// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND part of 'sqlite_table.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // MoorGenerator // ************************************************************************** // ignore_for_file: type=lint class Server extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final String address; Server({required this.rowId, required this.address}); factory Server.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Server( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, address: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}address'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['address'] = Variable(address); return map; } ServersCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return ServersCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), address: Value(address), ); } factory Server.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Server( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), address: serializer.fromJson(json['address']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'address': serializer.toJson(address), }; } Server copyWith({int? rowId, String? address}) => Server( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, address: address ?? this.address, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Server(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('address: $address') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, address); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Server && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.address == this.address); } class ServersCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value address; const ServersCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.address = const Value.absent(), }); ServersCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required String address, }) : address = Value(address); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? address, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (address != null) 'address': address, }); } ServersCompanion copyWith({Value? rowId, Value? address}) { return ServersCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, address: address ?? this.address, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (address.present) { map['address'] = Variable(address.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ServersCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('address: $address') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $ServersTable extends Servers with TableInfo<$ServersTable, Server> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $ServersTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _addressMeta = const VerificationMeta('address'); @override late final GeneratedColumn address = GeneratedColumn( 'address', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'UNIQUE'); @override List get $columns => [rowId, address]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'servers'; @override String get actualTableName => 'servers'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('address')) { context.handle(_addressMeta, address.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['address']!, _addressMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_addressMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override Server map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Server.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $ServersTable createAlias(String alias) { return $ServersTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Account extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int server; final String userId; Account({required this.rowId, required this.server, required this.userId}); factory Account.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Account( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, server: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}server'])!, userId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_id'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['server'] = Variable(server); map['user_id'] = Variable(userId); return map; } AccountsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AccountsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), server: Value(server), userId: Value(userId), ); } factory Account.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Account( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), server: serializer.fromJson(json['server']), userId: serializer.fromJson(json['userId']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'server': serializer.toJson(server), 'userId': serializer.toJson(userId), }; } Account copyWith({int? rowId, int? server, String? userId}) => Account( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, userId: userId ?? this.userId, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Account(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('userId: $userId') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, server, userId); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Account && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.server == this.server && other.userId == this.userId); } class AccountsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value server; final Value userId; const AccountsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.server = const Value.absent(), this.userId = const Value.absent(), }); AccountsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int server, required String userId, }) : server = Value(server), userId = Value(userId); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? server, Expression? userId, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (server != null) 'server': server, if (userId != null) 'user_id': userId, }); } AccountsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? server, Value? userId}) { return AccountsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, userId: userId ?? this.userId, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (server.present) { map['server'] = Variable(server.value); } if (userId.present) { map['user_id'] = Variable(userId.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('userId: $userId') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AccountsTable extends Accounts with TableInfo<$AccountsTable, Account> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AccountsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _serverMeta = const VerificationMeta('server'); @override late final GeneratedColumn server = GeneratedColumn( 'server', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES servers (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _userIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('userId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userId = GeneratedColumn( 'user_id', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); @override List get $columns => [rowId, server, userId]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'accounts'; @override String get actualTableName => 'accounts'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('server')) { context.handle(_serverMeta, server.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['server']!, _serverMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_serverMeta); } if (data.containsKey('user_id')) { context.handle(_userIdMeta, userId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['user_id']!, _userIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_userIdMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {server, userId}, ]; @override Account map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Account.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AccountsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AccountsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class File extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int server; final int fileId; final int? contentLength; final String? contentType; final String? etag; final DateTime? lastModified; final bool? isCollection; final int? usedBytes; final bool? hasPreview; final String? ownerId; final String? ownerDisplayName; File( {required this.rowId, required this.server, required this.fileId, this.contentLength, this.contentType, this.etag, this.lastModified, this.isCollection, this.usedBytes, this.hasPreview, this.ownerId, this.ownerDisplayName}); factory File.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return File( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, server: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}server'])!, fileId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file_id'])!, contentLength: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}content_length']), contentType: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}content_type']), etag: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}etag']), lastModified: $FilesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_modified'])), isCollection: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_collection']), usedBytes: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}used_bytes']), hasPreview: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}has_preview']), ownerId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}owner_id']), ownerDisplayName: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}owner_display_name']), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['server'] = Variable(server); map['file_id'] = Variable(fileId); if (!nullToAbsent || contentLength != null) { map['content_length'] = Variable(contentLength); } if (!nullToAbsent || contentType != null) { map['content_type'] = Variable(contentType); } if (!nullToAbsent || etag != null) { map['etag'] = Variable(etag); } if (!nullToAbsent || lastModified != null) { final converter = $FilesTable.$converter0; map['last_modified'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastModified)); } if (!nullToAbsent || isCollection != null) { map['is_collection'] = Variable(isCollection); } if (!nullToAbsent || usedBytes != null) { map['used_bytes'] = Variable(usedBytes); } if (!nullToAbsent || hasPreview != null) { map['has_preview'] = Variable(hasPreview); } if (!nullToAbsent || ownerId != null) { map['owner_id'] = Variable(ownerId); } if (!nullToAbsent || ownerDisplayName != null) { map['owner_display_name'] = Variable(ownerDisplayName); } return map; } FilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return FilesCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), server: Value(server), fileId: Value(fileId), contentLength: contentLength == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(contentLength), contentType: contentType == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(contentType), etag: etag == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(etag), lastModified: lastModified == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(lastModified), isCollection: isCollection == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isCollection), usedBytes: usedBytes == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(usedBytes), hasPreview: hasPreview == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(hasPreview), ownerId: ownerId == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(ownerId), ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(ownerDisplayName), ); } factory File.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return File( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), server: serializer.fromJson(json['server']), fileId: serializer.fromJson(json['fileId']), contentLength: serializer.fromJson(json['contentLength']), contentType: serializer.fromJson(json['contentType']), etag: serializer.fromJson(json['etag']), lastModified: serializer.fromJson(json['lastModified']), isCollection: serializer.fromJson(json['isCollection']), usedBytes: serializer.fromJson(json['usedBytes']), hasPreview: serializer.fromJson(json['hasPreview']), ownerId: serializer.fromJson(json['ownerId']), ownerDisplayName: serializer.fromJson(json['ownerDisplayName']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'server': serializer.toJson(server), 'fileId': serializer.toJson(fileId), 'contentLength': serializer.toJson(contentLength), 'contentType': serializer.toJson(contentType), 'etag': serializer.toJson(etag), 'lastModified': serializer.toJson(lastModified), 'isCollection': serializer.toJson(isCollection), 'usedBytes': serializer.toJson(usedBytes), 'hasPreview': serializer.toJson(hasPreview), 'ownerId': serializer.toJson(ownerId), 'ownerDisplayName': serializer.toJson(ownerDisplayName), }; } File copyWith( {int? rowId, int? server, int? fileId, Value contentLength = const Value.absent(), Value contentType = const Value.absent(), Value etag = const Value.absent(), Value lastModified = const Value.absent(), Value isCollection = const Value.absent(), Value usedBytes = const Value.absent(), Value hasPreview = const Value.absent(), Value ownerId = const Value.absent(), Value ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent()}) => File( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, fileId: fileId ?? this.fileId, contentLength: contentLength.present ? contentLength.value : this.contentLength, contentType: contentType.present ? contentType.value : this.contentType, etag: etag.present ? etag.value : this.etag, lastModified: lastModified.present ? lastModified.value : this.lastModified, isCollection: isCollection.present ? isCollection.value : this.isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes.present ? usedBytes.value : this.usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview.present ? hasPreview.value : this.hasPreview, ownerId: ownerId.present ? ownerId.value : this.ownerId, ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName.present ? ownerDisplayName.value : this.ownerDisplayName, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('File(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('fileId: $fileId, ') ..write('contentLength: $contentLength, ') ..write('contentType: $contentType, ') ..write('etag: $etag, ') ..write('lastModified: $lastModified, ') ..write('isCollection: $isCollection, ') ..write('usedBytes: $usedBytes, ') ..write('hasPreview: $hasPreview, ') ..write('ownerId: $ownerId, ') ..write('ownerDisplayName: $ownerDisplayName') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( rowId, server, fileId, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, isCollection, usedBytes, hasPreview, ownerId, ownerDisplayName); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is File && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.server == this.server && other.fileId == this.fileId && other.contentLength == this.contentLength && other.contentType == this.contentType && other.etag == this.etag && other.lastModified == this.lastModified && other.isCollection == this.isCollection && other.usedBytes == this.usedBytes && other.hasPreview == this.hasPreview && other.ownerId == this.ownerId && other.ownerDisplayName == this.ownerDisplayName); } class FilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value server; final Value fileId; final Value contentLength; final Value contentType; final Value etag; final Value lastModified; final Value isCollection; final Value usedBytes; final Value hasPreview; final Value ownerId; final Value ownerDisplayName; const FilesCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.server = const Value.absent(), this.fileId = const Value.absent(), this.contentLength = const Value.absent(), this.contentType = const Value.absent(), this.etag = const Value.absent(), this.lastModified = const Value.absent(), this.isCollection = const Value.absent(), this.usedBytes = const Value.absent(), this.hasPreview = const Value.absent(), this.ownerId = const Value.absent(), this.ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent(), }); FilesCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int server, required int fileId, this.contentLength = const Value.absent(), this.contentType = const Value.absent(), this.etag = const Value.absent(), this.lastModified = const Value.absent(), this.isCollection = const Value.absent(), this.usedBytes = const Value.absent(), this.hasPreview = const Value.absent(), this.ownerId = const Value.absent(), this.ownerDisplayName = const Value.absent(), }) : server = Value(server), fileId = Value(fileId); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? server, Expression? fileId, Expression? contentLength, Expression? contentType, Expression? etag, Expression? lastModified, Expression? isCollection, Expression? usedBytes, Expression? hasPreview, Expression? ownerId, Expression? ownerDisplayName, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (server != null) 'server': server, if (fileId != null) 'file_id': fileId, if (contentLength != null) 'content_length': contentLength, if (contentType != null) 'content_type': contentType, if (etag != null) 'etag': etag, if (lastModified != null) 'last_modified': lastModified, if (isCollection != null) 'is_collection': isCollection, if (usedBytes != null) 'used_bytes': usedBytes, if (hasPreview != null) 'has_preview': hasPreview, if (ownerId != null) 'owner_id': ownerId, if (ownerDisplayName != null) 'owner_display_name': ownerDisplayName, }); } FilesCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? server, Value? fileId, Value? contentLength, Value? contentType, Value? etag, Value? lastModified, Value? isCollection, Value? usedBytes, Value? hasPreview, Value? ownerId, Value? ownerDisplayName}) { return FilesCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, server: server ?? this.server, fileId: fileId ?? this.fileId, contentLength: contentLength ?? this.contentLength, contentType: contentType ?? this.contentType, etag: etag ?? this.etag, lastModified: lastModified ?? this.lastModified, isCollection: isCollection ?? this.isCollection, usedBytes: usedBytes ?? this.usedBytes, hasPreview: hasPreview ?? this.hasPreview, ownerId: ownerId ?? this.ownerId, ownerDisplayName: ownerDisplayName ?? this.ownerDisplayName, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (server.present) { map['server'] = Variable(server.value); } if (fileId.present) { map['file_id'] = Variable(fileId.value); } if (contentLength.present) { map['content_length'] = Variable(contentLength.value); } if (contentType.present) { map['content_type'] = Variable(contentType.value); } if (etag.present) { map['etag'] = Variable(etag.value); } if (lastModified.present) { final converter = $FilesTable.$converter0; map['last_modified'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastModified.value)); } if (isCollection.present) { map['is_collection'] = Variable(isCollection.value); } if (usedBytes.present) { map['used_bytes'] = Variable(usedBytes.value); } if (hasPreview.present) { map['has_preview'] = Variable(hasPreview.value); } if (ownerId.present) { map['owner_id'] = Variable(ownerId.value); } if (ownerDisplayName.present) { map['owner_display_name'] = Variable(ownerDisplayName.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('FilesCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('server: $server, ') ..write('fileId: $fileId, ') ..write('contentLength: $contentLength, ') ..write('contentType: $contentType, ') ..write('etag: $etag, ') ..write('lastModified: $lastModified, ') ..write('isCollection: $isCollection, ') ..write('usedBytes: $usedBytes, ') ..write('hasPreview: $hasPreview, ') ..write('ownerId: $ownerId, ') ..write('ownerDisplayName: $ownerDisplayName') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $FilesTable extends Files with TableInfo<$FilesTable, File> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $FilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _serverMeta = const VerificationMeta('server'); @override late final GeneratedColumn server = GeneratedColumn( 'server', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES servers (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _fileIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('fileId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn fileId = GeneratedColumn( 'file_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _contentLengthMeta = const VerificationMeta('contentLength'); @override late final GeneratedColumn contentLength = GeneratedColumn( 'content_length', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _contentTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('contentType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn contentType = GeneratedColumn( 'content_type', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _etagMeta = const VerificationMeta('etag'); @override late final GeneratedColumn etag = GeneratedColumn( 'etag', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _lastModifiedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastModified'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastModified = GeneratedColumn( 'last_modified', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($FilesTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _isCollectionMeta = const VerificationMeta('isCollection'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isCollection = GeneratedColumn( 'is_collection', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_collection IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _usedBytesMeta = const VerificationMeta('usedBytes'); @override late final GeneratedColumn usedBytes = GeneratedColumn( 'used_bytes', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _hasPreviewMeta = const VerificationMeta('hasPreview'); @override late final GeneratedColumn hasPreview = GeneratedColumn( 'has_preview', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (has_preview IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _ownerIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('ownerId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn ownerId = GeneratedColumn( 'owner_id', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _ownerDisplayNameMeta = const VerificationMeta('ownerDisplayName'); @override late final GeneratedColumn ownerDisplayName = GeneratedColumn('owner_display_name', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, server, fileId, contentLength, contentType, etag, lastModified, isCollection, usedBytes, hasPreview, ownerId, ownerDisplayName ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('server')) { context.handle(_serverMeta, server.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['server']!, _serverMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_serverMeta); } if (data.containsKey('file_id')) { context.handle(_fileIdMeta, fileId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file_id']!, _fileIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('content_length')) { context.handle( _contentLengthMeta, contentLength.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['content_length']!, _contentLengthMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('content_type')) { context.handle( _contentTypeMeta, contentType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['content_type']!, _contentTypeMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('etag')) { context.handle( _etagMeta, etag.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['etag']!, _etagMeta)); } context.handle(_lastModifiedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('is_collection')) { context.handle( _isCollectionMeta, isCollection.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_collection']!, _isCollectionMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('used_bytes')) { context.handle(_usedBytesMeta, usedBytes.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['used_bytes']!, _usedBytesMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('has_preview')) { context.handle( _hasPreviewMeta, hasPreview.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['has_preview']!, _hasPreviewMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('owner_id')) { context.handle(_ownerIdMeta, ownerId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['owner_id']!, _ownerIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('owner_display_name')) { context.handle( _ownerDisplayNameMeta, ownerDisplayName.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['owner_display_name']!, _ownerDisplayNameMeta)); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {server, fileId}, ]; @override File map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return File.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $FilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $FilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class AccountFile extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int account; final int file; final String relativePath; final bool? isFavorite; final bool? isArchived; final DateTime? overrideDateTime; AccountFile( {required this.rowId, required this.account, required this.file, required this.relativePath, this.isFavorite, this.isArchived, this.overrideDateTime}); factory AccountFile.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return AccountFile( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, account: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account'])!, file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, relativePath: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}relative_path'])!, isFavorite: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_favorite']), isArchived: const BoolType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}is_archived']), overrideDateTime: $AccountFilesTable.$converter0.mapToDart( const DateTimeType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}override_date_time'])), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['account'] = Variable(account); map['file'] = Variable(file); map['relative_path'] = Variable(relativePath); if (!nullToAbsent || isFavorite != null) { map['is_favorite'] = Variable(isFavorite); } if (!nullToAbsent || isArchived != null) { map['is_archived'] = Variable(isArchived); } if (!nullToAbsent || overrideDateTime != null) { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter0; map['override_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(overrideDateTime)); } return map; } AccountFilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AccountFilesCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), account: Value(account), file: Value(file), relativePath: Value(relativePath), isFavorite: isFavorite == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isFavorite), isArchived: isArchived == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(isArchived), overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(overrideDateTime), ); } factory AccountFile.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return AccountFile( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), account: serializer.fromJson(json['account']), file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), relativePath: serializer.fromJson(json['relativePath']), isFavorite: serializer.fromJson(json['isFavorite']), isArchived: serializer.fromJson(json['isArchived']), overrideDateTime: serializer.fromJson(json['overrideDateTime']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'account': serializer.toJson(account), 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'relativePath': serializer.toJson(relativePath), 'isFavorite': serializer.toJson(isFavorite), 'isArchived': serializer.toJson(isArchived), 'overrideDateTime': serializer.toJson(overrideDateTime), }; } AccountFile copyWith( {int? rowId, int? account, int? file, String? relativePath, Value isFavorite = const Value.absent(), Value isArchived = const Value.absent(), Value overrideDateTime = const Value.absent()}) => AccountFile( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, file: file ?? this.file, relativePath: relativePath ?? this.relativePath, isFavorite: isFavorite.present ? isFavorite.value : this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived.present ? isArchived.value : this.isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime.present ? overrideDateTime.value : this.overrideDateTime, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountFile(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('relativePath: $relativePath, ') ..write('isFavorite: $isFavorite, ') ..write('isArchived: $isArchived, ') ..write('overrideDateTime: $overrideDateTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(rowId, account, file, relativePath, isFavorite, isArchived, overrideDateTime); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is AccountFile && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.account == this.account && other.file == this.file && other.relativePath == this.relativePath && other.isFavorite == this.isFavorite && other.isArchived == this.isArchived && other.overrideDateTime == this.overrideDateTime); } class AccountFilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value account; final Value file; final Value relativePath; final Value isFavorite; final Value isArchived; final Value overrideDateTime; const AccountFilesCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.account = const Value.absent(), this.file = const Value.absent(), this.relativePath = const Value.absent(), this.isFavorite = const Value.absent(), this.isArchived = const Value.absent(), this.overrideDateTime = const Value.absent(), }); AccountFilesCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int account, required int file, required String relativePath, this.isFavorite = const Value.absent(), this.isArchived = const Value.absent(), this.overrideDateTime = const Value.absent(), }) : account = Value(account), file = Value(file), relativePath = Value(relativePath); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? account, Expression? file, Expression? relativePath, Expression? isFavorite, Expression? isArchived, Expression? overrideDateTime, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (account != null) 'account': account, if (file != null) 'file': file, if (relativePath != null) 'relative_path': relativePath, if (isFavorite != null) 'is_favorite': isFavorite, if (isArchived != null) 'is_archived': isArchived, if (overrideDateTime != null) 'override_date_time': overrideDateTime, }); } AccountFilesCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? account, Value? file, Value? relativePath, Value? isFavorite, Value? isArchived, Value? overrideDateTime}) { return AccountFilesCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, account: account ?? this.account, file: file ?? this.file, relativePath: relativePath ?? this.relativePath, isFavorite: isFavorite ?? this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived ?? this.isArchived, overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime ?? this.overrideDateTime, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (account.present) { map['account'] = Variable(account.value); } if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (relativePath.present) { map['relative_path'] = Variable(relativePath.value); } if (isFavorite.present) { map['is_favorite'] = Variable(isFavorite.value); } if (isArchived.present) { map['is_archived'] = Variable(isArchived.value); } if (overrideDateTime.present) { final converter = $AccountFilesTable.$converter0; map['override_date_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(overrideDateTime.value)); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AccountFilesCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('account: $account, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('relativePath: $relativePath, ') ..write('isFavorite: $isFavorite, ') ..write('isArchived: $isArchived, ') ..write('overrideDateTime: $overrideDateTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AccountFilesTable extends AccountFiles with TableInfo<$AccountFilesTable, AccountFile> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AccountFilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _accountMeta = const VerificationMeta('account'); @override late final GeneratedColumn account = GeneratedColumn( 'account', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES accounts (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _relativePathMeta = const VerificationMeta('relativePath'); @override late final GeneratedColumn relativePath = GeneratedColumn( 'relative_path', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _isFavoriteMeta = const VerificationMeta('isFavorite'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isFavorite = GeneratedColumn( 'is_favorite', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_favorite IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _isArchivedMeta = const VerificationMeta('isArchived'); @override late final GeneratedColumn isArchived = GeneratedColumn( 'is_archived', aliasedName, true, type: const BoolType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'CHECK (is_archived IN (0, 1))'); final VerificationMeta _overrideDateTimeMeta = const VerificationMeta('overrideDateTime'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter overrideDateTime = GeneratedColumn( 'override_date_time', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($AccountFilesTable.$converter0); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, account, file, relativePath, isFavorite, isArchived, overrideDateTime ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'account_files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'account_files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('account')) { context.handle(_accountMeta, account.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['account']!, _accountMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_accountMeta); } if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileMeta); } if (data.containsKey('relative_path')) { context.handle( _relativePathMeta, relativePath.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['relative_path']!, _relativePathMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_relativePathMeta); } if (data.containsKey('is_favorite')) { context.handle( _isFavoriteMeta, isFavorite.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_favorite']!, _isFavoriteMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('is_archived')) { context.handle( _isArchivedMeta, isArchived.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['is_archived']!, _isArchivedMeta)); } context.handle(_overrideDateTimeMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override List> get uniqueKeys => [ {account, file}, ]; @override AccountFile map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return AccountFile.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AccountFilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AccountFilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class Image extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int accountFile; final DateTime lastUpdated; final String? fileEtag; final int? width; final int? height; final String? exifRaw; final DateTime? dateTimeOriginal; Image( {required this.accountFile, required this.lastUpdated, this.fileEtag, this.width, this.height, this.exifRaw, this.dateTimeOriginal}); factory Image.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Image( accountFile: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}account_file'])!, lastUpdated: $ImagesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_updated']))!, fileEtag: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file_etag']), width: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}width']), height: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}height']), exifRaw: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}exif_raw']), dateTimeOriginal: $ImagesTable.$converter1.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}date_time_original'])), ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile); { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated)!); } if (!nullToAbsent || fileEtag != null) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag); } if (!nullToAbsent || width != null) { map['width'] = Variable(width); } if (!nullToAbsent || height != null) { map['height'] = Variable(height); } if (!nullToAbsent || exifRaw != null) { map['exif_raw'] = Variable(exifRaw); } if (!nullToAbsent || dateTimeOriginal != null) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter1; map['date_time_original'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(dateTimeOriginal)); } return map; } ImagesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return ImagesCompanion( accountFile: Value(accountFile), lastUpdated: Value(lastUpdated), fileEtag: fileEtag == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(fileEtag), width: width == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(width), height: height == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(height), exifRaw: exifRaw == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(exifRaw), dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(dateTimeOriginal), ); } factory Image.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Image( accountFile: serializer.fromJson(json['accountFile']), lastUpdated: serializer.fromJson(json['lastUpdated']), fileEtag: serializer.fromJson(json['fileEtag']), width: serializer.fromJson(json['width']), height: serializer.fromJson(json['height']), exifRaw: serializer.fromJson(json['exifRaw']), dateTimeOriginal: serializer.fromJson(json['dateTimeOriginal']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'accountFile': serializer.toJson(accountFile), 'lastUpdated': serializer.toJson(lastUpdated), 'fileEtag': serializer.toJson(fileEtag), 'width': serializer.toJson(width), 'height': serializer.toJson(height), 'exifRaw': serializer.toJson(exifRaw), 'dateTimeOriginal': serializer.toJson(dateTimeOriginal), }; } Image copyWith( {int? accountFile, DateTime? lastUpdated, Value fileEtag = const Value.absent(), Value width = const Value.absent(), Value height = const Value.absent(), Value exifRaw = const Value.absent(), Value dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent()}) => Image( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, fileEtag: fileEtag.present ? fileEtag.value : this.fileEtag, width: width.present ? width.value : this.width, height: height.present ? height.value : this.height, exifRaw: exifRaw.present ? exifRaw.value : this.exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal.present ? dateTimeOriginal.value : this.dateTimeOriginal, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Image(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('width: $width, ') ..write('height: $height, ') ..write('exifRaw: $exifRaw, ') ..write('dateTimeOriginal: $dateTimeOriginal') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(accountFile, lastUpdated, fileEtag, width, height, exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Image && other.accountFile == this.accountFile && other.lastUpdated == this.lastUpdated && other.fileEtag == this.fileEtag && other.width == this.width && other.height == this.height && other.exifRaw == this.exifRaw && other.dateTimeOriginal == this.dateTimeOriginal); } class ImagesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value accountFile; final Value lastUpdated; final Value fileEtag; final Value width; final Value height; final Value exifRaw; final Value dateTimeOriginal; const ImagesCompanion({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), this.lastUpdated = const Value.absent(), this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), this.width = const Value.absent(), this.height = const Value.absent(), this.exifRaw = const Value.absent(), this.dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent(), }); ImagesCompanion.insert({ this.accountFile = const Value.absent(), required DateTime lastUpdated, this.fileEtag = const Value.absent(), this.width = const Value.absent(), this.height = const Value.absent(), this.exifRaw = const Value.absent(), this.dateTimeOriginal = const Value.absent(), }) : lastUpdated = Value(lastUpdated); static Insertable custom({ Expression? accountFile, Expression? lastUpdated, Expression? fileEtag, Expression? width, Expression? height, Expression? exifRaw, Expression? dateTimeOriginal, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (accountFile != null) 'account_file': accountFile, if (lastUpdated != null) 'last_updated': lastUpdated, if (fileEtag != null) 'file_etag': fileEtag, if (width != null) 'width': width, if (height != null) 'height': height, if (exifRaw != null) 'exif_raw': exifRaw, if (dateTimeOriginal != null) 'date_time_original': dateTimeOriginal, }); } ImagesCompanion copyWith( {Value? accountFile, Value? lastUpdated, Value? fileEtag, Value? width, Value? height, Value? exifRaw, Value? dateTimeOriginal}) { return ImagesCompanion( accountFile: accountFile ?? this.accountFile, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, fileEtag: fileEtag ?? this.fileEtag, width: width ?? this.width, height: height ?? this.height, exifRaw: exifRaw ?? this.exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal ?? this.dateTimeOriginal, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (accountFile.present) { map['account_file'] = Variable(accountFile.value); } if (lastUpdated.present) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated.value)!); } if (fileEtag.present) { map['file_etag'] = Variable(fileEtag.value); } if (width.present) { map['width'] = Variable(width.value); } if (height.present) { map['height'] = Variable(height.value); } if (exifRaw.present) { map['exif_raw'] = Variable(exifRaw.value); } if (dateTimeOriginal.present) { final converter = $ImagesTable.$converter1; map['date_time_original'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(dateTimeOriginal.value)); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('ImagesCompanion(') ..write('accountFile: $accountFile, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('fileEtag: $fileEtag, ') ..write('width: $width, ') ..write('height: $height, ') ..write('exifRaw: $exifRaw, ') ..write('dateTimeOriginal: $dateTimeOriginal') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $ImagesTable extends Images with TableInfo<$ImagesTable, Image> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $ImagesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _accountFileMeta = const VerificationMeta('accountFile'); @override late final GeneratedColumn accountFile = GeneratedColumn( 'account_file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES account_files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _lastUpdatedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastUpdated'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastUpdated = GeneratedColumn('last_updated', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($ImagesTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _fileEtagMeta = const VerificationMeta('fileEtag'); @override late final GeneratedColumn fileEtag = GeneratedColumn( 'file_etag', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _widthMeta = const VerificationMeta('width'); @override late final GeneratedColumn width = GeneratedColumn( 'width', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _heightMeta = const VerificationMeta('height'); @override late final GeneratedColumn height = GeneratedColumn( 'height', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _exifRawMeta = const VerificationMeta('exifRaw'); @override late final GeneratedColumn exifRaw = GeneratedColumn( 'exif_raw', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _dateTimeOriginalMeta = const VerificationMeta('dateTimeOriginal'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter dateTimeOriginal = GeneratedColumn( 'date_time_original', aliasedName, true, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false) .withConverter($ImagesTable.$converter1); @override List get $columns => [ accountFile, lastUpdated, fileEtag, width, height, exifRaw, dateTimeOriginal ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'images'; @override String get actualTableName => 'images'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('account_file')) { context.handle( _accountFileMeta, accountFile.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['account_file']!, _accountFileMeta)); } context.handle(_lastUpdatedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('file_etag')) { context.handle(_fileEtagMeta, fileEtag.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file_etag']!, _fileEtagMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('width')) { context.handle( _widthMeta, width.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['width']!, _widthMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('height')) { context.handle(_heightMeta, height.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['height']!, _heightMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('exif_raw')) { context.handle(_exifRawMeta, exifRaw.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['exif_raw']!, _exifRawMeta)); } context.handle(_dateTimeOriginalMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {accountFile}; @override Image map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Image.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $ImagesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $ImagesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); static TypeConverter $converter1 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class Trash extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int file; final String filename; final String originalLocation; final DateTime deletionTime; Trash( {required this.file, required this.filename, required this.originalLocation, required this.deletionTime}); factory Trash.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Trash( file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, filename: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}filename'])!, originalLocation: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}original_location'])!, deletionTime: $TrashesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}deletion_time']))!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['file'] = Variable(file); map['filename'] = Variable(filename); map['original_location'] = Variable(originalLocation); { final converter = $TrashesTable.$converter0; map['deletion_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(deletionTime)!); } return map; } TrashesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return TrashesCompanion( file: Value(file), filename: Value(filename), originalLocation: Value(originalLocation), deletionTime: Value(deletionTime), ); } factory Trash.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Trash( file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), filename: serializer.fromJson(json['filename']), originalLocation: serializer.fromJson(json['originalLocation']), deletionTime: serializer.fromJson(json['deletionTime']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'filename': serializer.toJson(filename), 'originalLocation': serializer.toJson(originalLocation), 'deletionTime': serializer.toJson(deletionTime), }; } Trash copyWith( {int? file, String? filename, String? originalLocation, DateTime? deletionTime}) => Trash( file: file ?? this.file, filename: filename ?? this.filename, originalLocation: originalLocation ?? this.originalLocation, deletionTime: deletionTime ?? this.deletionTime, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Trash(') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('filename: $filename, ') ..write('originalLocation: $originalLocation, ') ..write('deletionTime: $deletionTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(file, filename, originalLocation, deletionTime); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Trash && other.file == this.file && other.filename == this.filename && other.originalLocation == this.originalLocation && other.deletionTime == this.deletionTime); } class TrashesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value file; final Value filename; final Value originalLocation; final Value deletionTime; const TrashesCompanion({ this.file = const Value.absent(), this.filename = const Value.absent(), this.originalLocation = const Value.absent(), this.deletionTime = const Value.absent(), }); TrashesCompanion.insert({ this.file = const Value.absent(), required String filename, required String originalLocation, required DateTime deletionTime, }) : filename = Value(filename), originalLocation = Value(originalLocation), deletionTime = Value(deletionTime); static Insertable custom({ Expression? file, Expression? filename, Expression? originalLocation, Expression? deletionTime, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (file != null) 'file': file, if (filename != null) 'filename': filename, if (originalLocation != null) 'original_location': originalLocation, if (deletionTime != null) 'deletion_time': deletionTime, }); } TrashesCompanion copyWith( {Value? file, Value? filename, Value? originalLocation, Value? deletionTime}) { return TrashesCompanion( file: file ?? this.file, filename: filename ?? this.filename, originalLocation: originalLocation ?? this.originalLocation, deletionTime: deletionTime ?? this.deletionTime, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (filename.present) { map['filename'] = Variable(filename.value); } if (originalLocation.present) { map['original_location'] = Variable(originalLocation.value); } if (deletionTime.present) { final converter = $TrashesTable.$converter0; map['deletion_time'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(deletionTime.value)!); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('TrashesCompanion(') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('filename: $filename, ') ..write('originalLocation: $originalLocation, ') ..write('deletionTime: $deletionTime') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $TrashesTable extends Trashes with TableInfo<$TrashesTable, Trash> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $TrashesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _filenameMeta = const VerificationMeta('filename'); @override late final GeneratedColumn filename = GeneratedColumn( 'filename', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _originalLocationMeta = const VerificationMeta('originalLocation'); @override late final GeneratedColumn originalLocation = GeneratedColumn('original_location', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _deletionTimeMeta = const VerificationMeta('deletionTime'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter deletionTime = GeneratedColumn( 'deletion_time', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($TrashesTable.$converter0); @override List get $columns => [file, filename, originalLocation, deletionTime]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'trashes'; @override String get actualTableName => 'trashes'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('filename')) { context.handle(_filenameMeta, filename.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['filename']!, _filenameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_filenameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('original_location')) { context.handle( _originalLocationMeta, originalLocation.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['original_location']!, _originalLocationMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_originalLocationMeta); } context.handle(_deletionTimeMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {file}; @override Trash map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Trash.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $TrashesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $TrashesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class DirFile extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int dir; final int child; DirFile({required this.dir, required this.child}); factory DirFile.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return DirFile( dir: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}dir'])!, child: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}child'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['dir'] = Variable(dir); map['child'] = Variable(child); return map; } DirFilesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return DirFilesCompanion( dir: Value(dir), child: Value(child), ); } factory DirFile.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return DirFile( dir: serializer.fromJson(json['dir']), child: serializer.fromJson(json['child']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'dir': serializer.toJson(dir), 'child': serializer.toJson(child), }; } DirFile copyWith({int? dir, int? child}) => DirFile( dir: dir ?? this.dir, child: child ?? this.child, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('DirFile(') ..write('dir: $dir, ') ..write('child: $child') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(dir, child); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is DirFile && other.dir == this.dir && other.child == this.child); } class DirFilesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value dir; final Value child; const DirFilesCompanion({ this.dir = const Value.absent(), this.child = const Value.absent(), }); DirFilesCompanion.insert({ required int dir, required int child, }) : dir = Value(dir), child = Value(child); static Insertable custom({ Expression? dir, Expression? child, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (dir != null) 'dir': dir, if (child != null) 'child': child, }); } DirFilesCompanion copyWith({Value? dir, Value? child}) { return DirFilesCompanion( dir: dir ?? this.dir, child: child ?? this.child, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (dir.present) { map['dir'] = Variable(dir.value); } if (child.present) { map['child'] = Variable(child.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('DirFilesCompanion(') ..write('dir: $dir, ') ..write('child: $child') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $DirFilesTable extends DirFiles with TableInfo<$DirFilesTable, DirFile> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $DirFilesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _dirMeta = const VerificationMeta('dir'); @override late final GeneratedColumn dir = GeneratedColumn( 'dir', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _childMeta = const VerificationMeta('child'); @override late final GeneratedColumn child = GeneratedColumn( 'child', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); @override List get $columns => [dir, child]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'dir_files'; @override String get actualTableName => 'dir_files'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('dir')) { context.handle( _dirMeta, dir.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['dir']!, _dirMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_dirMeta); } if (data.containsKey('child')) { context.handle( _childMeta, child.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['child']!, _childMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_childMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {dir, child}; @override DirFile map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return DirFile.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $DirFilesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $DirFilesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } } class Album extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int rowId; final int file; final int version; final DateTime lastUpdated; final String name; final String providerType; final String providerContent; final String coverProviderType; final String coverProviderContent; final String sortProviderType; final String sortProviderContent; Album( {required this.rowId, required this.file, required this.version, required this.lastUpdated, required this.name, required this.providerType, required this.providerContent, required this.coverProviderType, required this.coverProviderContent, required this.sortProviderType, required this.sortProviderContent}); factory Album.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return Album( rowId: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}row_id'])!, file: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}file'])!, version: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}version'])!, lastUpdated: $AlbumsTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}last_updated']))!, name: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}name'])!, providerType: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}provider_type'])!, providerContent: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}provider_content'])!, coverProviderType: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}cover_provider_type'])!, coverProviderContent: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}cover_provider_content'])!, sortProviderType: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}sort_provider_type'])!, sortProviderContent: const StringType().mapFromDatabaseResponse( data['${effectivePrefix}sort_provider_content'])!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId); map['file'] = Variable(file); map['version'] = Variable(version); { final converter = $AlbumsTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated)!); } map['name'] = Variable(name); map['provider_type'] = Variable(providerType); map['provider_content'] = Variable(providerContent); map['cover_provider_type'] = Variable(coverProviderType); map['cover_provider_content'] = Variable(coverProviderContent); map['sort_provider_type'] = Variable(sortProviderType); map['sort_provider_content'] = Variable(sortProviderContent); return map; } AlbumsCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AlbumsCompanion( rowId: Value(rowId), file: Value(file), version: Value(version), lastUpdated: Value(lastUpdated), name: Value(name), providerType: Value(providerType), providerContent: Value(providerContent), coverProviderType: Value(coverProviderType), coverProviderContent: Value(coverProviderContent), sortProviderType: Value(sortProviderType), sortProviderContent: Value(sortProviderContent), ); } factory Album.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return Album( rowId: serializer.fromJson(json['rowId']), file: serializer.fromJson(json['file']), version: serializer.fromJson(json['version']), lastUpdated: serializer.fromJson(json['lastUpdated']), name: serializer.fromJson(json['name']), providerType: serializer.fromJson(json['providerType']), providerContent: serializer.fromJson(json['providerContent']), coverProviderType: serializer.fromJson(json['coverProviderType']), coverProviderContent: serializer.fromJson(json['coverProviderContent']), sortProviderType: serializer.fromJson(json['sortProviderType']), sortProviderContent: serializer.fromJson(json['sortProviderContent']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'rowId': serializer.toJson(rowId), 'file': serializer.toJson(file), 'version': serializer.toJson(version), 'lastUpdated': serializer.toJson(lastUpdated), 'name': serializer.toJson(name), 'providerType': serializer.toJson(providerType), 'providerContent': serializer.toJson(providerContent), 'coverProviderType': serializer.toJson(coverProviderType), 'coverProviderContent': serializer.toJson(coverProviderContent), 'sortProviderType': serializer.toJson(sortProviderType), 'sortProviderContent': serializer.toJson(sortProviderContent), }; } Album copyWith( {int? rowId, int? file, int? version, DateTime? lastUpdated, String? name, String? providerType, String? providerContent, String? coverProviderType, String? coverProviderContent, String? sortProviderType, String? sortProviderContent}) => Album( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, file: file ?? this.file, version: version ?? this.version, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, name: name ?? this.name, providerType: providerType ?? this.providerType, providerContent: providerContent ?? this.providerContent, coverProviderType: coverProviderType ?? this.coverProviderType, coverProviderContent: coverProviderContent ?? this.coverProviderContent, sortProviderType: sortProviderType ?? this.sortProviderType, sortProviderContent: sortProviderContent ?? this.sortProviderContent, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('Album(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('providerType: $providerType, ') ..write('providerContent: $providerContent, ') ..write('coverProviderType: $coverProviderType, ') ..write('coverProviderContent: $coverProviderContent, ') ..write('sortProviderType: $sortProviderType, ') ..write('sortProviderContent: $sortProviderContent') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( rowId, file, version, lastUpdated, name, providerType, providerContent, coverProviderType, coverProviderContent, sortProviderType, sortProviderContent); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is Album && other.rowId == this.rowId && other.file == this.file && other.version == this.version && other.lastUpdated == this.lastUpdated && other.name == this.name && other.providerType == this.providerType && other.providerContent == this.providerContent && other.coverProviderType == this.coverProviderType && other.coverProviderContent == this.coverProviderContent && other.sortProviderType == this.sortProviderType && other.sortProviderContent == this.sortProviderContent); } class AlbumsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value rowId; final Value file; final Value version; final Value lastUpdated; final Value name; final Value providerType; final Value providerContent; final Value coverProviderType; final Value coverProviderContent; final Value sortProviderType; final Value sortProviderContent; const AlbumsCompanion({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), this.file = const Value.absent(), this.version = const Value.absent(), this.lastUpdated = const Value.absent(), this.name = const Value.absent(), this.providerType = const Value.absent(), this.providerContent = const Value.absent(), this.coverProviderType = const Value.absent(), this.coverProviderContent = const Value.absent(), this.sortProviderType = const Value.absent(), this.sortProviderContent = const Value.absent(), }); AlbumsCompanion.insert({ this.rowId = const Value.absent(), required int file, required int version, required DateTime lastUpdated, required String name, required String providerType, required String providerContent, required String coverProviderType, required String coverProviderContent, required String sortProviderType, required String sortProviderContent, }) : file = Value(file), version = Value(version), lastUpdated = Value(lastUpdated), name = Value(name), providerType = Value(providerType), providerContent = Value(providerContent), coverProviderType = Value(coverProviderType), coverProviderContent = Value(coverProviderContent), sortProviderType = Value(sortProviderType), sortProviderContent = Value(sortProviderContent); static Insertable custom({ Expression? rowId, Expression? file, Expression? version, Expression? lastUpdated, Expression? name, Expression? providerType, Expression? providerContent, Expression? coverProviderType, Expression? coverProviderContent, Expression? sortProviderType, Expression? sortProviderContent, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (rowId != null) 'row_id': rowId, if (file != null) 'file': file, if (version != null) 'version': version, if (lastUpdated != null) 'last_updated': lastUpdated, if (name != null) 'name': name, if (providerType != null) 'provider_type': providerType, if (providerContent != null) 'provider_content': providerContent, if (coverProviderType != null) 'cover_provider_type': coverProviderType, if (coverProviderContent != null) 'cover_provider_content': coverProviderContent, if (sortProviderType != null) 'sort_provider_type': sortProviderType, if (sortProviderContent != null) 'sort_provider_content': sortProviderContent, }); } AlbumsCompanion copyWith( {Value? rowId, Value? file, Value? version, Value? lastUpdated, Value? name, Value? providerType, Value? providerContent, Value? coverProviderType, Value? coverProviderContent, Value? sortProviderType, Value? sortProviderContent}) { return AlbumsCompanion( rowId: rowId ?? this.rowId, file: file ?? this.file, version: version ?? this.version, lastUpdated: lastUpdated ?? this.lastUpdated, name: name ?? this.name, providerType: providerType ?? this.providerType, providerContent: providerContent ?? this.providerContent, coverProviderType: coverProviderType ?? this.coverProviderType, coverProviderContent: coverProviderContent ?? this.coverProviderContent, sortProviderType: sortProviderType ?? this.sortProviderType, sortProviderContent: sortProviderContent ?? this.sortProviderContent, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (rowId.present) { map['row_id'] = Variable(rowId.value); } if (file.present) { map['file'] = Variable(file.value); } if (version.present) { map['version'] = Variable(version.value); } if (lastUpdated.present) { final converter = $AlbumsTable.$converter0; map['last_updated'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(lastUpdated.value)!); } if (name.present) { map['name'] = Variable(name.value); } if (providerType.present) { map['provider_type'] = Variable(providerType.value); } if (providerContent.present) { map['provider_content'] = Variable(providerContent.value); } if (coverProviderType.present) { map['cover_provider_type'] = Variable(coverProviderType.value); } if (coverProviderContent.present) { map['cover_provider_content'] = Variable(coverProviderContent.value); } if (sortProviderType.present) { map['sort_provider_type'] = Variable(sortProviderType.value); } if (sortProviderContent.present) { map['sort_provider_content'] = Variable(sortProviderContent.value); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumsCompanion(') ..write('rowId: $rowId, ') ..write('file: $file, ') ..write('version: $version, ') ..write('lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, ') ..write('name: $name, ') ..write('providerType: $providerType, ') ..write('providerContent: $providerContent, ') ..write('coverProviderType: $coverProviderType, ') ..write('coverProviderContent: $coverProviderContent, ') ..write('sortProviderType: $sortProviderType, ') ..write('sortProviderContent: $sortProviderContent') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AlbumsTable extends Albums with TableInfo<$AlbumsTable, Album> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AlbumsTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _rowIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('rowId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn rowId = GeneratedColumn( 'row_id', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: false, defaultConstraints: 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'); final VerificationMeta _fileMeta = const VerificationMeta('file'); @override late final GeneratedColumn file = GeneratedColumn( 'file', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'UNIQUE REFERENCES files (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _versionMeta = const VerificationMeta('version'); @override late final GeneratedColumn version = GeneratedColumn( 'version', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _lastUpdatedMeta = const VerificationMeta('lastUpdated'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter lastUpdated = GeneratedColumn('last_updated', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($AlbumsTable.$converter0); final VerificationMeta _nameMeta = const VerificationMeta('name'); @override late final GeneratedColumn name = GeneratedColumn( 'name', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _providerTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('providerType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn providerType = GeneratedColumn( 'provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _providerContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('providerContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn providerContent = GeneratedColumn('provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _coverProviderTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('coverProviderType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn coverProviderType = GeneratedColumn('cover_provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _coverProviderContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('coverProviderContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn coverProviderContent = GeneratedColumn('cover_provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _sortProviderTypeMeta = const VerificationMeta('sortProviderType'); @override late final GeneratedColumn sortProviderType = GeneratedColumn('sort_provider_type', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _sortProviderContentMeta = const VerificationMeta('sortProviderContent'); @override late final GeneratedColumn sortProviderContent = GeneratedColumn('sort_provider_content', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); @override List get $columns => [ rowId, file, version, lastUpdated, name, providerType, providerContent, coverProviderType, coverProviderContent, sortProviderType, sortProviderContent ]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'albums'; @override String get actualTableName => 'albums'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('row_id')) { context.handle( _rowIdMeta, rowId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['row_id']!, _rowIdMeta)); } if (data.containsKey('file')) { context.handle( _fileMeta, file.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['file']!, _fileMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_fileMeta); } if (data.containsKey('version')) { context.handle(_versionMeta, version.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['version']!, _versionMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_versionMeta); } context.handle(_lastUpdatedMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); if (data.containsKey('name')) { context.handle( _nameMeta, name.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['name']!, _nameMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_nameMeta); } if (data.containsKey('provider_type')) { context.handle( _providerTypeMeta, providerType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['provider_type']!, _providerTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_providerTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('provider_content')) { context.handle( _providerContentMeta, providerContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['provider_content']!, _providerContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_providerContentMeta); } if (data.containsKey('cover_provider_type')) { context.handle( _coverProviderTypeMeta, coverProviderType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['cover_provider_type']!, _coverProviderTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_coverProviderTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('cover_provider_content')) { context.handle( _coverProviderContentMeta, coverProviderContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['cover_provider_content']!, _coverProviderContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_coverProviderContentMeta); } if (data.containsKey('sort_provider_type')) { context.handle( _sortProviderTypeMeta, sortProviderType.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['sort_provider_type']!, _sortProviderTypeMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_sortProviderTypeMeta); } if (data.containsKey('sort_provider_content')) { context.handle( _sortProviderContentMeta, sortProviderContent.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['sort_provider_content']!, _sortProviderContentMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_sortProviderContentMeta); } return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {rowId}; @override Album map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return Album.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AlbumsTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AlbumsTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } class AlbumShare extends DataClass implements Insertable { final int album; final String userId; final String? displayName; final DateTime sharedAt; AlbumShare( {required this.album, required this.userId, this.displayName, required this.sharedAt}); factory AlbumShare.fromData(Map data, {String? prefix}) { final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? ''; return AlbumShare( album: const IntType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}album'])!, userId: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}user_id'])!, displayName: const StringType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}display_name']), sharedAt: $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0.mapToDart(const DateTimeType() .mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}shared_at']))!, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; map['album'] = Variable(album); map['user_id'] = Variable(userId); if (!nullToAbsent || displayName != null) { map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName); } { final converter = $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0; map['shared_at'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(sharedAt)!); } return map; } AlbumSharesCompanion toCompanion(bool nullToAbsent) { return AlbumSharesCompanion( album: Value(album), userId: Value(userId), displayName: displayName == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(displayName), sharedAt: Value(sharedAt), ); } factory AlbumShare.fromJson(Map json, {ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return AlbumShare( album: serializer.fromJson(json['album']), userId: serializer.fromJson(json['userId']), displayName: serializer.fromJson(json['displayName']), sharedAt: serializer.fromJson(json['sharedAt']), ); } @override Map toJson({ValueSerializer? serializer}) { serializer ??= driftRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer; return { 'album': serializer.toJson(album), 'userId': serializer.toJson(userId), 'displayName': serializer.toJson(displayName), 'sharedAt': serializer.toJson(sharedAt), }; } AlbumShare copyWith( {int? album, String? userId, Value displayName = const Value.absent(), DateTime? sharedAt}) => AlbumShare( album: album ?? this.album, userId: userId ?? this.userId, displayName: displayName.present ? displayName.value : this.displayName, sharedAt: sharedAt ?? this.sharedAt, ); @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumShare(') ..write('album: $album, ') ..write('userId: $userId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('sharedAt: $sharedAt') ..write(')')) .toString(); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(album, userId, displayName, sharedAt); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || (other is AlbumShare && other.album == this.album && other.userId == this.userId && other.displayName == this.displayName && other.sharedAt == this.sharedAt); } class AlbumSharesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion { final Value album; final Value userId; final Value displayName; final Value sharedAt; const AlbumSharesCompanion({ this.album = const Value.absent(), this.userId = const Value.absent(), this.displayName = const Value.absent(), this.sharedAt = const Value.absent(), }); AlbumSharesCompanion.insert({ required int album, required String userId, this.displayName = const Value.absent(), required DateTime sharedAt, }) : album = Value(album), userId = Value(userId), sharedAt = Value(sharedAt); static Insertable custom({ Expression? album, Expression? userId, Expression? displayName, Expression? sharedAt, }) { return RawValuesInsertable({ if (album != null) 'album': album, if (userId != null) 'user_id': userId, if (displayName != null) 'display_name': displayName, if (sharedAt != null) 'shared_at': sharedAt, }); } AlbumSharesCompanion copyWith( {Value? album, Value? userId, Value? displayName, Value? sharedAt}) { return AlbumSharesCompanion( album: album ?? this.album, userId: userId ?? this.userId, displayName: displayName ?? this.displayName, sharedAt: sharedAt ?? this.sharedAt, ); } @override Map toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) { final map = {}; if (album.present) { map['album'] = Variable(album.value); } if (userId.present) { map['user_id'] = Variable(userId.value); } if (displayName.present) { map['display_name'] = Variable(displayName.value); } if (sharedAt.present) { final converter = $AlbumSharesTable.$converter0; map['shared_at'] = Variable(converter.mapToSql(sharedAt.value)!); } return map; } @override String toString() { return (StringBuffer('AlbumSharesCompanion(') ..write('album: $album, ') ..write('userId: $userId, ') ..write('displayName: $displayName, ') ..write('sharedAt: $sharedAt') ..write(')')) .toString(); } } class $AlbumSharesTable extends AlbumShares with TableInfo<$AlbumSharesTable, AlbumShare> { @override final GeneratedDatabase attachedDatabase; final String? _alias; $AlbumSharesTable(this.attachedDatabase, [this._alias]); final VerificationMeta _albumMeta = const VerificationMeta('album'); @override late final GeneratedColumn album = GeneratedColumn( 'album', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true, defaultConstraints: 'REFERENCES albums (row_id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); final VerificationMeta _userIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('userId'); @override late final GeneratedColumn userId = GeneratedColumn( 'user_id', aliasedName, false, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: true); final VerificationMeta _displayNameMeta = const VerificationMeta('displayName'); @override late final GeneratedColumn displayName = GeneratedColumn( 'display_name', aliasedName, true, type: const StringType(), requiredDuringInsert: false); final VerificationMeta _sharedAtMeta = const VerificationMeta('sharedAt'); @override late final GeneratedColumnWithTypeConverter sharedAt = GeneratedColumn('shared_at', aliasedName, false, type: const IntType(), requiredDuringInsert: true) .withConverter($AlbumSharesTable.$converter0); @override List get $columns => [album, userId, displayName, sharedAt]; @override String get aliasedName => _alias ?? 'album_shares'; @override String get actualTableName => 'album_shares'; @override VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable instance, {bool isInserting = false}) { final context = VerificationContext(); final data = instance.toColumns(true); if (data.containsKey('album')) { context.handle( _albumMeta, album.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['album']!, _albumMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_albumMeta); } if (data.containsKey('user_id')) { context.handle(_userIdMeta, userId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['user_id']!, _userIdMeta)); } else if (isInserting) { context.missing(_userIdMeta); } if (data.containsKey('display_name')) { context.handle( _displayNameMeta, displayName.isAcceptableOrUnknown( data['display_name']!, _displayNameMeta)); } context.handle(_sharedAtMeta, const VerificationResult.success()); return context; } @override Set get $primaryKey => {album, userId}; @override AlbumShare map(Map data, {String? tablePrefix}) { return AlbumShare.fromData(data, prefix: tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null); } @override $AlbumSharesTable createAlias(String alias) { return $AlbumSharesTable(attachedDatabase, alias); } static TypeConverter $converter0 = const _DateTimeConverter(); } abstract class _$SqliteDb extends GeneratedDatabase { _$SqliteDb(QueryExecutor e) : super(SqlTypeSystem.defaultInstance, e); _$SqliteDb.connect(DatabaseConnection c) : super.connect(c); late final $ServersTable servers = $ServersTable(this); late final $AccountsTable accounts = $AccountsTable(this); late final $FilesTable files = $FilesTable(this); late final $AccountFilesTable accountFiles = $AccountFilesTable(this); late final $ImagesTable images = $ImagesTable(this); late final $TrashesTable trashes = $TrashesTable(this); late final $DirFilesTable dirFiles = $DirFilesTable(this); late final $AlbumsTable albums = $AlbumsTable(this); late final $AlbumSharesTable albumShares = $AlbumSharesTable(this); @override Iterable get allTables => allSchemaEntities.whereType(); @override List get allSchemaEntities => [ servers, accounts, files, accountFiles, images, trashes, dirFiles, albums, albumShares ]; }