import { getBlurHashAverageColor } from 'fast-blurhash'; import { Fragment } from 'preact'; import { useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import QuickPinchZoom, { make3dTransformValue } from 'react-quick-pinch-zoom'; import formatDuration from '../utils/format-duration'; import mem from '../utils/mem'; import states from '../utils/states'; import Icon from './icon'; import Link from './link'; const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // /* Media type === unknown = unsupported or unrecognized file type image = Static image gifv = Looping, soundless animation video = Video clip audio = Audio track */ const dataAltLabel = 'ALT'; const AltBadge = (props) => { const { alt, lang, index, } = props; if (!alt || !alt.trim()) return null; return ( ); }; const MEDIA_CAPTION_LIMIT = 140; const MEDIA_CAPTION_LIMIT_LONGER = 280; export const isMediaCaptionLong = mem((caption) => caption?.length ? caption.length > MEDIA_CAPTION_LIMIT || /[\n\r].*[\n\r]/.test(caption.trim()) : false, ); function Media({ class: className = '', media, to, lang, showOriginal, autoAnimate, showCaption, allowLongerCaption, altIndex, onClick = () => {}, }) { let { blurhash, description, meta, previewRemoteUrl, previewUrl, remoteUrl, url, type, } = media; if (/no\-preview\./i.test(previewUrl)) { previewUrl = null; } const { original = {}, small, focus } = meta || {}; const width = showOriginal ? original?.width : small?.width || original?.width; const height = showOriginal ? original?.height : small?.height || original?.height; const mediaURL = showOriginal ? url : previewUrl || url; const remoteMediaURL = showOriginal ? remoteUrl : previewRemoteUrl || remoteUrl; const hasDimensions = width && height; const orientation = hasDimensions ? width > height ? 'landscape' : 'portrait' : null; const rgbAverageColor = blurhash ? getBlurHashAverageColor(blurhash) : null; const videoRef = useRef(); let focalPosition; if (focus) { // Convert focal point to CSS background position // Formula from jquery-focuspoint // x = -1, y = 1 => 0% 0% // x = 0, y = 0 => 50% 50% // x = 1, y = -1 => 100% 100% const x = ((focus.x + 1) / 2) * 100; const y = ((1 - focus.y) / 2) * 100; focalPosition = `${x.toFixed(0)}% ${y.toFixed(0)}%`; } const mediaRef = useRef(); const onUpdate = useCallback(({ x, y, scale }) => { const { current: media } = mediaRef; if (media) { const value = make3dTransformValue({ x, y, scale }); if (scale === 1) {'transform'); } else {'transform', value); } media.closest('.media-zoom').style.touchAction = scale <= 1.01 ? 'pan-x' : ''; } }, []); const [pinchZoomEnabled, setPinchZoomEnabled] = useState(false); const quickPinchZoomProps = { enabled: pinchZoomEnabled, draggableUnZoomed: false, inertiaFriction: 0.9, tapZoomFactor: 2, doubleTapToggleZoom: true, containerProps: { className: 'media-zoom', style: { overflow: 'visible', // width: 'inherit', // height: 'inherit', // justifyContent: 'inherit', // alignItems: 'inherit', // display: 'inherit', }, }, onUpdate, }; const Parent = useMemo( () => (to ? (props) => : 'div'), [to], ); const remoteMediaURLObj = remoteMediaURL ? getURLObj(remoteMediaURL) : null; const isVideoMaybe = type === 'unknown' && remoteMediaURLObj && /\.(mp4|m4r|m4v|mov|webm)$/i.test(remoteMediaURLObj.pathname); const isAudioMaybe = type === 'unknown' && remoteMediaURLObj && /\.(mp3|ogg|wav|m4a|m4p|m4b)$/i.test(remoteMediaURLObj.pathname); const isImage = type === 'image' || (type === 'unknown' && previewUrl && !isVideoMaybe && !isAudioMaybe); const parentRef = useRef(); const [imageSmallerThanParent, setImageSmallerThanParent] = useState(false); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!isImage) return; if (!showOriginal) return; if (!parentRef.current) return; const { offsetWidth, offsetHeight } = parentRef.current; const smaller = width < offsetWidth && height < offsetHeight; if (smaller) setImageSmallerThanParent(smaller); }, [width, height]); const maxAspectHeight = window.innerHeight * (orientation === 'portrait' ? 0.45 : 0.33); const maxHeight = orientation === 'portrait' ? 0 : 160; const averageColorStyle = { '--average-color': rgbAverageColor && `rgb(${rgbAverageColor.join(',')})`, }; const mediaStyles = width && height ? { '--width': `${width}px`, '--height': `${height}px`, // Calculate '--aspectWidth' based on aspect ratio calculated from '--width' and '--height', max height has to be 160px '--aspectWidth': `${ (width / height) * Math.max(maxHeight, maxAspectHeight) }px`, aspectRatio: `${width} / ${height}`, ...averageColorStyle, } : { ...averageColorStyle, }; const longDesc = isMediaCaptionLong(description); let showInlineDesc = !!showCaption && !showOriginal && !!description && !longDesc; if ( allowLongerCaption && !showInlineDesc && description?.length <= MEDIA_CAPTION_LIMIT_LONGER ) { showInlineDesc = true; } const Figure = !showInlineDesc ? Fragment : (props) => { const { children, ...restProps } = props; return (
{ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); states.showMediaAlt = { alt: description, lang, }; }} > {description}
); }; if (isImage) { // Note: type: unknown might not have width/height = 'inherit'; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!isSafari) return; if (!showOriginal) return; (async () => { try { await fetch(mediaURL, { mode: 'no-cors' }); mediaRef.current.src = mediaURL; } catch (e) { // Ignore } })(); }, [mediaURL]); return (
{showOriginal ? ( {description} {'.media-image').style.backgroundImage = '';'.media-zoom').style.display = ''; setPinchZoomEnabled(true); }} onError={(e) => { const { src } =; if ( src === mediaURL && remoteMediaURL && mediaURL !== remoteMediaURL ) { = remoteMediaURL; } }} /> ) : ( <> {showInlineDesc { //'.media-image').style.backgroundImage = ''; = true; const $media ='.media'); if (!hasDimensions && $media) { const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } =; $media.dataset.orientation = naturalWidth > naturalHeight ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; $'--width', `${naturalWidth}px`); $'--height', `${naturalHeight}px`); $ = `${naturalWidth}/${naturalHeight}`; } // Check natural aspect ratio vs display aspect ratio if ($media) { const { clientWidth, clientHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight, } =; if ( clientWidth && clientHeight && naturalWidth && naturalHeight ) { const naturalAspectRatio = ( naturalWidth / naturalHeight ).toFixed(2); const displayAspectRatio = ( clientWidth / clientHeight ).toFixed(2); const similarThreshold = 0.05; if ( naturalAspectRatio === displayAspectRatio || Math.abs(naturalAspectRatio - displayAspectRatio) < similarThreshold ) { $media.classList.add('has-natural-aspect-ratio'); } // $media.dataset.aspectRatios = `${naturalAspectRatio} ${displayAspectRatio}`; } } }} onError={(e) => { const { src } =; if (src === mediaURL && mediaURL !== remoteMediaURL) { = remoteMediaURL; } }} /> {!showInlineDesc && ( )} )}
); } else if (type === 'gifv' || type === 'video' || isVideoMaybe) { const hasDuration = original.duration > 0; const shortDuration = original.duration < 31; const isGIF = type === 'gifv' && shortDuration; // If GIF is too long, treat it as a video const loopable = original.duration < 61; const formattedDuration = formatDuration(original.duration); const hoverAnimate = !showOriginal && !autoAnimate && isGIF; const autoGIFAnimate = !showOriginal && autoAnimate && isGIF; const showProgress = original.duration > 5; // This string is only for autoplay + muted to work on Mobile Safari const gifHTML = ` `; return (
{ if (hoverAnimate) { try { videoRef.current.pause(); } catch (e) {} } onClick(e); }} onMouseEnter={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try {; } catch (e) {} } }} onMouseLeave={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try { videoRef.current.pause(); } catch (e) {} } }} onFocus={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try {; } catch (e) {} } }} onBlur={() => { if (hoverAnimate) { try { videoRef.current.pause(); } catch (e) {} } }} > {showOriginal || autoGIFAnimate ? ( isGIF && showOriginal ? (
) : isGIF ? (
) : (
) ) : isGIF ? (
); } else if (type === 'audio' || isAudioMaybe) { const formattedDuration = formatDuration(original.duration); return (
{showOriginal ? (
); } } function getURLObj(url) { try { // Fake base URL if url doesn't have https:// prefix return new URL(url, location.origin); } catch (e) { return null; } } export default Media;