import './account-info.css'; import { Menu, MenuDivider, MenuItem, SubMenu } from '@szhsin/react-menu'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useReducer, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import punycode from 'punycode'; import MenuLink from '../components/menu-link'; import { api } from '../utils/api'; import enhanceContent from '../utils/enhance-content'; import getHTMLText from '../utils/getHTMLText'; import handleContentLinks from '../utils/handle-content-links'; import { getLists } from '../utils/lists'; import niceDateTime from '../utils/nice-date-time'; import pmem from '../utils/pmem'; import shortenNumber from '../utils/shorten-number'; import showToast from '../utils/show-toast'; import states, { hideAllModals } from '../utils/states'; import store from '../utils/store'; import { updateAccount } from '../utils/store-utils'; import AccountBlock from './account-block'; import Avatar from './avatar'; import EmojiText from './emoji-text'; import Icon from './icon'; import Link from './link'; import ListAddEdit from './list-add-edit'; import Loader from './loader'; import Menu2 from './menu2'; import MenuConfirm from './menu-confirm'; import Modal from './modal'; import TranslationBlock from './translation-block'; const MUTE_DURATIONS = [ 60 * 5, // 5 minutes 60 * 30, // 30 minutes 60 * 60, // 1 hour 60 * 60 * 6, // 6 hours 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day 60 * 60 * 24 * 3, // 3 days 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 1 week 0, // forever ]; const MUTE_DURATIONS_LABELS = { 0: 'Forever', 300: '5 minutes', 1_800: '30 minutes', 3_600: '1 hour', 21_600: '6 hours', 86_400: '1 day', 259_200: '3 days', 604_800: '1 week', }; const LIMIT = 80; const ACCOUNT_INFO_MAX_AGE = 1000 * 60 * 10; // 10 mins function fetchFamiliarFollowers(currentID, masto) { return masto.v1.accounts.familiarFollowers.fetch({ id: [currentID], }); } const memFetchFamiliarFollowers = pmem(fetchFamiliarFollowers, { maxAge: ACCOUNT_INFO_MAX_AGE, }); async function fetchPostingStats(accountID, masto) { const fetchStatuses = masto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID) .statuses.list({ limit: 20, }) .next(); const { value: statuses } = await fetchStatuses; console.log('fetched statuses', statuses); const stats = { total: statuses.length, originals: 0, replies: 0, boosts: 0, }; // Categories statuses by type // - Original posts (not replies to others) // - Threads (self-replies + 1st original post) // - Boosts (reblogs) // - Replies (not-self replies) statuses.forEach((status) => { if (status.reblog) { stats.boosts++; } else if ( !!status.inReplyToId && status.inReplyToAccountId !== // Not self-reply ) { stats.replies++; } else { stats.originals++; } }); // Count days since last post if (statuses.length) { stats.daysSinceLastPost = Math.ceil( ( - new Date(statuses[statuses.length - 1].createdAt)) / 86400000, ); } console.log('posting stats', stats); return stats; } const memFetchPostingStats = pmem(fetchPostingStats, { maxAge: ACCOUNT_INFO_MAX_AGE, }); function AccountInfo({ account, fetchAccount = () => {}, standalone, instance, authenticated, }) { const { masto } = api({ instance, }); const { masto: currentMasto, instance: currentInstance } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const isString = typeof account === 'string'; const [info, setInfo] = useState(isString ? null : account); const sameCurrentInstance = useMemo( () => instance === currentInstance, [instance, currentInstance], ); useEffect(() => { if (!isString) { setInfo(account); return; } setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const info = await fetchAccount(); states.accounts[`${}@${instance}`] = info; setInfo(info); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setInfo(null); setUIState('error'); } })(); }, [isString, account, fetchAccount]); const { acct, avatar, avatarStatic, bot, createdAt, displayName, emojis, fields, followersCount, followingCount, group, // header, // headerStatic, id, lastStatusAt, locked, note, statusesCount, url, username, memorial, moved, roles, } = info || {}; let headerIsAvatar = false; let { header, headerStatic } = info || {}; if (!header || /missing\.png$/.test(header)) { if (avatar && !/missing\.png$/.test(avatar)) { header = avatar; headerIsAvatar = true; if (avatarStatic && !/missing\.png$/.test(avatarStatic)) { headerStatic = avatarStatic; } } } const isSelf = useMemo( () => id === store.session.get('currentAccount'), [id], ); useEffect(() => { const infoHasEssentials = !!( info?.id && info?.username && info?.acct && info?.avatar && info?.avatarStatic && info?.displayName && info?.url ); if (isSelf && instance && infoHasEssentials) { const accounts = store.local.getJSON('accounts'); let updated = false; accounts.forEach((account) => { if ( === && account.instanceURL === instance) { = info; updated = true; } }); if (updated) { console.log('Updated account info', info); store.local.setJSON('accounts', accounts); } } }, [isSelf, info, instance]); const accountInstance = useMemo(() => { if (!url) return null; const domain = punycode.toUnicode(new URL(url).hostname); return domain; }, [url]); const [headerCornerColors, setHeaderCornerColors] = useState([]); const followersIterator = useRef(); const familiarFollowersCache = useRef([]); async function fetchFollowers(firstLoad) { if (firstLoad || !followersIterator.current) { followersIterator.current = masto.v1.accounts.$select(id).followers.list({ limit: LIMIT, }); } const results = await; if (isSelf) return results; if (!sameCurrentInstance) return results; const { value } = results; let newValue = []; // On first load, fetch familiar followers, merge to top of results' `value` // Remove dups on every fetch if (firstLoad) { const familiarFollowers = await masto.v1.accounts.familiarFollowers.fetch( { id: [id], }, ); familiarFollowersCache.current = familiarFollowers[0].accounts; newValue = [ ...familiarFollowersCache.current, ...value.filter( (account) => !familiarFollowersCache.current.some( (familiar) => ===, ), ), ]; } else if (value?.length) { newValue = value.filter( (account) => !familiarFollowersCache.current.some( (familiar) => ===, ), ); } return { ...results, value: newValue, }; } const followingIterator = useRef(); async function fetchFollowing(firstLoad) { if (firstLoad || !followingIterator.current) { followingIterator.current = masto.v1.accounts.$select(id).following.list({ limit: LIMIT, }); } const results = await; return results; } const LinkOrDiv = standalone ? 'div' : Link; const accountLink = instance ? `/${instance}/a/${id}` : `/a/${id}`; const [familiarFollowers, setFamiliarFollowers] = useState([]); const [postingStats, setPostingStats] = useState(); const [postingStatsUIState, setPostingStatsUIState] = useState('default'); const hasPostingStats = !!postingStats?.total; const renderFamiliarFollowers = async (currentID) => { try { const followers = await memFetchFamiliarFollowers( currentID, currentMasto, ); console.log('fetched familiar followers', followers); setFamiliarFollowers( followers[0].accounts.slice(0, FAMILIAR_FOLLOWERS_LIMIT), ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; const renderPostingStats = async () => { if (!id) return; setPostingStatsUIState('loading'); try { const stats = await memFetchPostingStats(id, masto); setPostingStats(stats); setPostingStatsUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setPostingStatsUIState('error'); } }; const onRelationshipChange = useCallback( ({ relationship, currentID }) => { if (!relationship.following) { renderFamiliarFollowers(currentID); if (!standalone && statusesCount > 0) { // Only render posting stats if not standalone and has posts renderPostingStats(); } } }, [standalone, id, statusesCount], ); const onProfileUpdate = useCallback( (newAccount) => { if ( === id) { console.log('Updated account info', newAccount); setInfo(newAccount); states.accounts[`${}@${instance}`] = newAccount; } }, [id, instance], ); return (
{uiState === 'error' && (

Unable to load account.

Go to account page

)} {uiState === 'loading' ? ( <>

███████ ████ ████

████ ████████ ██████ █████████ ████ ██

) : ( info && ( <> {!!moved && (

{displayName} has indicated that their new account is now:

{ e.stopPropagation(); states.showAccount = moved; }} />
)} {!!header && !/missing\.png$/.test(header) && ( { if ( { if ( !== headerStatic) { = headerStatic; } else {'crossorigin'); = header; } } else if ( !== headerStatic) { = headerStatic; } else {; } }} crossOrigin="anonymous" onLoad={(e) => {'loaded'); try { // Get color from four corners of image const canvas = window.OffscreenCanvas ? new OffscreenCanvas(1, 1) : document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true, }); canvas.width =; canvas.height =; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.drawImage(, 0, 0); // const colors = [ // ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data, // ctx.getImageData( - 1, 0, 1, 1).data, // ctx.getImageData(0, - 1, 1, 1).data, // ctx.getImageData( // - 1, // - 1, // 1, // 1, // ).data, // ]; // Get 10x10 pixels from corners, get average color from each const pixelDimension = 10; const colors = [ ctx.getImageData(0, 0, pixelDimension, pixelDimension) .data, ctx.getImageData( - pixelDimension, 0, pixelDimension, pixelDimension, ).data, ctx.getImageData( 0, - pixelDimension, pixelDimension, pixelDimension, ).data, ctx.getImageData( - pixelDimension, - pixelDimension, pixelDimension, pixelDimension, ).data, ].map((data) => { let r = 0; let g = 0; let b = 0; let a = 0; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) { r += data[i]; g += data[i + 1]; b += data[i + 2]; a += data[i + 3]; } const dataLength = data.length / 4; return [ r / dataLength, g / dataLength, b / dataLength, a / dataLength, ]; }); const rgbColors = => { const [r, g, b, a] = lightenRGB(color); return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`; }); setHeaderCornerColors(rgbColors); console.log({ colors, rgbColors }); } catch (e) { // Silently fail } }} /> )}
{standalone ? ( {}} />
} >
{ const handle = `@${acct}`; try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(handle); showToast('Handle copied'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); showToast('Unable to copy handle'); } }} > Copy handle Go to original profile page View profile image View profile header ) : ( )} ); } const FAMILIAR_FOLLOWERS_LIMIT = 3; function RelatedActions({ info, instance, standalone, authenticated, onRelationshipChange = () => {}, onProfileUpdate = () => {}, }) { if (!info) return null; const { masto: currentMasto, instance: currentInstance, authenticated: currentAuthenticated, } = api(); const sameInstance = instance === currentInstance; const [relationshipUIState, setRelationshipUIState] = useState('default'); const [relationship, setRelationship] = useState(null); const { id, acct, url, username, locked, lastStatusAt, note, fields, moved } = info; const accountID = useRef(id); const { following, showingReblogs, notifying, followedBy, blocking, blockedBy, muting, mutingNotifications, requested, domainBlocking, endorsed, note: privateNote, } = relationship || {}; const [currentInfo, setCurrentInfo] = useState(null); const [isSelf, setIsSelf] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { if (info) { const currentAccount = store.session.get('currentAccount'); let currentID; (async () => { if (sameInstance && authenticated) { currentID = id; } else if (!sameInstance && currentAuthenticated) { // Grab this account from my logged-in instance const acctHasInstance = info.acct.includes('@'); try { const results = await{ q: acctHasInstance ? info.acct : `${info.username}@${instance}`, type: 'accounts', limit: 1, resolve: true, }); console.log('🥏 Fetched account from logged-in instance', results); if (results.accounts.length) { currentID = results.accounts[0].id; setCurrentInfo(results.accounts[0]); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } if (!currentID) return; if (currentAccount === currentID) { // It's myself! setIsSelf(true); return; } accountID.current = currentID; // if (moved) return; setRelationshipUIState('loading'); const fetchRelationships = currentMasto.v1.accounts.relationships.fetch( { id: [currentID], }, ); try { const relationships = await fetchRelationships; console.log('fetched relationship', relationships); setRelationshipUIState('default'); if (relationships.length) { const relationship = relationships[0]; setRelationship(relationship); onRelationshipChange({ relationship, currentID }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); } })(); } }, [info, authenticated]); useEffect(() => { if (info && isSelf) { updateAccount(info); } }, [info, isSelf]); const loading = relationshipUIState === 'loading'; const [showTranslatedBio, setShowTranslatedBio] = useState(false); const [showAddRemoveLists, setShowAddRemoveLists] = useState(false); const [showPrivateNoteModal, setShowPrivateNoteModal] = useState(false); const [showEditProfile, setShowEditProfile] = useState(false); const [lists, setLists] = useState([]); return ( <>
{followedBy ? ( Follows you ) : !!lastStatusAt ? ( Last post:{' '} {niceDateTime(lastStatusAt, { hideTime: true, })} ) : ( )} {muting && Muted} {blocking && Blocked} {' '} {!!privateNote && ( )} } onMenuChange={(e) => { if (following && { // Fetch lists that have this account (async () => { try { const lists = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID.current) .lists.list(); console.log('fetched account lists', lists); setLists(lists); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } })(); } }} > {currentAuthenticated && !isSelf && ( <> { states.showCompose = { draftStatus: { status: `@${currentInfo?.acct || acct} `, }, }; }} > Mention @{username} { setShowTranslatedBio(true); }} > Translate bio { setShowPrivateNoteModal(true); }} > {privateNote ? 'Edit private note' : 'Add private note'} {following && !!relationship && ( <> { setRelationshipUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const rel = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID.current) .follow({ notify: !notifying, }); if (rel) setRelationship(rel); setRelationshipUIState('default'); showToast( rel.notifying ? `Notifications enabled for @${username}'s posts.` : ` Notifications disabled for @${username}'s posts.`, ); } catch (e) { alert(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); } })(); }} > {notifying ? 'Disable notifications' : 'Enable notifications'} { setRelationshipUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const rel = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID.current) .follow({ reblogs: !showingReblogs, }); if (rel) setRelationship(rel); setRelationshipUIState('default'); showToast( rel.showingReblogs ? `Boosts from @${username} disabled.` : `Boosts from @${username} enabled.`, ); } catch (e) { alert(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); } })(); }} > {showingReblogs ? 'Disable boosts' : 'Enable boosts'} )} {/* Add/remove from lists is only possible if following the account */} {following && ( { setShowAddRemoveLists(true); }} > {lists.length ? ( <> Add/Remove from Lists
{ => list.title).join(', ')}
{lists.length} ) : ( Add/Remove from Lists )}
)} )} { const handle = `@${currentInfo?.acct || acct}`; try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(handle); showToast('Handle copied'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); showToast('Unable to copy handle'); } }} > Copy handle
@{currentInfo?.acct || acct}
{niceAccountURL(url)} {!!relationship && ( <> {muting ? ( { setRelationshipUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const newRelationship = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(currentInfo?.id || id) .unmute(); console.log('unmuting', newRelationship); setRelationship(newRelationship); setRelationshipUIState('default'); showToast(`Unmuted @${username}`); = 'mute'; states.reloadGenericAccounts.counter++; } catch (e) { console.error(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); } })(); }} > Unmute @{username} ) : ( Mute @{username}… } > )} Block @{username}? } menuItemClassName="danger" onClick={() => { // if (!blocking && !confirm(`Block @${username}?`)) { // return; // } setRelationshipUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { if (blocking) { const newRelationship = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(currentInfo?.id || id) .unblock(); console.log('unblocking', newRelationship); setRelationship(newRelationship); setRelationshipUIState('default'); showToast(`Unblocked @${username}`); } else { const newRelationship = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(currentInfo?.id || id) .block(); console.log('blocking', newRelationship); setRelationship(newRelationship); setRelationshipUIState('default'); showToast(`Blocked @${username}`); } = 'block'; states.reloadGenericAccounts.counter++; } catch (e) { console.error(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); if (blocking) { showToast(`Unable to unblock @${username}`); } else { showToast(`Unable to block @${username}`); } } })(); }} > {blocking ? ( <> Unblock @{username} ) : ( <> Block @{username}… )} { states.showReportModal = { account: currentInfo || info, }; }} > Report @{username}… )} {currentAuthenticated && isSelf && standalone && ( <> { setShowEditProfile(true); }} > Edit profile )} {import.meta.env.DEV && currentAuthenticated && isSelf && ( <> { const relationships = await currentMasto.v1.accounts.relationships.fetch({ id: [accountID.current], }); const { note } = relationships[0] || {}; if (note) { alert(note); console.log(note); } }} > See note )}
{!relationship && relationshipUIState === 'loading' && ( )} {!!relationship && !moved && ( {requested ? 'Withdraw follow request?' : `Unfollow @${info.acct || info.username}?`}
} menuItemClassName="danger" align="end" disabled={loading} onClick={() => { setRelationshipUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { let newRelationship; if (following || requested) { // const yes = confirm( // requested // ? 'Withdraw follow request?' // : `Unfollow @${info.acct || info.username}?`, // ); // if (yes) { newRelationship = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID.current) .unfollow(); // } } else { newRelationship = await currentMasto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID.current) .follow(); } if (newRelationship) setRelationship(newRelationship); setRelationshipUIState('default'); } catch (e) { alert(e); setRelationshipUIState('error'); } })(); }} > )}
{!!showTranslatedBio && ( { setShowTranslatedBio(false); }} > setShowTranslatedBio(false)} /> )} {!!showAddRemoveLists && ( { setShowAddRemoveLists(false); }} > setShowAddRemoveLists(false)} /> )} {!!showPrivateNoteModal && ( { setShowPrivateNoteModal(false); }} > { setRelationship(relationship); // onRelationshipChange({ relationship, currentID: accountID.current }); }} onClose={() => setShowPrivateNoteModal(false)} /> )} {!!showEditProfile && ( { setShowEditProfile(false); }} > { setShowEditProfile(false); if (state === 'success' && account) { onProfileUpdate(account); } }} /> )} ); } // Apply more alpha if high luminence function lightenRGB([r, g, b]) { const luminence = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; console.log('luminence', luminence); let alpha; if (luminence >= 220) { alpha = 1; } else if (luminence <= 50) { alpha = 0.1; } else { alpha = luminence / 255; } alpha = Math.min(1, alpha); return [r, g, b, alpha]; } function niceAccountURL(url) { if (!url) return; const urlObj = new URL(url); const { host, pathname } = urlObj; const path = pathname.replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/^\//, ''); return ( <> {punycode.toUnicode(host)}/ {path} ); } function TranslatedBioSheet({ note, fields, onClose }) { const fieldsText = fields ?.map(({ name, value }) => `${name}\n${getHTMLText(value)}`) .join('\n\n') || ''; const text = getHTMLText(note) + (fieldsText ? `\n\n${fieldsText}` : ''); return (
{!!onClose && ( )}

Translated Bio


); } function AddRemoveListsSheet({ accountID, onClose }) { const { masto } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const [lists, setLists] = useState([]); const [listsContainingAccount, setListsContainingAccount] = useState([]); const [reloadCount, reload] = useReducer((c) => c + 1, 0); useEffect(() => { setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const lists = await getLists(); setLists(lists); const listsContainingAccount = await masto.v1.accounts .$select(accountID) .lists.list(); console.log({ lists, listsContainingAccount }); setListsContainingAccount(listsContainingAccount); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); } })(); }, [reloadCount]); const [showListAddEditModal, setShowListAddEditModal] = useState(false); return (
{!!onClose && ( )}

Add/Remove from Lists

{lists.length > 0 ? (
    { => { const inList = listsContainingAccount.some( (l) => ===, ); return (
  • ); })}
) : uiState === 'loading' ? (

) : uiState === 'error' ? (

Unable to load lists.

) : (

No lists.

{showListAddEditModal && ( { if ( === e.currentTarget) { setShowListAddEditModal(false); } }} > { if (result.state === 'success') { reload(); } setShowListAddEditModal(false); }} /> )}
); } function PrivateNoteSheet({ account, note: initialNote, onRelationshipChange = () => {}, onClose = () => {}, }) { const { masto } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const textareaRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { let timer; if (textareaRef.current && !initialNote) { timer = setTimeout(() => { textareaRef.current.focus?.(); }, 100); } return () => { clearTimeout(timer); }; }, []); return (
{!!onClose && ( )}
Private note about @{account?.username || account?.acct}
{ e.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(; const note = formData.get('note'); if (note?.trim() !== initialNote?.trim()) { setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { const newRelationship = await masto.v1.accounts .$select(account?.id) .note.create({ comment: note, }); console.log('updated relationship', newRelationship); setUIState('default'); onRelationshipChange(newRelationship); onClose(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); alert(e?.message || 'Unable to update private note.'); } })(); } }} >
); } function EditProfileSheet({ onClose = () => {} }) { const { masto } = api(); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('loading'); const [account, setAccount] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { (async () => { try { const acc = await masto.v1.accounts.verifyCredentials(); setAccount(acc); setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); } })(); }, []); console.log('EditProfileSheet', account); const { displayName, source } = account || {}; const { note, fields } = source || {}; const fieldsAttributesRef = useRef(null); return (
{!!onClose && ( )}
Edit profile
{uiState === 'loading' ? (

) : (
{ e.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(; const displayName = formData.get('display_name'); const note = formData.get('note'); const fieldsAttributesFields = fieldsAttributesRef.current.querySelectorAll( 'input[name^="fields_attributes"]', ); const fieldsAttributes = []; fieldsAttributesFields.forEach((field) => { const name =; const [_, index, key] = name.match(/fields_attributes\[(\d+)\]\[(.+)\]/) || []; const value = field.value ? field.value.trim() : ''; if (index && key && value) { if (!fieldsAttributes[index]) fieldsAttributes[index] = {}; fieldsAttributes[index][key] = value; } }); // Fill in the blanks fieldsAttributes.forEach((field) => { if ( && !field.value) { field.value = ''; } }); (async () => { try { const newAccount = await masto.v1.accounts.updateCredentials({ displayName, note, fieldsAttributes, }); console.log('updated account', newAccount); onClose?.({ state: 'success', account: newAccount, }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert(e?.message || 'Unable to update profile.'); } })(); }} >