part of '../share_collection_dialog.dart'; @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> with BlocLogger { _Bloc({ required DiContainer container, required this.account, required this.collectionsController, required Collection collection, }) : _c = container, super(_State.init( collection: collection, )) { on<_UpdateCollection>(_onUpdateCollection); on<_LoadSharee>(_onLoadSharee); on<_RefreshSuggester>(_onRefreshSuggester); on<_ShareEventTag>((ev, emit) { if (ev is _Share) { return _onShare(ev, emit); } else if (ev is _Unshare) { return _onUnshare(ev, emit); } else { throw UnimplementedError(); } }); on<_SetError>(_onSetError); _subscriptions.add( (event) { final c = .firstWhere((d) => state.collection.compareIdentity(d.collection)); if (!identical(c, state.collection)) { add(_UpdateCollection(c.collection)); } }, )); _subscriptions.add(collectionsController.errorStream.listen((ev) { add(_SetError(ev.error, ev.stackTrace)); })); } @override String get tag => _log.fullName; @override Future close() { for (final s in _subscriptions) { s.cancel(); } return super.close(); } @override void onChange(Change<_State> change) { if (change.currentState.sharees != change.nextState.sharees || change.currentState.collection != change.nextState.collection || change.currentState.processingShares != change.nextState.processingShares) { add(const _RefreshSuggester()); } super.onChange(change); } @override void onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { // we need this to prevent onError being triggered recursively if (!isClosed && !_isHandlingError) { _isHandlingError = true; try { add(_SetError(error, stackTrace)); } catch (_) {} _isHandlingError = false; } super.onError(error, stackTrace); } void _onUpdateCollection(_UpdateCollection ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(collection: ev.collection)); } Future _onLoadSharee(_LoadSharee ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; final sharees = await _c.shareeRepo.list(account); emit(state.copyWith(sharees: sharees)); } void _onRefreshSuggester(_RefreshSuggester ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; final searchable = state.sharees ?.where((s) => !state.collection.shares.any((e) => e.userId == s.shareWith)) .where((s) => !state.processingShares.any((e) => e.userId == s.shareWith)) .where((s) => s.shareWith != account.userId) .toList() ?? []; emit(state.copyWith( shareeSuggester: Suggester( items: searchable, itemToKeywords: (item) => [item.shareWith, item.label.toCi()], maxResult: 10, ), )); } Future _onShare(_Share ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; if (state.collection.shares.any((s) => s.userId == ev.sharee.shareWith) || state.processingShares.any((s) => s.userId == ev.sharee.shareWith)) { _log.fine("[_onShare] Already shared with sharee: ${ev.sharee}"); return; } emit(state.copyWith( processingShares: [ ...state.processingShares, CollectionShare( userId: ev.sharee.shareWith, username: ev.sharee.label, ), ], )); try { await collectionsController.share(state.collection, ev.sharee); } finally { emit(state.copyWith( processingShares: state.processingShares .where((s) => s.userId != ev.sharee.shareWith) .toList(), )); } } Future _onUnshare(_Unshare ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {; emit(state.copyWith( processingShares: [ ...state.processingShares, ev.share, ], )); try { await collectionsController.unshare(state.collection, ev.share); } finally { emit(state.copyWith( processingShares: state.processingShares .where((s) => s.userId != ev.share.userId) .toList(), )); } } void _onSetError(_SetError ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(error: ExceptionEvent(ev.error, ev.stackTrace))); } final DiContainer _c; final Account account; final CollectionsController collectionsController; final _subscriptions = []; var _isHandlingError = false; }