import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/exif.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/or_null.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/string_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/type.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_util; int compareFileDateTimeDescending(File x, File y) { final tmp = y.bestDateTime.compareTo(x.bestDateTime); if (tmp != 0) { return tmp; } else { // compare file name if files are modified at the same time return x.path.compareTo(y.path); } } /// Immutable object that hold metadata of a [File] class Metadata with EquatableMixin { Metadata({ DateTime? lastUpdated, this.fileEtag, this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight, this.exif, }) : lastUpdated = (lastUpdated ??; @override // ignore: hash_and_equals bool operator ==(Object? other) => equals(other, isDeep: true); bool equals(Object? other, {bool isDeep = false}) { if (other is Metadata) { return super == other && (exif == null) == (other.exif == null) && (exif?.equals(other.exif, isDeep: isDeep) ?? true); } else { return false; } } /// Parse Metadata from [json] /// /// If the version saved in json does not match the active one, the /// corresponding upgrader will be called one by one to upgrade the json, /// version by version until it reached the active version. If any upgrader /// in the chain is null, the upgrade process will fail static Metadata? fromJson( JsonObj json, { required MetadataUpgraderV1? upgraderV1, required MetadataUpgraderV2? upgraderV2, }) { final jsonVersion = json["version"]; JsonObj? result = json; if (jsonVersion < 2) { result = upgraderV1?.call(result); if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible"); return null; } } if (jsonVersion < 3) { result = upgraderV2?.call(result); if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible"); return null; } } return Metadata( lastUpdated: result["lastUpdated"] == null ? null : DateTime.parse(result["lastUpdated"]), fileEtag: result["fileEtag"], imageWidth: result["imageWidth"], imageHeight: result["imageHeight"], exif: result["exif"] == null ? null : Exif.fromJson(result["exif"].cast<String, dynamic>()), ); } JsonObj toJson() { return { "version": version, "lastUpdated": lastUpdated.toIso8601String(), if (fileEtag != null) "fileEtag": fileEtag, if (imageWidth != null) "imageWidth": imageWidth, if (imageHeight != null) "imageHeight": imageHeight, if (exif != null) "exif": exif!.toJson(), }; } @override toString() { var product = "$runtimeType {" "lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, "; if (fileEtag != null) { product += "fileEtag: $fileEtag, "; } if (imageWidth != null) { product += "imageWidth: $imageWidth, "; } if (imageHeight != null) { product += "imageHeight: $imageHeight, "; } if (exif != null) { product += "exif: $exif, "; } return product + "}"; } @override get props => [ lastUpdated, fileEtag, imageWidth, imageHeight, // exif is handled separately, see [equals] ]; final DateTime lastUpdated; /// Etag of the parent file when the metadata is saved final String? fileEtag; final int? imageWidth; final int? imageHeight; final Exif? exif; /// versioning of this class, use to upgrade old persisted metadata static const version = 3; static final _log = Logger("entity.file.Metadata"); } abstract class MetadataUpgrader { JsonObj? call(JsonObj json); } /// Upgrade v1 Metadata to v2 class MetadataUpgraderV1 implements MetadataUpgrader { MetadataUpgraderV1({ required this.fileContentType, this.logFilePath, }); @override JsonObj? call(JsonObj json) { if (fileContentType == "image/webp") { // Version 1 metadata for webp is bugged, drop it _log.fine("[call] Upgrade v1 metadata for file: $logFilePath"); return null; } else { return json; } } final String? fileContentType; /// File path for logging only final String? logFilePath; static final _log = Logger("entity.file.MetadataUpgraderV1"); } /// Upgrade v2 Metadata to v3 class MetadataUpgraderV2 implements MetadataUpgrader { MetadataUpgraderV2({ required this.fileContentType, this.logFilePath, }); @override JsonObj? call(JsonObj json) { if (fileContentType == "image/jpeg") { // Version 2 metadata for jpeg doesn't consider orientation if (json["exif"] != null && json["exif"].containsKey("Orientation")) { // Check orientation final orientation = json["exif"]["Orientation"]; if (orientation >= 5 && orientation <= 8) { _log.fine("[call] Upgrade v2 metadata for file: $logFilePath"); final temp = json["imageWidth"]; json["imageWidth"] = json["imageHeight"]; json["imageHeight"] = temp; } } } return json; } final String? fileContentType; /// File path for logging only final String? logFilePath; static final _log = Logger("entity.file.MetadataUpgraderV2"); } class File with EquatableMixin { File({ required String path, this.contentLength, this.contentType, this.etag, this.lastModified, this.isCollection, this.usedBytes, this.hasPreview, this.fileId, this.ownerId, this.metadata, this.isArchived, this.overrideDateTime, this.trashbinFilename, this.trashbinOriginalLocation, this.trashbinDeletionTime, }) : path = path.trimAny("/"); @override // ignore: hash_and_equals bool operator ==(Object? other) => equals(other, isDeep: true); bool equals(Object? other, {bool isDeep = false}) { if (other is File) { return super == other && (metadata == null) == (other.metadata == null) && (metadata?.equals(other.metadata, isDeep: isDeep) ?? true); } else { return false; } } factory File.fromJson(JsonObj json) { return File( path: json["path"], contentLength: json["contentLength"], contentType: json["contentType"], etag: json["etag"], lastModified: json["lastModified"] == null ? null : DateTime.parse(json["lastModified"]), isCollection: json["isCollection"], usedBytes: json["usedBytes"], hasPreview: json["hasPreview"], fileId: json["fileId"], ownerId: json["ownerId"], trashbinFilename: json["trashbinFilename"], trashbinOriginalLocation: json["trashbinOriginalLocation"], trashbinDeletionTime: json["trashbinDeletionTime"] == null ? null : DateTime.parse(json["trashbinDeletionTime"]), metadata: json["metadata"] == null ? null : Metadata.fromJson( json["metadata"].cast<String, dynamic>(), upgraderV1: MetadataUpgraderV1( fileContentType: json["contentType"], logFilePath: json["path"], ), upgraderV2: MetadataUpgraderV2( fileContentType: json["contentType"], logFilePath: json["path"], ), ), isArchived: json["isArchived"], overrideDateTime: json["overrideDateTime"] == null ? null : DateTime.parse(json["overrideDateTime"]), ); } @override toString() { var product = "$runtimeType {" "path: '$path', "; if (contentLength != null) { product += "contentLength: $contentLength, "; } if (contentType != null) { product += "contentType: '$contentType', "; } if (etag != null) { product += "etag: '$etag', "; } if (lastModified != null) { product += "lastModified: $lastModified, "; } if (isCollection != null) { product += "isCollection: $isCollection, "; } if (usedBytes != null) { product += "usedBytes: $usedBytes, "; } if (hasPreview != null) { product += "hasPreview: $hasPreview, "; } if (fileId != null) { product += "fileId: $fileId, "; } if (ownerId != null) { product += "ownerId: '$ownerId', "; } if (trashbinFilename != null) { product += "trashbinFilename: '$trashbinFilename', "; } if (trashbinOriginalLocation != null) { product += "trashbinOriginalLocation: '$trashbinOriginalLocation', "; } if (trashbinDeletionTime != null) { product += "trashbinDeletionTime: $trashbinDeletionTime, "; } if (metadata != null) { product += "metadata: $metadata, "; } if (isArchived != null) { product += "isArchived: $isArchived, "; } if (overrideDateTime != null) { product += "overrideDateTime: $overrideDateTime, "; } return product + "}"; } JsonObj toJson() { return { "path": path, if (contentLength != null) "contentLength": contentLength, if (contentType != null) "contentType": contentType, if (etag != null) "etag": etag, if (lastModified != null) "lastModified": lastModified!.toUtc().toIso8601String(), if (isCollection != null) "isCollection": isCollection, if (usedBytes != null) "usedBytes": usedBytes, if (hasPreview != null) "hasPreview": hasPreview, if (fileId != null) "fileId": fileId, if (ownerId != null) "ownerId": ownerId, if (trashbinFilename != null) "trashbinFilename": trashbinFilename, if (trashbinOriginalLocation != null) "trashbinOriginalLocation": trashbinOriginalLocation, if (trashbinDeletionTime != null) "trashbinDeletionTime": trashbinDeletionTime!.toUtc().toIso8601String(), if (metadata != null) "metadata": metadata!.toJson(), if (isArchived != null) "isArchived": isArchived, if (overrideDateTime != null) "overrideDateTime": overrideDateTime!.toUtc().toIso8601String(), }; } File copyWith({ String? path, int? contentLength, String? contentType, String? etag, DateTime? lastModified, bool? isCollection, int? usedBytes, bool? hasPreview, int? fileId, String? ownerId, String? trashbinFilename, String? trashbinOriginalLocation, DateTime? trashbinDeletionTime, OrNull<Metadata>? metadata, OrNull<bool>? isArchived, OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime, }) { return File( path: path ?? this.path, contentLength: contentLength ?? this.contentLength, contentType: contentType ?? this.contentType, etag: etag ?? this.etag, lastModified: lastModified ?? this.lastModified, isCollection: isCollection ?? this.isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes ?? this.usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview ?? this.hasPreview, fileId: fileId ?? this.fileId, ownerId: ownerId ?? this.ownerId, trashbinFilename: trashbinFilename ?? this.trashbinFilename, trashbinOriginalLocation: trashbinOriginalLocation ?? this.trashbinOriginalLocation, trashbinDeletionTime: trashbinDeletionTime ?? this.trashbinDeletionTime, metadata: metadata == null ? this.metadata : metadata.obj, isArchived: isArchived == null ? this.isArchived : isArchived.obj, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime == null ? this.overrideDateTime : overrideDateTime.obj, ); } @override get props => [ path, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, isCollection, usedBytes, hasPreview, fileId, ownerId, trashbinFilename, trashbinOriginalLocation, trashbinDeletionTime, // metadata is handled separately, see [equals] isArchived, overrideDateTime, ]; final String path; final int? contentLength; final String? contentType; final String? etag; final DateTime? lastModified; final bool? isCollection; final int? usedBytes; final bool? hasPreview; // maybe null when loaded from old cache final int? fileId; final String? ownerId; final String? trashbinFilename; final String? trashbinOriginalLocation; final DateTime? trashbinDeletionTime; // metadata final Metadata? metadata; final bool? isArchived; final DateTime? overrideDateTime; } extension FileExtension on File { DateTime get bestDateTime { try { return overrideDateTime ?? metadata?.exif?.dateTimeOriginal ?? lastModified ??; } catch (e) { _log.severe( "[bestDateTime] Non standard EXIF DateTimeOriginal '${metadata?.exif?.data["DateTimeOriginal"]}'" + (shouldLogFileName ? " for file: '$path'" : ""), e); return lastModified ??; } } bool isOwned(String username) => ownerId == null || ownerId?.toLowerCase() == username.toLowerCase(); /// Return the path of this file with the DAV part stripped /// /// WebDAV file path: remote.php/dav/files/{username}/{strippedPath} String get strippedPath { if (path.contains("remote.php/dav/files")) { final position = path.indexOf("/", "remote.php/dav/files/".length) + 1; if (position == 0) { // root dir path return "."; } else { return path.substring(position); } } else { return path; } } String get filename => path_util.basename(path); static final _log = Logger("entity.file.FileExtension"); } class FileRepo { const FileRepo(this.dataSrc); /// See [FileDataSource.list] Future<List<File>> list(Account account, File root) => dataSrc.list(account, root); /// See [FileDataSource.remove] Future<void> remove(Account account, File file) => dataSrc.remove(account, file); /// See [FileDataSource.getBinary] Future<Uint8List> getBinary(Account account, File file) => dataSrc.getBinary(account, file); /// See [FileDataSource.putBinary] Future<void> putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) => dataSrc.putBinary(account, path, content); /// See [FileDataSource.updateMetadata] Future<void> updateProperty( Account account, File file, { OrNull<Metadata>? metadata, OrNull<bool>? isArchived, OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime, }) => dataSrc.updateProperty( account, file, metadata: metadata, isArchived: isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime, ); /// See [FileDataSource.copy] Future<void> copy( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) => dataSrc.copy( account, f, destination, shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite, ); /// See [FileDataSource.move] Future<void> move( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }) => dataSrc.move( account, f, destination, shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite, ); /// See [FileDataSource.createDir] Future<void> createDir(Account account, String path) => dataSrc.createDir(account, path); final FileDataSource dataSrc; } abstract class FileDataSource { /// List all files under [f] Future<List<File>> list(Account account, File f); /// Remove file Future<void> remove(Account account, File f); /// Read file as binary array Future<Uint8List> getBinary(Account account, File f); /// Upload content to [path] Future<void> putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content); /// Update one or more properties of a file Future<void> updateProperty( Account account, File f, { OrNull<Metadata>? metadata, OrNull<bool>? isArchived, OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime, }); /// Copy [f] to [destination] /// /// [destination] should be a relative WebDAV path like /// remote.php/dav/files/admin/new/location Future<void> copy( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }); /// Move [f] to [destination] /// /// [destination] should be a relative WebDAV path like /// remote.php/dav/files/admin/new/location Future<void> move( Account account, File f, String destination, { bool? shouldOverwrite, }); /// Create a directory at [path] /// /// [path] should be a relative WebDAV path like /// remote.php/dav/files/admin/new/dir Future<void> createDir(Account account, String path); }