import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/k.dart' as k; import 'package:nc_photos/num_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/snack_bar_manager.dart'; import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart'; import 'package:np_ui/np_ui.dart'; import 'package:to_string/to_string.dart'; part 'slideshow_dialog.g.dart'; @toString class SlideshowConfig { SlideshowConfig({ required this.duration, required this.isShuffle, required this.isRepeat, required this.isReverse, }); @override String toString() => _$toString(); /// Time where each item is shown final Duration duration; /// Whether to shuffle the items final bool isShuffle; /// Whether to repeat the slideshow after finishing final bool isRepeat; /// Whether to show the items in reverse order final bool isReverse; } class SlideshowDialog extends StatefulWidget { const SlideshowDialog({ Key? key, required this.duration, required this.isShuffle, required this.isRepeat, required this.isReverse, }) : super(key: key); @override createState() => _SlideshowDialogState(); final Duration duration; final bool isShuffle; final bool isRepeat; final bool isReverse; } @npLog class _SlideshowDialogState extends State { @override initState() { super.initState(); _durationSecond = widget.duration.inSeconds % 60; _durationMinute = widget.duration.inMinutes; } @override build(BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text(, content: Form( key: _formKey, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall, ), Row( children: [ Flexible( flex: 1, child: TextFormField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText:, ), keyboardType: TextInputType.number, validator: (value) { if (_durationSecond == 0 && int.tryParse(value!) == 0) { return; } if (int.tryParse(value!)?.inRange(0, 59) == true) { return null; } return; }, onSaved: (value) { _formValue.minute = int.parse(value!); }, onChanged: (value) { try { _durationMinute = int.parse(value); } catch (_) {} }, initialValue: widget.duration.inMinutes.toString().padLeft(2, "0"), ), ), const SizedBox(width: 4), const Text(":"), const SizedBox(width: 4), Flexible( flex: 1, child: TextFormField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText:, ), keyboardType: TextInputType.number, validator: (value) { if (_durationMinute == 0 && int.tryParse(value!) == 0) { return; } if (int.tryParse(value!)?.inRange(0, 59) == true) { return null; } return; }, onSaved: (value) { _formValue.second = int.parse(value!); }, onChanged: (value) { try { _durationSecond = int.parse(value); } catch (_) {} }, initialValue: (widget.duration.inSeconds % 60) .toString() .padLeft(2, "0"), ), ), ], ), SwitchFormField( title: Text(, onSaved: (value) { _formValue.isShuffle = value!; }, initialValue: widget.isShuffle, ), SwitchFormField( title: Text(, onSaved: (value) { _formValue.isRepeat = value!; }, initialValue: widget.isRepeat, ), SwitchFormField( title: Text(, onSaved: (value) { _formValue.isReverse = value!; }, initialValue: widget.isReverse, ), ], ), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => _onOkPressed(context), child: Text(MaterialLocalizations.of(context).okButtonLabel), ), ], ); } void _onOkPressed(BuildContext context) { if (_formKey.currentState?.validate() == true) { _formKey.currentState!.save(); if (_formValue.minute == 0 && _formValue.second == 0) { // invalid SnackBarManager().showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text(, duration: k.snackBarDurationNormal, )); return; } final product = SlideshowConfig( duration: Duration( minutes: _formValue.minute, seconds: _formValue.second, ), isShuffle: _formValue.isShuffle, isRepeat: _formValue.isRepeat, isReverse: _formValue.isReverse, );"[_onOkPressed] Config: $product"); Navigator.of(context).pop(product); } } final _formKey = GlobalKey(); final _formValue = _FormValue(); late int _durationSecond; late int _durationMinute; } class _FormValue { late int minute; late int second; late bool isShuffle; late bool isRepeat; late bool isReverse; }