import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/image_editor/transform_toolbar.dart'; import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart'; import 'package:np_platform_image_processor/np_platform_image_processor.dart'; import 'package:np_platform_raw_image/np_platform_raw_image.dart'; import 'package:np_ui/np_ui.dart'; part 'crop_controller.g.dart'; /// Crop editor /// /// This widget only work when width == device width! class CropController extends StatelessWidget { const CropController({ super.key, required this.image, required this.initialState, this.onCropChanged, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Padding( // to make cropping works on phone using gesture navigation padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 32), child: _WrappedCropController( image: image, initialState: initialState, onCropChanged: onCropChanged, ), ); } final Rgba8Image image; final TransformArguments? initialState; final ValueChanged<TransformArguments>? onCropChanged; } class _WrappedCropController extends StatefulWidget { const _WrappedCropController({ required this.image, required this.initialState, this.onCropChanged, }); @override State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _WrappedCropControllerState(); final Rgba8Image image; final TransformArguments? initialState; final ValueChanged<TransformArguments>? onCropChanged; } @npLog class _WrappedCropControllerState extends State<_WrappedCropController> { @override initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.initialState?.getToolType() == TransformToolType.crop) { _initialState = widget.initialState as _CropArguments; } } @override build(BuildContext context) { return OrientationBuilder( builder: (context, orientation) { _prevOrientation ??= orientation; if (_prevOrientation != orientation) { _onOrientationChanged(orientation); } else { _tryUpdateSize(context); } return Stack( fit: StackFit.passthrough, clipBehavior: Clip.none, children: [ Opacity( opacity: .35, child: Image( image: PixelImage(widget.image.pixel, widget.image.width, widget.image.height), fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), GestureDetector( onPanStart: (_) { _canMoveRect = true; }, onPanUpdate: (details) { if (!_canMoveRect) { return; } setState(() { if (_size == null) return; final pos = details.localPosition; if (pos.dx > 0 && pos.dx < _size!.width && pos.dy > _offsetY && pos.dy < _size!.height + _offsetY) { _moveRectBy(; } else { _canMoveRect = false; } }); }, onPanEnd: (_) { widget.onCropChanged?.call(_getCropArgs()); }, child: ClipRect( clipper: _CropClipper( _left, _top + _offsetY, _size == null ? double.infinity : _size!.width - _right, _size == null ? double.infinity : _size!.height - _bottom + _offsetY, ), child: Image( image: PixelImage(widget.image.pixel, widget.image.width, widget.image.height), fit: BoxFit.contain, gaplessPlayback: true, ), ), ), if (_size != null) ...[ Positioned( top: _top + _offsetY, left: _left, bottom: _bottom + _offsetY, right: _right, child: IgnorePointer( child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color: Colors.white), ), ), ), ), Positioned( top: _top + _offsetY, left: _left, child: GestureDetector( onPanStart: (_) { _topDrain.reset(); _leftDrain.reset(); }, onPanUpdate: (details) { setState(() { if (_size == null) return; _moveTopByDy(; _moveLeftByDx(; }); }, onPanEnd: (_) { widget.onCropChanged?.call(_getCropArgs()); }, child: const _TouchDot(), ), ), Positioned( top: _top + _offsetY, right: _right, child: GestureDetector( onPanStart: (_) { _topDrain.reset(); _rightDrain.reset(); }, onPanUpdate: (details) { setState(() { if (_size == null) return; _moveTopByDy(; _moveRightByDx(; }); }, onPanEnd: (_) { widget.onCropChanged?.call(_getCropArgs()); }, child: const _TouchDot(), ), ), Positioned( bottom: _bottom + _offsetY, left: _left, child: GestureDetector( onPanStart: (_) { _bottomDrain.reset(); _leftDrain.reset(); }, onPanUpdate: (details) { setState(() { if (_size == null) return; _moveBottomByDy(; _moveLeftByDx(; }); }, onPanEnd: (_) { widget.onCropChanged?.call(_getCropArgs()); }, child: const _TouchDot(), ), ), Positioned( bottom: _bottom + _offsetY, right: _right, child: GestureDetector( onPanStart: (_) { _bottomDrain.reset(); _rightDrain.reset(); }, onPanUpdate: (details) { setState(() { if (_size == null) return; _moveBottomByDy(; _moveRightByDx(; }); }, onPanEnd: (_) { widget.onCropChanged?.call(_getCropArgs()); }, child: const _TouchDot(), ), ), ], ], ); }, ); } void _onOrientationChanged(Orientation orientation) { _reset(); _prevOrientation = orientation; WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { if (mounted) { setState(() {}); } }); } void _tryUpdateSize(BuildContext context) { if (_size == null) { final renderObj = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox?; if (renderObj?.hasSize == true && renderObj!.size.width > 16) { // the renderbox height is always max final height = renderObj.size.width / widget.image.width * widget.image.height; _size = Size(renderObj.size.width, height); _offsetY = (renderObj.size.height - height) / 2; }"[_tryUpdateSize] size = $_size, offsetY: $_offsetY"); if (_size == null) {"[_tryUpdateSize] Schedule next"); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { if (mounted) { setState(() {}); } }); } else { // apply initial state after getting size if (_initialState != null && !_isInitialRestored) { _restoreCropArgs(_initialState!); _isInitialRestored = true; } } } } void _moveTopByDy(double dy) { if (_topDrain.isAvailable) { dy = _topDrain.consume(dy); } // add distance outside of the view to drain _topDrain.add(_addTop(dy)); } double _addTop(double dy) { final old = _top; final upper = _size!.height - _bottom - _TouchDot.size * 2 - _threshold; // ignore if image is too small to allow cropping in this axis if (upper >= _top) { _top = (_top + dy).clamp(0, upper); } else if (dy < 0 && _size!.height - _bottom >= 0) { // allow expanding only _top = math.max(_top + dy, 0); } return (old + dy) - _top; } void _moveLeftByDx(double dx) { if (_leftDrain.isAvailable) { dx = _leftDrain.consume(dx); } _leftDrain.add(_addLeft(dx)); } double _addLeft(double dx) { final old = _left; final upper = _size!.width - _right - _TouchDot.size * 2 - _threshold; if (upper >= _left) { _left = (_left + dx).clamp(0, upper); } else if (dx < 0 && _size!.width - _right >= 0) { _left = math.max(_left + dx, 0); } return (old + dx) - _left; } void _moveBottomByDy(double dy) { if (_bottomDrain.isAvailable) { dy = _bottomDrain.consume(dy); } _bottomDrain.add(_addBottom(dy)); } double _addBottom(double dy) { final old = _bottom; final upper = _size!.height - _top - _TouchDot.size * 2 - _threshold; if (upper >= _bottom) { _bottom = (_bottom - dy).clamp(0, upper); } else if (dy > 0 && _size!.height - _top >= 0) { _bottom = math.max(_bottom - dy, 0); } return _bottom - (old - dy); } void _moveRightByDx(double dx) { if (_rightDrain.isAvailable) { dx = _rightDrain.consume(dx); } _rightDrain.add(_addRight(dx)); } double _addRight(double dx) { final old = _right; final upper = _size!.width - _left - _TouchDot.size * 2 - _threshold; if (upper >= _right) { _right = (_right - dx).clamp(0, upper); } else if (dx > 0 && _size!.width - _left >= 0) { _right = math.max(_right - dx, 0); } return _right - (old - dx); } void _moveRectBy(Offset offset) { if (offset.dy < 0) { // up final actual = math.min(_top, -offset.dy); _top -= actual; _bottom += actual; } else { // down final actual = math.min(_bottom, offset.dy); _top += actual; _bottom -= actual; } if (offset.dx < 0) { // left final actual = math.min(_left, -offset.dx); _left -= actual; _right += actual; } else { // right final actual = math.min(_right, offset.dx); _left += actual; _right -= actual; } } _CropArguments _getCropArgs() { final topPercent = _top / _size!.height; final leftPercent = _left / _size!.width; final bottomPercent = (_size!.height - _bottom) / _size!.height; final rightPercent = (_size!.width - _right) / _size!.width; return _CropArguments(topPercent, leftPercent, bottomPercent, rightPercent); } void _restoreCropArgs(_CropArguments args) { _top = * _size!.height; _left = args.left * _size!.width; _bottom = _size!.height - args.bottom * _size!.height; _right = _size!.width - args.right * _size!.width; } /// Reset state after orientation change void _reset() {"[reset] Reset state"); if (_initialState != null) { // this is needed to also reset the state of the observer widget.onCropChanged?.call(_initialState!); } _isInitialRestored = false; _size = null; _offsetY = 0; _top = 0; _left = 0; _bottom = 0; _right = 0; } _CropArguments? _initialState; bool _isInitialRestored = false; Size? _size; double _offsetY = 0; var _top = 0.0; final _topDrain = _Drain(); var _left = 0.0; final _leftDrain = _Drain(); var _bottom = 0.0; final _bottomDrain = _Drain(); var _right = 0.0; final _rightDrain = _Drain(); // set this to false when pointer moved outside of the area, making user to // start a new pan session to move the rect var _canMoveRect = true; Orientation? _prevOrientation; static const _threshold = 24; } class _TouchDot extends StatelessWidget { static const double size = 24; const _TouchDot(); @override build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: size, height: size, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: Colors.white, width: 2, ), color: Colors.white60, ), ); } } class _CropClipper extends CustomClipper<Rect> { const _CropClipper(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom); @override getClip(Size size) => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom); @override shouldReclip(CustomClipper oldClipper) { if (oldClipper is! _CropClipper) { return true; } return left != oldClipper.left || top != || right != oldClipper.right || bottom != oldClipper.bottom; } final double left; final double top; final double right; final double bottom; } /// Store exceeding values and consume them if needed class _Drain { void add(double v) { _drain += v; } void reset() { _drain = 0; } /// Consume by [v], and return whatever that remain in [v] double consume(double v) { if (_drain.sign == v.sign) { // add more to drain _drain += v; v = 0; } else { // consume from drain _drain += v; if (_drain.sign == v.sign) { // consumed all, dy = remaining v = _drain; _drain = 0; } else { v = 0; } } return v; } bool get isAvailable => _drain != 0; double _drain = 0; } class _CropArguments implements TransformArguments { const _CropArguments(, this.left, this.bottom, this.right); @override toImageFilter() => TransformCropFilter(top, left, bottom, right); @override getToolType() => TransformToolType.crop; final double top; final double left; final double bottom; final double right; }