part of '../sharing_browser.dart'; /// List shares to be shown in [SharingBrowser] @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> { _Bloc({ required this.account, required this.accountPrefController, required this.sharingsController, }) : super(_State.init()) { on<_Init>(_onInit); on<_TransformItems>(_onTransformItems); } Future _onInit(_Init ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; try { await _importPotentialSharedAlbum(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _log.severe( "[_onInit] Failed while _importPotentialSharedAlbum", e, stackTrace); } unawaited(sharingsController.reload()); return emit.forEach(, onData: (data) => state.copyWith( items:, isLoading: data.hasNext, ), onError: (e, stackTrace) { _log.severe("[_onInit] Uncaught exception", e, stackTrace); return state.copyWith( isLoading: false, error: ExceptionEvent(e, stackTrace), ); }, ); } Future _onTransformItems( _TransformItems ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; // group shares of the same file final map = >{}; for (final i in ev.items) { if (i is SharingStreamShareData) { final isSharedByMe = (i.share.uidOwner == account.userId); final groupKey = "${i.share.path}?$isSharedByMe"; map[groupKey] ??= []; map[groupKey]!.add(i); } } final results = <_Item>[]; // sort and convert the sub-lists for (final list in map.values) { results.add(_Item.fromSharingStreamData( account, list.sortedBy((e) => e.share.stime).reversed.toList())); } // then sort the list itself emit(state.copyWith( transformedItems: results.sortedBy((e) => e.sortTime).reversed.toList(), )); } Future> _importPotentialSharedAlbum() async { final c = KiwiContainer().resolve().copyWith( // don't want the potential albums to be cached at this moment fileRepo: const OrNull(FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource())), albumRepo: OrNull(AlbumRepo(AlbumRemoteDataSource())), ); try { return await ImportPotentialSharedAlbum(c)( account, accountPrefController.raw); } catch (e, stackTrace) { _log.shout( "[_importPotentialSharedAlbum] Failed while ImportPotentialSharedAlbum", e, stackTrace); return []; } } final Account account; final AccountPrefController accountPrefController; final SharingsController sharingsController; }