import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:android_intent_plus/android_intent.dart'; import 'package:circular_reveal_animation/circular_reveal_animation.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:kiwi/kiwi.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/api/api.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/di_container.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util; import 'package:nc_photos/help_utils.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/k.dart' as k; import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/android/android_info.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/android/content_uri_image_provider.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/android/k.dart' as android; import 'package:nc_photos/object_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/platform/k.dart' as platform_k; import 'package:nc_photos/snack_bar_manager.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/theme.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/url_launcher_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/handler/permission_handler.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/image_editor_persist_option_dialog.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/selectable.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/settings.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/stateful_slider.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos_plugin/nc_photos_plugin.dart'; class ImageEnhancerArguments { const ImageEnhancerArguments(this.account, this.file, this.isSaveToServer); final Account account; final File file; final bool isSaveToServer; } class ImageEnhancer extends StatefulWidget { static const routeName = "/image-enhancer"; static Route buildRoute(ImageEnhancerArguments args) => MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => ImageEnhancer.fromArgs(args), ); static bool isSupportedFormat(File file) => file_util.isSupportedImageFormat(file) && file.contentType != "image/gif"; const ImageEnhancer({ super.key, required this.account, required this.file, required this.isSaveToServer, }); ImageEnhancer.fromArgs(ImageEnhancerArguments args, {Key? key}) : this( key: key, account: args.account, file: args.file, isSaveToServer: args.isSaveToServer, ); @override createState() => _ImageEnhancerState(); final Account account; final File file; final bool isSaveToServer; } class _ImageEnhancerState extends State { @override initState() { super.initState(); _c = KiwiContainer().resolve(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { _showInitialDialogs(); }); } @override build(BuildContext context) => AppTheme.dark( child: Scaffold( body: Builder( builder: _buildContent, ), ), ); Widget _buildContent(BuildContext context) { return ColoredBox( color:, child: Column( children: [ _buildAppBar(context), Expanded( child: PageView.builder( controller: _pageController, physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(), itemCount: _options.length, itemBuilder: (context, i) => Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(48), child: _options[i].showcaseBuilder(context), ), ), ), SizedBox( height: 36, child: ListView.builder( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2 - 80), scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, itemCount: _options.length, itemBuilder: _buildItem, ), ), const SizedBox(height: 8), Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24), height: 72, alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, child: Text(_selectedOption.description), ), ], ), ); } Widget _buildAppBar(BuildContext context) => AppBar( backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, shadowColor: Colors.transparent, foregroundColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(.87), title: Text(, actions: [ TextButton( child: Text(, style: const TextStyle( color: Colors.white, ), ), onPressed: () => _onSavePressed(context), ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.help_outline), tooltip:, onPressed: () { launch(; }, ), ], ); Widget _buildItem(BuildContext context, int index) { final opt = _options[index]; return _ListChild( title: opt.title, isSelected: identical(_selectedOption, opt), onTap: () { setState(() { _selectedOption = opt; _pageController.animateToPage( index, duration: k.animationDurationNormal, curve: Curves.easeInOut, ); }); }, ); } Future _onSavePressed(BuildContext context) async { final args = await _getArgs(context, _selectedOption.algorithm); if (args == null) { // user canceled return; } switch (_selectedOption.algorithm) { case _Algorithm.zeroDce: await ImageProcessor.zeroDce( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), args["iteration"] ?? 8, headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; case _Algorithm.deepLab3Portrait: await ImageProcessor.deepLab3Portrait( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), args["radius"] ?? 16, headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; case _Algorithm.esrgan: await ImageProcessor.esrgan( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; case _Algorithm.arbitraryStyleTransfer: await ImageProcessor.arbitraryStyleTransfer( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, math.min( _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _isAtLeast5GbRam() ? 1600 : 1280), math.min( _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), _isAtLeast5GbRam() ? 1200 : 960), args["styleUri"], args["weight"], headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; case _Algorithm.deepLab3ColorPop: await ImageProcessor.deepLab3ColorPop( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), args["weight"], headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; case _Algorithm.neurOp: await ImageProcessor.neurOp( "${widget.account.url}/${widget.file.path}", widget.file.filename, _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxWidthOr(), _c.pref.getEnhanceMaxHeightOr(), headers: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, isSaveToServer: widget.isSaveToServer, ); break; } Navigator.of(context).pop(); } Future _showInitialDialogs() async { if (!_c.pref.hasShownEnhanceInfoOr()) { await _showInfo(context); } if (!mounted) { return; } final value = await _ensurePermission(); if (!mounted || !value) { return; } if (!_c.pref.hasShownSaveEditResultDialogOr()) { await _showSaveEditResultDialog(context); } } Future _ensurePermission() async { if (!await const PermissionHandler().ensureStorageWritePermission()) { if (mounted) { Navigator.of(context).pop(); } return false; } else { return true; } } Future _showInfo(BuildContext context) async { await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AlertDialog( title: Text(, content: Text(, actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { launch(enhanceUrl); }, child: Text(, ), TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(EnhancementSettings.routeName); }, child: Text(, ), TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, child: Text(MaterialLocalizations.of(context).closeButtonLabel), ), ], ), ); unawaited(_c.pref.setHasShownEnhanceInfo(true)); } Future _showSaveEditResultDialog(BuildContext context) async { await showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: false, builder: (context) => const ImageEditorPersistOptionDialog(isFromEditor: false), ); } Future?> _getArgs( BuildContext context, _Algorithm selected) async { switch (selected) { case _Algorithm.zeroDce: return _getZeroDceArgs(context); case _Algorithm.deepLab3Portrait: return _getDeepLab3PortraitArgs(context); case _Algorithm.esrgan: return {}; case _Algorithm.arbitraryStyleTransfer: return _getArbitraryStyleTransferArgs(context); case _Algorithm.deepLab3ColorPop: return _getDeepLab3ColorPopArgs(context); case _Algorithm.neurOp: return {}; } } Future?> _getZeroDceArgs(BuildContext context) async { var current = .8; final iteration = await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AppTheme( child: AlertDialog( title: Text(, contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24.0, 20.0, 24.0, 0), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Icon( Icons.brightness_low, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), Expanded( child: StatefulSlider( initialValue: current, onChangeEnd: (value) { current = value; }, ), ), Icon( Icons.brightness_high, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), ], ), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { final iteration = (current * 10).round().clamp(1, 10); Navigator.of(context).pop(iteration); }, child: Text(, ), ], ), ), );"[_getZeroDceArgs] iteration: $iteration"); return iteration?.run((it) => {"iteration": it}); } Future?> _getDeepLab3PortraitArgs( BuildContext context) async { var current = .5; final radius = await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AppTheme( child: AlertDialog( title: Text(, contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24.0, 20.0, 24.0, 0), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Icon(, size: 20, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), Expanded( child: StatefulSlider( initialValue: current, onChangeEnd: (value) { current = value; }, ), ), Icon( Icons.blur_on, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), ], ), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { final radius = (current * 25).round().clamp(1, 25); Navigator.of(context).pop(radius); }, child: Text(, ), ], ), ), );"[_getDeepLab3PortraitArgs] radius: $radius"); return radius?.run((it) => {"radius": it}); } Future?> _getArbitraryStyleTransferArgs( BuildContext context) async { final result = await showDialog<_StylePickerResult>( context: context, builder: (_) => const _StylePicker(), ); if (result == null) { // user canceled return null; } else { return { "styleUri": result.styleUri, "weight": result.weight, }; } } Future?> _getDeepLab3ColorPopArgs( BuildContext context) async { var current = 1.0; final weight = await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AppTheme( child: AlertDialog( title: Text(, contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24.0, 20.0, 24.0, 0), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Icon( Icons.water_drop, size: 20, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), Expanded( child: StatefulSlider( initialValue: current, onChangeEnd: (value) { current = value; }, ), ), Icon( Icons.water_drop_outlined, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), ], ), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(current); }, child: Text(, ), ], ), ), );"[_getDeepLab3ColorPopArgs] weight: $weight"); return weight?.run((it) => {"weight": it}); } bool _isAtLeast4GbRam() { // We can't compare with 4096 directly as some RAM are preserved return AndroidInfo().totalMemMb > 3584; } bool _isAtLeast5GbRam() { return AndroidInfo().totalMemMb > 4608; } late final _options = [ if (platform_k.isAndroid) ...[ _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceRetouchUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _RetouchShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.neurOp, ), _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceDeepLabColorPopUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _ColorPopShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.deepLab3ColorPop, ), _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceZeroDceUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _LowLightShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.zeroDce, ), _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceDeepLabPortraitBlurUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _PortraitBlurShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.deepLab3Portrait, ), _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceEsrganUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _SuperResolutionShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.esrgan, ), if (_isAtLeast4GbRam()) _Option( title:, description:, link: enhanceStyleTransferUrl, showcaseBuilder: (_) => const _StyleTransferShowcase(), algorithm: _Algorithm.arbitraryStyleTransfer, ), ], ]; late final DiContainer _c; late var _selectedOption = _options[0]; late final _pageController = PageController(keepPage: false); static final _log = Logger("widget.image_enhancer._ImageEnhancerState"); } enum _Algorithm { zeroDce, deepLab3Portrait, esrgan, arbitraryStyleTransfer, deepLab3ColorPop, neurOp, } class _Option { const _Option({ required this.title, required this.description, required, required this.showcaseBuilder, required this.algorithm, }); final String title; final String description; final String link; final Widget Function(BuildContext context) showcaseBuilder; final _Algorithm algorithm; } class _ListChild extends StatelessWidget { const _ListChild({ required this.title, required this.isSelected, required this.onTap, }); @override build(BuildContext context) { return ClipRRect( borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(24)), child: Material( type: MaterialType.transparency, child: InkWell( onTap: onTap, child: Container( color: isSelected ? Colors.white24 : null, alignment:, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 32), child: Text( title, style: TextStyle( color: isSelected ? Colors.white : AppTheme.unfocusedIconColorDark, ), ), ), ), ), ); } final String title; final bool isSelected; final VoidCallback? onTap; } mixin _ShowcaseStateMixin on State, TickerProviderStateMixin { @override initState() { super.initState(); Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 250)).then((_) { if (mounted) { animController.forward(); } }); } @override dispose() { animController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } late final animController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: const Duration(seconds: 1), ); late final Animation anim = CurvedAnimation( parent: animController, curve: Curves.easeIn, ); } class _RetouchShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _RetouchShowcase(); @override createState() => _RetouchShowcaseState(); } class _RetouchShowcaseState extends State<_RetouchShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/retouch0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/retouch1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _ColorPopShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _ColorPopShowcase(); @override createState() => _ColorPopShowcaseState(); } class _ColorPopShowcaseState extends State<_ColorPopShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/color-pop0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/color-pop1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _LowLightShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _LowLightShowcase(); @override createState() => _LowLightShowcaseState(); } class _LowLightShowcaseState extends State<_LowLightShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/low-light0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/low-light1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _PortraitBlurShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _PortraitBlurShowcase(); @override createState() => _PortraitBlurShowcaseState(); } class _PortraitBlurShowcaseState extends State<_PortraitBlurShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/portrait-blur0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/portrait-blur1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _SuperResolutionShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _SuperResolutionShowcase(); @override createState() => _SuperResolutionShowcaseState(); } class _SuperResolutionShowcaseState extends State<_SuperResolutionShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/super-resolution0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/super-resolution1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _StyleTransferShowcase extends StatefulWidget { const _StyleTransferShowcase(); @override createState() => _StyleTransferShowcaseState(); } class _StyleTransferShowcaseState extends State<_StyleTransferShowcase> with TickerProviderStateMixin, _ShowcaseStateMixin { @override build(BuildContext context) => Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset( "assets/style-transfer0.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), CircularRevealAnimation( animation: anim, centerAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: Image.asset( "assets/style-transfer1.jpg", fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ], ); } class _StylePickerResult { const _StylePickerResult(this.styleUri, this.weight); final String styleUri; final double weight; } class _StylePicker extends StatefulWidget { const _StylePicker({ Key? key, }) : super(key: key); @override createState() => _StylePickerState(); } class _StylePickerState extends State<_StylePicker> { @override build(BuildContext context) { return AppTheme( child: AlertDialog( title: Text(, contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24.0, 20.0, 24.0, 0), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ if (_selected != null) ...[ Align( alignment:, child: SizedBox( width: 128, height: 128, child: Image( image: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded( 128, null, ContentUriImage(_getSelectedUri())), fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), ), const SizedBox(height: 16), ], Wrap( runSpacing: 8, spacing: 8, children: [ ..._bundledStyles.mapIndexed((i, e) => _buildItem( i, Image( image: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded( _thumbSize, null, ContentUriImage(e)), fit: BoxFit.cover, ), )), if (_customUri != null) _buildItem( _bundledStyles.length, Image( image: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded( _thumbSize, null, ContentUriImage(_customUri!)), fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), InkWell( onTap: _onCustomTap, child: SizedBox( width: _thumbSize.toDouble(), height: _thumbSize.toDouble(), child: const Icon( Icons.file_open_outlined, size: 24, ), ), ), ], ), const SizedBox(height: 16), Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Icon( Icons.auto_fix_normal, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), Expanded( child: StatefulSlider( initialValue: _weight, min: .01, onChangeEnd: (value) { _weight = value; }, ), ), Icon( Icons.auto_fix_high, color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), ], ), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { if (_selected == null) { SnackBarManager().showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text( .enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification), duration: k.snackBarDurationNormal, )); } else { final result = _StylePickerResult(_getSelectedUri(), _weight); Navigator.of(context).pop(result); } }, child: Text(, ), ], ), ); } Widget _buildItem(int index, Widget child) { return SizedBox( width: _thumbSize.toDouble(), height: _thumbSize.toDouble(), child: Selectable( isSelected: _selected == index, iconSize: 24, child: child, onTap: () { setState(() { _selected = index; }); }, ), ); } Future _onCustomTap() async { const intent = AndroidIntent( action: android.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, type: "image/*", category: android.CATEGORY_OPENABLE, arguments: { android.EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY: true, }, ); final result = await intent.launchForResult();"[onCustomTap] Intent result: $result"); if (result?.resultCode == android.resultOk) { if (mounted) { setState(() { _customUri = result!.data; _selected = _bundledStyles.length; }); } } } String _getSelectedUri() { return _selected! < _bundledStyles.length ? _bundledStyles[_selected!] : _customUri!; } int? _selected; String? _customUri; double _weight = .85; static const _thumbSize = 56; static const _bundledStyles = [ "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/1.jpg", "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/2.jpg", "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/3.jpg", "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/4.jpg", "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/5.jpg", "file:///android_asset/tf/arbitrary-style-transfer/6.jpg", ]; static final _log = Logger("widget.image_enhancer._StylePickerState"); }