import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/api/entity_converter.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/db/entity_converter.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/di_container.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source2.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/file_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/repo.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_descriptor.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util; import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/np_api_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/compat/v32.dart'; import 'package:np_api/np_api.dart' as api; import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart'; import 'package:np_collection/np_collection.dart'; import 'package:np_common/object_util.dart'; import 'package:np_common/or_null.dart'; import 'package:np_datetime/np_datetime.dart'; import 'package:np_db/np_db.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_lib; part 'data_source.g.dart'; @npLog class FileWebdavDataSource implements FileDataSource { const FileWebdavDataSource(); @override list( Account account, File dir, { int? depth, }) async { _log.fine("[list] ${dir.path}"); return _listWithArgs( account, dir, depth: depth, getlastmodified: 1, resourcetype: 1, getetag: 1, getcontenttype: 1, getcontentlength: 1, hasPreview: 1, fileid: 1, favorite: 1, ownerId: 1, ownerDisplayName: 1, trashbinFilename: 1, trashbinOriginalLocation: 1, trashbinDeletionTime: 1, metadataPhotosIfd0: 1, customNamespaces: { "com.nkming.nc_photos": "app", }, customProperties: [ "app:metadata", "app:is-archived", "app:override-date-time", "app:location", ], ); } @override listSingle(Account account, File f) async {"[listSingle] ${f.path}"); return (await list(account, f, depth: 0)).first; } @override listMinimal( Account account, File dir, { int? depth, }) { _log.fine("[listMinimal] ${dir.path}"); return _listWithArgs( account, dir, depth: depth, getlastmodified: 1, resourcetype: 1, getcontenttype: 1, fileid: 1, ); } @override remove(Account account, FileDescriptor f) async {"[remove] ${f.fdPath}"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().delete(path: f.fdPath); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[remove] Failed requesting server: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}", ); } } @override getBinary(Account account, File f) async {"[getBinary] ${f.path}"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().get(path: f.path); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[getBinary] Failed requesting server: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } return response.body; } @override putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async {"[putBinary] $path"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account) .files() .put(path: path, content: content); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[putBinary] Failed requesting server: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } } @override updateProperty( Account account, File f, { OrNull? metadata, OrNull? isArchived, OrNull? overrideDateTime, bool? favorite, OrNull? location, }) async {"[updateProperty] ${f.path}"); if (metadata?.obj != null && metadata!.obj!.fileEtag != f.etag) { _log.warning( "[updateProperty] Metadata etag mismatch (metadata: ${metadata.obj!.fileEtag}, file: ${f.etag})"); } final setProps = { if (metadata?.obj != null) "app:metadata": jsonEncode(metadata!.obj!.toJson()), if (isArchived?.obj != null) "app:is-archived": isArchived!.obj, if (overrideDateTime?.obj != null) "app:override-date-time": overrideDateTime!.obj!.toUtc().toIso8601String(), if (favorite != null) "oc:favorite": favorite ? 1 : 0, if (location?.obj != null) "app:location": jsonEncode(location!.obj!.toJson()), }; final removeProps = [ if (OrNull.isSetNull(metadata)) "app:metadata", if (OrNull.isSetNull(isArchived)) "app:is-archived", if (OrNull.isSetNull(overrideDateTime)) "app:override-date-time", if (OrNull.isSetNull(location)) "app:location", ]; final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().proppatch( path: f.path, namespaces: { "com.nkming.nc_photos": "app", "": "oc", }, set: setProps.isNotEmpty ? setProps : null, remove: removeProps.isNotEmpty ? removeProps : null, ); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[updateProperty] Failed requesting server: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } } @override copy( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) async {"[copy] ${f.path} to $destination"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().copy( path: f.path, destinationUrl: "${account.url}/$destination", overwrite: shouldOverwrite, ); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[copy] Failed requesting sever: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } else if (response.statusCode == 204) { // conflict throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } } @override move( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) async {"[move] ${f.path} to $destination"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().move( path: f.path, destinationUrl: "${account.url}/$destination", overwrite: shouldOverwrite, ); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[move] Failed requesting sever: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } } @override createDir(Account account, String path) async {"[createDir] $path"); final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().mkcol( path: path, ); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[createDir] Failed requesting sever: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } } Future> _listWithArgs( Account account, File dir, { int? depth, getlastmodified, getetag, getcontenttype, resourcetype, getcontentlength, id, fileid, favorite, commentsHref, commentsCount, commentsUnread, ownerId, ownerDisplayName, shareTypes, checksums, hasPreview, size, richWorkspace, trashbinFilename, trashbinOriginalLocation, trashbinDeletionTime, metadataPhotosIfd0, Map? customNamespaces, List? customProperties, }) async { final response = await ApiUtil.fromAccount(account).files().propfind( path: dir.path, depth: depth, getlastmodified: getlastmodified, getetag: getetag, getcontenttype: getcontenttype, resourcetype: resourcetype, getcontentlength: getcontentlength, id: id, fileid: fileid, favorite: favorite, commentsHref: commentsHref, commentsCount: commentsCount, commentsUnread: commentsUnread, ownerId: ownerId, ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName, shareTypes: shareTypes, checksums: checksums, hasPreview: hasPreview, size: size, richWorkspace: richWorkspace, trashbinFilename: trashbinFilename, trashbinOriginalLocation: trashbinOriginalLocation, trashbinDeletionTime: trashbinDeletionTime, metadataPhotosIfd0: metadataPhotosIfd0, customNamespaces: customNamespaces, customProperties: customProperties, ); if (!response.isGood) { _log.severe("[list] Failed requesting server: $response"); throw ApiException( response: response, message: "Server responed with an error: HTTP ${response.statusCode}"); } final apiFiles = await api.FileParser().parse(response.body); // _log.fine("[list] Parsed files: [$files]"); bool hasNoMediaMarker = false; final files = apiFiles .map(ApiFileConverter.fromApi) .forEachLazy((f) { if (file_util.isNoMediaMarker(f)) { hasNoMediaMarker = true; } }) .where((f) => _validateFile(f)) .map((e) { if (e.metadata == null || e.metadata!.fileEtag == e.etag) { return e; } else {"[list] Ignore outdated metadata for ${e.path}"); return e.copyWith(metadata: const OrNull(null)); } }) .toList(); await _compatUpgrade(account, files); if (hasNoMediaMarker) { // return only the marker and the dir itself return files .where((f) => dir.compareServerIdentity(f) || file_util.isNoMediaMarker(f)) .toList(); } else { return files; } } Future _compatUpgrade(Account account, List files) async { for (final f in files.where((element) => element.metadata?.exif != null)) { if (CompatV32.isExifNeedMigration(f.metadata!.exif!)) { final newExif = CompatV32.migrateExif(f.metadata!.exif!, f.path); await updateProperty( account, f, metadata: OrNull(f.metadata!.copyWith( exif: newExif, )), ); } } } } @npLog class FileSqliteDbDataSource implements FileDataSource { const FileSqliteDbDataSource(this._c); @override Future> list(Account account, File dir) async {"[list] ${dir.path}"); final List dbFiles; try { dbFiles = await _c.npDb.getFilesByDirKey( account: account.toDb(), dir: dir.toDbKey(), ); } on DbNotFoundException catch (_) { throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: ${dir.path}"); } final results = dbFiles .map((f) => DbFileConverter.fromDb(account.userId.toString(), f)) .where((f) => _validateFile(f)) .toList(); _log.fine("[list] Queried ${results.length} files"); if (results.isEmpty) { // each dir will at least contain its own entry, so an empty list here // means that the dir has not been queried before throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: ${dir.path}"); } return results; } @override listSingle(Account account, File f) { _log.severe("[listSingle] ${f.path}"); throw UnimplementedError(); } @override listMinimal(Account account, File dir) => list(account, dir); /// List files with date between [fromEpochMs] (inclusive) and [toEpochMs] /// (exclusive) Future> listByDate( Account account, int fromEpochMs, int toEpochMs) async {"[listByDate] [$fromEpochMs, $toEpochMs]"); final results = await _c.npDb.getFilesByTimeRange( account: account.toDb(), dirRoots: account.roots, range: TimeRange( from: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(fromEpochMs), to: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(toEpochMs), ), ); return results .map((e) => DbFileConverter.fromDb(account.userId.toString(), e)) .toList(); } @override Future remove(Account account, FileDescriptor f) {"[remove] ${f.fdPath}"); return BasicFileRepo(FileNpDbDataSource(_c.npDb)).remove(account, f); } @override getBinary(Account account, File f) { _log.severe("[getBinary] ${f.path}"); throw UnimplementedError(); } @override putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async {"[putBinary] $path"); // do nothing, we currently don't store file contents locally } @override Future updateProperty( Account account, File f, { OrNull? metadata, OrNull? isArchived, OrNull? overrideDateTime, bool? favorite, OrNull? location, }) async {"[updateProperty] ${f.path}"); await _c.npDb.updateFileByFileId( account: account.toDb(), fileId: f.fileId!, isFavorite: favorite?.let(, isArchived: isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime, bestDateTime: overrideDateTime == null && metadata == null ? null : file_util.getBestDateTime( overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime == null ? f.overrideDateTime : overrideDateTime.obj, dateTimeOriginal: metadata == null ? f.metadata?.exif?.dateTimeOriginal : metadata.obj?.exif?.dateTimeOriginal, lastModified: f.lastModified, ), imageData: metadata?.let((e) => OrNull(e.obj?.toDb())), location: location?.let((e) => OrNull(e.obj?.toDb())), ); } @override copy( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) async { // do nothing } @override Future move( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) {"[move] ${f.path} to $destination"); return _c.npDb.updateFileByFileId( account: account.toDb(), fileId: f.fileId!, relativePath: File(path: destination).strippedPathWithEmpty, ); } @override createDir(Account account, String path) async { // do nothing } /// Remove all children of [dir] but not [dir] itself Future emptyDir(Account account, File dir) {"[emptyDir] ${dir.path}"); return FileSqliteCacheEmptier(_c)(account, dir); } final DiContainer _c; } class IntermediateSyncState { const IntermediateSyncState({ required this.account, required this.dir, required this.remoteTouchEtag, required this.files, required this.shouldCache, }); final Account account; final File dir; final String? remoteTouchEtag; final List files; final bool shouldCache; } @npLog class FileCachedDataSource implements FileDataSource { FileCachedDataSource( this._c, { this.shouldCheckCache = false, }) : _sqliteDbSrc = FileSqliteDbDataSource(_c); @override Future> list(Account account, File dir) async { final cacheLoader = FileCacheLoader( _c, cacheSrc: _sqliteDbSrc, remoteSrc: _remoteSrc, shouldCheckCache: shouldCheckCache, ); final cache = await cacheLoader(account, dir); if (cacheLoader.isGood) { return cache!; } // no cache or outdated return await sync(account, dir, remoteTouchEtag: cacheLoader.remoteTouchEtag); } /// Sync [dir] with remote content, and set the local touch etag as /// [remoteTouchEtag] Future> sync( Account account, File dir, { required String? remoteTouchEtag, }) async { final state = await beginSync( account, dir, remoteTouchEtag: remoteTouchEtag, ); return concludeSync(state); } Future beginSync( Account account, File dir, { required String? remoteTouchEtag, }) async { try { final remote = await _remoteSrc.list(account, dir); return IntermediateSyncState( account: account, dir: dir, remoteTouchEtag: remoteTouchEtag, files: remote, shouldCache: true, ); } on ApiException catch (e) { if (e.response.statusCode == 404) {"[list] File removed: $dir"); try { await _sqliteDbSrc.remove(account, dir); } catch (e) { _log.warning( "[list] Failed while remove from db, file not cached?", e); } return IntermediateSyncState( account: account, dir: dir, remoteTouchEtag: remoteTouchEtag, files: [], shouldCache: false, ); } else if (e.response.statusCode == 403) {"[list] E2E encrypted dir: $dir"); try { // we need to keep the dir itself as it'll be inserted again on next // listing of its parent await _sqliteDbSrc.emptyDir(account, dir); } catch (e) { _log.warning( "[list] Failed while emptying from db, file not cached?", e); } return IntermediateSyncState( account: account, dir: dir, remoteTouchEtag: remoteTouchEtag, files: [], shouldCache: false, ); } else { rethrow; } } } Future> concludeSync(IntermediateSyncState state) async { if (!state.shouldCache) { return state.files; } await FileSqliteCacheUpdater(_c)(state.account, state.dir, remote: state.files); if (shouldCheckCache) { // update our local touch token to match the remote one try {"[list] Update outdated local etag: ${state.dir.path}"); await _c.touchManager .setLocalEtag(state.account, state.dir, state.remoteTouchEtag); } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.shout("[list] Failed while setLocalToken", e, stacktrace); // ignore error } } return state.files; } @override listSingle(Account account, File f) async { final remote = await _remoteSrc.listSingle(account, f); if (remote.isCollection != true) { // only update regular files"[listSingle] Cache single file: ${logFilename(f.path)}"); await FileSqliteCacheUpdater(_c).updateSingle(account, remote); } return remote; } @override listMinimal(Account account, File dir) { return _remoteSrc.listMinimal(account, dir); } @override remove(Account account, FileDescriptor f) async { await _remoteSrc.remove(account, f); try { await _sqliteDbSrc.remove(account, f); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // ignore cache failure _log.warning( "Failed while remove: ${logFilename(f.strippedPath)}", e, stackTrace); } } @override getBinary(Account account, File f) { return _remoteSrc.getBinary(account, f); } @override putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async { await _remoteSrc.putBinary(account, path, content); } @override updateProperty( Account account, File f, { OrNull? metadata, OrNull? isArchived, OrNull? overrideDateTime, bool? favorite, OrNull? location, }) async { await _remoteSrc.updateProperty( account, f, metadata: metadata, isArchived: isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime, favorite: favorite, location: location, ); await _sqliteDbSrc.updateProperty( account, f, metadata: metadata, isArchived: isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime, favorite: favorite, location: location, ); // generate a new random token final dir = File(path: path_lib.dirname(f.path)); await _c.touchManager.touch(account, dir); } @override copy( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) async { await _remoteSrc.copy(account, f, destination, shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite); } @override Future move( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) async { await _remoteSrc.move(account, f, destination, shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite); try { await _sqliteDbSrc.move(account, f, destination); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // ignore cache failure _log.warning( "Failed while move: ${logFilename(f.strippedPath)}", e, stackTrace); } } @override createDir(Account account, String path) async { await _remoteSrc.createDir(account, path); } Future flushRemoteTouch() async { return _c.touchManager.flushRemote(); } final DiContainer _c; final bool shouldCheckCache; final _remoteSrc = const FileWebdavDataSource(); final FileSqliteDbDataSource _sqliteDbSrc; } bool _validateFile(File f) { // See: return f.lastModified != null; }