import './status.css'; import { Menu, MenuItem } from '@szhsin/react-menu'; import { getBlurHashAverageColor } from 'fast-blurhash'; import mem from 'mem'; import { memo } from 'preact/compat'; import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useHotkeys } from 'react-hotkeys-hook'; import 'swiped-events'; import useResizeObserver from 'use-resize-observer'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import Loader from '../components/loader'; import Modal from '../components/modal'; import NameText from '../components/name-text'; import enhanceContent from '../utils/enhance-content'; import handleAccountLinks from '../utils/handle-account-links'; import htmlContentLength from '../utils/html-content-length'; import shortenNumber from '../utils/shorten-number'; import states, { saveStatus } from '../utils/states'; import store from '../utils/store'; import visibilityIconsMap from '../utils/visibility-icons-map'; import Avatar from './avatar'; import Icon from './icon'; import Link from './link'; import RelativeTime from './relative-time'; function fetchAccount(id) { try { return masto.v1.accounts.fetch(id); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } const memFetchAccount = mem(fetchAccount); function Status({ statusID, status, withinContext, size = 'm', skeleton, readOnly, }) { if (skeleton) { return ( <div class="status skeleton"> <Avatar size="xxl" /> <div class="container"> <div class="meta">███ ████████████</div> <div class="content-container"> <div class="content"> <p>████ ████████████</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); if (!status) { status = snapStates.statuses[statusID]; } if (!status) { return null; } const { account: { acct, avatar, avatarStatic, id: accountId, url, displayName, username, emojis: accountEmojis, }, id, repliesCount, reblogged, reblogsCount, favourited, favouritesCount, bookmarked, poll, muted, sensitive, spoilerText, visibility, // public, unlisted, private, direct language, editedAt, filtered, card, createdAt, inReplyToId, inReplyToAccountId, content, mentions, mediaAttachments, reblog, uri, emojis, _deleted, } = status; console.debug('RENDER Status', id, status?.account.displayName); const createdAtDate = new Date(createdAt); const editedAtDate = new Date(editedAt); const isSelf = useMemo(() => { const currentAccount = store.session.get('currentAccount'); return currentAccount && currentAccount === accountId; }, [accountId]); let inReplyToAccountRef = mentions?.find( (mention) => === inReplyToAccountId, ); if (!inReplyToAccountRef && inReplyToAccountId === id) { inReplyToAccountRef = { url, username, displayName }; } const [inReplyToAccount, setInReplyToAccount] = useState(inReplyToAccountRef); if (!withinContext && !inReplyToAccount && inReplyToAccountId) { const account = states.accounts[inReplyToAccountId]; if (account) { setInReplyToAccount(account); } else { memFetchAccount(inReplyToAccountId) .then((account) => { setInReplyToAccount(account); states.accounts[] = account; }) .catch((e) => {}); } } const showSpoiler = !!snapStates.spoilers[id] || false; const debugHover = (e) => { if (e.shiftKey) { console.log(status); } }; const [showMediaModal, setShowMediaModal] = useState(false); if (reblog) { return ( <div class="status-reblog" onMouseEnter={debugHover}> <div class="status-pre-meta"> <Icon icon="rocket" size="l" />{' '} <NameText account={status.account} showAvatar /> boosted </div> <Status status={reblog} size={size} /> </div> ); } const [showEdited, setShowEdited] = useState(false); const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); const spoilerContentRef = useRef(null); useResizeObserver({ ref: spoilerContentRef, onResize: () => { if (spoilerContentRef.current) { const { scrollHeight, clientHeight } = spoilerContentRef.current; spoilerContentRef.current.classList.toggle( 'truncated', scrollHeight > clientHeight, ); } }, }); const contentRef = useRef(null); useResizeObserver({ ref: contentRef, onResize: () => { if (contentRef.current) { const { scrollHeight, clientHeight } = contentRef.current; contentRef.current.classList.toggle( 'truncated', scrollHeight > clientHeight, ); } }, }); const readMoreText = 'Read more →'; const statusRef = useRef(null); return ( <article ref={statusRef} tabindex="-1" class={`status ${ !withinContext && inReplyToAccount ? 'status-reply-to' : '' } visibility-${visibility} ${ { s: 'small', m: 'medium', l: 'large', }[size] }`} onMouseEnter={debugHover} > {size !== 'l' && ( <div class="status-badge"> {reblogged && <Icon class="reblog" icon="rocket" size="s" />} {favourited && <Icon class="favourite" icon="heart" size="s" />} {bookmarked && <Icon class="bookmark" icon="bookmark" size="s" />} </div> )} {size !== 's' && ( <a href={url} tabindex="-1" // target="_blank" title={`@${acct}`} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); states.showAccount = status.account; }} > <Avatar url={avatarStatic} size="xxl" /> </a> )} <div class="container"> <div class="meta"> {/* <span> */} <NameText account={status.account} showAvatar={size === 's'} showAcct={size === 'l'} /> {/* {inReplyToAccount && !withinContext && size !== 's' && ( <> {' '} <span class="ib"> <Icon icon="arrow-right" class="arrow" />{' '} <NameText account={inReplyToAccount} short /> </span> </> )} */} {/* </span> */}{' '} {size !== 'l' && (uri ? ( <Link to={`/s/${id}`} class="time"> <Icon icon={visibilityIconsMap[visibility]} alt={visibility} size="s" />{' '} <RelativeTime datetime={createdAtDate} format="micro" /> </Link> ) : ( <span class="time"> <Icon icon={visibilityIconsMap[visibility]} alt={visibility} size="s" />{' '} <RelativeTime datetime={createdAtDate} format="micro" /> </span> ))} </div> {!withinContext && ( <> {inReplyToAccountId === status.account?.id || !!snapStates.statusThreadNumber[id] ? ( <div class="status-thread-badge"> <Icon icon="thread" size="s" /> Thread {snapStates.statusThreadNumber[id] ? ` ${snapStates.statusThreadNumber[id]}/X` : ''} </div> ) : ( !!inReplyToId && !!inReplyToAccount && (!!spoilerText || !mentions.find((mention) => { return === inReplyToAccountId; })) && ( <div class="status-reply-badge"> <Icon icon="reply" />{' '} <NameText account={inReplyToAccount} short /> </div> ) )} </> )} <div class={`content-container ${ sensitive || spoilerText ? 'has-spoiler' : '' } ${showSpoiler ? 'show-spoiler' : ''}`} style={ size === 'l' && { '--content-text-weight': Math.round( (spoilerText.length + htmlContentLength(content)) / 140, ) || 1, } } > {!!spoilerText && sensitive && ( <> <div class="content" lang={language} ref={spoilerContentRef} data-read-more={readMoreText} > <p>{spoilerText}</p> </div> <button class="light spoiler" type="button" onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (showSpoiler) { delete states.spoilers[id]; } else { states.spoilers[id] = true; } }} > <Icon icon={showSpoiler ? 'eye-open' : 'eye-close'} />{' '} {showSpoiler ? 'Show less' : 'Show more'} </button> </> )} <div class="content" lang={language} ref={contentRef} data-read-more={readMoreText} onClick={handleAccountLinks({ mentions })} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: enhanceContent(content, { emojis, postEnhanceDOM: (dom) => { dom .querySelectorAll('a.u-url[target="_blank"]') .forEach((a) => { // Remove target="_blank" from links if (!/http/i.test(a.innerText.trim())) { a.removeAttribute('target'); } }); }, }), }} /> {!!poll && ( <Poll lang={language} poll={poll} readOnly={readOnly} onUpdate={(newPoll) => { states.statuses[id].poll = newPoll; }} /> )} {!spoilerText && sensitive && !!mediaAttachments.length && ( <button class="plain spoiler" type="button" onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (showSpoiler) { delete states.spoilers[id]; } else { states.spoilers[id] = true; } }} > <Icon icon={showSpoiler ? 'eye-open' : 'eye-close'} /> Sensitive content </button> )} {!!mediaAttachments.length && ( <div class={`media-container media-eq${mediaAttachments.length} ${ mediaAttachments.length > 2 ? 'media-gt2' : '' } ${mediaAttachments.length > 4 ? 'media-gt4' : ''}`} > {mediaAttachments .slice(0, size === 'l' ? undefined : 4) .map((media, i) => ( <Media key={} media={media} autoAnimate={size === 'l'} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); setShowMediaModal(i); }} /> ))} </div> )} {!!card && !sensitive && !spoilerText && !poll && !mediaAttachments.length && <Card card={card} />} </div> {size === 'l' && ( <> <div class="extra-meta"> <Icon icon={visibilityIconsMap[visibility]} alt={visibility} />{' '} <a href={uri} target="_blank"> <time class="created" datetime={createdAtDate.toISOString()}> {Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { // Show year if not current year year: createdAtDate.getFullYear() === currentYear ? undefined : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', }).format(createdAtDate)} </time> </a> {editedAt && ( <> {' '} • <Icon icon="pencil" alt="Edited" />{' '} <time class="edited" datetime={editedAtDate.toISOString()} onClick={() => { setShowEdited(id); }} > {Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { // Show year if not this year year: editedAtDate.getFullYear() === currentYear ? undefined : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', }).format(editedAtDate)} </time> </> )} </div> <div class="actions"> <div class="action has-count"> <StatusButton title="Reply" alt="Comments" class="reply-button" icon="comment" count={repliesCount} onClick={() => { states.showCompose = { replyToStatus: status, }; }} /> </div> {/* TODO: if visibility = private, only can reblog own statuses */} {visibility !== 'direct' && ( <div class="action has-count"> <StatusButton checked={reblogged} title={['Boost', 'Unboost']} alt={['Boost', 'Boosted']} class="reblog-button" icon="rocket" count={reblogsCount} onClick={async () => { try { if (!reblogged) { const yes = confirm( 'Are you sure that you want to boost this post?', ); if (!yes) { return; } } // Optimistic states.statuses[id] = { ...status, reblogged: !reblogged, reblogsCount: reblogsCount + (reblogged ? -1 : 1), }; if (reblogged) { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.unreblog( id, ); saveStatus(newStatus); } else { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.reblog(id); saveStatus(newStatus); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); // Revert optimistism states.statuses[id] = status; } }} /> </div> )} <div class="action has-count"> <StatusButton checked={favourited} title={['Favourite', 'Unfavourite']} alt={['Favourite', 'Favourited']} class="favourite-button" icon="heart" count={favouritesCount} onClick={async () => { try { // Optimistic states.statuses[statusID] = { ...status, favourited: !favourited, favouritesCount: favouritesCount + (favourited ? -1 : 1), }; if (favourited) { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.unfavourite( id, ); saveStatus(newStatus); } else { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.favourite(id); saveStatus(newStatus); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); // Revert optimistism states.statuses[statusID] = status; } }} /> </div> <div class="action"> <StatusButton checked={bookmarked} title={['Bookmark', 'Unbookmark']} alt={['Bookmark', 'Bookmarked']} class="bookmark-button" icon="bookmark" onClick={async () => { try { // Optimistic states.statuses[statusID] = { ...status, bookmarked: !bookmarked, }; if (bookmarked) { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.unbookmark( id, ); saveStatus(newStatus); } else { const newStatus = await masto.v1.statuses.bookmark(id); saveStatus(newStatus); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); // Revert optimistism states.statuses[statusID] = status; } }} /> </div> {isSelf && ( <Menu align="end" menuButton={ <div class="action"> <button type="button" title="More" class="plain more-button" > <Icon icon="more" size="l" alt="More" /> </button> </div> } > {isSelf && ( <MenuItem onClick={() => { states.showCompose = { editStatus: status, }; }} > Edit… </MenuItem> )} </Menu> )} </div> </> )} </div> {showMediaModal !== false && ( <Modal> <Carousel mediaAttachments={mediaAttachments} index={showMediaModal} onClose={() => { setShowMediaModal(false); }} /> </Modal> )} {!!showEdited && ( <Modal onClick={(e) => { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowEdited(false); statusRef.current?.focus(); } }} > <EditedAtModal statusID={showEdited} onClose={() => { setShowEdited(false); statusRef.current?.focus(); }} /> </Modal> )} </article> ); } /* Media type === unknown = unsupported or unrecognized file type image = Static image gifv = Looping, soundless animation video = Video clip audio = Audio track */ function Media({ media, showOriginal, autoAnimate, onClick = () => {} }) { const { blurhash, description, meta, previewUrl, remoteUrl, url, type } = media; const { original, small, focus } = meta || {}; const width = showOriginal ? original?.width : small?.width; const height = showOriginal ? original?.height : small?.height; const mediaURL = showOriginal ? url : previewUrl; const rgbAverageColor = blurhash ? getBlurHashAverageColor(blurhash) : null; const videoRef = useRef(); let focalBackgroundPosition; if (focus) { // Convert focal point to CSS background position // Formula from jquery-focuspoint // x = -1, y = 1 => 0% 0% // x = 0, y = 0 => 50% 50% // x = 1, y = -1 => 100% 100% const x = ((focus.x + 1) / 2) * 100; const y = ((1 - focus.y) / 2) * 100; focalBackgroundPosition = `${x.toFixed(0)}% ${y.toFixed(0)}%`; } if (type === 'image' || (type === 'unknown' && previewUrl && url)) { // Note: type: unknown might not have width/height return ( <div class={`media media-image`} onClick={onClick} style={ showOriginal && { backgroundImage: `url(${previewUrl})`, backgroundSize: 'contain', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'center', aspectRatio: `${width}/${height}`, width, height, maxWidth: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', } } > <img src={mediaURL} alt={description} width={width} height={height} loading={showOriginal ? 'eager' : 'lazy'} style={ !showOriginal && { backgroundColor: rgbAverageColor && `rgb(${rgbAverageColor.join(',')})`, backgroundPosition: focalBackgroundPosition || 'center', } } /> </div> ); } else if (type === 'gifv' || type === 'video') { const shortDuration = original.duration < 31; const isGIF = type === 'gifv' && shortDuration; // If GIF is too long, treat it as a video const loopable = original.duration < 61; const formattedDuration = formatDuration(original.duration); const hoverAnimate = !showOriginal && !autoAnimate && isGIF; const autoGIFAnimate = !showOriginal && autoAnimate && isGIF; return ( <div class={`media media-${isGIF ? 'gif' : 'video'} ${ autoGIFAnimate ? 'media-contain' : '' }`} data-formatted-duration={formattedDuration} data-label={isGIF && !showOriginal && !autoGIFAnimate ? 'GIF' : ''} style={{ backgroundColor: rgbAverageColor && `rgb(${rgbAverageColor.join(',')})`, }} onClick={(e) => { if (hoverAnimate) { try { videoRef.current.pause(); } catch (e) {} } onClick(e); }} onMouseEnter={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try {; } catch (e) {} } }} onMouseLeave={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try { videoRef.current.pause(); } catch (e) {} } }} > {showOriginal || autoGIFAnimate ? ( <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%', }} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: ` <video src="${url}" poster="${previewUrl}" width="${width}" height="${height}" preload="auto" autoplay muted="${isGIF}" ${isGIF ? '' : 'controls'} playsinline loop="${loopable}" ${ isGIF ? 'ondblclick="this.paused ? : this.pause()"' : '' } ></video> `, }} /> ) : isGIF ? ( <video ref={videoRef} src={url} poster={previewUrl} width={width} height={height} preload="auto" // controls playsinline loop muted /> ) : ( <img src={previewUrl} alt={description} width={width} height={height} loading="lazy" /> )} </div> ); } else if (type === 'audio') { const formattedDuration = formatDuration(original.duration); return ( <div class="media media-audio" data-formatted-duration={formattedDuration} onClick={onClick} > {showOriginal ? ( <audio src={remoteUrl || url} preload="none" controls autoplay /> ) : previewUrl ? ( <img src={previewUrl} alt={description} width={width} height={height} loading="lazy" /> ) : null} </div> ); } } function Card({ card }) { const { blurhash, title, description, html, providerName, authorName, width, height, image, url, type, embedUrl, } = card; /* type link = Link OEmbed photo = Photo OEmbed video = Video OEmbed rich = iframe OEmbed. Not currently accepted, so won’t show up in practice. */ const hasText = title || providerName || authorName; const isLandscape = width / height >= 1.2; const size = isLandscape ? 'large' : ''; if (hasText && image) { const domain = new URL(url).hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''); return ( <a href={url} target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class={`card link ${size}`} > <div class="card-image"> <img src={image} width={width} height={height} loading="lazy" alt="" onError={(e) => { try { = 'none'; } catch (e) {} }} /> </div> <div class="meta-container"> <p class="meta domain">{domain}</p> <p class="title" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: title, }} /> <p class="meta">{description || providerName || authorName}</p> </div> </a> ); } else if (type === 'photo') { return ( <a href={url} target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="card photo" > <img src={embedUrl} width={width} height={height} alt={title || description} loading="lazy" style={{ height: 'auto', aspectRatio: `${width}/${height}`, }} /> </a> ); } else if (type === 'video') { return ( <div class="card video" style={{ aspectRatio: `${width}/${height}`, }} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} /> ); } } function Poll({ poll, lang, readOnly, onUpdate = () => {} }) { const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const { expired, expiresAt, id, multiple, options, ownVotes, voted, votersCount, votesCount, } = poll; const expiresAtDate = !!expiresAt && new Date(expiresAt); // Update poll at point of expiry useEffect(() => { let timeout; if (!expired && expiresAtDate) { const ms = expiresAtDate.getTime() - + 1; // +1 to give it a little buffer if (ms > 0) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const pollResponse = await masto.v1.polls.fetch(id); onUpdate(pollResponse); } catch (e) { // Silent fail } setUIState('default'); })(); }, ms); } } return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, [expired, expiresAtDate]); const pollVotesCount = votersCount || votesCount; let roundPrecision = 0; if (pollVotesCount <= 1000) { roundPrecision = 0; } else if (pollVotesCount <= 10000) { roundPrecision = 1; } else if (pollVotesCount <= 100000) { roundPrecision = 2; } return ( <div lang={lang} class={`poll ${readOnly ? 'read-only' : ''} ${ uiState === 'loading' ? 'loading' : '' }`} > {voted || expired ? (, i) => { const { title, votesCount: optionVotesCount } = option; const percentage = pollVotesCount ? ((optionVotesCount / pollVotesCount) * 100).toFixed( roundPrecision, ) : 0; // check if current poll choice is the leading one const isLeading = optionVotesCount > 0 && optionVotesCount === Math.max( => o.votesCount)); return ( <div key={`${i}-${title}-${optionVotesCount}`} class={`poll-option ${isLeading ? 'poll-option-leading' : ''}`} style={{ '--percentage': `${percentage}%`, }} > <div class="poll-option-title"> {title} {voted && ownVotes.includes(i) && ( <> {' '} <Icon icon="check-circle" /> </> )} </div> <div class="poll-option-votes" title={`${optionVotesCount} vote${ optionVotesCount === 1 ? '' : 's' }`} > {percentage}% </div> </div> ); }) ) : ( <form onSubmit={async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const form =; const formData = new FormData(form); const votes = []; formData.forEach((value, key) => { if (key === 'poll') { votes.push(value); } }); console.log(votes); setUIState('loading'); const pollResponse = await, { choices: votes, }); console.log(pollResponse); onUpdate(pollResponse); setUIState('default'); }} > {, i) => { const { title } = option; return ( <div class="poll-option"> <label class="poll-label"> <input type={multiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'} name="poll" value={i} disabled={uiState === 'loading'} readOnly={readOnly} /> <span class="poll-option-title">{title}</span> </label> </div> ); })} {!readOnly && ( <button class="poll-vote-button" type="submit" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} > Vote </button> )} </form> )} {!readOnly && ( <p class="poll-meta"> {!expired && ( <> <button type="button" class="textual" disabled={uiState === 'loading'} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const pollResponse = await masto.v1.polls.fetch(id); onUpdate(pollResponse); } catch (e) { // Silent fail } setUIState('default'); })(); }} > Refresh </button>{' '} •{' '} </> )} <span title={votesCount}>{shortenNumber(votesCount)}</span> vote {votesCount === 1 ? '' : 's'} {!!votersCount && votersCount !== votesCount && ( <> {' '} •{' '} <span title={votersCount}>{shortenNumber(votersCount)}</span>{' '} voter {votersCount === 1 ? '' : 's'} </> )}{' '} • {expired ? 'Ended' : 'Ending'}{' '} {!!expiresAtDate && <RelativeTime datetime={expiresAtDate} />} </p> )} </div> ); } function EditedAtModal({ statusID, onClose = () => {} }) { const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const [editHistory, setEditHistory] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const editHistory = await masto.v1.statuses.listHistory(statusID); console.log(editHistory); setEditHistory(editHistory); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); } })(); }, []); const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); return ( <div id="edit-history" class="sheet"> <header> {/* <button type="button" class="close-button plain large" onClick={onClose}> <Icon icon="x" alt="Close" /> </button> */} <h2>Edit History</h2> {uiState === 'error' && <p>Failed to load history</p>} {uiState === 'loading' && ( <p> <Loader abrupt /> Loading… </p> )} </header> <main tabIndex="-1"> {editHistory.length > 0 && ( <ol> { => { const { createdAt } = status; const createdAtDate = new Date(createdAt); return ( <li key={createdAt} class="history-item"> <h3> <time> {Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { // Show year if not current year year: createdAtDate.getFullYear() === currentYear ? undefined : 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', weekday: 'short', hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit', }).format(createdAtDate)} </time> </h3> <Status status={status} size="s" withinContext readOnly /> </li> ); })} </ol> )} </main> </div> ); } function StatusButton({ checked, count, class: className, title, alt, icon, onClick, ...props }) { if (typeof title === 'string') { title = [title, title]; } if (typeof alt === 'string') { alt = [alt, alt]; } const [buttonTitle, setButtonTitle] = useState(title[0] || ''); const [iconAlt, setIconAlt] = useState(alt[0] || ''); useEffect(() => { if (checked) { setButtonTitle(title[1] || ''); setIconAlt(alt[1] || ''); } else { setButtonTitle(title[0] || ''); setIconAlt(alt[0] || ''); } }, [checked, title, alt]); return ( <button type="button" title={buttonTitle} class={`plain ${className} ${checked ? 'checked' : ''}`} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onClick(e); }} {...props} > <Icon icon={icon} size="l" alt={iconAlt} /> {!!count && ( <> {' '} <small title={count}>{shortenNumber(count)}</small> </> )} </button> ); } function Carousel({ mediaAttachments, index = 0, onClose = () => {} }) { const carouselRef = useRef(null); const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(index); const carouselFocusItem = useRef(null); useLayoutEffect(() => { carouselFocusItem.current?.scrollIntoView(); }, []); const [showControls, setShowControls] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { let handleSwipe = () => { onClose(); }; if (carouselRef.current) { carouselRef.current.addEventListener('swiped-down', handleSwipe); } return () => { if (carouselRef.current) { carouselRef.current.removeEventListener('swiped-down', handleSwipe); } }; }, []); useHotkeys('esc', onClose, [onClose]); const [showMediaAlt, setShowMediaAlt] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { let handleScroll = () => { const { clientWidth, scrollLeft } = carouselRef.current; const index = Math.round(scrollLeft / clientWidth); setCurrentIndex(index); }; if (carouselRef.current) { carouselRef.current.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, { passive: true, }); } return () => { if (carouselRef.current) { carouselRef.current.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }; }, []); return ( <> <div ref={carouselRef} tabIndex="-1" data-swipe-threshold="44" class="carousel" onClick={(e) => { if ('carousel-item') ||'media') ) { onClose(); } }} > {mediaAttachments?.map((media, i) => { const { blurhash } = media; const rgbAverageColor = blurhash ? getBlurHashAverageColor(blurhash) : null; return ( <div class="carousel-item" style={{ '--average-color': `rgb(${rgbAverageColor?.join(',')})`, '--average-color-alpha': `rgba(${rgbAverageColor?.join( ',', )}, .5)`, }} tabindex="0" key={} ref={i === currentIndex ? carouselFocusItem : null} onClick={(e) => { if ( !== e.currentTarget) { setShowControls(!showControls); } }} > {!!media.description && ( <button type="button" class="plain2 media-alt" hidden={!showControls} onClick={() => { setShowMediaAlt(media.description); }} > <span class="tag">ALT</span>{' '} <span class="media-alt-desc">{media.description}</span> </button> )} <Media media={media} showOriginal /> </div> ); })} </div> <div class="carousel-top-controls" hidden={!showControls}> <span> <button type="button" class="carousel-button plain3" onClick={() => onClose()} > <Icon icon="x" /> </button> </span> {mediaAttachments?.length > 1 ? ( <span class="carousel-dots"> {mediaAttachments?.map((media, i) => ( <button key={} type="button" disabled={i === currentIndex} class={`plain carousel-dot ${ i === currentIndex ? 'active' : '' }`} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); carouselRef.current.scrollTo({ left: carouselRef.current.clientWidth * i, behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > • </button> ))} </span> ) : ( <span /> )} <span> <a href={ mediaAttachments[currentIndex]?.remoteUrl || mediaAttachments[currentIndex]?.url } target="_blank" class="button carousel-button plain3" title="Open original media in new window" > <Icon icon="popout" alt="Open original media in new window" /> </a>{' '} </span> </div> {mediaAttachments?.length > 1 && ( <div class="carousel-controls" hidden={!showControls}> <button type="button" class="carousel-button plain3" hidden={currentIndex === 0} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); carouselRef.current.scrollTo({ left: carouselRef.current.clientWidth * (currentIndex - 1), behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > <Icon icon="arrow-left" /> </button> <button type="button" class="carousel-button plain3" hidden={currentIndex === mediaAttachments.length - 1} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); carouselRef.current.scrollTo({ left: carouselRef.current.clientWidth * (currentIndex + 1), behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > <Icon icon="arrow-right" /> </button> </div> )} {!!showMediaAlt && ( <Modal class="light" onClick={(e) => { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowMediaAlt(false); } }} > <div class="sheet"> <header> <h2>Media description</h2> </header> <main> <p style={{ whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', }} > {showMediaAlt} </p> </main> </div> </Modal> )} </> ); } function formatDuration(time) { if (!time) return; let hours = Math.floor(time / 3600); let minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60); let seconds = Math.round(time % 60); if (hours === 0) { return `${minutes}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } else { return `${hours}:${minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${seconds .toString() .padStart(2, '0')}`; } } export default memo(Status);