button type="button" class="light close-button" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { if (confirmClose()) { onClose(); } }} > <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Close`} /> </button> </span> ) : ( hasOpener && ( <button type="button" class="light pop-button" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { // If there are non-ID media attachments (not yet uploaded), show confirmation dialog because they are not going to be passed to the new window // const containNonIDMediaAttachments = // mediaAttachments.length > 0 && // mediaAttachments.some((media) => !; // if (containNonIDMediaAttachments) { // const yes = confirm( // 'You have media attachments that are not yet uploaded. Opening a new window will discard them and you will need to re-attach them. Are you sure you want to continue?', // ); // if (!yes) { // return; // } // } if (!window.opener) { alert(t`Looks like you closed the parent window.`); return; } if (window.opener.__STATES__.showCompose) { if (window.opener.__STATES__.composerState?.publishing) { alert( t`Looks like you already have a compose field open in the parent window and currently publishing. Please wait for it to be done and try again later.`, ); return; } let confirmText = t`Looks like you already have a compose field open in the parent window. Popping in this window will discard the changes you made in the parent window. Continue?`; const yes = confirm(confirmText); if (!yes) return; } // const mediaAttachmentsWithIDs = mediaAttachments.filter( // (media) =>, // ); onClose({ fn: () => { const passData = { editStatus, replyToStatus, draftStatus: { uid: UID.current, status: textareaRef.current.value, spoilerText: spoilerTextRef.current.value, visibility, language, sensitive, poll, mediaAttachments, }, }; window.opener.__COMPOSE__ = passData; // Pass it here instead of `showCompose` due to some weird proxy issue again if (window.opener.__STATES__.showCompose) { window.opener.__STATES__.showCompose = false; setTimeout(() => { window.opener.__STATES__.showCompose = true; }, 10); } else { window.opener.__STATES__.showCompose = true; } if (window.opener.__STATES__.composerState.minimized) { // Maximize it window.opener.__STATES__.composerState.minimized = false; } }, }); }} > <Icon icon="popin" alt={t`Pop in`} /> </button> ) )} </div> {!!replyToStatus && ( <div class="status-preview"> <Status status={replyToStatus} size="s" previewMode /> <div class="status-preview-legend reply-to"> {replyToStatusMonthsAgo > 0 ? ( <Trans> Replying to @ {replyToStatus.account.acct || replyToStatus.account.username} ’s post ( <strong> {rtf.format(-replyToStatusMonthsAgo, 'month')} </strong> ) </Trans> ) : ( <Trans> Replying to @ {replyToStatus.account.acct || replyToStatus.account.username} ’s post </Trans> )} </div> </div> )} {!!editStatus && ( <div class="status-preview"> <Status status={editStatus} size="s" previewMode /> <div class="status-preview-legend"> <Trans>Editing source post</Trans> </div> </div> )} <form ref={formRef} class={`form-visibility-${visibility}`} style={{ pointerEvents: uiState === 'loading' ? 'none' : 'auto', opacity: uiState === 'loading' ? 0.5 : 1, }} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.key === 'Enter' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { formRef.current.dispatchEvent( new Event('submit', { cancelable: true }), ); } }} onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(; const entries = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries()); console.log('ENTRIES', entries); let { status, visibility, sensitive, spoilerText } = entries; // Pre-cleanup sensitive = sensitive === 'on'; // checkboxes return "on" if checked // Validation /* Let the backend validate this if (stringLength(status) > maxCharacters) { alert(`Status is too long! Max characters: ${maxCharacters}`); return; } if ( sensitive && stringLength(status) + stringLength(spoilerText) > maxCharacters ) { alert( `Status and content warning is too long! Max characters: ${maxCharacters}`, ); return; } */ if (poll) { if (poll.options.length < 2) { alert(t`Poll must have at least 2 options`); return; } if (poll.options.some((option) => option === '')) { alert(t`Some poll choices are empty`); return; } } // TODO: check for URLs and use `charactersReservedPerUrl` to calculate max characters if (mediaAttachments.length > 0) { // If there are media attachments, check if they have no descriptions const hasNoDescriptions = mediaAttachments.some( (media) => !media.description?.trim?.(), ); if (hasNoDescriptions) { const yes = confirm( t`Some media have no descriptions. Continue?`, ); if (!yes) return; } } // Post-cleanup spoilerText = (sensitive && spoilerText) || undefined; status = status === '' ? undefined : status; // states.composerState.minimized = true; states.composerState.publishing = true; setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { console.log('MEDIA ATTACHMENTS', mediaAttachments); if (mediaAttachments.length > 0) { // Upload media attachments first const mediaPromises = => { const { file, description, id } = attachment; console.log('UPLOADING', attachment); if (id) { // If already uploaded return attachment; } else { const params = removeNullUndefined({ file, description, }); return => { if ( { =; } return res; }); } }); const results = await Promise.allSettled(mediaPromises); // If any failed, return if ( results.some((result) => { return result.status === 'rejected' || !result.value?.id; }) ) { states.composerState.publishing = false; states.composerState.publishingError = true; setUIState('error'); // Alert all the reasons results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === 'rejected') { console.error(result); alert(result.reason || t`Attachment #${i} failed`); } }); return; } console.log({ results, mediaAttachments }); } /* NOTE: Using snakecase here because masto.js's `isObject` returns false for `params`, ONLY happens when opening in pop-out window. This is maybe due to `window.masto` variable being passed from the parent window. The check that failed is `x.constructor === Object`, so maybe the `Object` in new window is different than parent window's? Code: // TODO: Note above is no longer true in Masto.js v6. Revisit this. */ let params = { status, // spoilerText, spoiler_text: spoilerText, language, sensitive, poll, // mediaIds: =>, media_ids: (attachment) =>, ), }; if (editStatus && supports('@mastodon/edit-media-attributes')) { params.media_attributes = (attachment) => { return { id:, description: attachment.description, // focus // thumbnail }; }, ); } else if (!editStatus) { params.visibility = visibility; // params.inReplyToId = replyToStatus?.id || undefined; params.in_reply_to_id = replyToStatus?.id || undefined; } params = removeNullUndefined(params); console.log('POST', params); let newStatus; if (editStatus) { newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses .$select( .update(params); saveStatus(newStatus, instance, { skipThreading: true, }); } else { try { newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.create(params, { requestInit: { headers: { 'Idempotency-Key': UID.current, }, }, }); } catch (_) { // If idempotency key fails, try again without it newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.create(params); } } states.composerState.minimized = false; states.composerState.publishing = false; setUIState('default'); // Close onClose({ // type: post, reply, edit type: editStatus ? 'edit' : replyToStatus ? 'reply' : 'post', newStatus, instance, }); } catch (e) { states.composerState.publishing = false; states.composerState.publishingError = true; console.error(e); alert(e?.reason || e); setUIState('error'); } })(); }} > <div class="toolbar stretch"> <input ref={spoilerTextRef} type="text" name="spoilerText" placeholder={t`Content warning`} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} class="spoiler-text-field" lang={language} spellCheck="true" dir="auto" style={{ opacity: sensitive ? 1 : 0, pointerEvents: sensitive ? 'auto' : 'none', }} onInput={() => { updateCharCount(); }} /> <label class={`toolbar-button ${sensitive ? 'highlight' : ''}`} title={t`Content warning or sensitive media`} > <input name="sensitive" type="checkbox" checked={sensitive} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onChange={(e) => { const sensitive =; setSensitive(sensitive); if (sensitive) { spoilerTextRef.current?.focus(); } else { textareaRef.current?.focus(); } }} /> <Icon icon={`eye-${sensitive ? 'close' : 'open'}`} /> </label>{' '} <label class={`toolbar-button ${ visibility !== 'public' && !sensitive ? 'show-field' : '' } ${visibility !== 'public' ? 'highlight' : ''}`} title={visibility} > <Icon icon={visibilityIconsMap[visibility]} alt={visibility} /> <select name="visibility" value={visibility} onChange={(e) => { setVisibility(; }} disabled={uiState === 'loading' || !!editStatus} dir="auto" > <option value="public"> <Trans>Public</Trans> </option> {(supports('@pleroma/local-visibility-post') || supports('@akkoma/local-visibility-post')) && ( <option value="local"> <Trans>Local</Trans> </option> )} <option value="unlisted"> <Trans>Unlisted</Trans> </option> <option value="private"> <Trans>Followers only</Trans> </option> <option value="direct"> <Trans>Private mention</Trans> </option> </select> </label>{' '} </div> <Textarea ref={textareaRef} placeholder={ replyToStatus ? t`Post your reply` : editStatus ? t`Edit your post` : t`What are you doing?` } required={mediaAttachments?.length === 0} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} lang={language} onInput={() => { updateCharCount(); }} maxCharacters={maxCharacters} performSearch={(params) => { const { type, q, limit } = params; if (type === 'accounts') { return{ q, limit, resolve: false, }); } return; }} onTrigger={(action) => { if (action?.name === 'custom-emojis') { setShowEmoji2Picker({ defaultSearchTerm: action?.defaultSearchTerm || null, }); } else if (action?.name === 'mention') { setShowMentionPicker({ defaultSearchTerm: action?.defaultSearchTerm || null, }); } else if ( action?.name === 'auto-detect-language' && action?.languages ) { setAutoDetectedLanguages(action.languages); } }} /> {mediaAttachments?.length > 0 && ( <div class="media-attachments"> {, i) => { const { id, file } = attachment; const fileID = file?.size + file?.type + file?.name; return ( <MediaAttachment key={id || fileID || i} attachment={attachment} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} lang={language} onDescriptionChange={(value) => { setMediaAttachments((attachments) => { const newAttachments = [...attachments]; newAttachments[i] = { ...newAttachments[i], description: value, }; return newAttachments; }); }} onRemove={() => { setMediaAttachments((attachments) => { return attachments.filter((_, j) => j !== i); }); }} /> ); })} <label class="media-sensitive"> <input name="sensitive" type="checkbox" checked={sensitive} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onChange={(e) => { const sensitive =; setSensitive(sensitive); }} />{' '} <span> <Trans>Mark media as sensitive</Trans> </span>{' '} <Icon icon={`eye-${sensitive ? 'close' : 'open'}`} /> </label> </div> )} {!!poll && ( <Poll lang={language} maxOptions={maxOptions} maxExpiration={maxExpiration} minExpiration={minExpiration} maxCharactersPerOption={maxCharactersPerOption} poll={poll} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onInput={(poll) => { if (poll) { const newPoll = { ...poll }; setPoll(newPoll); } else { setPoll(null); } }} /> )} <div class="toolbar wrap" style={{ justifyContent: 'flex-end', }} > <span> <label class="toolbar-button"> <input type="file" accept={supportedMimeTypes?.join(',')} multiple={ maxMediaAttachments === undefined || maxMediaAttachments - mediaAttachments >= 2 } disabled={ uiState === 'loading' || mediaAttachments.length >= maxMediaAttachments || !!poll } onChange={(e) => { const files =; if (!files) return; const mediaFiles = Array.from(files).map((file) => ({ file, type: file.type, size: file.size, url: URL.createObjectURL(file), id: null, // indicate uploaded state description: null, })); console.log('MEDIA ATTACHMENTS', files, mediaFiles); // Validate max media attachments if ( mediaAttachments.length + mediaFiles.length > maxMediaAttachments ) { alert( plural(maxMediaAttachments, { one: 'You can only attach up to 1 file.', other: 'You can only attach up to # files.', }), ); } else { setMediaAttachments((attachments) => { return attachments.concat(mediaFiles); }); } // Reset = ''; }} /> <Icon icon="attachment" /> </label> {/* If maxOptions is not defined or defined and is greater than 1, show poll button */} {maxOptions == null || (maxOptions > 1 && ( <> <button type="button" class="toolbar-button" disabled={ uiState === 'loading' || !!poll || !!mediaAttachments.length } onClick={() => { setPoll({ options: ['', ''], expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60, // 1 day multiple: false, }); }} > <Icon icon="poll" alt={t`Add poll`} /> </button> </> ))} {/* <button type="button" class="toolbar-button" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { setShowMentionPicker(true); }} > <Icon icon="at" /> </button> */} <button type="button" class="toolbar-button" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { setShowEmoji2Picker(true); }} > <Icon icon="emoji2" alt={t`Add custom emoji`} /> </button> {!!states.settings.composerGIFPicker && ( <button type="button" class="toolbar-button gif-picker-button" disabled={ uiState === 'loading' || (maxMediaAttachments !== undefined && mediaAttachments.length >= maxMediaAttachments) || !!poll } onClick={() => { setShowGIFPicker(true); }} > <span>GIF</span> </button> )} </span> <div class="spacer" /> {uiState === 'loading' ? ( <Loader abrupt /> ) : ( <CharCountMeter maxCharacters={maxCharacters} hidden={uiState === 'loading'} /> )} <label class={`toolbar-button ${ language !== prevLanguage.current || (autoDetectedLanguages?.length && !autoDetectedLanguages.includes(language)) ? 'highlight' : '' }`} > <span class="icon-text"> {supportedLanguagesMap[language]?.native} </span> <select name="language" value={language} onChange={(e) => { const { value } =; setLanguage(value || DEFAULT_LANG); store.session.set('currentLanguage', value || DEFAULT_LANG); }} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} dir="auto" > {[code, common, native]) => { const commonText = localeCode2Text({ code, fallback: common, }); const showCommon = commonText !== native; return ( <option value={code} key={code}> {showCommon ? `${native} - ${commonText}` : commonText} </option> ); })} <hr /> {[code, common, native]) => { const commonText = localeCode2Text({ code, fallback: common, }); const showCommon = commonText !== native; return ( <option value={code} key={code}> {showCommon ? `${native} - ${commonText}` : commonText} </option> ); })} </select> </label>{' '} <button type="submit" class="large" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} > {replyToStatus ? t`Reply` : editStatus ? t`Update` : t({ message: 'Post', context: 'Submit button in composer', })} </button> </div> </form> </div> {showMentionPicker && ( <Modal onClick={(e) => { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowMentionPicker(false); } }} > <MentionModal masto={masto} instance={instance} onClose={() => { setShowMentionPicker(false); }} defaultSearchTerm={showMentionPicker?.defaultSearchTerm} onSelect={(socialAddress) => { const textarea = textareaRef.current; if (!textarea) return; const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = textarea; const text = textarea.value; const textBeforeMention = text.slice(0, selectionStart); const spaceBeforeMention = textBeforeMention ? /[\s\t\n\r]$/.test(textBeforeMention) ? '' : ' ' : ''; const textAfterMention = text.slice(selectionEnd); const spaceAfterMention = /^[\s\t\n\r]/.test(textAfterMention) ? '' : ' '; const newText = textBeforeMention + spaceBeforeMention + '@' + socialAddress + spaceAfterMention + textAfterMention; textarea.value = newText; textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd + 1 + socialAddress.length + spaceAfterMention.length; textarea.focus(); textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); }} /> </Modal> )} {showEmoji2Picker && ( <Modal onClick={(e) => { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowEmoji2Picker(false); } }} > <CustomEmojisModal masto={masto} instance={instance} onClose={() => { setShowEmoji2Picker(false); }} defaultSearchTerm={showEmoji2Picker?.defaultSearchTerm} onSelect={(emojiShortcode) => { const textarea = textareaRef.current; if (!textarea) return; const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = textarea; const text = textarea.value; const textBeforeEmoji = text.slice(0, selectionStart); const spaceBeforeEmoji = textBeforeEmoji ? /[\s\t\n\r]$/.test(textBeforeEmoji) ? '' : ' ' : ''; const textAfterEmoji = text.slice(selectionEnd); const spaceAfterEmoji = /^[\s\t\n\r]/.test(textAfterEmoji) ? '' : ' '; const newText = textBeforeEmoji + spaceBeforeEmoji + emojiShortcode + spaceAfterEmoji + textAfterEmoji; textarea.value = newText; textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd + emojiShortcode.length + spaceAfterEmoji.length; textarea.focus(); textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); }} /> </Modal> )} {showGIFPicker && ( <Modal onClick={(e) => { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowGIFPicker(false); } }} > <GIFPickerModal onClose={() => setShowGIFPicker(false)} onSelect={({ url, type, alt_text }) => { console.log('GIF URL', url); if (mediaAttachments.length >= maxMediaAttachments) { alert( plural(maxMediaAttachments, { one: 'You can only attach up to 1 file.', other: 'You can only attach up to # files.', }), ); return; } // Download the GIF and insert it as media attachment (async () => { let theToast; try { theToast = showToast({ text: t`Downloading GIF…`, duration: -1, }); const blob = await fetch(url, { referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', }).then((res) => res.blob()); const file = new File( [blob], type === 'video/mp4' ? 'video.mp4' : 'image.gif', { type, }, ); const newMediaAttachments = [ ...mediaAttachments, { file, type, size: file.size, id: null, description: alt_text || '', }, ]; setMediaAttachments(newMediaAttachments); theToast?.hideToast?.(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); theToast?.hideToast?.(); showToast(t`Failed to download GIF`); } })(); }} /> </Modal> )} </div> ); } function autoResizeTextarea(textarea) { if (!textarea) return; const { value, offsetHeight, scrollHeight, clientHeight } = textarea; if (offsetHeight < window.innerHeight) { // NOTE: This check is needed because the offsetHeight return 50000 (really large number) on first render // No idea why it does that, will re-investigate in far future const offset = offsetHeight - clientHeight; const height = value ? scrollHeight + offset + 'px' : null; = height; } } async function _getCustomEmojis(instance, masto) { const emojis = await masto.v1.customEmojis.list(); const visibleEmojis = emojis.filter((e) => e.visibleInPicker); const searcher = new Fuse(visibleEmojis, { keys: ['shortcode'], findAllMatches: true, }); return [visibleEmojis, searcher]; } const getCustomEmojis = pmem(_getCustomEmojis, { // Limit by time to reduce memory usage // Cached by instance matchesArg: (cacheKeyArg, keyArg) => cacheKeyArg.instance === keyArg.instance, maxAge: 30 * 60 * 1000, // 30 minutes }); const detectLangs = async (text) => { const { detectAll } = await import('tinyld/light'); const langs = detectAll(text); if (langs?.length) { // return max 2 return langs.slice(0, 2).map((lang) => lang.lang); } return null; }; const Textarea = forwardRef((props, ref) => { const { masto, instance } = api(); const [text, setText] = useState(ref.current?.value || ''); const { maxCharacters, performSearch = () => {}, onTrigger = () => {}, ...textareaProps } = props; // const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); // const charCount = snapStates.composerCharacterCount; // const customEmojis = useRef(); const searcherRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { getCustomEmojis(instance, masto) .then((r) => { const [emojis, searcher] = r; searcherRef.current = searcher; }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); }, []); const textExpanderRef = useRef(); const textExpanderTextRef = useRef(''); useEffect(() => { let handleChange, handleValue, handleCommited; if (textExpanderRef.current) { handleChange = (e) => { // console.log('text-expander-change', e); const { key, provide, text } = e.detail; textExpanderTextRef.current = text; if (text === '') { provide( Promise.resolve({ matched: false, }), ); return; } if (key === ':') { // const emojis = customEmojis.current.filter((emoji) => // emoji.shortcode.startsWith(text), // ); // const emojis = filterShortcodes(customEmojis.current, text); const results = searcherRef.current?.search(text, { limit: 5, }); let html = ''; results.forEach(({ item: emoji }) => { const { shortcode, url } = emoji; html += ` <li role="option" data-value="${encodeHTML(shortcode)}"> <img src="${encodeHTML( url, )}" width="16" height="16" alt="" loading="lazy" /> ${encodeHTML(shortcode)} </li>`; }); html += `<li role="option" data-value="" data-more="${text}">${t`More…`}</li>`; // console.log({ emojis, html }); menu.innerHTML = html; provide( Promise.resolve({ matched: results.length > 0, fragment: menu, }), ); return; } const type = { '@': 'accounts', '#': 'hashtags', }[key]; provide( new Promise((resolve) => { const searchResults = performSearch({ type, q: text, limit: 5, }); searchResults.then((value) => { if (text !== textExpanderTextRef.current) { return; } console.log({ value, type, v: value[type] }); const results = value[type] || value; console.log('RESULTS', value, results); let html = ''; results.forEach((result) => { const { name, avatarStatic, displayName, username, acct, emojis, history, } = result; const displayNameWithEmoji = emojifyText(displayName, emojis); // const item = menuItem.cloneNode(); if (acct) { html += ` <li role="option" data-value="${encodeHTML(acct)}"> <span class="avatar"> <img src="${encodeHTML( avatarStatic, )}" width="16" height="16" alt="" loading="lazy" /> </span> <span> <b>${displayNameWithEmoji || username}</b> <br><span class="bidi-isolate">@${encodeHTML( acct, )}</span> </span> </li> `; } else { const total = history?.reduce?.( (acc, cur) => acc + +cur.uses, 0, ); html += ` <li role="option" data-value="${encodeHTML(name)}"> <span class="grow">#<b>${encodeHTML(name)}</b></span> ${ total ? `<span class="count">${shortenNumber(total)}</span>` : '' } </li> `; } }); if (type === 'accounts') { html += `<li role="option" data-value="" data-more="${text}">${t`More…`}</li>`; } menu.innerHTML = html; console.log('MENU', results, menu); resolve({ matched: results.length > 0, fragment: menu, }); }); }), ); }; textExpanderRef.current.addEventListener( 'text-expander-change', handleChange, ); handleValue = (e) => { const { key, item } = e.detail; const { value, more } = item.dataset; if (key === ':') { e.detail.value = value ? `:${value}:` : ''; // zero-width space if (more) { // Prevent adding space after the above value e.detail.continue = true; setTimeout(() => { onTrigger?.({ name: 'custom-emojis', defaultSearchTerm: more, }); }, 300); } } else if (key === '@') { e.detail.value = value ? `@${value} ` : ''; // zero-width space if (more) { e.detail.continue = true; setTimeout(() => { onTrigger?.({ name: 'mention', defaultSearchTerm: more, }); }, 300); } } else { e.detail.value = `${key}${value}`; } }; textExpanderRef.current.addEventListener( 'text-expander-value', handleValue, ); handleCommited = (e) => { const { input } = e.detail; setText(input.value); // fire input event if (ref.current) { const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true }); ref.current.dispatchEvent(event); } }; textExpanderRef.current.addEventListener( 'text-expander-committed', handleCommited, ); } return () => { if (textExpanderRef.current) { textExpanderRef.current.removeEventListener( 'text-expander-change', handleChange, ); textExpanderRef.current.removeEventListener( 'text-expander-value', handleValue, ); textExpanderRef.current.removeEventListener( 'text-expander-committed', handleCommited, ); } }; }, []); useEffect(() => { // Resize observer for textarea const textarea = ref.current; if (!textarea) return; const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => { // Get height of textarea, set height to textExpander if (textExpanderRef.current) { const { height } = textarea.getBoundingClientRect(); = height + 'px'; } }); resizeObserver.observe(textarea); }, []); const slowHighlightPerf = useRef(0); // increment if slow const composeHighlightRef = useRef(); const throttleHighlightText = useThrottledCallback((text) => { if (!composeHighlightRef.current) return; if (slowHighlightPerf.current > 3) { // After 3 times of lag, disable highlighting composeHighlightRef.current.innerHTML = ''; composeHighlightRef.current = null; // Destroy the whole thing throttleHighlightText?.cancel?.(); return; } let start; let end; if (slowHighlightPerf.current <= 3) start =; composeHighlightRef.current.innerHTML = highlightText(text, { maxCharacters, }) + '\n'; if (slowHighlightPerf.current <= 3) end =; console.debug('HIGHLIGHT PERF', { start, end, diff: end - start }); if (start && end && end - start > 50) { // if slow, increment slowHighlightPerf.current++; } // Newline to prevent multiple line breaks at the end from being collapsed, no idea why }, 500); const debouncedAutoDetectLanguage = useDebouncedCallback(() => { // Make use of the highlightRef to get the DOM // Clone the dom const dom = composeHighlightRef.current?.cloneNode(true); if (!dom) return; // Remove mark dom.querySelectorAll('mark').forEach((mark) => { mark.remove(); }); const text = dom.innerText?.trim(); if (!text) return; (async () => { const langs = await detectLangs(text); if (langs?.length) { onTrigger?.({ name: 'auto-detect-language', languages: langs, }); } })(); }, 2000); return ( <text-expander ref={textExpanderRef} keys="@ # :" class="compose-field-container" > <textarea class="compose-field" autoCapitalize="sentences" autoComplete="on" autoCorrect="on" spellCheck="true" dir="auto" rows="6" cols="50" {...textareaProps} ref={ref} name="status" value={text} onKeyDown={(e) => { // Get line before cursor position after pressing 'Enter' const { key, target } = e; if (key === 'Enter' && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { try { const { value, selectionStart } = target; const textBeforeCursor = value.slice(0, selectionStart); const lastLine = textBeforeCursor.split('\n').slice(-1)[0]; if (lastLine) { // If line starts with "- " or "12. " if (/^\s*(-|\d+\.)\s/.test(lastLine)) { // insert "- " at cursor position const [_, preSpaces, bullet, postSpaces, anything] = lastLine.match(/^(\s*)(-|\d+\.)(\s+)(.+)?/) || []; if (anything) { e.preventDefault(); const [number] = bullet.match(/\d+/) || []; const newBullet = number ? `${+number + 1}.` : '-'; const text = `\n${preSpaces}${newBullet}${postSpaces}`; target.setRangeText(text, selectionStart, selectionStart); const pos = selectionStart + text.length; target.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } else { // trim the line before the cursor, then insert new line const pos = selectionStart - lastLine.length; target.setRangeText('', pos, selectionStart); } autoResizeTextarea(target); target.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); } } } catch (e) { // silent fail console.error(e); } } if (composeHighlightRef.current) { composeHighlightRef.current.scrollTop = target.scrollTop; } }} onInput={(e) => { const { target } = e; // Replace zero-width space const text = target.value.replace(/\u200b/g, ''); setText(text); autoResizeTextarea(target); props.onInput?.(e); throttleHighlightText(text); debouncedAutoDetectLanguage(); }} style={{ width: '100%', height: '4em', // '--text-weight': (1 + charCount / 140).toFixed(1) || 1, }} onScroll={(e) => { if (composeHighlightRef.current) { const { scrollTop } =; composeHighlightRef.current.scrollTop = scrollTop; } }} /> <div ref={composeHighlightRef} class="compose-highlight" aria-hidden="true" /> </text-expander> ); }); function CharCountMeter({ maxCharacters = 500, hidden }) { const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const charCount = snapStates.composerCharacterCount; const leftChars = maxCharacters - charCount; if (hidden) { return <span class="char-counter" hidden />; } return ( <span class="char-counter" title={`${leftChars}/${maxCharacters}`} style={{ '--percentage': (charCount / maxCharacters) * 100, }} > <meter class={`${ leftChars <= -10 ? 'explode' : leftChars <= 0 ? 'danger' : leftChars <= 20 ? 'warning' : '' }`} value={charCount} max={maxCharacters} /> <span class="counter">{leftChars}</span> </span> ); } function scaleDimension(matrix, matrixLimit, width, height) { // matrix = number of pixels // matrixLimit = max number of pixels // Calculate new width and height, downsize to within the limit, preserve aspect ratio, no decimals const scalingFactor = Math.sqrt(matrixLimit / matrix); const newWidth = Math.floor(width * scalingFactor); const newHeight = Math.floor(height * scalingFactor); return { newWidth, newHeight }; } function MediaAttachment({ attachment, disabled, lang, onDescriptionChange = () => {}, onRemove = () => {}, }) { const { i18n } = useLingui(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const supportsEdit = supports('@mastodon/edit-media-attributes'); const { type, id, file } = attachment; const url = useMemo( () => (file ? URL.createObjectURL(file) : attachment.url), [file, attachment.url], ); console.log({ attachment }); const checkMaxError = !!file?.size; const configuration = checkMaxError ? getCurrentInstanceConfiguration() : {}; const { mediaAttachments: { imageSizeLimit, imageMatrixLimit, videoSizeLimit, videoMatrixLimit, videoFrameRateLimit, } = {}, } = configuration || {}; const [maxError, setMaxError] = useState(() => { if (!checkMaxError) return null; if ( type.startsWith('image') && imageSizeLimit && file.size > imageSizeLimit ) { return { type: 'imageSizeLimit', details: { imageSize: file.size, imageSizeLimit, }, }; } else if ( type.startsWith('video') && videoSizeLimit && file.size > videoSizeLimit ) { return { type: 'videoSizeLimit', details: { videoSize: file.size, videoSizeLimit, }, }; } return null; }); const [imageMatrix, setImageMatrix] = useState({}); useEffect(() => { if (!checkMaxError || !imageMatrixLimit) return; if (imageMatrix?.matrix > imageMatrixLimit) { setMaxError({ type: 'imageMatrixLimit', details: { imageMatrix: imageMatrix?.matrix, imageMatrixLimit, width: imageMatrix?.width, height: imageMatrix?.height, }, }); } }, [imageMatrix, imageMatrixLimit, checkMaxError]); const [videoMatrix, setVideoMatrix] = useState({}); useEffect(() => { if (!checkMaxError || !videoMatrixLimit) return; if (videoMatrix?.matrix > videoMatrixLimit) { setMaxError({ type: 'videoMatrixLimit', details: { videoMatrix: videoMatrix?.matrix, videoMatrixLimit, width: videoMatrix?.width, height: videoMatrix?.height, }, }); } }, [videoMatrix, videoMatrixLimit, checkMaxError]); const [description, setDescription] = useState(attachment.description); const [suffixType, subtype] = type.split('/'); const debouncedOnDescriptionChange = useDebouncedCallback( onDescriptionChange, 250, ); useEffect(() => { debouncedOnDescriptionChange(description); }, [description, debouncedOnDescriptionChange]); const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false); const textareaRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { let timer; if (showModal && textareaRef.current) { timer = setTimeout(() => { textareaRef.current.focus(); }, 100); } return () => { clearTimeout(timer); }; }, [showModal]); const descTextarea = ( <> {!!id && !supportsEdit ? ( <div class="media-desc"> <span class="tag"> <Trans>Uploaded</Trans> </span> <p title={description}> {attachment.description || <i>No description</i>} </p> </div> ) : ( <textarea ref={textareaRef} value={description || ''} lang={lang} placeholder={ { image: t`Image description`, video: t`Video description`, audio: t`Audio description`, }[suffixType] } autoCapitalize="sentences" autoComplete="on" autoCorrect="on" spellCheck="true" dir="auto" disabled={disabled || uiState === 'loading'} class={uiState === 'loading' ? 'loading' : ''} maxlength="1500" // Not unicode-aware :( // TODO: Un-hard-code this maxlength, ref: onInput={(e) => { const { value } =; setDescription(value); // debouncedOnDescriptionChange(value); }} ></textarea> )} </> ); const toastRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { return () => { toastRef.current?.hideToast?.(); }; }, []); const maxErrorToast = useRef(null); const maxErrorText = (err) => { const { type, details } = err; switch (type) { case 'imageSizeLimit': { const { imageSize, imageSizeLimit } = details; return t`File size too large. Uploading might encounter issues. Try reduce the file size from ${prettyBytes( imageSize, )} to ${prettyBytes(imageSizeLimit)} or lower.`; } case 'imageMatrixLimit': { const { imageMatrix, imageMatrixLimit, width, height } = details; const { newWidth, newHeight } = scaleDimension( imageMatrix, imageMatrixLimit, width, height, ); return t`Dimension too large. Uploading might encounter issues. Try reduce dimension from ${i18n.number( width, )}×${i18n.number(height)}px to ${i18n.number(newWidth)}×${i18n.number( newHeight, )}px.`; } case 'videoSizeLimit': { const { videoSize, videoSizeLimit } = details; return t`File size too large. Uploading might encounter issues. Try reduce the file size from ${prettyBytes( videoSize, )} to ${prettyBytes(videoSizeLimit)} or lower.`; } case 'videoMatrixLimit': { const { videoMatrix, videoMatrixLimit, width, height } = details; const { newWidth, newHeight } = scaleDimension( videoMatrix, videoMatrixLimit, width, height, ); return t`Dimension too large. Uploading might encounter issues. Try reduce dimension from ${i18n.number( width, )}×${i18n.number(height)}px to ${i18n.number(newWidth)}×${i18n.number( newHeight, )}px.`; } case 'videoFrameRateLimit': { // Not possible to detect this on client-side for now return t`Frame rate too high. Uploading might encounter issues.`; } } }; return ( <> <div class="media-attachment"> <div class="media-preview" tabIndex="0" onClick={() => { setShowModal(true); }} > {suffixType === 'image' ? ( <img src={url} alt="" onLoad={(e) => { if (!checkMaxError) return; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } =; setImageMatrix({ matrix: naturalWidth * naturalHeight, width: naturalWidth, height: naturalHeight, }); }} /> ) : suffixType === 'video' || suffixType === 'gifv' ? ( <video src={url + '#t=0.1'} // Make Safari show 1st-frame preview playsinline muted disablePictureInPicture preload="metadata" onLoadedMetadata={(e) => { if (!checkMaxError) return; const { videoWidth, videoHeight } =; if (videoWidth && videoHeight) { setVideoMatrix({ matrix: videoWidth * videoHeight, width: videoWidth, height: videoHeight, }); } }} /> ) : suffixType === 'audio' ? ( <audio src={url} controls /> ) : null} </div> {descTextarea} <div class="media-aside"> <button type="button" class="plain close-button" disabled={disabled} onClick={onRemove} > <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Remove`} /> </button> {!!maxError && ( <button type="button" class="media-error" title={maxErrorText(maxError)} onClick={() => { if (maxErrorToast.current) { maxErrorToast.current.hideToast(); } maxErrorToast.current = showToast({ text: maxErrorText(maxError), duration: 10_000, }); }} > <Icon icon="alert" alt={t`Error`} /> </button> )} </div> </div> {showModal && ( <Modal onClose={() => { setShowModal(false); }} > <div id="media-sheet" class="sheet sheet-max"> <button type="button" class="sheet-close" onClick={() => { setShowModal(false); }} > <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Close`} /> </button> <header> <h2> { { image: t`Edit image description`, video: t`Edit video description`, audio: t`Edit audio description`, }[suffixType] } </h2> </header> <main tabIndex="-1"> <div class="media-preview"> {suffixType === 'image' ? ( <img src={url} alt="" /> ) : suffixType === 'video' || suffixType === 'gifv' ? ( <video src={url} playsinline controls /> ) : suffixType === 'audio' ? ( <audio src={url} controls /> ) : null} </div> <div class="media-form"> {descTextarea} <footer> {suffixType === 'image' && /^(png|jpe?g|gif|webp)$/i.test(subtype) && !!states.settings.mediaAltGenerator && !!IMG_ALT_API_URL && ( <Menu2 portal={{ target: document.body, }} containerProps={{ style: { zIndex: 1001, }, }} align="center" position="anchor" overflow="auto" menuButton={ <button type="button" class="plain"> <Icon icon="more" size="l" alt={t`More`} /> </button> } > <MenuItem disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { setUIState('loading'); toastRef.current = showToast({ text: t`Generating description. Please wait…`, duration: -1, }); // POST with multipart (async function () { try { const body = new FormData(); body.append('image', file); const response = await fetch(IMG_ALT_API_URL, { method: 'POST', body, }).then((r) => r.json()); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } setDescription(response.description); } catch (e) { console.error(e); showToast( e.message ? t`Failed to generate description: ${e.message}` : t`Failed to generate description`, ); } finally { setUIState('default'); toastRef.current?.hideToast?.(); } })(); }} > <Icon icon="sparkles2" /> {lang && lang !== 'en' ? ( <small> <Trans>Generate description…</Trans> <br /> (English) </small> ) : ( <span> <Trans>Generate description…</Trans> </span> )} </MenuItem> {!!lang && lang !== 'en' && ( <MenuItem disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { setUIState('loading'); toastRef.current = showToast({ text: t`Generating description. Please wait…`, duration: -1, }); // POST with multipart (async function () { try { const body = new FormData(); body.append('image', file); const params = `?lang=${lang}`; const response = await fetch( IMG_ALT_API_URL + params, { method: 'POST', body, }, ).then((r) => r.json()); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } setDescription(response.description); } catch (e) { console.error(e); showToast( t`Failed to generate description${ e?.message ? `: ${e.message}` : '' }`, ); } finally { setUIState('default'); toastRef.current?.hideToast?.(); } })(); }} > <Icon icon="sparkles2" /> <small> <Trans>Generate description…</Trans> <br /> <Trans> ({localeCode2Text(lang)}){' '} <span class="more-insignificant"> — experimental </span> </Trans> </small> </MenuItem> )} </Menu2> )} <button type="button" class="light block" onClick={() => { setShowModal(false); }} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} > <Trans>Done</Trans> </button> </footer> </div> </main> </div> </Modal> )} </> ); } function Poll({ lang, poll, disabled, onInput = () => {}, maxOptions, maxExpiration, minExpiration, maxCharactersPerOption, }) { const { _ } = useLingui(); const { options, expiresIn, multiple } = poll; return ( <div class={`poll ${multiple ? 'multiple' : ''}`}> <div class="poll-choices"> {, i) => ( <div class="poll-choice" key={i}> <input required type="text" value={option} disabled={disabled} maxlength={maxCharactersPerOption} placeholder={t`Choice ${i + 1}`} lang={lang} spellCheck="true" dir="auto" onInput={(e) => { const { value } =; options[i] = value; onInput(poll); }} /> <button type="button" class="plain2 poll-button" disabled={disabled || options.length <= 1} onClick={() => { options.splice(i, 1); onInput(poll); }} > <Icon icon="x" size="s" alt={t`Remove`} /> </button> </div> ))} </div> <div class="poll-toolbar"> <button type="button" class="plain2 poll-button" disabled={disabled || options.length >= maxOptions} onClick={() => { options.push(''); onInput(poll); }} > + </button>{' '} <label class="multiple-choices"> <input type="checkbox" checked={multiple} disabled={disabled} onChange={(e) => { const { checked } =; poll.multiple = checked; onInput(poll); }} />{' '} <Trans>Multiple choices</Trans> </label> <label class="expires-in"> <Trans>Duration</Trans>{' '} <select value={expiresIn} disabled={disabled} onChange={(e) => { const { value } =; poll.expiresIn = value; onInput(poll); }} > {Object.entries(expiryOptions) .filter(([value]) => { return value >= minExpiration && value <= maxExpiration; }) .map(([value, label]) => ( <option value={value} key={value}> {label()} </option> ))} </select> </label> </div> <div class="poll-toolbar"> <button type="button" class="plain remove-poll-button" disabled={disabled} onClick={() => { onInput(null); }} > <Trans>Remove poll</Trans> </button> </div> </div> ); } function filterShortcodes(emojis, searchTerm) { searchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase(); // Return an array of shortcodes that start with or contain the search term, sorted by relevance and limited to the first 5 return emojis .sort((a, b) => { let aLower = a.shortcode.toLowerCase(); let bLower = b.shortcode.toLowerCase(); let aStartsWith = aLower.startsWith(searchTerm); let bStartsWith = bLower.startsWith(searchTerm); let aContains = aLower.includes(searchTerm); let bContains = bLower.includes(searchTerm); let bothStartWith = aStartsWith && bStartsWith; let bothContain = aContains && bContains; return bothStartWith ? a.length - b.length : aStartsWith ? -1 : bStartsWith ? 1 : bothContain ? a.length - b.length : aContains ? -1 : bContains ? 1 : 0; }) .slice(0, 5); } function encodeHTML(str) { return str.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (char) { return '&#' + char.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } function removeNullUndefined(obj) { for (let key in obj) { if (obj[key] === null || obj[key] === undefined) { delete obj[key]; } } return obj; } function MentionModal({ onClose = () => {}, onSelect = () => {}, defaultSearchTerm, }) { const { masto } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState([]); const [relationshipsMap, setRelationshipsMap] = useState({}); const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0); const loadRelationships = async (accounts) => { if (!accounts?.length) return; const relationships = await fetchRelationships(accounts, relationshipsMap); if (relationships) { setRelationshipsMap({ ...relationshipsMap, ...relationships, }); } }; const loadAccounts = (term) => { if (!term) return; setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const accounts = await{ q: term, limit: 40, resolve: false, }); setAccounts(accounts); loadRelationships(accounts); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { setUIState('error'); console.error(e); } })(); }; const debouncedLoadAccounts = useDebouncedCallback(loadAccounts, 1000); useEffect(() => { loadAccounts(); }, [loadAccounts]); const inputRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); // Put cursor at the end if (inputRef.current.value) { inputRef.current.selectionStart = inputRef.current.value.length; inputRef.current.selectionEnd = inputRef.current.value.length; } } }, []); useEffect(() => { if (defaultSearchTerm) { loadAccounts(defaultSearchTerm); } }, [defaultSearchTerm]); const selectAccount = (account) => { const socialAddress = account.acct; onSelect(socialAddress); onClose(); }; useHotkeys( 'enter', () => { const selectedAccount = accounts[selectedIndex]; if (selectedAccount) { selectAccount(selectedAccount); } }, { preventDefault: true, enableOnFormTags: ['input'], }, ); const listRef = useRef(); useHotkeys( 'down', () => { if (selectedIndex < accounts.length - 1) { setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex + 1); } else { setSelectedIndex(0); } setTimeout(() => { const selectedItem = listRef.current.querySelector('.selected'); if (selectedItem) { selectedItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center', inline: 'center', }); } }, 1); }, { preventDefault: true, enableOnFormTags: ['input'], }, ); useHotkeys( 'up', () => { if (selectedIndex > 0) { setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex - 1); } else { setSelectedIndex(accounts.length - 1); } setTimeout(() => { const selectedItem = listRef.current.querySelector('.selected'); if (selectedItem) { selectedItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center', inline: 'center', }); } }, 1); }, { preventDefault: true, enableOnFormTags: ['input'], }, ); return ( <div id="mention-sheet" class="sheet"> {!!onClose && ( <button type="button" class="sheet-close" onClick={onClose}> <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Close`} /> </button> )} <header> <form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); debouncedLoadAccounts.flush?.(); // const searchTerm = inputRef.current.value; // debouncedLoadAccounts(searchTerm); }} > <input ref={inputRef} required type="search" class="block" placeholder={t`Search accounts`} onInput={(e) => { const { value } =; debouncedLoadAccounts(value); }} autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellCheck="false" dir="auto" defaultValue={defaultSearchTerm || ''} /> </form> </header> <main> {accounts?.length > 0 ? ( <ul ref={listRef} class={`accounts-list ${uiState === 'loading' ? 'loading' : ''}`} > {, i) => { const relationship = relationshipsMap[]; return ( <li key={} class={i === selectedIndex ? 'selected' : ''} > <AccountBlock avatarSize="xxl" account={account} relationship={relationship} showStats showActivity /> <button type="button" class="plain2" onClick={() => { selectAccount(account); }} > <Icon icon="plus" size="xl" alt={t`Add`} /> </button> </li> ); })} </ul> ) : uiState === 'loading' ? ( <div class="ui-state"> <Loader abrupt /> </div> ) : uiState === 'error' ? ( <div class="ui-state"> <p> <Trans>Error loading accounts</Trans> </p> </div> ) : null} </main> </div> ); } function CustomEmojisModal({ masto, instance, onClose = () => {}, onSelect = () => {}, defaultSearchTerm, }) { const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const customEmojisList = useRef([]); const [customEmojis, setCustomEmojis] = useState([]); const recentlyUsedCustomEmojis = useMemo( () => store.account.get('recentlyUsedCustomEmojis') || [], ); const searcherRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const [emojis, searcher] = await getCustomEmojis(instance, masto); console.log('emojis', emojis); searcherRef.current = searcher; setCustomEmojis(emojis); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { setUIState('error'); console.error(e); } })(); }, []); const customEmojisCatList = useMemo(() => { // Group emojis by category const emojisCat = { '--recent--': recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.filter((emoji) => customEmojis.find((e) => e.shortcode === emoji.shortcode), ), }; const othersCat = []; customEmojis.forEach((emoji) => { customEmojisList.current?.push?.(emoji); if (!emoji.category) { othersCat.push(emoji); return; } if (!emojisCat[emoji.category]) { emojisCat[emoji.category] = []; } emojisCat[emoji.category].push(emoji); }); if (othersCat.length) { emojisCat['--others--'] = othersCat; } return emojisCat; }, [customEmojis]); const scrollableRef = useRef(); const [matches, setMatches] = useState(null); const onFind = useCallback( (e) => { const { value } =; if (value) { const results = searcherRef.current?.search(value, { limit: CUSTOM_EMOJIS_COUNT, }); setMatches( => r.item)); scrollableRef.current?.scrollTo?.(0, 0); } else { setMatches(null); } }, [customEmojis], ); useEffect(() => { if (defaultSearchTerm && customEmojis?.length) { onFind({ target: { value: defaultSearchTerm } }); } }, [defaultSearchTerm, onFind, customEmojis]); const onSelectEmoji = useCallback( (emoji) => { onSelect?.(emoji); onClose?.(); queueMicrotask(() => { let recentlyUsedCustomEmojis = store.account.get('recentlyUsedCustomEmojis') || []; const recentlyUsedEmojiIndex = recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.findIndex( (e) => e.shortcode === emoji.shortcode, ); if (recentlyUsedEmojiIndex !== -1) { // Move emoji to index 0 recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.splice(recentlyUsedEmojiIndex, 1); recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.unshift(emoji); } else { recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.unshift(emoji); // Remove unavailable ones recentlyUsedCustomEmojis = recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.filter((e) => customEmojisList.current?.find?.( (emoji) => emoji.shortcode === e.shortcode, ), ); // Limit to 10 recentlyUsedCustomEmojis = recentlyUsedCustomEmojis.slice(0, 10); } // Store back store.account.set('recentlyUsedCustomEmojis', recentlyUsedCustomEmojis); }); }, [onSelect], ); const inputRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); // Put cursor at the end if (inputRef.current.value) { inputRef.current.selectionStart = inputRef.current.value.length; inputRef.current.selectionEnd = inputRef.current.value.length; } } }, []); return ( <div id="custom-emojis-sheet" class="sheet"> {!!onClose && ( <button type="button" class="sheet-close" onClick={onClose}> <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Close`} /> </button> )} <header> <div> <b> <Trans>Custom emojis</Trans> </b>{' '} {uiState === 'loading' ? ( <Loader /> ) : ( <small class="insignificant"> • {instance}</small> )} </div> <form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); const emoji = matches[0]; if (emoji) { onSelectEmoji(`:${emoji.shortcode}:`); } }} > <input ref={inputRef} type="search" placeholder={t`Search emoji`} onInput={onFind} autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellCheck="false" dir="auto" defaultValue={defaultSearchTerm || ''} /> </form> </header> <main ref={scrollableRef}> {matches !== null ? ( <ul class="custom-emojis-matches custom-emojis-list"> { => ( <li key={emoji.shortcode} class="custom-emojis-match"> <CustomEmojiButton emoji={emoji} onClick={() => { onSelectEmoji(`:${emoji.shortcode}:`); }} showCode /> </li> ))} </ul> ) : ( <div class="custom-emojis-list"> {uiState === 'error' && ( <div class="ui-state"> <p> <Trans>Error loading custom emojis</Trans> </p> </div> )} {uiState === 'default' && Object.entries(customEmojisCatList).map( ([category, emojis]) => !!emojis?.length && ( <div class="section-container"> <div class="section-header"> {{ '--recent--': t`Recently used`, '--others--': t`Others`, }[category] || category} </div> <CustomEmojisList emojis={emojis} onSelect={onSelectEmoji} /> </div> ), )} </div> )} </main> </div> ); } const CustomEmojisList = memo(({ emojis, onSelect }) => { const { i18n } = useLingui(); const [max, setMax] = useState(CUSTOM_EMOJIS_COUNT); const showMore = emojis.length > max; return ( <section> {emojis.slice(0, max).map((emoji) => ( <CustomEmojiButton key={emoji.shortcode} emoji={emoji} onClick={() => { onSelect(`:${emoji.shortcode}:`); }} /> ))} {showMore && ( <button type="button" class="plain small" onClick={() => setMax(max + CUSTOM_EMOJIS_COUNT)} > <Trans>{i18n.number(emojis.length - max)} more…</Trans> </button> )} </section> ); }); const CustomEmojiButton = memo(({ emoji, onClick, showCode }) => { const addEdges = (e) => { // Add edge-left or edge-right class based on self position relative to scrollable parent // If near left edge, add edge-left, if near right edge, add edge-right const buffer = 88; const parent = e.currentTarget.closest('main'); if (parent) { const rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); const selfRect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetClassList = e.currentTarget.classList; if (selfRect.left < rect.left + buffer) { targetClassList.add('edge-left'); targetClassList.remove('edge-right'); } else if (selfRect.right > rect.right - buffer) { targetClassList.add('edge-right'); targetClassList.remove('edge-left'); } else { targetClassList.remove('edge-left', 'edge-right'); } } }; return ( <button type="button" className="plain4" onClick={onClick} data-title={showCode ? undefined : emoji.shortcode} onPointerEnter={addEdges} onFocus={addEdges} > <picture> {!!emoji.staticUrl && ( <source srcSet={emoji.staticUrl} media="(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)" /> )} <img className="shortcode-emoji" src={emoji.url || emoji.staticUrl} alt={emoji.shortcode} width="24" height="24" loading="lazy" decoding="async" /> </picture> {showCode && ( <> {' '} <code>{emoji.shortcode}</code> </> )} </button> ); }); const GIFS_PER_PAGE = 20; function GIFPickerModal({ onClose = () => {}, onSelect = () => {} }) { const { i18n } = useLingui(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const [results, setResults] = useState([]); const formRef = useRef(null); const qRef = useRef(null); const currentOffset = useRef(0); const scrollableRef = useRef(null); function fetchGIFs({ offset }) { console.log('fetchGIFs', { offset }); if (!qRef.current?.value) return; setUIState('loading'); scrollableRef.current?.scrollTo?.({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth', }); (async () => { try { const query = { api_key: GIPHY_API_KEY, q: qRef.current.value, rating: 'g', limit: GIFS_PER_PAGE, bundle: 'messaging_non_clips', offset, lang: i18n.locale || 'en', }; const response = await fetch( '' + new URLSearchParams(query), { referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', }, ).then((r) => r.json()); currentOffset.current = response.pagination?.offset || 0; setResults(response); setUIState('results'); } catch (e) { setUIState('error'); console.error(e); } })(); } useEffect(() => { qRef.current?.focus(); }, []); const debouncedOnInput = useDebouncedCallback(() => { fetchGIFs({ offset: 0 }); }, 1000); return ( <div id="gif-picker-sheet" class="sheet"> {!!onClose && ( <button type="button" class="sheet-close" onClick={onClose}> <Icon icon="x" alt={t`Close`} /> </button> )} <header> <form ref={formRef} onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); fetchGIFs({ offset: 0 }); }} > <input ref={qRef} type="search" name="q" placeholder={t`Search GIFs`} required autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellCheck="false" dir="auto" onInput={debouncedOnInput} /> <input type="image" class="powered-button" src={poweredByGiphyURL} width="86" height="30" alt={t`Powered by GIPHY`} /> </form> </header> <main ref={scrollableRef} class={uiState === 'loading' ? 'loading' : ''}> {uiState === 'default' && ( <div class="ui-state"> <p class="insignificant"> <Trans>Type to search GIFs</Trans> </p> </div> )} {uiState === 'loading' && !results?.data?.length && ( <div class="ui-state"> <Loader abrupt /> </div> )} {results?.data?.length > 0 ? ( <> <ul> { => { const { id, images, title, alt_text } = gif; const { fixed_height_small, fixed_height_downsampled, fixed_height, original, } = images; const theImage = fixed_height_small?.url ? fixed_height_small : fixed_height_downsampled?.url ? fixed_height_downsampled : fixed_height; let { url, webp, width, height } = theImage; if (+height > 100) { width = (width / height) * 100; height = 100; } const urlObj = URL.parse(url); const strippedURL = urlObj.origin + urlObj.pathname; let strippedWebP; if (webp) { const webpObj = URL.parse(webp); strippedWebP = webpObj.origin + webpObj.pathname; } return ( <li key={id}> <button type="button" onClick={() => { const { mp4, url } = original; const theURL = mp4 || url; const urlObj = URL.parse(theURL); const strippedURL = urlObj.origin + urlObj.pathname; onClose(); onSelect({ url: strippedURL, type: mp4 ? 'video/mp4' : 'image/gif', alt_text: alt_text || title, }); }} > <figure style={{ '--figure-width': width + 'px', // width: width + 'px' }} > <picture> {strippedWebP && ( <source srcset={strippedWebP} type="image/webp" /> )} <img src={strippedURL} width={width} height={height} loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt={alt_text} referrerpolicy="no-referrer" onLoad={(e) => { = 'transparent'; }} /> </picture> <figcaption>{alt_text || title}</figcaption> </figure> </button> </li> ); })} </ul> <p class="pagination"> {results.pagination?.offset > 0 && ( <button type="button" class="light small" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { fetchGIFs({ offset: results.pagination?.offset - GIFS_PER_PAGE, }); }} > <Icon icon="chevron-left" /> <span> <Trans>Previous</Trans> </span> </button> )} <span /> {results.pagination?.offset + results.pagination?.count < results.pagination?.total_count && ( <button type="button" class="light small" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={() => { fetchGIFs({ offset: results.pagination?.offset + GIFS_PER_PAGE, }); }} > <span> <Trans>Next</Trans> </span>{' '} <Icon icon="chevron-right" /> </button> )} </p> </> ) : ( uiState === 'results' && ( <div class="ui-state"> <p>No results</p> </div> ) )} {uiState === 'error' && ( <div class="ui-state"> <p> <Trans>Error loading GIFs</Trans> </p> </div> )} </main> </div> ); } export default Compose;