import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/provider.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util; import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/list_album.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/ls.dart'; class ListImportableAlbumBlocItem { ListImportableAlbumBlocItem(this.file, this.photoCount); final File file; final int photoCount; } abstract class ListImportableAlbumBlocEvent { const ListImportableAlbumBlocEvent(); } class ListImportableAlbumBlocQuery extends ListImportableAlbumBlocEvent { const ListImportableAlbumBlocQuery( this.account, this.roots, ); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "account: $account, " "roots: ${roots.toReadableString()}, " "}"; } final Account account; final List<File> roots; } abstract class ListImportableAlbumBlocState { const ListImportableAlbumBlocState(this.items); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "items: List {length: ${items.length}}, " "}"; } final List<ListImportableAlbumBlocItem> items; } class ListImportableAlbumBlocInit extends ListImportableAlbumBlocState { ListImportableAlbumBlocInit() : super(const []); } class ListImportableAlbumBlocLoading extends ListImportableAlbumBlocState { const ListImportableAlbumBlocLoading(List<ListImportableAlbumBlocItem> items) : super(items); } class ListImportableAlbumBlocSuccess extends ListImportableAlbumBlocState { const ListImportableAlbumBlocSuccess(List<ListImportableAlbumBlocItem> items) : super(items); } class ListImportableAlbumBlocFailure extends ListImportableAlbumBlocState { const ListImportableAlbumBlocFailure( List<ListImportableAlbumBlocItem> items, this.exception) : super(items); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "super: ${super.toString()}, " "exception: $exception, " "}"; } final dynamic exception; } /// Return all directories that potentially could be a new album class ListImportableAlbumBloc extends Bloc<ListImportableAlbumBlocEvent, ListImportableAlbumBlocState> { ListImportableAlbumBloc() : super(ListImportableAlbumBlocInit()); @override mapEventToState(ListImportableAlbumBlocEvent event) async* {"[mapEventToState] $event"); if (event is ListImportableAlbumBlocQuery) { yield* _onEventQuery(event); } } Stream<ListImportableAlbumBlocState> _onEventQuery( ListImportableAlbumBlocQuery ev) async* { yield ListImportableAlbumBlocLoading([]); try { final fileRepo = FileRepo(FileCachedDataSource()); final albumRepo = AlbumRepo(AlbumCachedDataSource()); final albums = (await ListAlbum(fileRepo, albumRepo)(ev.account) .where((event) => event is Album) .toList()) .cast<Album>(); final importedDirs = { if (a.provider is! AlbumDirProvider) { return <File>[]; } else { return (a.provider as AlbumDirProvider).dirs; } }).fold<List<File>>( [], (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element); final products = <ListImportableAlbumBlocItem>[]; int count = 0; for (final r in ev.roots) { await for (final ev in _queryDir(fileRepo, ev.account, importedDirs, r)) { if (ev is Exception || ev is Error) { throw ev; } else if (ev is ListImportableAlbumBlocItem) { products.add(ev); // don't emit events too frequently if (++count >= 5) { yield ListImportableAlbumBlocLoading(products); } } } } yield ListImportableAlbumBlocSuccess(products); } catch (e) { _log.severe("[_onEventQuery] Exception while request", e); yield ListImportableAlbumBlocFailure(state.items, e); } } /// Query [dir] and emit all conforming dirs recursively (including [dir]) /// /// Emit ListImportableAlbumBlocItem or Exception Stream<dynamic> _queryDir(FileRepo fileRepo, Account account, List<File> importedDirs, File dir) async* { try { if (importedDirs.containsIf(dir, (a, b) => a.path == b.path)) { return; } final files = await Ls(fileRepo)(account, dir); // check number of supported files in this directory final count = files.where((f) => file_util.isSupportedFormat(f)).length; // arbitrary number if (count >= 5) { yield ListImportableAlbumBlocItem(dir, count); } for (final d in files.where((f) => f.isCollection == true)) { yield* _queryDir(fileRepo, account, importedDirs, d); } } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.shout( "[_queryDir] Failed while listing dir" + (shouldLogFileName ? ": ${dir.path}" : ""), e, stacktrace); yield e; } } static final _log = Logger("bloc.list_importable_album.ListImportableAlbumBloc"); }