import debounce from 'just-debounce-it'; import { Link } from 'preact-router/match'; import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import Icon from '../components/icon'; import Loader from '../components/loader'; import Status from '../components/status'; import htmlContentLength from '../utils/html-content-length'; import shortenNumber from '../utils/shorten-number'; import states from '../utils/states'; import store from '../utils/store'; import useTitle from '../utils/useTitle'; const LIMIT = 40; function StatusPage({ id }) { const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const [statuses, setStatuses] = useState([]); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const userInitiated = useRef(true); // Initial open is user-initiated const heroStatusRef = useRef(); const scrollableRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { const onScroll = debounce(() => { // console.log('onScroll'); const { scrollTop } = scrollableRef.current; states.scrollPositions.set(id, scrollTop); }, 100); scrollableRef.current.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, { passive: true, }); onScroll(); return () => { scrollableRef.current?.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); }; }, [id]); useEffect(() => { setUIState('loading'); const cachedStatuses = store.session.getJSON('statuses-' + id); if (cachedStatuses) { // Case 1: It's cached, let's restore them to make it snappy const reallyCachedStatuses = cachedStatuses.filter( (s) => states.statuses.has(, // Some are not cached in the global state, so we need to filter them out ); setStatuses(reallyCachedStatuses); } else { const heroIndex = statuses.findIndex((s) => === id); if (heroIndex !== -1) { // Case 2: It's in current statuses. Slice off all descendant statuses after the hero status to be safe const slicedStatuses = statuses.slice(0, heroIndex + 1); setStatuses(slicedStatuses); } else { // Case 3: Not cached and not in statuses, let's start from scratch setStatuses([{ id }]); } } (async () => { const heroFetch = masto.statuses.fetch(id); const contextFetch = masto.statuses.fetchContext(id); const hasStatus = snapStates.statuses.has(id); let heroStatus = snapStates.statuses.get(id); try { heroStatus = await heroFetch; states.statuses.set(id, heroStatus); } catch (e) { // Silent fail if status is cached if (!hasStatus) { setUIState('error'); alert('Error fetching status'); } return; } try { const context = await contextFetch; const { ancestors, descendants } = context; ancestors.forEach((status) => { states.statuses.set(, status); }); const nestedDescendants = []; descendants.forEach((status) => { states.statuses.set(, status); if (status.inReplyToAccountId === { // If replying to self, it's part of the thread, level 1 nestedDescendants.push(status); } else if (status.inReplyToId === { // If replying to the hero status, it's a reply, level 1 nestedDescendants.push(status); } else { // If replying to someone else, it's a reply to a reply, level 2 const parent = descendants.find((s) => === status.inReplyToId); if (parent) { if (!parent.__replies) { parent.__replies = []; } parent.__replies.push(status); } else { // If no parent, it's probably a reply to a reply to a reply, level 3 console.warn('[LEVEL 3] No parent found for', status); } } }); console.log({ ancestors, descendants, nestedDescendants }); const allStatuses = [ => ({ id:, ancestor: true, accountID:, })), { id, accountID: }, => ({ id:, accountID:, descendant: true, thread: ===, replies: s.__replies?.map((r) => ({ id:, repliesCount: r.repliesCount, content: r.content, })), })), ]; setUIState('default'); console.log({ allStatuses }); setStatuses(allStatuses); store.session.setJSON('statuses-' + id, allStatuses); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); } })(); }, [id, snapStates.reloadStatusPage]); const firstLoad = useRef(true); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!statuses.length) return; const isLoading = uiState === 'loading'; if (userInitiated.current) { const hasAncestors = statuses.findIndex((s) => === id) > 0; // Cannot use `ancestor` key because the hero state is dynamic if (!isLoading && hasAncestors) { // Case 1: User initiated, has ancestors, after statuses are loaded, SNAP to hero status console.log('Case 1'); heroStatusRef.current?.scrollIntoView(); } else if (isLoading && statuses.length > 1) { if (firstLoad.current) { // Case 2.1: User initiated, first load, don't smooth scroll anything console.log('Case 2.1'); heroStatusRef.current?.scrollIntoView(); } else { // Case 2.2: User initiated, while statuses are loading, SMOOTH-SCROLL to hero status console.log('Case 2.2'); heroStatusRef.current?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start', }); } } } else { const scrollPosition = states.scrollPositions.get(id); if (scrollPosition && scrollableRef.current) { // Case 3: Not user initiated (e.g. back/forward button), restore to saved scroll position console.log('Case 3'); scrollableRef.current.scrollTop = scrollPosition; } } console.log('No case', { isLoading, userInitiated: userInitiated.current, statusesLength: statuses.length, firstLoad: firstLoad.current, // scrollPosition, }); if (!isLoading) { // Reset user initiated flag after statuses are loaded userInitiated.current = false; firstLoad.current = false; } }, [statuses, uiState]); const heroStatus = snapStates.statuses.get(id); const heroDisplayName = useMemo(() => { // Remove shortcodes from display name if (!heroStatus) return ''; const { account } = heroStatus; const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = account.displayName; return div.innerText.trim(); }, [heroStatus]); const heroContentText = useMemo(() => { if (!heroStatus) return ''; const { spoilerText, content } = heroStatus; let text; if (spoilerText) { text = spoilerText; } else { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = content; text = div.innerText.trim(); } if (text.length > 64) { // "The title should ideally be less than 64 characters in length" // text = text.slice(0, 64) + '…'; } return text; }, [heroStatus]); useTitle( heroDisplayName && heroContentText ? `${heroDisplayName}: "${heroContentText}"` : 'Status', ); const prevRoute = states.history.findLast((h) => { return h === '/' || /notifications/i.test(h); }); const closeLink = `#${prevRoute || '/'}`; const [limit, setLimit] = useState(LIMIT); const showMore = useMemo(() => { // return number of statuses to show return statuses.length - limit; }, [statuses.length, limit]); const hasManyStatuses = statuses.length > LIMIT; const hasDescendants = statuses.some((s) => s.descendant); return (