import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/string_extension.dart'; import 'package:xml/xml.dart'; class WebdavFileParser { List<File> call(XmlDocument xml) { _namespaces = _parseNamespaces(xml); final body = () { try { return xml.children.whereType<XmlElement>().firstWhere((element) => element.matchQualifiedName("multistatus", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)); } catch (_) { _log.shout("[call] Missing element: multistatus"); rethrow; } }(); return body.children .whereType<XmlElement>() .where((element) => element.matchQualifiedName("response", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)) .map((element) { try { return _toFile(element); } catch (e, stacktrace) { _log.shout("[call] Failed parsing XML", e, stacktrace); return null; } }) .where((element) => element != null) .toList(); } Map<String, String> get namespaces => _namespaces; Map<String, String> _parseNamespaces(XmlDocument xml) { final namespaces = <String, String>{}; final xmlContent = xml.descendants.whereType<XmlElement>().firstWhere( (element) => !"?"), orElse: () => XmlElement(XmlName.fromString(""))); for (final a in xmlContent.attributes) { if ( == "xmlns") { namespaces[] = a.value; } else if ( == "xmlns") { namespaces["!"] = a.value; } } // _log.fine("[_parseNamespaces] Namespaces: $namespaces"); return namespaces; } /// Map <DAV:response> contents to File File _toFile(XmlElement element) { String path; int contentLength; String contentType; String etag; DateTime lastModified; bool isCollection; int usedBytes; bool hasPreview; int fileId; String ownerId; Metadata metadata; bool isArchived; DateTime overrideDateTime; for (final child in element.children.whereType<XmlElement>()) { if (child.matchQualifiedName("href", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)) { path = _hrefToPath(child); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("propstat", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)) { final status = child.children .whereType<XmlElement>() .firstWhere((element) => element.matchQualifiedName("status", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)) .innerText; if (!status.contains(" 200 ")) { continue; } final prop = child.children.whereType<XmlElement>().firstWhere( (element) => element.matchQualifiedName("prop", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: _namespaces)); final propParser = _PropParser(namespaces: _namespaces, logFilePath: path); propParser.parse(prop); contentLength = propParser.contentLength; contentType = propParser.contentType; etag = propParser.etag; lastModified = propParser.lastModified; isCollection = propParser.isCollection; usedBytes = propParser.usedBytes; hasPreview = propParser.hasPreview; fileId = propParser.fileId; ownerId = propParser.ownerId; metadata = propParser.metadata; isArchived = propParser.isArchived; overrideDateTime = propParser.overrideDateTime; } } return File( path: path, contentLength: contentLength, contentType: contentType, etag: etag, lastModified: lastModified, isCollection: isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview, fileId: fileId, ownerId: ownerId, metadata: metadata, isArchived: isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime, ); } String _hrefToPath(XmlElement href) { final rawPath = Uri.decodeComponent(href.innerText).trimLeftAny("/"); final pos = rawPath.indexOf("remote.php"); if (pos == -1) { // what? _log.warning("[_hrefToPath] Unknown href value: $rawPath"); return rawPath; } else { return rawPath.substring(pos); } } var _namespaces = <String, String>{}; static final _log = Logger("entity.webdav_response_parser.WebdavResponseParser"); } class _PropParser { _PropParser({this.namespaces = const {}, this.logFilePath}); /// Parse <DAV:prop> element contents void parse(XmlElement element) { for (final child in element.children.whereType<XmlElement>()) { if (child.matchQualifiedName("getlastmodified", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _lastModified = HttpDate.parse(child.innerText); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("getcontentlength", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _contentLength = int.parse(child.innerText); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("getcontenttype", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _contentType = child.innerText; } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("getetag", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _etag = child.innerText.replaceAll("\"", ""); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("quota-used-bytes", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _usedBytes = int.parse(child.innerText); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("resourcetype", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)) { _isCollection = child.children.whereType<XmlElement>().any((element) => element.matchQualifiedName("collection", prefix: "DAV:", namespaces: namespaces)); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("has-preview", prefix: "", namespaces: namespaces)) { _hasPreview = child.innerText == "true"; } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("fileid", prefix: "", namespaces: namespaces)) { _fileId = int.parse(child.innerText); } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("owner-id", prefix: "", namespaces: namespaces)) { _ownerId = child.innerText; } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("is-archived", prefix: "com.nkming.nc_photos", namespaces: namespaces)) { _isArchived = child.innerText == "true"; } else if (child.matchQualifiedName("override-date-time", prefix: "com.nkming.nc_photos", namespaces: namespaces)) { _overrideDateTime = DateTime.parse(child.innerText); } } // 2nd pass that depends on data in 1st pass for (final child in element.children.whereType<XmlElement>()) { if (child.matchQualifiedName("metadata", prefix: "com.nkming.nc_photos", namespaces: namespaces)) { _metadata = Metadata.fromJson( jsonDecode(child.innerText), upgraderV1: MetadataUpgraderV1( fileContentType: _contentType, logFilePath: logFilePath, ), upgraderV2: MetadataUpgraderV2( fileContentType: _contentType, logFilePath: logFilePath, ), ); } } } DateTime get lastModified => _lastModified; int get contentLength => _contentLength; String get contentType => _contentType; String get etag => _etag; int get usedBytes => _usedBytes; bool get isCollection => _isCollection; bool get hasPreview => _hasPreview; int get fileId => _fileId; String get ownerId => _ownerId; Metadata get metadata => _metadata; bool get isArchived => _isArchived; DateTime get overrideDateTime => _overrideDateTime; final Map<String, String> namespaces; /// File path for logging only final String logFilePath; DateTime _lastModified; int _contentLength; String _contentType; String _etag; int _usedBytes; bool _isCollection; bool _hasPreview; int _fileId; String _ownerId; Metadata _metadata; bool _isArchived; DateTime _overrideDateTime; } extension on XmlElement { bool matchQualifiedName( String local, { String prefix, Map<String, String> namespaces, }) { final localNamespaces = <String, String>{}; for (final a in attributes) { if ( == "xmlns") { localNamespaces[] = a.value; } else if ( == "xmlns") { localNamespaces["!"] = a.value; } } return name.local == local && (name.prefix == prefix || // match default namespace (name.prefix == null && namespaces["!"] == prefix) || // match global namespace namespaces.entries .where((element2) => element2.value == prefix) .any((element) => element.key == name.prefix) || // match local namespace localNamespaces.entries .where((element2) => element2.value == prefix) .any((element) => element.key == name.prefix)); } }