import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/android/self_signed_cert.dart'; import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart'; import 'package:np_common/type.dart'; import 'package:np_string/np_string.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_lib; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; part 'self_signed_cert_manager.g.dart'; @npLog class SelfSignedCertManager { factory SelfSignedCertManager() => _inst; SelfSignedCertManager._(); Future init() async { = _CustomHttpOverrides(); final infos = await _readAllCerts(); _whitelist = infos; } /// Verify [cert] and return if it's registered in the whitelist for [host] bool verify(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) { final fingerprint = _sha1BytesToString(cert.sha1); return _whitelist.any((info) => fingerprint == info.sha1 && host.toLowerCase() ==; } String getLastBadCertHost() =>; String getLastBadCertFingerprint() => _sha1BytesToString(_latestBadCert.cert.sha1); /// Whitelist the last bad cert Future whitelistLastBadCert() async { final info = await _writeCert(, _latestBadCert.cert); _whitelist.add(info); unawaited(SelfSignedCert.reload()); return info; } /// Clear all whitelisted certs and they will no longer be allowed afterwards Future clearWhitelist() async { final certDir = await _openCertsDir(); await certDir.delete(recursive: true); _whitelist.clear(); return SelfSignedCert.reload(); } Future removeFromWhitelist(CertInfo cert) async { final certDir = await _openCertsDir(); final certFiles = (await certDir.list().toList()).whereType(); for (final f in certFiles) { if (!f.path.endsWith(".json")) { continue; } try { final info = CertInfo.fromJson(jsonDecode(await f.readAsString())); if (info == cert) { final pemF = File(f.path.slice(0, -5)); await Future.wait([f.delete(), pemF.delete()]); "[removeFromWhitelist] File removed: ${f.path}, ${pemF.path}"); unawaited(SelfSignedCert.reload()); _whitelist.remove(cert); return true; } } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.severe( "[removeFromWhitelist] Failed to read certificate file: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)}", e, stacktrace); } } return false; } List get whitelist => _whitelist.toList(); /// Read and return all persisted certificate infos Future> _readAllCerts() async { final products = []; final certDir = await _openCertsDir(); final certFiles = (await certDir.list().toList()).whereType(); for (final f in certFiles) { if (!f.path.endsWith(".json")) { continue; } try { final info = CertInfo.fromJson(jsonDecode(await f.readAsString())); "[_readAllCerts] Found certificate info: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)} for host: ${}"); products.add(info); } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.severe( "[_readAllCerts] Failed to read certificate file: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)}", e, stacktrace); } } return products; } /// Persist a new cert and return the info object Future _writeCert(String host, X509Certificate cert) async { final certDir = await _openCertsDir(); while (true) { final fileName = const Uuid().v4(); final certF = File("${certDir.path}/$fileName"); if (await certF.exists()) { continue; } await certF.writeAsString(cert.pem, flush: true); final siteF = File("${certDir.path}/$fileName.json"); final certInfo = CertInfo.fromX509Certificate(host, cert); await siteF.writeAsString(jsonEncode(certInfo.toJson()), flush: true); "[_persistBadCert] Persisted cert at '${certF.path}' for host '${}'"); return certInfo; } } Future _openCertsDir() async { final privateDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory(); final certDir = Directory("${privateDir.path}/certs"); if (!await certDir.exists()) { return certDir.create(); } else { return certDir; } } late _BadCertInfo _latestBadCert; var _whitelist = []; static final _inst = SelfSignedCertManager._(); } // Modifications to this class must also reflect on Android side final class CertInfo with EquatableMixin { const CertInfo({ required, required this.sha1, required this.subject, required this.issuer, required this.startValidity, required this.endValidity, }); factory CertInfo.fromX509Certificate(String host, X509Certificate cert) { return CertInfo( host: host, sha1: _sha1BytesToString(cert.sha1), subject: cert.subject, issuer: cert.issuer, startValidity: cert.startValidity, endValidity: cert.endValidity, ); } JsonObj toJson() { return { "host": host, "sha1": sha1, "subject": subject, "issuer": issuer, "startValidity": startValidity.toUtc().toIso8601String(), "endValidity": endValidity.toUtc().toIso8601String(), }; } factory CertInfo.fromJson(JsonObj json) { return CertInfo( host: json["host"], sha1: json["sha1"], subject: json["subject"], issuer: json["issuer"], startValidity: DateTime.parse(json["startValidity"]), endValidity: DateTime.parse(json["endValidity"]), ); } @override List get props => [ host, sha1, subject, issuer, startValidity, endValidity, ]; final String host; final String sha1; final String subject; final String issuer; final DateTime startValidity; final DateTime endValidity; } class _BadCertInfo { _BadCertInfo(this.cert,, this.port); final X509Certificate cert; final String host; final int port; } @npLog class _CustomHttpOverrides extends HttpOverrides { @override HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext? context) { return super.createHttpClient(context) ..badCertificateCallback = (cert, host, port) { try { if (SelfSignedCertManager().verify(cert, host, port)) { // _log.warning( // "[badCertificateCallback] Allowing whitelisted self-signed cert"); return true; } } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.shout("[badCertificateCallback] Failed while verifying cert", e, stacktrace); } SelfSignedCertManager()._latestBadCert = _BadCertInfo(cert, host, port); return false; }; } } String _sha1BytesToString(Uint8List bytes) => => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, "0")).join();