part of '../account_picker_dialog.dart'; @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> with BlocLogger { _Bloc({ required DiContainer container, required this.accountController, required this.prefController, required this.db, }) : _c = container, super(_State.init( accounts: container.pref.getAccounts3Or([]), )) { on<_ToggleDropdown>(_onToggleDropdown); on<_SwitchAccount>(_onSwitchAccount); on<_DeleteAccount>(_onDeleteAccount); on<_SetDarkTheme>(_onSetDarkTheme); on<_SetError>(_onSetError); } @override void onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { // we need this to prevent onError being triggered recursively if (!isClosed && !_isHandlingError) { _isHandlingError = true; try { add(_SetError(error, stackTrace)); } catch (_) {} _isHandlingError = false; } super.onError(error, stackTrace); } @override String get tag => _log.fullName; void _onToggleDropdown(_ToggleDropdown ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(isOpenDropdown: !state.isOpenDropdown)); } Future<void> _onSwitchAccount(_SwitchAccount ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; await _prefLock.protect(() async { final index = state.accounts.indexOf(ev.account); if (index == -1) { throw StateError("Account not found"); } await _c.pref.setCurrentAccountIndex(index); emit(state.copyWith(newSelectAccount: ev.account)); }); } Future<void> _onDeleteAccount(_DeleteAccount ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; emit(state.copyWith( accounts: state.accounts.where((a) => !=, )); try { await _prefLock.protect(() async { final accounts = _c.pref.getAccounts3()!; final currentAccount = accounts[_c.pref.getCurrentAccountIndex()!]; accounts.remove(ev.account); final newAccountIndex = accounts.indexOf(currentAccount); if (newAccountIndex == -1) { throw StateError( "Active account not found in resulting account list"); } try { await AccountPref.of(ev.account).provider.clear(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _log.shout("[_onDeleteAccount] Failed while removing account pref", e, stackTrace); } await Pref().setAccounts3(accounts); await Pref().setCurrentAccountIndex(newAccountIndex); // check if the same account (server + userId) still exists in known // accounts if (!accounts.any( (a) => a.url == ev.account.url && a.userId == ev.account.userId)) { // account removed, clear cache db unawaited(_removeAccountFromDb(ev.account)); } }); } catch (e) { rethrow; } } void _onSetDarkTheme(_SetDarkTheme ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; prefController.setDarkTheme(ev.value); } void _onSetError(_SetError ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(error: ExceptionEvent(ev.error, ev.stackTrace))); } Future<void> _removeAccountFromDb(Account account) async { try { await db.deleteAccount(account.toDb()); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _log.shout("[_removeAccountFromDb] Failed while removing account from db", e, stackTrace); } } final DiContainer _c; final AccountController accountController; final PrefController prefController; final NpDb db; late final Account activeAccount = accountController.account; final _prefLock = Mutex(); var _isHandlingError = false; }