import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:np_api/np_api.dart' as api; import 'package:np_string/np_string.dart'; import 'package:to_string/to_string.dart'; part 'recognize_face_item.g.dart'; @ToString(ignoreNull: true) class RecognizeFaceItem with EquatableMixin { const RecognizeFaceItem({ required this.path, required this.fileId, this.contentLength, this.contentType, this.etag, this.lastModified, this.hasPreview, this.realPath, this.isFavorite, this.fileMetadataWidth, this.fileMetadataHeight, this.faceDetections, }); @override String toString() => _$toString(); @override List<Object?> get props => [ path, fileId, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, hasPreview, realPath, isFavorite, fileMetadataWidth, fileMetadataHeight, faceDetections, ]; final String path; final int fileId; final int? contentLength; final String? contentType; final String? etag; final DateTime? lastModified; final bool? hasPreview; final String? realPath; final bool? isFavorite; final int? fileMetadataWidth; final int? fileMetadataHeight; final List<Map<String, dynamic>>? faceDetections; } extension RecognizeFaceItemExtension on RecognizeFaceItem { /// Return the path of this item with the DAV part stripped /// /// WebDAV file path: remote.php/dav/recognize/{userId}/faces/{face}/{strippedPath}. /// If this path points to the user's root album path, return "." String get strippedPath { if (!path.startsWith("${api.ApiRecognize.path}/")) { throw ArgumentError("Unsupported path: $path"); } var begin = "${api.ApiRecognize.path}/".length; begin = path.indexOf("/", begin); if (begin == -1) { throw ArgumentError("Unsupported path: $path"); } // /faces/{face}/{strippedPath} if (path.slice(begin, begin + 6) != "/faces") { throw ArgumentError("Unsupported path: $path"); } begin += 7; // {face}/{strippedPath} begin = path.indexOf("/", begin); if (begin == -1) { return "."; } return path.slice(begin + 1); } bool compareIdentity(RecognizeFaceItem other) => fileId == other.fileId; int get identityHashCode => fileId.hashCode; static int identityComparator(RecognizeFaceItem a, RecognizeFaceItem b) => a.fileId.compareTo(b.fileId); File toFile() { Metadata? metadata; if (fileMetadataWidth != null && fileMetadataHeight != null) { metadata = Metadata( imageWidth: fileMetadataWidth, imageHeight: fileMetadataHeight, ); } return File( path: realPath ?? path, fileId: fileId, contentLength: contentLength, contentType: contentType, etag: etag, lastModified: lastModified, hasPreview: hasPreview, isFavorite: isFavorite, metadata: metadata, ); } }