// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND part of 'sqlite_table.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // MoorGenerator // ************************************************************************** // ignore_for_file: type=lint class Server extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final String address; Server({required this.rowId, required this.address}); factory Server.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Server( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, address: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}address'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['address'] = Variable(address); return map; } ServersCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return ServersCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), address: Value(address), ); } factory Server.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Server( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), address: serializer.fromJson(json['address']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'address': serializer.toJson(address), }; } Server copyWith({int? rowId, String? address}) => Server( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, address: address ?? this.address, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Server(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('address: $address') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, address); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Server && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.address == this.address); } class ServersCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value address; const ServersCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.address = const Value.absent(), }); ServersCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required String address, }) : address = Value(address); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? address, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (address != null) 'address': address, }); } ServersCompanion copyWith({Value? rowId, Value? address}) { return ServersCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, address: address ?? this.address, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (address.present) { map['address'] = Variable(address.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ServersCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('address: $address') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $ServersTable extends Servers with TableInfo<$ServersTable, Server> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $ServersTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _addressMeta = const VerificationMeta('address'); @override late final GeneratedColumn address = GeneratedColumn( 'address', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'UNIQUE'); @override List get $columns => [rowId, address]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'servers'; @override String get actualTableName => 'servers'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('address')) { context.handle(_addressMeta, address.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['address']!, _addressMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_addressMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override Server map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Server.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $ServersTable createAlias(String alias) { return $ServersTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Account extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int server; final String userId; Account({required this.rowId, required this.server, required this.userId}); factory Account.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Account( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, server: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}server'])!, userId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_id'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['server'] = Variable(server); map['user_id'] = Variable(userId); return map; } AccountsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AccountsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), server: Value(server), userId: Value(userId), ); } factory Account.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Account( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), server: serializer.fromJson(json['server']), userId: serializer.fromJson(json['userId']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'server': serializer.toJson(server), 'userId': serializer.toJson(userId), }; } Account copyWith({int? rowId, int? server, String? userId}) => Account( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, userId: userId ?? this.userId, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Account(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('userId: $userId') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, server, userId); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Account && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.server == this.server && other.userId == this.userId); } class AccountsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value server; final Value userId; const AccountsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.server = const Value.absent(), this.userId = const Value.absent(), }); AccountsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int server, required String userId, }) : server = Value(server), userId = Value(userId); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? server, Expression? userId, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (server != null) 'server': server, if (userId != null) 'user_id': userId, }); } AccountsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? server, Value? userId}) { return AccountsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, userId: userId ?? this.userId, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (server.present) { map['server'] = Variable(server.value); } if (userId.present) { map['user_id'] = Variable(userId.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('userId: $userId') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AccountsTable extends Accounts with TableInfo<$AccountsTable, Account> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AccountsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _serverMeta = const VerificationMeta('server'); @override late final GeneratedColumn server = GeneratedColumn( 'server', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES servers (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _userIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('userId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userId = GeneratedColumn( 'user_id', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); @override List get $columns => [rowId, server, userId]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'accounts'; @override String get actualTableName => 'accounts'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('server')) { context.handle(_serverMeta, server.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['server']!, _serverMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_serverMeta); } if (data.containsKey('user_id')) { context.handle(_userIdMeta, userId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['user_id']!, _userIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_userIdMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {server, userId}, ]; @override Account map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Account.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AccountsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AccountsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class File extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int server; final int fileId; final int? contentLength; final String? contentType; final String? etag; final DateTime? lastModified; final bool? isCollection; final int? usedBytes; final bool? hasPreview; final String? ownerId; final String? ownerDisplayName; File( {required this.rowId, required this.server, required this.fileId, this.contentLength, this.contentType, this.etag, this.lastModified, this.isCollection, this.usedBytes, this.hasPreview, this.ownerId, this.ownerDisplayName}); factory File.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return File( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, server: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}server'])!, fileId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file_id'])!, contentLength: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}content_length']), contentType: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}content_type']), etag: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}etag']), lastModified: $FilesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_modified'])), isCollection: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_collection']), usedBytes: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}used_bytes']), hasPreview: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}has_preview']), ownerId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}owner_id']), ownerDisplayName: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}owner_display_name']), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['server'] = Variable(server); map['file_id'] = Variable(fileId); if (!nullToAbsent || contentLength != null) { map['content_length'] = Variable(contentLength); } if (!nullToAbsent || contentType != null) { map['content_type'] = Variable(contentType); } if (!nullToAbsent || etag != null) { map['etag'] = Variable(etag); } if (!nullToAbsent || lastModified != null) { final converter = $FilesTable.$converter0; map['last_modified'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastModified)); } if (!nullToAbsent || isCollection != null) { map['is_collection'] = Variable(isCollection); } if (!nullToAbsent || usedBytes != null) { map['used_bytes'] = Variable(usedBytes); } if (!nullToAbsent || hasPreview != null) { map['has_preview'] = Variable(hasPreview); } if (!nullToAbsent || ownerId != null) { map['owner_id'] = Variable(ownerId); } if (!nullToAbsent || ownerDisplayName != null) { map['owner_display_name'] = Variable(ownerDisplayName); } return map; } FilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return FilesCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), server: Value(server), fileId: Value(fileId), contentLength: contentLength == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(contentLength), contentType: contentType == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(contentType), etag: etag == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(etag), lastModified: lastModified == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(lastModified), isCollection: isCollection == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isCollection), usedBytes: usedBytes == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(usedBytes), hasPreview: hasPreview == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(hasPreview), ownerId: ownerId == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(ownerId), ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(ownerDisplayName), ); } factory File.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return File( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), server: serializer.fromJson(json['server']), fileId: serializer.fromJson(json['fileId']), contentLength: serializer.fromJson(json['contentLength']), contentType: serializer.fromJson(json['contentType']), etag: serializer.fromJson(json['etag']), lastModified: serializer.fromJson(json['lastModified']), isCollection: serializer.fromJson(json['isCollection']), usedBytes: serializer.fromJson(json['usedBytes']), hasPreview: serializer.fromJson(json['hasPreview']), ownerId: serializer.fromJson(json['ownerId']), ownerDisplayName: serializer.fromJson(json['ownerDisplayName']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'server': serializer.toJson(server), 'fileId': serializer.toJson(fileId), 'contentLength': serializer.toJson(contentLength), 'contentType': serializer.toJson(contentType), 'etag': serializer.toJson(etag), 'lastModified': serializer.toJson(lastModified), 'isCollection': serializer.toJson(isCollection), 'usedBytes': serializer.toJson(usedBytes), 'hasPreview': serializer.toJson(hasPreview), 'ownerId': serializer.toJson(ownerId), 'ownerDisplayName': serializer.toJson(ownerDisplayName), }; } File copyWith( {int? rowId, int? server, int? fileId, Value contentLength = const Value.absent(), Value contentType = const Value.absent(), Value etag = const Value.absent(), Value lastModified = const Value.absent(), Value isCollection = const Value.absent(), Value usedBytes = const Value.absent(), Value hasPreview = const Value.absent(), Value ownerId = const Value.absent(), Value ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent()}) => File( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, fileId: fileId ?? this.fileId, contentLength: contentLength.present ? contentLength.value : this.contentLength, contentType: contentType.present ? contentType.value : this.contentType, etag: etag.present ? etag.value : this.etag, lastModified: lastModified.present ? lastModified.value : this.lastModified, isCollection: isCollection.present ? isCollection.value : this.isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes.present ? usedBytes.value : this.usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview.present ? hasPreview.value : this.hasPreview, ownerId: ownerId.present ? ownerId.value : this.ownerId, ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName.present ? ownerDisplayName.value : this.ownerDisplayName, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('File(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('fileId: $fileId, ') ..write('contentLength: $contentLength, ') ..write('contentType: $contentType, ') ..write('etag: $etag, ') ..write('lastModified: $lastModified, ') ..write('isCollection: $isCollection, ') ..write('usedBytes: $usedBytes, ') ..write('hasPreview: $hasPreview, ') ..write('ownerId: $ownerId, ') ..write('ownerDisplayName: $ownerDisplayName') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( rowId, server, fileId, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, isCollection, usedBytes, hasPreview, ownerId, ownerDisplayName); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is File && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.server == this.server && other.fileId == this.fileId && other.contentLength == this.contentLength && other.contentType == this.contentType && other.etag == this.etag && other.lastModified == this.lastModified && other.isCollection == this.isCollection && other.usedBytes == this.usedBytes && other.hasPreview == this.hasPreview && other.ownerId == this.ownerId && other.ownerDisplayName == this.ownerDisplayName); } class FilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value server; final Value fileId; final Value contentLength; final Value contentType; final Value etag; final Value lastModified; final Value isCollection; final Value usedBytes; final Value hasPreview; final Value ownerId; final Value ownerDisplayName; const FilesCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.server = const Value.absent(), this.fileId = const Value.absent(), this.contentLength = const Value.absent(), this.contentType = const Value.absent(), this.etag = const Value.absent(), this.lastModified = const Value.absent(), this.isCollection = const Value.absent(), this.usedBytes = const Value.absent(), this.hasPreview = const Value.absent(), this.ownerId = const Value.absent(), this.ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent(), }); FilesCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int server, required int fileId, this.contentLength = const Value.absent(), this.contentType = const Value.absent(), this.etag = const Value.absent(), this.lastModified = const Value.absent(), this.isCollection = const Value.absent(), this.usedBytes = const Value.absent(), this.hasPreview = const Value.absent(), this.ownerId = const Value.absent(), this.ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent(), }) : server = Value(server), fileId = Value(fileId); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? server, Expression? fileId, Expression? contentLength, Expression? contentType, Expression? etag, Expression? lastModified, Expression? isCollection, Expression? usedBytes, Expression? hasPreview, Expression? ownerId, Expression? ownerDisplayName, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (server != null) 'server': server, if (fileId != null) 'file_id': fileId, if (contentLength != null) 'content_length': contentLength, if (contentType != null) 'content_type': contentType, if (etag != null) 'etag': etag, if (lastModified != null) 'last_modified': lastModified, if (isCollection != null) 'is_collection': isCollection, if (usedBytes != null) 'used_bytes': usedBytes, if (hasPreview != null) 'has_preview': hasPreview, if (ownerId != null) 'owner_id': ownerId, if (ownerDisplayName != null) 'owner_display_name': ownerDisplayName, }); } FilesCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? server, Value? fileId, Value? contentLength, Value? contentType, Value? etag, Value? lastModified, Value? isCollection, Value? usedBytes, Value? hasPreview, Value? ownerId, Value? ownerDisplayName}) { return FilesCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, fileId: fileId ?? this.fileId, contentLength: contentLength ?? this.contentLength, contentType: contentType ?? this.contentType, etag: etag ?? this.etag, lastModified: lastModified ?? this.lastModified, isCollection: isCollection ?? this.isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes ?? this.usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview ?? this.hasPreview, ownerId: ownerId ?? this.ownerId, ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName ?? this.ownerDisplayName, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (server.present) { map['server'] = Variable(server.value); } if (fileId.present) { map['file_id'] = Variable(fileId.value); } if (contentLength.present) { map['content_length'] = Variable(contentLength.value); } if (contentType.present) { map['content_type'] = Variable(contentType.value); } if (etag.present) { map['etag'] = Variable(etag.value); } if (lastModified.present) { final converter = $FilesTable.$converter0; map['last_modified'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastModified.value)); } if (isCollection.present) { map['is_collection'] = Variable(isCollection.value); } if (usedBytes.present) { map['used_bytes'] = Variable(usedBytes.value); } if (hasPreview.present) { map['has_preview'] = Variable(hasPreview.value); } if (ownerId.present) { map['owner_id'] = Variable(ownerId.value); } if (ownerDisplayName.present) { map['owner_display_name'] = Variable(ownerDisplayName.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('FilesCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('fileId: $fileId, ') ..write('contentLength: $contentLength, ') ..write('contentType: $contentType, ') ..write('etag: $etag, ') ..write('lastModified: $lastModified, ') ..write('isCollection: $isCollection, ') ..write('usedBytes: $usedBytes, ') ..write('hasPreview: $hasPreview, ') ..write('ownerId: $ownerId, ') ..write('ownerDisplayName: $ownerDisplayName') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $FilesTable extends Files with TableInfo<$FilesTable, File> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $FilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _serverMeta = const VerificationMeta('server'); @override late final GeneratedColumn server = GeneratedColumn( 'server', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES servers (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _fileIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('fileId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn fileId = GeneratedColumn( 'file_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _contentLengthMeta = const VerificationMeta('contentLength'); @override late final GeneratedColumn contentLength = GeneratedColumn( 'content_length', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _contentTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('contentType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn contentType = GeneratedColumn( 'content_type', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _etagMeta = const VerificationMeta('etag'); @override late final GeneratedColumn etag = GeneratedColumn( 'etag', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _lastModifiedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastModified'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastModified = GeneratedColumn( 'last_modified', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($FilesTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _isCollectionMeta = const VerificationMeta('isCollection'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isCollection = GeneratedColumn( 'is_collection', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_collection IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _usedBytesMeta = const VerificationMeta('usedBytes'); @override late final GeneratedColumn usedBytes = GeneratedColumn( 'used_bytes', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _hasPreviewMeta = const VerificationMeta('hasPreview'); @override late final GeneratedColumn hasPreview = GeneratedColumn( 'has_preview', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (has_preview IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _ownerIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('ownerId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn ownerId = GeneratedColumn( 'owner_id', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _ownerDisplayNameMeta = const VerificationMeta('ownerDisplayName'); @override late final GeneratedColumn ownerDisplayName = GeneratedColumn('owner_display_name', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, server, fileId, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, isCollection, usedBytes, hasPreview, ownerId, ownerDisplayName ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('server')) { context.handle(_serverMeta, server.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['server']!, _serverMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_serverMeta); } if (data.containsKey('file_id')) { context.handle(_fileIdMeta, fileId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file_id']!, _fileIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('content_length')) { context.handle( _contentLengthMeta, contentLength.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['content_length']!, _contentLengthMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('content_type')) { context.handle( _contentTypeMeta, contentType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['content_type']!, _contentTypeMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('etag')) { context.handle( _etagMeta, etag.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['etag']!, _etagMeta)); } context.handle(_lastModifiedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('is_collection')) { context.handle( _isCollectionMeta, isCollection.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_collection']!, _isCollectionMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('used_bytes')) { context.handle(_usedBytesMeta, usedBytes.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['used_bytes']!, _usedBytesMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('has_preview')) { context.handle( _hasPreviewMeta, hasPreview.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['has_preview']!, _hasPreviewMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('owner_id')) { context.handle(_ownerIdMeta, ownerId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['owner_id']!, _ownerIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('owner_display_name')) { context.handle( _ownerDisplayNameMeta, ownerDisplayName.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['owner_display_name']!, _ownerDisplayNameMeta)); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {server, fileId}, ]; @override File map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return File.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $FilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $FilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class AccountFile extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int account; final int file; final String relativePath; final bool? isFavorite; final bool? isArchived; final DateTime? overrideDateTime; final DateTime bestDateTime; AccountFile( {required this.rowId, required this.account, required this.file, required this.relativePath, this.isFavorite, this.isArchived, this.overrideDateTime, required this.bestDateTime}); factory AccountFile.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return AccountFile( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, account: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account'])!, file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, relativePath: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}relative_path'])!, isFavorite: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_favorite']), isArchived: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_archived']), overrideDateTime: $AccountFilesTable.$converter0.mapToDart( const DateTimeType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}override_date_time'])), bestDateTime: $AccountFilesTable.$converter1.mapToDart( const DateTimeType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}best_date_time']))!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['account'] = Variable(account); map['file'] = Variable(file); map['relative_path'] = Variable(relativePath); if (!nullToAbsent || isFavorite != null) { map['is_favorite'] = Variable(isFavorite); } if (!nullToAbsent || isArchived != null) { map['is_archived'] = Variable(isArchived); } if (!nullToAbsent || overrideDateTime != null) { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter0; map['override_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(overrideDateTime)); } { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter1; map['best_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(bestDateTime)!); } return map; } AccountFilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AccountFilesCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), account: Value(account), file: Value(file), relativePath: Value(relativePath), isFavorite: isFavorite == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isFavorite), isArchived: isArchived == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isArchived), overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(overrideDateTime), bestDateTime: Value(bestDateTime), ); } factory AccountFile.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return AccountFile( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), account: serializer.fromJson(json['account']), file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), relativePath: serializer.fromJson(json['relativePath']), isFavorite: serializer.fromJson(json['isFavorite']), isArchived: serializer.fromJson(json['isArchived']), overrideDateTime: serializer.fromJson(json['overrideDateTime']), bestDateTime: serializer.fromJson(json['bestDateTime']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'account': serializer.toJson(account), 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'relativePath': serializer.toJson(relativePath), 'isFavorite': serializer.toJson(isFavorite), 'isArchived': serializer.toJson(isArchived), 'overrideDateTime': serializer.toJson(overrideDateTime), 'bestDateTime': serializer.toJson(bestDateTime), }; } AccountFile copyWith( {int? rowId, int? account, int? file, String? relativePath, Value isFavorite = const Value.absent(), Value isArchived = const Value.absent(), Value overrideDateTime = const Value.absent(), DateTime? bestDateTime}) => AccountFile( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, file: file ?? this.file, relativePath: relativePath ?? this.relativePath, isFavorite: isFavorite.present ? isFavorite.value : this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived.present ? isArchived.value : this.isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime.present ? overrideDateTime.value : this.overrideDateTime, bestDateTime: bestDateTime ?? this.bestDateTime, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountFile(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('relativePath: $relativePath, ') ..write('isFavorite: $isFavorite, ') ..write('isArchived: $isArchived, ') ..write('overrideDateTime: $overrideDateTime, ') ..write('bestDateTime: $bestDateTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, account, file, relativePath, isFavorite, isArchived, overrideDateTime, bestDateTime); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is AccountFile && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.account == this.account && other.file == this.file && other.relativePath == this.relativePath && other.isFavorite == this.isFavorite && other.isArchived == this.isArchived && other.overrideDateTime == this.overrideDateTime && other.bestDateTime == this.bestDateTime); } class AccountFilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value account; final Value file; final Value relativePath; final Value isFavorite; final Value isArchived; final Value overrideDateTime; final Value bestDateTime; const AccountFilesCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.account = const Value.absent(), this.file = const Value.absent(), this.relativePath = const Value.absent(), this.isFavorite = const Value.absent(), this.isArchived = const Value.absent(), this.overrideDateTime = const Value.absent(), this.bestDateTime = const Value.absent(), }); AccountFilesCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int account, required int file, required String relativePath, this.isFavorite = const Value.absent(), this.isArchived = const Value.absent(), this.overrideDateTime = const Value.absent(), required DateTime bestDateTime, }) : account = Value(account), file = Value(file), relativePath = Value(relativePath), bestDateTime = Value(bestDateTime); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? account, Expression? file, Expression? relativePath, Expression? isFavorite, Expression? isArchived, Expression? overrideDateTime, Expression? bestDateTime, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (account != null) 'account': account, if (file != null) 'file': file, if (relativePath != null) 'relative_path': relativePath, if (isFavorite != null) 'is_favorite': isFavorite, if (isArchived != null) 'is_archived': isArchived, if (overrideDateTime != null) 'override_date_time': overrideDateTime, if (bestDateTime != null) 'best_date_time': bestDateTime, }); } AccountFilesCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? account, Value? file, Value? relativePath, Value? isFavorite, Value? isArchived, Value? overrideDateTime, Value? bestDateTime}) { return AccountFilesCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, file: file ?? this.file, relativePath: relativePath ?? this.relativePath, isFavorite: isFavorite ?? this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived ?? this.isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime ?? this.overrideDateTime, bestDateTime: bestDateTime ?? this.bestDateTime, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (account.present) { map['account'] = Variable(account.value); } if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (relativePath.present) { map['relative_path'] = Variable(relativePath.value); } if (isFavorite.present) { map['is_favorite'] = Variable(isFavorite.value); } if (isArchived.present) { map['is_archived'] = Variable(isArchived.value); } if (overrideDateTime.present) { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter0; map['override_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(overrideDateTime.value)); } if (bestDateTime.present) { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter1; map['best_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(bestDateTime.value)!); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountFilesCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('relativePath: $relativePath, ') ..write('isFavorite: $isFavorite, ') ..write('isArchived: $isArchived, ') ..write('overrideDateTime: $overrideDateTime, ') ..write('bestDateTime: $bestDateTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AccountFilesTable extends AccountFiles with TableInfo<$AccountFilesTable, AccountFile> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AccountFilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _accountMeta = const VerificationMeta('account'); @override late final GeneratedColumn account = GeneratedColumn( 'account', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES accounts (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _relativePathMeta = const VerificationMeta('relativePath'); @override late final GeneratedColumn relativePath = GeneratedColumn( 'relative_path', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _isFavoriteMeta = const VerificationMeta('isFavorite'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isFavorite = GeneratedColumn( 'is_favorite', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_favorite IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _isArchivedMeta = const VerificationMeta('isArchived'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isArchived = GeneratedColumn( 'is_archived', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_archived IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _overrideDateTimeMeta = const VerificationMeta('overrideDateTime'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter overrideDateTime = GeneratedColumn( 'override_date_time', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($AccountFilesTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _bestDateTimeMeta = const VerificationMeta('bestDateTime'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter bestDateTime = GeneratedColumn( 'best_date_time', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($AccountFilesTable.$converter1); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, account, file, relativePath, isFavorite, isArchived, overrideDateTime, bestDateTime ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'account_files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'account_files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('account')) { context.handle(_accountMeta, account.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['account']!, _accountMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_accountMeta); } if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileMeta); } if (data.containsKey('relative_path')) { context.handle( _relativePathMeta, relativePath.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['relative_path']!, _relativePathMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_relativePathMeta); } if (data.containsKey('is_favorite')) { context.handle( _isFavoriteMeta, isFavorite.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_favorite']!, _isFavoriteMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('is_archived')) { context.handle( _isArchivedMeta, isArchived.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_archived']!, _isArchivedMeta)); } context.handle(_overrideDateTimeMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); context.handle(_bestDateTimeMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {account, file}, ]; @override AccountFile map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return AccountFile.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AccountFilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AccountFilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); static TypeConverter $converter1 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class Image extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int accountFile; final DateTime lastUpdated; final String? fileEtag; final int? width; final int? height; final String? exifRaw; final DateTime? dateTimeOriginal; Image( {required this.accountFile, required this.lastUpdated, this.fileEtag, this.width, this.height, this.exifRaw, this.dateTimeOriginal}); factory Image.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Image( accountFile: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account_file'])!, lastUpdated: $ImagesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_updated']))!, fileEtag: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file_etag']), width: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}width']), height: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}height']), exifRaw: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}exif_raw']), dateTimeOriginal: $ImagesTable.$converter1.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}date_time_original'])), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile); { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated)!); } if (!nullToAbsent || fileEtag != null) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag); } if (!nullToAbsent || width != null) { map['width'] = Variable(width); } if (!nullToAbsent || height != null) { map['height'] = Variable(height); } if (!nullToAbsent || exifRaw != null) { map['exif_raw'] = Variable(exifRaw); } if (!nullToAbsent || dateTimeOriginal != null) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter1; map['date_time_original'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(dateTimeOriginal)); } return map; } ImagesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return ImagesCompanion( accountFile: Value(accountFile), lastUpdated: Value(lastUpdated), fileEtag: fileEtag == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(fileEtag), width: width == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(width), height: height == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(height), exifRaw: exifRaw == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(exifRaw), dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(dateTimeOriginal), ); } factory Image.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Image( accountFile: serializer.fromJson(json['accountFile']), lastUpdated: serializer.fromJson(json['lastUpdated']), fileEtag: serializer.fromJson(json['fileEtag']), width: serializer.fromJson(json['width']), height: serializer.fromJson(json['height']), exifRaw: serializer.fromJson(json['exifRaw']), dateTimeOriginal: serializer.fromJson(json['dateTimeOriginal']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'accountFile': serializer.toJson(accountFile), 'lastUpdated': serializer.toJson(lastUpdated), 'fileEtag': serializer.toJson(fileEtag), 'width': serializer.toJson(width), 'height': serializer.toJson(height), 'exifRaw': serializer.toJson(exifRaw), 'dateTimeOriginal': serializer.toJson(dateTimeOriginal), }; } Image copyWith( {int? accountFile, DateTime? lastUpdated, Value fileEtag = const Value.absent(), Value width = const Value.absent(), Value height = const Value.absent(), Value exifRaw = const Value.absent(), Value dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent()}) => Image( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, fileEtag: fileEtag.present ? fileEtag.value : this.fileEtag, width: width.present ? width.value : this.width, height: height.present ? height.value : this.height, exifRaw: exifRaw.present ? exifRaw.value : this.exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal.present ? dateTimeOriginal.value : this.dateTimeOriginal, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Image(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('width: $width, ') ..write('height: $height, ') ..write('exifRaw: $exifRaw, ') ..write('dateTimeOriginal: $dateTimeOriginal') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(accountFile, lastUpdated, fileEtag, width, height, exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Image && other.accountFile == this.accountFile && other.lastUpdated == this.lastUpdated && other.fileEtag == this.fileEtag && other.width == this.width && other.height == this.height && other.exifRaw == this.exifRaw && other.dateTimeOriginal == this.dateTimeOriginal); } class ImagesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value accountFile; final Value lastUpdated; final Value fileEtag; final Value width; final Value height; final Value exifRaw; final Value dateTimeOriginal; const ImagesCompanion({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), this.lastUpdated = const Value.absent(), this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), this.width = const Value.absent(), this.height = const Value.absent(), this.exifRaw = const Value.absent(), this.dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent(), }); ImagesCompanion.insert({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), required DateTime lastUpdated, this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), this.width = const Value.absent(), this.height = const Value.absent(), this.exifRaw = const Value.absent(), this.dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent(), }) : lastUpdated = Value(lastUpdated); static Insertable custom({ Expression? accountFile, Expression? lastUpdated, Expression? fileEtag, Expression? width, Expression? height, Expression? exifRaw, Expression? dateTimeOriginal, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (accountFile != null) 'account_file': accountFile, if (lastUpdated != null) 'last_updated': lastUpdated, if (fileEtag != null) 'file_etag': fileEtag, if (width != null) 'width': width, if (height != null) 'height': height, if (exifRaw != null) 'exif_raw': exifRaw, if (dateTimeOriginal != null) 'date_time_original': dateTimeOriginal, }); } ImagesCompanion copyWith( {Value? accountFile, Value? lastUpdated, Value? fileEtag, Value? width, Value? height, Value? exifRaw, Value? dateTimeOriginal}) { return ImagesCompanion( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, fileEtag: fileEtag ?? this.fileEtag, width: width ?? this.width, height: height ?? this.height, exifRaw: exifRaw ?? this.exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal ?? this.dateTimeOriginal, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (accountFile.present) { map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile.value); } if (lastUpdated.present) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated.value)!); } if (fileEtag.present) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag.value); } if (width.present) { map['width'] = Variable(width.value); } if (height.present) { map['height'] = Variable(height.value); } if (exifRaw.present) { map['exif_raw'] = Variable(exifRaw.value); } if (dateTimeOriginal.present) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter1; map['date_time_original'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(dateTimeOriginal.value)); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ImagesCompanion(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('width: $width, ') ..write('height: $height, ') ..write('exifRaw: $exifRaw, ') ..write('dateTimeOriginal: $dateTimeOriginal') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $ImagesTable extends Images with TableInfo<$ImagesTable, Image> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $ImagesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _accountFileMeta = const VerificationMeta('accountFile'); @override late final GeneratedColumn accountFile = GeneratedColumn( 'account_file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES account_files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _lastUpdatedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastUpdated'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastUpdated = GeneratedColumn('last_updated', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($ImagesTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _fileEtagMeta = const VerificationMeta('fileEtag'); @override late final GeneratedColumn fileEtag = GeneratedColumn( 'file_etag', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _widthMeta = const VerificationMeta('width'); @override late final GeneratedColumn width = GeneratedColumn( 'width', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _heightMeta = const VerificationMeta('height'); @override late final GeneratedColumn height = GeneratedColumn( 'height', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _exifRawMeta = const VerificationMeta('exifRaw'); @override late final GeneratedColumn exifRaw = GeneratedColumn( 'exif_raw', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _dateTimeOriginalMeta = const VerificationMeta('dateTimeOriginal'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter dateTimeOriginal = GeneratedColumn( 'date_time_original', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($ImagesTable.$converter1); @override List get $columns => [ accountFile, lastUpdated, fileEtag, width, height, exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'images'; @override String get actualTableName => 'images'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('account_file')) { context.handle( _accountFileMeta, accountFile.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['account_file']!, _accountFileMeta)); } context.handle(_lastUpdatedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('file_etag')) { context.handle(_fileEtagMeta, fileEtag.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file_etag']!, _fileEtagMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('width')) { context.handle( _widthMeta, width.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['width']!, _widthMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('height')) { context.handle(_heightMeta, height.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['height']!, _heightMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('exif_raw')) { context.handle(_exifRawMeta, exifRaw.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['exif_raw']!, _exifRawMeta)); } context.handle(_dateTimeOriginalMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {accountFile}; @override Image map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Image.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $ImagesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $ImagesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); static TypeConverter $converter1 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class ImageLocation extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int accountFile; final int version; final String? name; final double? latitude; final double? longitude; final String? countryCode; final String? admin1; final String? admin2; ImageLocation( {required this.accountFile, required this.version, this.name, this.latitude, this.longitude, this.countryCode, this.admin1, this.admin2}); factory ImageLocation.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return ImageLocation( accountFile: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account_file'])!, version: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}version'])!, name: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}name']), latitude: const RealType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}latitude']), longitude: const RealType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}longitude']), countryCode: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}country_code']), admin1: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}admin1']), admin2: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}admin2']), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile); map['version'] = Variable(version); if (!nullToAbsent || name != null) { map['name'] = Variable(name); } if (!nullToAbsent || latitude != null) { map['latitude'] = Variable(latitude); } if (!nullToAbsent || longitude != null) { map['longitude'] = Variable(longitude); } if (!nullToAbsent || countryCode != null) { map['country_code'] = Variable(countryCode); } if (!nullToAbsent || admin1 != null) { map['admin1'] = Variable(admin1); } if (!nullToAbsent || admin2 != null) { map['admin2'] = Variable(admin2); } return map; } ImageLocationsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return ImageLocationsCompanion( accountFile: Value(accountFile), version: Value(version), name: name == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(name), latitude: latitude == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(latitude), longitude: longitude == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(longitude), countryCode: countryCode == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(countryCode), admin1: admin1 == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(admin1), admin2: admin2 == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(admin2), ); } factory ImageLocation.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return ImageLocation( accountFile: serializer.fromJson(json['accountFile']), version: serializer.fromJson(json['version']), name: serializer.fromJson(json['name']), latitude: serializer.fromJson(json['latitude']), longitude: serializer.fromJson(json['longitude']), countryCode: serializer.fromJson(json['countryCode']), admin1: serializer.fromJson(json['admin1']), admin2: serializer.fromJson(json['admin2']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'accountFile': serializer.toJson(accountFile), 'version': serializer.toJson(version), 'name': serializer.toJson(name), 'latitude': serializer.toJson(latitude), 'longitude': serializer.toJson(longitude), 'countryCode': serializer.toJson(countryCode), 'admin1': serializer.toJson(admin1), 'admin2': serializer.toJson(admin2), }; } ImageLocation copyWith( {int? accountFile, int? version, Value name = const Value.absent(), Value latitude = const Value.absent(), Value longitude = const Value.absent(), Value countryCode = const Value.absent(), Value admin1 = const Value.absent(), Value admin2 = const Value.absent()}) => ImageLocation( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, version: version ?? this.version, name: name.present ? name.value : this.name, latitude: latitude.present ? latitude.value : this.latitude, longitude: longitude.present ? longitude.value : this.longitude, countryCode: countryCode.present ? countryCode.value : this.countryCode, admin1: admin1.present ? admin1.value : this.admin1, admin2: admin2.present ? admin2.value : this.admin2, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ImageLocation(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('latitude: $latitude, ') ..write('longitude: $longitude, ') ..write('countryCode: $countryCode, ') ..write('admin1: $admin1, ') ..write('admin2: $admin2') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(accountFile, version, name, latitude, longitude, countryCode, admin1, admin2); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is ImageLocation && other.accountFile == this.accountFile && other.version == this.version && other.name == this.name && other.latitude == this.latitude && other.longitude == this.longitude && other.countryCode == this.countryCode && other.admin1 == this.admin1 && other.admin2 == this.admin2); } class ImageLocationsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value accountFile; final Value version; final Value name; final Value latitude; final Value longitude; final Value countryCode; final Value admin1; final Value admin2; const ImageLocationsCompanion({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), this.version = const Value.absent(), this.name = const Value.absent(), this.latitude = const Value.absent(), this.longitude = const Value.absent(), this.countryCode = const Value.absent(), this.admin1 = const Value.absent(), this.admin2 = const Value.absent(), }); ImageLocationsCompanion.insert({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), required int version, this.name = const Value.absent(), this.latitude = const Value.absent(), this.longitude = const Value.absent(), this.countryCode = const Value.absent(), this.admin1 = const Value.absent(), this.admin2 = const Value.absent(), }) : version = Value(version); static Insertable custom({ Expression? accountFile, Expression? version, Expression? name, Expression? latitude, Expression? longitude, Expression? countryCode, Expression? admin1, Expression? admin2, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (accountFile != null) 'account_file': accountFile, if (version != null) 'version': version, if (name != null) 'name': name, if (latitude != null) 'latitude': latitude, if (longitude != null) 'longitude': longitude, if (countryCode != null) 'country_code': countryCode, if (admin1 != null) 'admin1': admin1, if (admin2 != null) 'admin2': admin2, }); } ImageLocationsCompanion copyWith( {Value? accountFile, Value? version, Value? name, Value? latitude, Value? longitude, Value? countryCode, Value? admin1, Value? admin2}) { return ImageLocationsCompanion( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, version: version ?? this.version, name: name ?? this.name, latitude: latitude ?? this.latitude, longitude: longitude ?? this.longitude, countryCode: countryCode ?? this.countryCode, admin1: admin1 ?? this.admin1, admin2: admin2 ?? this.admin2, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (accountFile.present) { map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile.value); } if (version.present) { map['version'] = Variable(version.value); } if (name.present) { map['name'] = Variable(name.value); } if (latitude.present) { map['latitude'] = Variable(latitude.value); } if (longitude.present) { map['longitude'] = Variable(longitude.value); } if (countryCode.present) { map['country_code'] = Variable(countryCode.value); } if (admin1.present) { map['admin1'] = Variable(admin1.value); } if (admin2.present) { map['admin2'] = Variable(admin2.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ImageLocationsCompanion(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('latitude: $latitude, ') ..write('longitude: $longitude, ') ..write('countryCode: $countryCode, ') ..write('admin1: $admin1, ') ..write('admin2: $admin2') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $ImageLocationsTable extends ImageLocations with TableInfo<$ImageLocationsTable, ImageLocation> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $ImageLocationsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _accountFileMeta = const VerificationMeta('accountFile'); @override late final GeneratedColumn accountFile = GeneratedColumn( 'account_file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES account_files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _versionMeta = const VerificationMeta('version'); @override late final GeneratedColumn version = GeneratedColumn( 'version', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _nameMeta = const VerificationMeta('name'); @override late final GeneratedColumn name = GeneratedColumn( 'name', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _latitudeMeta = const VerificationMeta('latitude'); @override late final GeneratedColumn latitude = GeneratedColumn( 'latitude', aliasedName, true, type: const RealType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _longitudeMeta = const VerificationMeta('longitude'); @override late final GeneratedColumn longitude = GeneratedColumn( 'longitude', aliasedName, true, type: const RealType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _countryCodeMeta = const VerificationMeta('countryCode'); @override late final GeneratedColumn countryCode = GeneratedColumn( 'country_code', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _admin1Meta = const VerificationMeta('admin1'); @override late final GeneratedColumn admin1 = GeneratedColumn( 'admin1', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _admin2Meta = const VerificationMeta('admin2'); @override late final GeneratedColumn admin2 = GeneratedColumn( 'admin2', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); @override List get $columns => [ accountFile, version, name, latitude, longitude, countryCode, admin1, admin2 ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'image_locations'; @override String get actualTableName => 'image_locations'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('account_file')) { context.handle( _accountFileMeta, accountFile.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['account_file']!, _accountFileMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('version')) { context.handle(_versionMeta, version.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['version']!, _versionMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_versionMeta); } if (data.containsKey('name')) { context.handle( _nameMeta, name.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['name']!, _nameMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('latitude')) { context.handle(_latitudeMeta, latitude.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['latitude']!, _latitudeMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('longitude')) { context.handle(_longitudeMeta, longitude.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['longitude']!, _longitudeMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('country_code')) { context.handle( _countryCodeMeta, countryCode.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['country_code']!, _countryCodeMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('admin1')) { context.handle(_admin1Meta, admin1.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['admin1']!, _admin1Meta)); } if (data.containsKey('admin2')) { context.handle(_admin2Meta, admin2.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['admin2']!, _admin2Meta)); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {accountFile}; @override ImageLocation map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return ImageLocation.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $ImageLocationsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $ImageLocationsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Trash extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int file; final String filename; final String originalLocation; final DateTime deletionTime; Trash( {required this.file, required this.filename, required this.originalLocation, required this.deletionTime}); factory Trash.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Trash( file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, filename: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}filename'])!, originalLocation: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}original_location'])!, deletionTime: $TrashesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}deletion_time']))!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['file'] = Variable(file); map['filename'] = Variable(filename); map['original_location'] = Variable(originalLocation); { final converter = $TrashesTable.$converter0; map['deletion_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(deletionTime)!); } return map; } TrashesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return TrashesCompanion( file: Value(file), filename: Value(filename), originalLocation: Value(originalLocation), deletionTime: Value(deletionTime), ); } factory Trash.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Trash( file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), filename: serializer.fromJson(json['filename']), originalLocation: serializer.fromJson(json['originalLocation']), deletionTime: serializer.fromJson(json['deletionTime']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'filename': serializer.toJson(filename), 'originalLocation': serializer.toJson(originalLocation), 'deletionTime': serializer.toJson(deletionTime), }; } Trash copyWith( {int? file, String? filename, String? originalLocation, DateTime? deletionTime}) => Trash( file: file ?? this.file, filename: filename ?? this.filename, originalLocation: originalLocation ?? this.originalLocation, deletionTime: deletionTime ?? this.deletionTime, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Trash(') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('filename: $filename, ') ..write('originalLocation: $originalLocation, ') ..write('deletionTime: $deletionTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(file, filename, originalLocation, deletionTime); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Trash && other.file == this.file && other.filename == this.filename && other.originalLocation == this.originalLocation && other.deletionTime == this.deletionTime); } class TrashesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value file; final Value filename; final Value originalLocation; final Value deletionTime; const TrashesCompanion({ this.file = const Value.absent(), this.filename = const Value.absent(), this.originalLocation = const Value.absent(), this.deletionTime = const Value.absent(), }); TrashesCompanion.insert({ this.file = const Value.absent(), required String filename, required String originalLocation, required DateTime deletionTime, }) : filename = Value(filename), originalLocation = Value(originalLocation), deletionTime = Value(deletionTime); static Insertable custom({ Expression? file, Expression? filename, Expression? originalLocation, Expression? deletionTime, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (file != null) 'file': file, if (filename != null) 'filename': filename, if (originalLocation != null) 'original_location': originalLocation, if (deletionTime != null) 'deletion_time': deletionTime, }); } TrashesCompanion copyWith( {Value? file, Value? filename, Value? originalLocation, Value? deletionTime}) { return TrashesCompanion( file: file ?? this.file, filename: filename ?? this.filename, originalLocation: originalLocation ?? this.originalLocation, deletionTime: deletionTime ?? this.deletionTime, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (filename.present) { map['filename'] = Variable(filename.value); } if (originalLocation.present) { map['original_location'] = Variable(originalLocation.value); } if (deletionTime.present) { final converter = $TrashesTable.$converter0; map['deletion_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(deletionTime.value)!); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('TrashesCompanion(') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('filename: $filename, ') ..write('originalLocation: $originalLocation, ') ..write('deletionTime: $deletionTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $TrashesTable extends Trashes with TableInfo<$TrashesTable, Trash> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $TrashesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _filenameMeta = const VerificationMeta('filename'); @override late final GeneratedColumn filename = GeneratedColumn( 'filename', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _originalLocationMeta = const VerificationMeta('originalLocation'); @override late final GeneratedColumn originalLocation = GeneratedColumn('original_location', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _deletionTimeMeta = const VerificationMeta('deletionTime'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter deletionTime = GeneratedColumn( 'deletion_time', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($TrashesTable.$converter0); @override List get $columns => [file, filename, originalLocation, deletionTime]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'trashes'; @override String get actualTableName => 'trashes'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('filename')) { context.handle(_filenameMeta, filename.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['filename']!, _filenameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_filenameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('original_location')) { context.handle( _originalLocationMeta, originalLocation.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['original_location']!, _originalLocationMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_originalLocationMeta); } context.handle(_deletionTimeMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {file}; @override Trash map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Trash.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $TrashesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $TrashesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class DirFile extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int dir; final int child; DirFile({required this.dir, required this.child}); factory DirFile.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return DirFile( dir: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}dir'])!, child: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}child'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['dir'] = Variable(dir); map['child'] = Variable(child); return map; } DirFilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return DirFilesCompanion( dir: Value(dir), child: Value(child), ); } factory DirFile.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return DirFile( dir: serializer.fromJson(json['dir']), child: serializer.fromJson(json['child']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'dir': serializer.toJson(dir), 'child': serializer.toJson(child), }; } DirFile copyWith({int? dir, int? child}) => DirFile( dir: dir ?? this.dir, child: child ?? this.child, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('DirFile(') ..write('dir: $dir, ') ..write('child: $child') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(dir, child); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is DirFile && other.dir == this.dir && other.child == this.child); } class DirFilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value dir; final Value child; const DirFilesCompanion({ this.dir = const Value.absent(), this.child = const Value.absent(), }); DirFilesCompanion.insert({ required int dir, required int child, }) : dir = Value(dir), child = Value(child); static Insertable custom({ Expression? dir, Expression? child, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (dir != null) 'dir': dir, if (child != null) 'child': child, }); } DirFilesCompanion copyWith({Value? dir, Value? child}) { return DirFilesCompanion( dir: dir ?? this.dir, child: child ?? this.child, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (dir.present) { map['dir'] = Variable(dir.value); } if (child.present) { map['child'] = Variable(child.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('DirFilesCompanion(') ..write('dir: $dir, ') ..write('child: $child') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $DirFilesTable extends DirFiles with TableInfo<$DirFilesTable, DirFile> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $DirFilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _dirMeta = const VerificationMeta('dir'); @override late final GeneratedColumn dir = GeneratedColumn( 'dir', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _childMeta = const VerificationMeta('child'); @override late final GeneratedColumn child = GeneratedColumn( 'child', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); @override List get $columns => [dir, child]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'dir_files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'dir_files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('dir')) { context.handle( _dirMeta, dir.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['dir']!, _dirMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_dirMeta); } if (data.containsKey('child')) { context.handle( _childMeta, child.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['child']!, _childMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_childMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {dir, child}; @override DirFile map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return DirFile.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $DirFilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $DirFilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Album extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int file; final String? fileEtag; final int version; final DateTime lastUpdated; final String name; final String providerType; final String providerContent; final String coverProviderType; final String coverProviderContent; final String sortProviderType; final String sortProviderContent; Album( {required this.rowId, required this.file, this.fileEtag, required this.version, required this.lastUpdated, required this.name, required this.providerType, required this.providerContent, required this.coverProviderType, required this.coverProviderContent, required this.sortProviderType, required this.sortProviderContent}); factory Album.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Album( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, fileEtag: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file_etag']), version: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}version'])!, lastUpdated: $AlbumsTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_updated']))!, name: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}name'])!, providerType: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}provider_type'])!, providerContent: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}provider_content'])!, coverProviderType: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}cover_provider_type'])!, coverProviderContent: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}cover_provider_content'])!, sortProviderType: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}sort_provider_type'])!, sortProviderContent: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}sort_provider_content'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['file'] = Variable(file); if (!nullToAbsent || fileEtag != null) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag); } map['version'] = Variable(version); { final converter = $AlbumsTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated)!); } map['name'] = Variable(name); map['provider_type'] = Variable(providerType); map['provider_content'] = Variable(providerContent); map['cover_provider_type'] = Variable(coverProviderType); map['cover_provider_content'] = Variable(coverProviderContent); map['sort_provider_type'] = Variable(sortProviderType); map['sort_provider_content'] = Variable(sortProviderContent); return map; } AlbumsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AlbumsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), file: Value(file), fileEtag: fileEtag == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(fileEtag), version: Value(version), lastUpdated: Value(lastUpdated), name: Value(name), providerType: Value(providerType), providerContent: Value(providerContent), coverProviderType: Value(coverProviderType), coverProviderContent: Value(coverProviderContent), sortProviderType: Value(sortProviderType), sortProviderContent: Value(sortProviderContent), ); } factory Album.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Album( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), fileEtag: serializer.fromJson(json['fileEtag']), version: serializer.fromJson(json['version']), lastUpdated: serializer.fromJson(json['lastUpdated']), name: serializer.fromJson(json['name']), providerType: serializer.fromJson(json['providerType']), providerContent: serializer.fromJson(json['providerContent']), coverProviderType: serializer.fromJson(json['coverProviderType']), coverProviderContent: serializer.fromJson(json['coverProviderContent']), sortProviderType: serializer.fromJson(json['sortProviderType']), sortProviderContent: serializer.fromJson(json['sortProviderContent']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'fileEtag': serializer.toJson(fileEtag), 'version': serializer.toJson(version), 'lastUpdated': serializer.toJson(lastUpdated), 'name': serializer.toJson(name), 'providerType': serializer.toJson(providerType), 'providerContent': serializer.toJson(providerContent), 'coverProviderType': serializer.toJson(coverProviderType), 'coverProviderContent': serializer.toJson(coverProviderContent), 'sortProviderType': serializer.toJson(sortProviderType), 'sortProviderContent': serializer.toJson(sortProviderContent), }; } Album copyWith( {int? rowId, int? file, Value fileEtag = const Value.absent(), int? version, DateTime? lastUpdated, String? name, String? providerType, String? providerContent, String? coverProviderType, String? coverProviderContent, String? sortProviderType, String? sortProviderContent}) => Album( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, file: file ?? this.file, fileEtag: fileEtag.present ? fileEtag.value : this.fileEtag, version: version ?? this.version, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, name: name ?? this.name, providerType: providerType ?? this.providerType, providerContent: providerContent ?? this.providerContent, coverProviderType: coverProviderType ?? this.coverProviderType, coverProviderContent: coverProviderContent ?? this.coverProviderContent, sortProviderType: sortProviderType ?? this.sortProviderType, sortProviderContent: sortProviderContent ?? this.sortProviderContent, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Album(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('providerType: $providerType, ') ..write('providerContent: $providerContent, ') ..write('coverProviderType: $coverProviderType, ') ..write('coverProviderContent: $coverProviderContent, ') ..write('sortProviderType: $sortProviderType, ') ..write('sortProviderContent: $sortProviderContent') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( rowId, file, fileEtag, version, lastUpdated, name, providerType, providerContent, coverProviderType, coverProviderContent, sortProviderType, sortProviderContent); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Album && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.file == this.file && other.fileEtag == this.fileEtag && other.version == this.version && other.lastUpdated == this.lastUpdated && other.name == this.name && other.providerType == this.providerType && other.providerContent == this.providerContent && other.coverProviderType == this.coverProviderType && other.coverProviderContent == this.coverProviderContent && other.sortProviderType == this.sortProviderType && other.sortProviderContent == this.sortProviderContent); } class AlbumsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value file; final Value fileEtag; final Value version; final Value lastUpdated; final Value name; final Value providerType; final Value providerContent; final Value coverProviderType; final Value coverProviderContent; final Value sortProviderType; final Value sortProviderContent; const AlbumsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.file = const Value.absent(), this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), this.version = const Value.absent(), this.lastUpdated = const Value.absent(), this.name = const Value.absent(), this.providerType = const Value.absent(), this.providerContent = const Value.absent(), this.coverProviderType = const Value.absent(), this.coverProviderContent = const Value.absent(), this.sortProviderType = const Value.absent(), this.sortProviderContent = const Value.absent(), }); AlbumsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int file, this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), required int version, required DateTime lastUpdated, required String name, required String providerType, required String providerContent, required String coverProviderType, required String coverProviderContent, required String sortProviderType, required String sortProviderContent, }) : file = Value(file), version = Value(version), lastUpdated = Value(lastUpdated), name = Value(name), providerType = Value(providerType), providerContent = Value(providerContent), coverProviderType = Value(coverProviderType), coverProviderContent = Value(coverProviderContent), sortProviderType = Value(sortProviderType), sortProviderContent = Value(sortProviderContent); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? file, Expression? fileEtag, Expression? version, Expression? lastUpdated, Expression? name, Expression? providerType, Expression? providerContent, Expression? coverProviderType, Expression? coverProviderContent, Expression? sortProviderType, Expression? sortProviderContent, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (file != null) 'file': file, if (fileEtag != null) 'file_etag': fileEtag, if (version != null) 'version': version, if (lastUpdated != null) 'last_updated': lastUpdated, if (name != null) 'name': name, if (providerType != null) 'provider_type': providerType, if (providerContent != null) 'provider_content': providerContent, if (coverProviderType != null) 'cover_provider_type': coverProviderType, if (coverProviderContent != null) 'cover_provider_content': coverProviderContent, if (sortProviderType != null) 'sort_provider_type': sortProviderType, if (sortProviderContent != null) 'sort_provider_content': sortProviderContent, }); } AlbumsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? file, Value? fileEtag, Value? version, Value? lastUpdated, Value? name, Value? providerType, Value? providerContent, Value? coverProviderType, Value? coverProviderContent, Value? sortProviderType, Value? sortProviderContent}) { return AlbumsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, file: file ?? this.file, fileEtag: fileEtag ?? this.fileEtag, version: version ?? this.version, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, name: name ?? this.name, providerType: providerType ?? this.providerType, providerContent: providerContent ?? this.providerContent, coverProviderType: coverProviderType ?? this.coverProviderType, coverProviderContent: coverProviderContent ?? this.coverProviderContent, sortProviderType: sortProviderType ?? this.sortProviderType, sortProviderContent: sortProviderContent ?? this.sortProviderContent, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (fileEtag.present) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag.value); } if (version.present) { map['version'] = Variable(version.value); } if (lastUpdated.present) { final converter = $AlbumsTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated.value)!); } if (name.present) { map['name'] = Variable(name.value); } if (providerType.present) { map['provider_type'] = Variable(providerType.value); } if (providerContent.present) { map['provider_content'] = Variable(providerContent.value); } if (coverProviderType.present) { map['cover_provider_type'] = Variable(coverProviderType.value); } if (coverProviderContent.present) { map['cover_provider_content'] = Variable(coverProviderContent.value); } if (sortProviderType.present) { map['sort_provider_type'] = Variable(sortProviderType.value); } if (sortProviderContent.present) { map['sort_provider_content'] = Variable(sortProviderContent.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('providerType: $providerType, ') ..write('providerContent: $providerContent, ') ..write('coverProviderType: $coverProviderType, ') ..write('coverProviderContent: $coverProviderContent, ') ..write('sortProviderType: $sortProviderType, ') ..write('sortProviderContent: $sortProviderContent') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AlbumsTable extends Albums with TableInfo<$AlbumsTable, Album> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AlbumsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'UNIQUE REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _fileEtagMeta = const VerificationMeta('fileEtag'); @override late final GeneratedColumn fileEtag = GeneratedColumn( 'file_etag', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _versionMeta = const VerificationMeta('version'); @override late final GeneratedColumn version = GeneratedColumn( 'version', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _lastUpdatedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastUpdated'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastUpdated = GeneratedColumn('last_updated', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($AlbumsTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _nameMeta = const VerificationMeta('name'); @override late final GeneratedColumn name = GeneratedColumn( 'name', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _providerTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('providerType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn providerType = GeneratedColumn( 'provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _providerContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('providerContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn providerContent = GeneratedColumn('provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _coverProviderTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('coverProviderType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn coverProviderType = GeneratedColumn('cover_provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _coverProviderContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('coverProviderContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn coverProviderContent = GeneratedColumn('cover_provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _sortProviderTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('sortProviderType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn sortProviderType = GeneratedColumn('sort_provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _sortProviderContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('sortProviderContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn sortProviderContent = GeneratedColumn('sort_provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, file, fileEtag, version, lastUpdated, name, providerType, providerContent, coverProviderType, coverProviderContent, sortProviderType, sortProviderContent ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'albums'; @override String get actualTableName => 'albums'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileMeta); } if (data.containsKey('file_etag')) { context.handle(_fileEtagMeta, fileEtag.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file_etag']!, _fileEtagMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('version')) { context.handle(_versionMeta, version.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['version']!, _versionMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_versionMeta); } context.handle(_lastUpdatedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('name')) { context.handle( _nameMeta, name.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['name']!, _nameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_nameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('provider_type')) { context.handle( _providerTypeMeta, providerType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['provider_type']!, _providerTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_providerTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('provider_content')) { context.handle( _providerContentMeta, providerContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['provider_content']!, _providerContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_providerContentMeta); } if (data.containsKey('cover_provider_type')) { context.handle( _coverProviderTypeMeta, coverProviderType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['cover_provider_type']!, _coverProviderTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_coverProviderTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('cover_provider_content')) { context.handle( _coverProviderContentMeta, coverProviderContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['cover_provider_content']!, _coverProviderContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_coverProviderContentMeta); } if (data.containsKey('sort_provider_type')) { context.handle( _sortProviderTypeMeta, sortProviderType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['sort_provider_type']!, _sortProviderTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_sortProviderTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('sort_provider_content')) { context.handle( _sortProviderContentMeta, sortProviderContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['sort_provider_content']!, _sortProviderContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_sortProviderContentMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override Album map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Album.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AlbumsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AlbumsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class AlbumShare extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int album; final String userId; final String? displayName; final DateTime sharedAt; AlbumShare( {required this.album, required this.userId, this.displayName, required this.sharedAt}); factory AlbumShare.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return AlbumShare( album: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}album'])!, userId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_id'])!, displayName: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}display_name']), sharedAt: $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}shared_at']))!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['album'] = Variable(album); map['user_id'] = Variable(userId); if (!nullToAbsent || displayName != null) { map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName); } { final converter = $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0; map['shared_at'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(sharedAt)!); } return map; } AlbumSharesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AlbumSharesCompanion( album: Value(album), userId: Value(userId), displayName: displayName == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(displayName), sharedAt: Value(sharedAt), ); } factory AlbumShare.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return AlbumShare( album: serializer.fromJson(json['album']), userId: serializer.fromJson(json['userId']), displayName: serializer.fromJson(json['displayName']), sharedAt: serializer.fromJson(json['sharedAt']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'album': serializer.toJson(album), 'userId': serializer.toJson(userId), 'displayName': serializer.toJson(displayName), 'sharedAt': serializer.toJson(sharedAt), }; } AlbumShare copyWith( {int? album, String? userId, Value displayName = const Value.absent(), DateTime? sharedAt}) => AlbumShare( album: album ?? this.album, userId: userId ?? this.userId, displayName: displayName.present ? displayName.value : this.displayName, sharedAt: sharedAt ?? this.sharedAt, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumShare(') ..write('album: $album, ') ..write('userId: $userId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('sharedAt: $sharedAt') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(album, userId, displayName, sharedAt); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is AlbumShare && other.album == this.album && other.userId == this.userId && other.displayName == this.displayName && other.sharedAt == this.sharedAt); } class AlbumSharesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value album; final Value userId; final Value displayName; final Value sharedAt; const AlbumSharesCompanion({ this.album = const Value.absent(), this.userId = const Value.absent(), this.displayName = const Value.absent(), this.sharedAt = const Value.absent(), }); AlbumSharesCompanion.insert({ required int album, required String userId, this.displayName = const Value.absent(), required DateTime sharedAt, }) : album = Value(album), userId = Value(userId), sharedAt = Value(sharedAt); static Insertable custom({ Expression? album, Expression? userId, Expression? displayName, Expression? sharedAt, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (album != null) 'album': album, if (userId != null) 'user_id': userId, if (displayName != null) 'display_name': displayName, if (sharedAt != null) 'shared_at': sharedAt, }); } AlbumSharesCompanion copyWith( {Value? album, Value? userId, Value? displayName, Value? sharedAt}) { return AlbumSharesCompanion( album: album ?? this.album, userId: userId ?? this.userId, displayName: displayName ?? this.displayName, sharedAt: sharedAt ?? this.sharedAt, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (album.present) { map['album'] = Variable(album.value); } if (userId.present) { map['user_id'] = Variable(userId.value); } if (displayName.present) { map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName.value); } if (sharedAt.present) { final converter = $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0; map['shared_at'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(sharedAt.value)!); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumSharesCompanion(') ..write('album: $album, ') ..write('userId: $userId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('sharedAt: $sharedAt') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AlbumSharesTable extends AlbumShares with TableInfo<$AlbumSharesTable, AlbumShare> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AlbumSharesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _albumMeta = const VerificationMeta('album'); @override late final GeneratedColumn album = GeneratedColumn( 'album', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES albums (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _userIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('userId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userId = GeneratedColumn( 'user_id', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _displayNameMeta = const VerificationMeta('displayName'); @override late final GeneratedColumn displayName = GeneratedColumn( 'display_name', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _sharedAtMeta = const VerificationMeta('sharedAt'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter sharedAt = GeneratedColumn('shared_at', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($AlbumSharesTable.$converter0); @override List get $columns => [album, userId, displayName, sharedAt]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'album_shares'; @override String get actualTableName => 'album_shares'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('album')) { context.handle( _albumMeta, album.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['album']!, _albumMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_albumMeta); } if (data.containsKey('user_id')) { context.handle(_userIdMeta, userId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['user_id']!, _userIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_userIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('display_name')) { context.handle( _displayNameMeta, displayName.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['display_name']!, _displayNameMeta)); } context.handle(_sharedAtMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {album, userId}; @override AlbumShare map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return AlbumShare.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AlbumSharesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AlbumSharesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class Tag extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int server; final int tagId; final String displayName; final bool? userVisible; final bool? userAssignable; Tag( {required this.rowId, required this.server, required this.tagId, required this.displayName, this.userVisible, this.userAssignable}); factory Tag.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Tag( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, server: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}server'])!, tagId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}tag_id'])!, displayName: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}display_name'])!, userVisible: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_visible']), userAssignable: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_assignable']), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['server'] = Variable(server); map['tag_id'] = Variable(tagId); map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName); if (!nullToAbsent || userVisible != null) { map['user_visible'] = Variable(userVisible); } if (!nullToAbsent || userAssignable != null) { map['user_assignable'] = Variable(userAssignable); } return map; } TagsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return TagsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), server: Value(server), tagId: Value(tagId), displayName: Value(displayName), userVisible: userVisible == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(userVisible), userAssignable: userAssignable == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(userAssignable), ); } factory Tag.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Tag( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), server: serializer.fromJson(json['server']), tagId: serializer.fromJson(json['tagId']), displayName: serializer.fromJson(json['displayName']), userVisible: serializer.fromJson(json['userVisible']), userAssignable: serializer.fromJson(json['userAssignable']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'server': serializer.toJson(server), 'tagId': serializer.toJson(tagId), 'displayName': serializer.toJson(displayName), 'userVisible': serializer.toJson(userVisible), 'userAssignable': serializer.toJson(userAssignable), }; } Tag copyWith( {int? rowId, int? server, int? tagId, String? displayName, Value userVisible = const Value.absent(), Value userAssignable = const Value.absent()}) => Tag( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, tagId: tagId ?? this.tagId, displayName: displayName ?? this.displayName, userVisible: userVisible.present ? userVisible.value : this.userVisible, userAssignable: userAssignable.present ? userAssignable.value : this.userAssignable, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Tag(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('tagId: $tagId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('userVisible: $userVisible, ') ..write('userAssignable: $userAssignable') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( rowId, server, tagId, displayName, userVisible, userAssignable); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Tag && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.server == this.server && other.tagId == this.tagId && other.displayName == this.displayName && other.userVisible == this.userVisible && other.userAssignable == this.userAssignable); } class TagsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value server; final Value tagId; final Value displayName; final Value userVisible; final Value userAssignable; const TagsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.server = const Value.absent(), this.tagId = const Value.absent(), this.displayName = const Value.absent(), this.userVisible = const Value.absent(), this.userAssignable = const Value.absent(), }); TagsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int server, required int tagId, required String displayName, this.userVisible = const Value.absent(), this.userAssignable = const Value.absent(), }) : server = Value(server), tagId = Value(tagId), displayName = Value(displayName); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? server, Expression? tagId, Expression? displayName, Expression? userVisible, Expression? userAssignable, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (server != null) 'server': server, if (tagId != null) 'tag_id': tagId, if (displayName != null) 'display_name': displayName, if (userVisible != null) 'user_visible': userVisible, if (userAssignable != null) 'user_assignable': userAssignable, }); } TagsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? server, Value? tagId, Value? displayName, Value? userVisible, Value? userAssignable}) { return TagsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, tagId: tagId ?? this.tagId, displayName: displayName ?? this.displayName, userVisible: userVisible ?? this.userVisible, userAssignable: userAssignable ?? this.userAssignable, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (server.present) { map['server'] = Variable(server.value); } if (tagId.present) { map['tag_id'] = Variable(tagId.value); } if (displayName.present) { map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName.value); } if (userVisible.present) { map['user_visible'] = Variable(userVisible.value); } if (userAssignable.present) { map['user_assignable'] = Variable(userAssignable.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('TagsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('tagId: $tagId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('userVisible: $userVisible, ') ..write('userAssignable: $userAssignable') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $TagsTable extends Tags with TableInfo<$TagsTable, Tag> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $TagsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _serverMeta = const VerificationMeta('server'); @override late final GeneratedColumn server = GeneratedColumn( 'server', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES servers (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _tagIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('tagId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn tagId = GeneratedColumn( 'tag_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _displayNameMeta = const VerificationMeta('displayName'); @override late final GeneratedColumn displayName = GeneratedColumn( 'display_name', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _userVisibleMeta = const VerificationMeta('userVisible'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userVisible = GeneratedColumn( 'user_visible', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (user_visible IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _userAssignableMeta = const VerificationMeta('userAssignable'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userAssignable = GeneratedColumn( 'user_assignable', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (user_assignable IN (0, 1))'); @override List get $columns => [rowId, server, tagId, displayName, userVisible, userAssignable]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'tags'; @override String get actualTableName => 'tags'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('server')) { context.handle(_serverMeta, server.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['server']!, _serverMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_serverMeta); } if (data.containsKey('tag_id')) { context.handle( _tagIdMeta, tagId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['tag_id']!, _tagIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_tagIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('display_name')) { context.handle( _displayNameMeta, displayName.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['display_name']!, _displayNameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_displayNameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('user_visible')) { context.handle( _userVisibleMeta, userVisible.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['user_visible']!, _userVisibleMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('user_assignable')) { context.handle( _userAssignableMeta, userAssignable.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['user_assignable']!, _userAssignableMeta)); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {server, tagId}, ]; @override Tag map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Tag.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $TagsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $TagsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Person extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int account; final String name; final int thumbFaceId; final int count; Person( {required this.rowId, required this.account, required this.name, required this.thumbFaceId, required this.count}); factory Person.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Person( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, account: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account'])!, name: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}name'])!, thumbFaceId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}thumb_face_id'])!, count: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}count'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['account'] = Variable(account); map['name'] = Variable(name); map['thumb_face_id'] = Variable(thumbFaceId); map['count'] = Variable(count); return map; } PersonsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return PersonsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), account: Value(account), name: Value(name), thumbFaceId: Value(thumbFaceId), count: Value(count), ); } factory Person.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Person( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), account: serializer.fromJson(json['account']), name: serializer.fromJson(json['name']), thumbFaceId: serializer.fromJson(json['thumbFaceId']), count: serializer.fromJson(json['count']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'account': serializer.toJson(account), 'name': serializer.toJson(name), 'thumbFaceId': serializer.toJson(thumbFaceId), 'count': serializer.toJson(count), }; } Person copyWith( {int? rowId, int? account, String? name, int? thumbFaceId, int? count}) => Person( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, name: name ?? this.name, thumbFaceId: thumbFaceId ?? this.thumbFaceId, count: count ?? this.count, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Person(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('thumbFaceId: $thumbFaceId, ') ..write('count: $count') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, account, name, thumbFaceId, count); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Person && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.account == this.account && other.name == this.name && other.thumbFaceId == this.thumbFaceId && other.count == this.count); } class PersonsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value account; final Value name; final Value thumbFaceId; final Value count; const PersonsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.account = const Value.absent(), this.name = const Value.absent(), this.thumbFaceId = const Value.absent(), this.count = const Value.absent(), }); PersonsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int account, required String name, required int thumbFaceId, required int count, }) : account = Value(account), name = Value(name), thumbFaceId = Value(thumbFaceId), count = Value(count); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? account, Expression? name, Expression? thumbFaceId, Expression? count, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (account != null) 'account': account, if (name != null) 'name': name, if (thumbFaceId != null) 'thumb_face_id': thumbFaceId, if (count != null) 'count': count, }); } PersonsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? account, Value? name, Value? thumbFaceId, Value? count}) { return PersonsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, name: name ?? this.name, thumbFaceId: thumbFaceId ?? this.thumbFaceId, count: count ?? this.count, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (account.present) { map['account'] = Variable(account.value); } if (name.present) { map['name'] = Variable(name.value); } if (thumbFaceId.present) { map['thumb_face_id'] = Variable(thumbFaceId.value); } if (count.present) { map['count'] = Variable(count.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('PersonsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('thumbFaceId: $thumbFaceId, ') ..write('count: $count') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $PersonsTable extends Persons with TableInfo<$PersonsTable, Person> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $PersonsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _accountMeta = const VerificationMeta('account'); @override late final GeneratedColumn account = GeneratedColumn( 'account', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES accounts (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _nameMeta = const VerificationMeta('name'); @override late final GeneratedColumn name = GeneratedColumn( 'name', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _thumbFaceIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('thumbFaceId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn thumbFaceId = GeneratedColumn( 'thumb_face_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _countMeta = const VerificationMeta('count'); @override late final GeneratedColumn count = GeneratedColumn( 'count', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); @override List get $columns => [rowId, account, name, thumbFaceId, count]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'persons'; @override String get actualTableName => 'persons'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('account')) { context.handle(_accountMeta, account.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['account']!, _accountMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_accountMeta); } if (data.containsKey('name')) { context.handle( _nameMeta, name.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['name']!, _nameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_nameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('thumb_face_id')) { context.handle( _thumbFaceIdMeta, thumbFaceId.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['thumb_face_id']!, _thumbFaceIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_thumbFaceIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('count')) { context.handle( _countMeta, count.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['count']!, _countMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_countMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {account, name}, ]; @override Person map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Person.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $PersonsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $PersonsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } abstract class _$SqliteDb extends GeneratedDatabase { _$SqliteDb(QueryExecutor e) : super(SqlTypeSystem.defaultInstance, e); _$SqliteDb.connect(DatabaseConnection c) : super.connect(c); late final $ServersTable servers = $ServersTable(this); late final $AccountsTable accounts = $AccountsTable(this); late final $FilesTable files = $FilesTable(this); late final $AccountFilesTable accountFiles = $AccountFilesTable(this); late final $ImagesTable images = $ImagesTable(this); late final $ImageLocationsTable imageLocations = $ImageLocationsTable(this); late final $TrashesTable trashes = $TrashesTable(this); late final $DirFilesTable dirFiles = $DirFilesTable(this); late final $AlbumsTable albums = $AlbumsTable(this); late final $AlbumSharesTable albumShares = $AlbumSharesTable(this); late final $TagsTable tags = $TagsTable(this); late final $PersonsTable persons = $PersonsTable(this); @override Iterable get allTables => allSchemaEntities.whereType(); @override List get allSchemaEntities => [ servers, accounts, files, accountFiles, images, imageLocations, trashes, dirFiles, albums, albumShares, tags, persons ]; }