part of '../expert_settings.dart'; class _Error { const _Error(this.ev, [this.error, this.stackTrace]); final _Event ev; final Object? error; final StackTrace? stackTrace; } @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> with BlocLogger, BlocForEachMixin<_Event, _State> { _Bloc( DiContainer c, { required this.db, required this.prefController, }) : _c = c, super(_State.init( isNewHttpEngine: prefController.isNewHttpEngineValue, )) { on<_Init>(_onInit); on<_ClearCacheDatabase>(_onClearCacheDatabase); on<_SetNewHttpEngine>(_onSetNewHttpEngine); } @override String get tag => _log.fullName; Stream<_Error> errorStream() =>; Future _onInit(_Init ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; return forEach( emit, prefController.isNewHttpEngineChange, onData: (data) => state.copyWith(isNewHttpEngine: data), ); } Future _onClearCacheDatabase( _ClearCacheDatabase ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; try { final accounts = _c.pref.getAccounts3Or([]); await db.clearAndInitWithAccounts(accounts.toDb()); emit(state.copyWith(lastSuccessful: ev)); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _log.shout("[_onClearCacheDatabase] Uncaught exception", e, stackTrace); _errorStream.add(_Error(ev, e, stackTrace)); } } void _onSetNewHttpEngine(_SetNewHttpEngine ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; prefController.setNewHttpEngine(ev.value); } final DiContainer _c; final NpDb db; final PrefController prefController; final _errorStream = StreamController<_Error>.broadcast(); }