import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/ls.dart'; class LsDirBlocItem with EquatableMixin { LsDirBlocItem(this.file, this.children); @override toString({bool isDeep = false}) { if (isDeep) { return "$runtimeType:${_toDeepString(0)}"; } else { final childrenStr = children == null ? "null" : "List {length: ${children!.length}}"; return "$runtimeType {" "file: '${file.path}', " "children: $childrenStr, " "}"; } } String _toDeepString(int level) { String product = "\n" + " " * (level * 2) + "-${file.path}"; if (children != null) { for (final c in children!) { product += c._toDeepString(level + 1); } } return product; } @override get props => [ file, children, ]; final File file; /// Child directories under this directory /// /// Null if this dir is not listed, due to things like depth limitation List<LsDirBlocItem>? children; } abstract class LsDirBlocEvent { const LsDirBlocEvent(); } class LsDirBlocQuery extends LsDirBlocEvent { const LsDirBlocQuery( this.account, this.root, { this.depth = 1, }); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "account: $account, " "root: '${root.path}', " "depth: $depth, " "}"; } LsDirBlocQuery copyWith({ Account? account, File? root, int? depth, }) { return LsDirBlocQuery( account ?? this.account, root ?? this.root, depth: depth ?? this.depth, ); } final Account account; final File root; final int depth; } abstract class LsDirBlocState with EquatableMixin { const LsDirBlocState(this.account, this.root, this.items); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "account: $account, " "root: ${root.path}, " "items: List {length: ${items.length}}, " "}"; } @override get props => [ account, root, items, ]; final Account? account; final File root; final List<LsDirBlocItem> items; } class LsDirBlocInit extends LsDirBlocState { LsDirBlocInit() : super(null, File(path: ""), const []); } class LsDirBlocLoading extends LsDirBlocState { const LsDirBlocLoading(Account? account, File root, List<LsDirBlocItem> items) : super(account, root, items); } class LsDirBlocSuccess extends LsDirBlocState { const LsDirBlocSuccess(Account? account, File root, List<LsDirBlocItem> items) : super(account, root, items); } class LsDirBlocFailure extends LsDirBlocState { const LsDirBlocFailure( Account? account, File root, List<LsDirBlocItem> items, this.exception) : super(account, root, items); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "super: ${super.toString()}, " "exception: $exception, " "}"; } @override get props => [ ...super.props, exception, ]; final dynamic exception; } /// A bloc that return all directories under a dir recursively class LsDirBloc extends Bloc<LsDirBlocEvent, LsDirBlocState> { LsDirBloc({ this.fileRepo = const FileRepo(const FileWebdavDataSource()), }) : super(LsDirBlocInit()); @override mapEventToState(LsDirBlocEvent event) async* {"[mapEventToState] $event"); if (event is LsDirBlocQuery) { yield* _onEventQuery(event); } } Stream<LsDirBlocState> _onEventQuery(LsDirBlocQuery ev) async* { try { yield LsDirBlocLoading(ev.account, ev.root, state.items); yield LsDirBlocSuccess(ev.account, ev.root, await _query(ev)); } catch (e) { _log.severe("[_onEventQuery] Exception while request", e); yield LsDirBlocFailure(ev.account, ev.root, state.items, e); } } Future<List<LsDirBlocItem>> _query(LsDirBlocQuery ev) async { final product = <LsDirBlocItem>[]; var files = _cache[ev.root.path]; if (files == null) { files = (await Ls(fileRepo)(ev.account, ev.root)) .where((f) => f.isCollection ?? false) .toList(); _cache[ev.root.path] = files; } for (final f in files) { List<LsDirBlocItem>? children; if (ev.depth > 1) { children = await _query(ev.copyWith(root: f, depth: ev.depth - 1)); } product.add(LsDirBlocItem(f, children)); } return product; } final FileRepo fileRepo; final _cache = <String, List<File>>{}; static final _log = Logger("bloc.ls_dir.LsDirBloc"); }