import emojifyText from './emojify-text'; import mem from './mem'; const fauxDiv = document.createElement('div'); const whitelistLinkClasses = ['u-url', 'mention', 'hashtag']; const HTML_CHARS_REGEX = /[&<>]/g; function escapeHTML(html) { return html.replace( HTML_CHARS_REGEX, (c) => ({ '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', }[c]), ); } const LINK_REGEX = / {} } = opts; let enhancedContent = content; // const dom = document.createElement('div'); // dom.innerHTML = enhancedContent; const dom = createDOM(enhancedContent, returnDOM); const hasLink = LINK_REGEX.test(enhancedContent); const hasCodeBlock = enhancedContent.includes('```'); if (hasLink) { // Add target="_blank" to all links with no target="_blank" // E.g. `note` in `account` const noTargetBlankLinks = dom.querySelectorAll('a:not([target="_blank"])'); for (const link of noTargetBlankLinks) { link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); } // Remove all classes except `u-url`, `mention`, `hashtag` const links = dom.querySelectorAll('a[class]'); for (const link of links) { for (const c of link.classList) { if (!whitelistLinkClasses.includes(c)) { link.classList.remove(c); } } } } // Add 'has-url-text' to all links that contains a url if (hasLink) { const links = dom.querySelectorAll('a[href]'); for (const link of links) { if (HTTP_LINK_REGEX.test(link.textContent.trim())) { link.classList.add('has-url-text'); shortenLink(link); } } } // Spanify un-spanned mentions if (hasLink) { const links = dom.querySelectorAll('a[href]'); const usernames = []; for (const link of links) { const text = link.innerText.trim(); const hasChildren = link.querySelector('*'); // If text looks like @username@domain, then it's a mention if (MENTION_REGEX.test(text)) { // Only show @username const [_, username, domain] = text.split('@'); if (!hasChildren) { if ( !usernames.some(([u]) => u === username) || usernames.some(([u, d]) => u === username && d === domain) ) { link.innerHTML = `@${username}`; usernames.push([username, domain]); } else { link.innerHTML = `@${username}@${domain}`; } } link.classList.add('mention'); } // If text looks like #hashtag, then it's a hashtag if (HASHTAG_REGEX.test(text)) { if (!hasChildren) link.innerHTML = `#${text.slice(1)}`; link.classList.add('mention', 'hashtag'); } } } // EMOJIS // ====== // Convert :shortcode: to let textNodes; if (enhancedContent.includes(':')) { textNodes = extractTextNodes(dom); for (const node of textNodes) { let html = escapeHTML(node.nodeValue); if (emojis) { html = emojifyText(html, emojis); } fauxDiv.innerHTML = html; node.replaceWith(...fauxDiv.childNodes); } } // CODE BLOCKS // =========== // Convert ```code``` to
if (hasCodeBlock) { const blocks = [...dom.querySelectorAll('p')].filter((p) => CODE_BLOCK_REGEX.test(p.innerText.trim()), ); for (const block of blocks) { const pre = document.createElement('pre'); // Replace
with newlines for (const br of block.querySelectorAll('br')) { br.replaceWith('\n'); } pre.innerHTML = `${block.innerHTML.trim()}`; block.replaceWith(pre); } } // Convert multi-paragraph code blocks to
if (hasCodeBlock) { const paragraphs = [...dom.querySelectorAll('p')]; // Filter out paragraphs with ``` in beginning only const codeBlocks = paragraphs.filter((p) => CODE_BLOCK_START_REGEX.test(p.innerText), ); // For each codeBlocks, get all paragraphs until the last paragraph with ``` at the end only for (const block of codeBlocks) { const nextParagraphs = [block]; let hasCodeBlock = false; let currentBlock = block; while (currentBlock.nextElementSibling) { const next = currentBlock.nextElementSibling; if (next && next.tagName === 'P') { if (CODE_BLOCK_END_REGEX.test(next.innerText)) { nextParagraphs.push(next); hasCodeBlock = true; break; } else { nextParagraphs.push(next); } } else { break; } currentBlock = next; } if (hasCodeBlock) { const pre = document.createElement('pre'); for (const p of nextParagraphs) { // Replace
with newlines for (const br of p.querySelectorAll('br')) { br.replaceWith('\n'); } } const codeText = => p.innerHTML).join('\n\n'); pre.innerHTML = `${codeText}`; block.replaceWith(pre); for (const p of nextParagraphs) { p.remove(); } } } } // INLINE CODE // =========== // Convert `code` to code if (enhancedContent.includes('`')) { textNodes = extractTextNodes(dom); for (const node of textNodes) { let html = escapeHTML(node.nodeValue); if (INLINE_CODE_REGEX.test(html)) { html = html.replaceAll(/(`[^]+?`)/g, '$1'); } fauxDiv.innerHTML = html; // const nodes = [...fauxDiv.childNodes]; node.replaceWith(...fauxDiv.childNodes); } } // TWITTER USERNAMES // ================= // Convert to if (TWITTER_DOMAIN_REGEX.test(enhancedContent)) { textNodes = extractTextNodes(dom, { rejectFilter: ['A'], }); for (const node of textNodes) { let html = escapeHTML(node.nodeValue); if (TWITTER_MENTION_REGEX.test(html)) { html = html.replaceAll( TWITTER_MENTION_CAPTURE_REGEX, '$1', ); } fauxDiv.innerHTML = html; // const nodes = [...fauxDiv.childNodes]; node.replaceWith(...fauxDiv.childNodes); } } // HASHTAG STUFFING // ================ // Get the

that contains a lot of hashtags, add a class to it if (enhancedContent.includes('#')) { let prevIndex = null; const hashtagStuffedParagraphs = [...dom.querySelectorAll('p')].filter( (p, index) => { let hashtagCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < p.childNodes.length; i++) { const node = p.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const text = node.textContent.trim(); if (text !== '') { return false; } } else if (node.tagName === 'BR') { // Ignore
} else if (node.tagName === 'A') { const linkText = node.textContent.trim(); if (!linkText || !linkText.startsWith('#')) { return false; } else { hashtagCount++; } } else { return false; } } // Only consider "stuffing" if: // - there are more than 3 hashtags // - there are more than 1 hashtag in adjacent paragraphs if (hashtagCount > 3) { prevIndex = index; return true; } if (hashtagCount > 1 && prevIndex && index === prevIndex + 1) { prevIndex = index; return true; } }, ); if (hashtagStuffedParagraphs?.length) { for (const p of hashtagStuffedParagraphs) { p.classList.add('hashtag-stuffing'); p.title = p.innerText; } } } // ADD ASPECT RATIO TO ALL IMAGES if (enhancedContent.includes(' postEnhanceDOM(dom)); // postEnhanceDOM(dom); // mutate dom } return returnDOM ? dom : dom.innerHTML; } const enhanceContent = mem(_enhanceContent); const defaultRejectFilter = [ // Document metadata 'STYLE', // Image and multimedia 'IMG', 'VIDEO', 'AUDIO', 'AREA', 'MAP', 'TRACK', // Embedded content 'EMBED', 'IFRAME', 'OBJECT', 'PICTURE', 'PORTAL', 'SOURCE', // SVG and MathML 'SVG', 'MATH', // Scripting 'CANVAS', 'NOSCRIPT', 'SCRIPT', // Forms 'INPUT', 'OPTION', 'TEXTAREA', // Web Components 'SLOT', 'TEMPLATE', ]; const defaultRejectFilterMap = Object.fromEntries( => [nodeName, true]), ); const URL_PREFIX_REGEX = /^(https?:\/\/(www\.)?|xmpp:)/; const URL_DISPLAY_LENGTH = 30; // Similar to function shortenLink(link) { if (!link || link.querySelector?.('*')) { return; } try { const url = link.innerText.trim(); const prefix = (url.match(URL_PREFIX_REGEX) || [])[0] || ''; if (!prefix) return; const displayURL = url.slice( prefix.length, prefix.length + URL_DISPLAY_LENGTH, ); const suffix = url.slice(prefix.length + URL_DISPLAY_LENGTH); const cutoff = url.slice(prefix.length).length > URL_DISPLAY_LENGTH; link.innerHTML = `${displayURL}`; } catch (e) {} } function extractTextNodes(dom, opts = {}) { const textNodes = []; const rejectFilterMap = Object.assign( {}, defaultRejectFilterMap, opts.rejectFilter?.reduce((acc, cur) => { acc[cur] = true; return acc; }, {}), ); const walk = document.createTreeWalker( dom, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, { acceptNode(node) { if (rejectFilterMap[node.parentNode.nodeName]) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; }, }, false, ); let node; while ((node = walk.nextNode())) { textNodes.push(node); } return textNodes; } export default enhanceContent;