import { t, Trans } from '@lingui/macro'; import { memo } from 'preact/compat'; import { useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import { api } from '../utils/api'; import states from '../utils/states'; import { getAccountByAccessToken, getCurrentAccount, } from '../utils/store-utils'; import usePageVisibility from '../utils/usePageVisibility'; import Icon from './icon'; import Link from './link'; import Modal from './modal'; import Notification from './notification'; { if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { console.log('👂👂👂 Listen to message'); navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', (event) => { console.log('💥💥💥 Message event', event); const { type, id, accessToken } = event?.data || {}; if (type === 'notification') { states.routeNotification = { id, accessToken, }; } }); } } export default memo(function NotificationService() { if (!('serviceWorker' in navigator)) return null; const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const { routeNotification } = snapStates; console.log('🛎️ Notification service', routeNotification); const { id, accessToken } = routeNotification || {}; const [showNotificationSheet, setShowNotificationSheet] = useState(false); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!id || !accessToken) return; const { instance: currentInstance } = api(); const { masto, instance } = api({ accessToken, }); console.log('API', { accessToken, currentInstance, instance }); const sameInstance = currentInstance === instance; const account = accessToken ? getAccountByAccessToken(accessToken) : getCurrentAccount(); (async () => { const notification = await masto.v1.notifications.$select(id).fetch(); if (notification && account) { console.log('🛎️ Notification', { id, notification, account }); const accountInstance = account.instanceURL; const { type, status, account: notificationAccount } = notification; const hasModal = !!document.querySelector('#modal-container > *'); const isFollow = type === 'follow' && !!notificationAccount?.id; const hasAccount = !!notificationAccount?.id; const hasStatus = !!status?.id; if (isFollow && sameInstance) { // Show account sheet, can handle different instances states.showAccount = { account: notificationAccount, instance: accountInstance, }; } else if (hasModal || !sameInstance || (hasAccount && hasStatus)) { // Show sheet of notification, if // - there is a modal open // - the notification is from another instance // - the notification has both account and status, gives choice for users to go to account or status setShowNotificationSheet({ id, account, notification, sameInstance, }); } else { if (hasStatus) { // Go to status page location.hash = `/${currentInstance}/s/${}`; } else if (isFollow) { // Go to profile page location.hash = `/${currentInstance}/a/${}`; } else { // Go to notifications page location.hash = '/notifications'; } } } else { console.warn('🛎️ Notification not found', id); } })(); }, [id, accessToken]); // useLayoutEffect(() => { // // Listen to message from service worker // const handleMessage = (event) => { // console.log('💥💥💥 Message event', event); // const { type, id, accessToken } = event?.data || {}; // if (type === 'notification') { // states.routeNotification = { // id, // accessToken, // }; // } // }; // console.log('👂👂👂 Listen to message'); // navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', handleMessage); // return () => { // console.log('👂👂👂 Remove listen to message'); // navigator.serviceWorker.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage); // }; // }, []); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (navigator?.clearAppBadge) { navigator.clearAppBadge(); } }, []); usePageVisibility((visible) => { if (visible && navigator?.clearAppBadge) { console.log('🔰 Clear app badge'); navigator.clearAppBadge(); } }); const onClose = () => { setShowNotificationSheet(false); states.routeNotification = null; // If url is #/notifications?id=123, go to #/notifications if (/\/notifications\?id=/i.test(location.hash)) { location.hash = '/notifications'; } }; if (showNotificationSheet) { const { id, account, notification, sameInstance } = showNotificationSheet; return ( { if ( === e.currentTarget) { onClose(); } }} >
{!sameInstance && (

This notification is from your other account.

{ const { target } = e; // If button or links if ( === 'BUTTON' || === 'A') { onClose(); } }} >
View all notifications {' '}
); } return null; });