import pThrottle from 'p-throttle'; import { snapshot } from 'valtio/vanilla'; import { api } from './api'; import states, { saveStatus } from './states'; export const throttle = pThrottle({ limit: 1, interval: 1000, }); const STATUS_ID_REGEXES = [ /\/@[^@\/]+@?[^\/]+?\/(\d+)$/i, // Mastodon /\/notice\/(\w+)$/i, // Pleroma ]; function getStatusID(path) { for (let i = 0; i < STATUS_ID_REGEXES.length; i++) { const statusMatchID = path.match(STATUS_ID_REGEXES[i])?.[1]; if (statusMatchID) { return statusMatchID; } } return null; } const denylistDomains = /(twitter|github)\.com/i; const failedUnfurls = {}; function _unfurlMastodonLink(instance, url) { const snapStates = snapshot(states); if (denylistDomains.test(url)) { return; } if (failedUnfurls[url]) { return; } const instanceRegex = new RegExp(instance + '/'); if (instanceRegex.test(snapStates.unfurledLinks[url]?.url)) { return Promise.resolve(snapStates.unfurledLinks[url]); } console.debug('🦦 Unfurling URL', url); let remoteInstanceFetch; let theURL = url; // -> if (/\/\/elk\.[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\.[^\/]+/i.test(theURL)) { theURL = theURL.replace(/elk\.[^\/]+\//i, ''); } // -> if (/\/\/trunks\.[^\/]+\/status\/[^\/]+\.[^\/]+/i.test(theURL)) { theURL = theURL.replace(/trunks\.[^\/]+\/status\//i, ''); } // -> if (/\/#\/[^\/]+\.[^\/]+\/s\/.+/i.test(theURL)) { const urlAfterHash = theURL.split('/#/')[1]; const finalURL = urlAfterHash.replace(/\/s\//i, '/@fakeUsername/'); theURL = `https://${finalURL}`; } const urlObj = URL.parse(theURL); if (!urlObj) return; const domain = urlObj.hostname; const path = urlObj.pathname; // Regex /:username/:id, where username = @username or @username@domain, id = post ID let statusMatchID = getStatusID(path); if (statusMatchID) { const id = statusMatchID; const { masto } = api({ instance: domain }); remoteInstanceFetch = masto.v1.statuses .$select(id) .fetch() .then((status) => { if (status?.id) { return { status, instance: domain, }; } else { throw new Error('No results'); } }); } const { masto } = api({ instance }); const mastoSearchFetch = .fetch({ q: theURL, type: 'statuses', resolve: true, limit: 1, }) .then((results) => { const { statuses } = results; if (statuses.length > 0) { // Filter out statuses that has content that contains the URL, in-case-sensitive const theStatuses = statuses.filter( (status) => !status.content?.toLowerCase().includes(theURL.toLowerCase()), ); if (theStatuses.length === 1) { return { status: theStatuses[0], instance, }; } // If there are multiple statuses, give up, something is wrong } throw new Error('No results'); }); function handleFulfill(result) { const { status, instance } = result; const { id } = status; const selfURL = `/${instance}/s/${id}`; console.debug('🦦 Unfurled URL', url, id, selfURL); const data = { id, instance, url: selfURL, }; states.unfurledLinks[url] = data; saveStatus(status, instance, { skipThreading: true, }); return data; } function handleCatch(e) { failedUnfurls[url] = true; } if (remoteInstanceFetch) { // return Promise.any([remoteInstanceFetch, mastoSearchFetch]) // .then(handleFulfill) // .catch(handleCatch); // If mastoSearchFetch is fulfilled within 3s, return it, else return remoteInstanceFetch const finalPromise = Promise.race([ mastoSearchFetch, new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(reject, 3000)), ]).catch(() => { // If remoteInstanceFetch is fullfilled, return it, else return mastoSearchFetch return remoteInstanceFetch.catch(() => mastoSearchFetch); }); return finalPromise.then(handleFulfill).catch(handleCatch); } else { return mastoSearchFetch.then(handleFulfill).catch(handleCatch); } } const unfurlMastodonLink = throttle(_unfurlMastodonLink); export default unfurlMastodonLink;