part of '../search_landing.dart'; @genCopyWith @toString class _State { const _State({ required this.persons, required this.isPersonsLoading, required this.transformedPersonItems, required this.places, required this.isPlacesLoading, required this.transformedPlaceItems, this.error, }); factory _State.init() => const _State( persons: [], isPersonsLoading: false, transformedPersonItems: [], places: LocationGroupResult([], [], [], []), isPlacesLoading: false, transformedPlaceItems: [], ); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List persons; final bool isPersonsLoading; final List<_PersonItem> transformedPersonItems; final LocationGroupResult places; final bool isPlacesLoading; final List<_PlaceItem> transformedPlaceItems; final ExceptionEvent? error; } abstract class _Event {} /// Load the list of [Person]s belonging to this account @toString class _LoadPersons implements _Event { const _LoadPersons(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } @toString class _TransformPersonItems implements _Event { const _TransformPersonItems(this.persons); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List persons; } /// Load the location groups belonging to this account @toString class _LoadPlaces implements _Event { const _LoadPlaces(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } /// Transform the location groups (e.g., filtering, sorting, etc) @toString class _TransformPlaceItems implements _Event { const _TransformPlaceItems(this.places); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final LocationGroupResult places; }