import { Fragment } from 'preact';
import { memo } from 'preact/compat';
import shortenNumber from '../utils/shorten-number';
import states from '../utils/states';
import store from '../utils/store';
import useTruncated from '../utils/useTruncated';
import Avatar from './avatar';
import FollowRequestButtons from './follow-request-buttons';
import Icon from './icon';
import Link from './link';
import NameText from './name-text';
import RelativeTime from './relative-time';
import Status from './status';
mention: 'comment',
status: 'notification',
reblog: 'rocket',
follow: 'follow',
follow_request: 'follow-add',
favourite: 'heart',
poll: 'poll',
update: 'pencil',
'admin.signup': 'account-edit',
'': 'account-warning',
severed_relationships: 'unlink',
emoji_reaction: 'emoji2',
'pleroma:emoji_reaction': 'emoji2',
Notification types
mention = Someone mentioned you in their status
status = Someone you enabled notifications for has posted a status
reblog = Someone boosted one of your statuses
follow = Someone followed you
follow_request = Someone requested to follow you
favourite = Someone favourited one of your statuses
poll = A poll you have voted in or created has ended
update = A status you interacted with has been edited
admin.sign_up = Someone signed up (optionally sent to admins) = A new report has been filed
const contentText = {
mention: 'mentioned you in their post.',
status: 'published a post.',
reblog: 'boosted your post.',
'reblog+account': (count) => `boosted ${count} of your posts.`,
reblog_reply: 'boosted your reply.',
follow: 'followed you.',
follow_request: 'requested to follow you.',
favourite: 'liked your post.',
'favourite+account': (count) => `liked ${count} of your posts.`,
favourite_reply: 'liked your reply.',
poll: 'A poll you have voted in or created has ended.',
'poll-self': 'A poll you have created has ended.',
'poll-voted': 'A poll you have voted in has ended.',
update: 'A post you interacted with has been edited.',
'favourite+reblog': 'boosted & liked your post.',
'favourite+reblog+account': (count) =>
`boosted & liked ${count} of your posts.`,
'favourite+reblog_reply': 'boosted & liked your reply.',
'admin.sign_up': 'signed up.',
'': (targetAccount) => <>reported {targetAccount}>,
severed_relationships: (name) => `Relationships with ${name} severed.`,
emoji_reaction: (emoji) => `reacted to your post with ${emoji}.`,
'pleroma:emoji_reaction': (emoji) => `reacted to your post with ${emoji}.`,
// account_suspension, domain_block, user_domain_block
account_suspension: 'Account has been suspended.',
domain_block: 'Domain has been blocked.',
user_domain_block: 'You blocked this domain.',
const AVATARS_LIMIT = 50;
function Notification({
}) {
const { id, status, account, report, event, _accounts, _statuses } =
let { type } = notification;
// status = Attached when type of the notification is favourite, reblog, status, mention, poll, or update
const actualStatus = status?.reblog || status;
const actualStatusID = actualStatus?.id;
const currentAccount = store.session.get('currentAccount');
const isSelf = currentAccount === account?.id;
const isVoted = status?.poll?.voted;
const isReplyToOthers =
!!status?.inReplyToAccountId &&
status?.inReplyToAccountId !== currentAccount &&
status?.account?.id === currentAccount;
let favsCount = 0;
let reblogsCount = 0;
if (type === 'favourite+reblog') {
for (const account of _accounts) {
if (account._types?.includes('favourite')) {
if (account._types?.includes('reblog')) {
if (!reblogsCount && favsCount) type = 'favourite';
if (!favsCount && reblogsCount) type = 'reblog';
let text;
if (type === 'poll') {
text = contentText[isSelf ? 'poll-self' : isVoted ? 'poll-voted' : 'poll'];
} else if (
type === 'reblog' ||
type === 'favourite' ||
type === 'favourite+reblog'
) {
if (_statuses?.length > 1) {
text = contentText[`${type}+account`];
} else if (isReplyToOthers) {
text = contentText[`${type}_reply`];
} else {
text = contentText[type];
} else if (contentText[type]) {
text = contentText[type];
} else {
// Anticipate unhandled notification types, possibly from Mastodon forks or non-Mastodon instances
// This surfaces the error to the user, hoping that users will report it
text = `[Unknown notification type: ${type}]`;
if (typeof text === 'function') {
const count = _statuses?.length || _accounts?.length;
if (type === '') {
const targetAccount = report?.targetAccount;
if (targetAccount) {
text = text(
{!/poll|update/i.test(type) && (
{_accounts?.length > 1 ? (
{' '}
{' '}
) : (
account && (
{event?.purge ? (
'Purged by administrators.'
) : (
{event.relationshipsCount} relationship
{event.relationshipsCount === 1 ? '' : 's'}
{!!event.createdAt && (
{' '}
•{' '}
{_accounts.slice(0, AVATARS_LIMIT).map((account) => (