    "appTitle": "Fotos",
    "translator": "Arnau Mora",
    "@translator": {
        "description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language"
    "photosTabLabel": "Fotos",
    "@photosTabLabel": {
        "description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos"
    "collectionsTooltip": "Col·leccions",
    "@collectionsTooltip": {
        "description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc"
    "zoomTooltip": "Zoom",
    "@zoomTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the zoom button"
    "refreshMenuLabel": "Refrescar",
    "@refreshMenuLabel": {
        "description": "Label of the refresh entry in menu"
    "settingsMenuLabel": "Configuració",
    "@settingsMenuLabel": {
        "description": "Label of the settings entry in menu"
    "selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} seleccionats}}",
    "@selectionAppBarTitle": {
        "description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Eliminant 1 element} other{Eliminant {count} elements}}",
    "@deleteSelectedProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the selected items are being deleted",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements eliminats correctament",
    "@deleteSelectedSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the selected items are deleted successfully"
    "deleteSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut eliminar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut eliminar {count} elements}}",
    "@deleteSelectedFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that some/all the selected items cannot be deleted",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "archiveTooltip": "Arxivar",
    "@archiveTooltip": {
        "description": "Archive selected items"
    "archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Arxivant 1 element} other{Arxivant {count} elements}}",
    "@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Archiving the selected items",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements arxivats correctament",
    "@archiveSelectedSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Archived all selected items successfully"
    "archiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}",
    "@archiveSelectedFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Cannot archive some of the selected items",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "unarchiveTooltip": "Desarxivar",
    "@unarchiveTooltip": {
        "description": "Unarchive selected items"
    "unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Desarxivant 1 element} other{Desarxivant {count}  elements}}",
    "@unarchiveSelectedProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Unarchiving selected items",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": "Elements desarxivats correctament",
    "@unarchiveSelectedSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Unarchived all selected items successfully"
    "unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut arxivar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut arxivar {count} elements}}",
    "@unarchiveSelectedFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Cannot unarchive some of the selected items",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "deleteTooltip": "Eliminar",
    "@deleteTooltip": {
        "description": "Delete selected items"
    "deleteProcessingNotification": "Eliminant element",
    "@deleteProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the item is being deleted"
    "deleteSuccessNotification": "Element eliminat correctament",
    "@deleteSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the item is deleted successfully"
    "deleteFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut eliminar",
    "@deleteFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the item cannot be deleted"
    "removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": "No s'han pogut eliminar de l'àlbum",
    "@removeSelectedFromAlbumFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the selected items cannot be removed from an album"
    "addServerTooltip": "Afegir servidor",
    "@addServerTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the button that adds a new server"
    "removeServerSuccessNotification": "{server} eliminat correctament",
    "@removeServerSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that a server is removed successfully",
        "placeholders": {
            "server": {
                "example": "http://www.example.com"
    "createAlbumTooltip": "Nou àlbum",
    "@createAlbumTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album"
    "albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Buit} one{1 element} other{{count} elements}}",
    "@albumSize": {
        "description": "Number of items inside an album",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "albumArchiveLabel": "Arxiu",
    "@albumArchiveLabel": {
        "description": "A collection containing all archived photos"
    "connectingToServer": "Connectant amb\n{server}",
    "@connectingToServer": {
        "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future) Inform user that the app is connecting to a server",
        "placeholders": {
            "server": {
                "example": "http://www.example.com"
    "connectingToServer2": "Esperant a que el servidor ens autoritze",
    "@connectingToServer2": {
        "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
    "connectingToServerInstruction": "Per favor, inicia sessió amb el navegador obert",
    "@connectingToServerInstruction": {
        "description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
    "nameInputHint": "Nom",
    "@nameInputHint": {
        "description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
    "nameInputInvalidEmpty": "El nom és necessari",
    "@nameInputInvalidEmpty": {
        "description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents"
    "skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR",
    "@skipButtonLabel": {
        "description": "Label of the skip button"
    "confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR",
    "@confirmButtonLabel": {
        "description": "Label of the confirm button"
    "signInHeaderText": "Inicia sessió al servidor de Nextcloud",
    "@signInHeaderText": {
        "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)"
    "signIn2faHintText": "Fes servir una contrasenya d'aplicació si tens habilitada l'autentificació de dos passes al servidor",
    "@signIn2faHintText": {
        "description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)"
    "signInHeaderText2": "Nextcloud\nIniciar sessió",
    "@signInHeaderText2": {
        "description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server"
    "serverAddressInputHint": "Direcció del servidor",
    "@serverAddressInputHint": {
        "description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data"
    "serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la direcció del servidor",
    "@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": {
        "description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty"
    "usernameInputHint": "Nom d'Usuari",
    "@usernameInputHint": {
        "description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data"
    "usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix el teu nom d'usuari",
    "@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": {
        "description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty"
    "passwordInputHint": "Contrasenya",
    "@passwordInputHint": {
        "description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data"
    "passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Per favor, introdueix la teva contrasenya",
    "@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": {
        "description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty"
    "rootPickerHeaderText": "Selecciona les carpetes a incloure",
    "@rootPickerHeaderText": {
        "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
    "rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Només es mostraran les fotos a aquests directoris. Toca SALTAR per a incloure totes les carpetes",
    "@rootPickerSubHeaderText": {
        "description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
    "rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(ves enrere)",
    "@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": {
        "description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree"
    "rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut deseleccionar l'element",
    "@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list"
    "rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favor, selecciona almenys una carpeta o prem saltar per a incloure-les totes",
    "@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": {
        "description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
    "setupWidgetTitle": "Per a començar",
    "@setupWidgetTitle": {
        "description": "Title of the introductory widget"
    "setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Pots canviar-ho més tard a la configuració",
    "@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": {
        "description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process"
    "setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Aquesta aplicació crea una carpeta al servidor de Nextcloud per a desar fitxers de preferències. Per favor, no la modifiques o elimines si no tens pensat eliminar aquesta app",
    "@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": {
        "description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app"
    "settingsWidgetTitle": "Configuració",
    "@settingsWidgetTitle": {
        "description": "Title of the Settings widget"
    "settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma",
    "@settingsLanguageTitle": {
        "description": "Set display language"
    "settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Per defecte",
    "@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": {
        "description": "Follow the Android system language"
    "settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suport EXIF",
    "@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
        "description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
    "settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requereix un ús extra de la xarxa",
    "@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
        "description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
    "settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa l'EXIF només a través de WiFi",
    "@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": {
        "description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network"
    "settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es poden aplicar càrrecs",
    "@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": {
        "description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network"
    "settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memories",
    "@settingsMemoriesTitle": {
        "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
    "settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos fetes al passat",
    "@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": {
        "description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
    "settingsAccountTitle": "Compte",
    "settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta",
    "@settingsAccountLabelTitle": {
        "description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason"
    "settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Estableix una etiqueta per a mostrar en comptes de l'URL del servidor",
    "settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetes incloses",
    "@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": {
        "description": "Change the included folders of an account"
    "settingsShareFolderTitle": "Compartir carpeta",
    "@settingsShareFolderTitle": {
        "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
    "settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Troba la carpeta compartida",
    "@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": {
        "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
    "settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Aquest ajust correspon al paràmetre share_folder a config.php. Els dos valors han de ser idèntics.\n\nPer favor, troba la mateixa carpeta a la establerta en config.php.",
    "@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": {
        "description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
    "settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Els resultats es desen al dispositiu",
    "settingsThemeTitle": "Tema",
    "settingsThemeDescription": "Personalitza l'apariència de l'app",
    "settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segueix el tema del dispositiu",
    "@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": {
        "description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10"
    "settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema",
    "@settingsSeedColorTitle": {
        "description": "Customize the colors used in app"
    "settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilitzat per a derivar tots els colors de l'app",
    "@settingsSeedColorDescription": {
        "description": "Customize the colors used in app"
    "settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Selecciona un color",
    "@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": {
        "description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app"
    "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema més obscur",
    "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": {
        "description": "Make the dark theme darker"
    "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Fes servir el negre al tema obscur",
    "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": {
        "description": "When black in dark theme is set to true"
    "settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Fes servir el gris al tema obscur",
    "@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": {
        "description": "When black in dark theme is set to false"
    "settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varis",
    "settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Prem dos vegades per a sortir",
    "@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": {
        "description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app"
    "settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordena pel nom del fitxer a Fotos",
    "@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": {
        "description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)"
    "settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental",
    "settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funcions que no estan llestes per a un ús diari",
    "settingsExpertTitle": "Avançat",
    "@settingsExpertTitle": {
        "description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution"
    "settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favor estigues segur que entens totes les opcions abans de fer-les servir",
    "settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Buida la base de dades de fitxers",
    "settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Buida totes les dades desades sobre els arxius, i resincronitza amb el servidor",
    "settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "La base de dades s'ha buidat correctament. Es recomana reiniciar l'app",
    "millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm",
    "@millimeterCountSymbol": {
        "description": "Number of millimeters",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "detailsTooltip": "Detalls",
    "@detailsTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the details button"
    "downloadTooltip": "Descarrega",
    "@downloadTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the download button"
    "downloadProcessingNotification": "Descarregant l'arxiu",
    "@downloadProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded"
    "downloadSuccessNotification": "S'ha descarregat correctament",
    "@downloadSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully"
    "downloadFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut descarregar",
    "@downloadFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded"
    "nextTooltip": "Següent",
    "@nextTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the next button"
    "previousTooltip": "Anterior",
    "@previousTooltip": {
        "description": "Tooltip of the previous button"
    "webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantè shift + clic per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig",
    "@webSelectRangeNotification": {
        "description": "Inform web user how to select items in range"
    "mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Manté premut un altre element per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig",
    "@mobileSelectRangeNotification": {
        "description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range"
    "updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data i hora",
    "@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": {
        "description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file"
    "dateSubtitle": "Data",
    "timeSubtitle": "Hora",
    "dateYearInputHint": "Any",
    "dateMonthInputHint": "Mes",
    "dateDayInputHint": "Dia",
    "timeHourInputHint": "Hora",
    "timeMinuteInputHint": "Minut",
    "timeSecondInputHint": "Segon",
    "dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor invàlid",
    "@dateTimeInputInvalid": {
        "description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)"
    "sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom de l'àlbum (descendent)",
    "@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": {
        "description": "Sort by album name, in descending order"
    "sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual",
    "@sortOptionManualLabel": {
        "description": "Sort manually"
    "albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Prem i arrastra per a reordenar manualment",
    "@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": {
        "description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos"
    "albumAddTextTooltip": "Afegeix text",
    "@albumAddTextTooltip": {
        "description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album"
    "shareTooltip": "Compartir",
    "@shareTooltip": {
        "description": "Share selected items to other apps"
    "shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunes fotos per a compartir",
    "@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": {
        "description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected"
    "shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descarregant",
    "@shareDownloadingDialogContent": {
        "description": "Downloading photos to be shared"
    "searchTooltip": "Cerca",
    "clearTooltip": "Buidar",
    "@clearTooltip": {
        "description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field"
    "listNoResultsText": "Sense resultats",
    "@listNoResultsText": {
        "description": "When there's nothing in a list"
    "listEmptyText": "Buit",
    "@listEmptyText": {
        "description": "When there's nothing in a list"
    "albumTrashLabel": "Paperera",
    "@albumTrashLabel": {
        "description": "Deleted photos"
    "restoreTooltip": "Restaurar",
    "@restoreTooltip": {
        "description": "Restore selected items from trashbin"
    "restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Restaurant 1 element} other{Restaurant {count} elements}}",
    "@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tots els elements s'han restaurat correctament",
    "@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully"
    "restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut restaurar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut restaurar {count} elements}}",
    "@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": {
                "example": "1"
    "restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurant element",
    "@restoreProcessingNotification": {
        "description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin"
    "restoreSuccessNotification": "S'ha restaurat l'element amb èxit",
    "@restoreSuccessNotification": {
        "description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully"
    "restoreFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut restaurar l'element",
    "@restoreFailureNotification": {
        "description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin"
    "deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Eliminar permanentment",
    "@deletePermanentlyTooltip": {
        "description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin"
    "emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tots els elements s'eliminaran permanentment del servidor.\n\nAquesta acció no és reversible",
    "@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": {
        "description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items"
    "unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Elimina la coberta",
    "@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": {
        "description": "Unset the cover of the opened album"
    "muteTooltip": "Silencia",
    "@muteTooltip": {
        "description": "Mute the video player"
    "unmuteTooltip": "Desilencia",
    "@unmuteTooltip": {
        "description": "Unmute the video player"
    "collectionPeopleLabel": "Gent",
    "@collectionPeopleLabel": {
        "description": "Browse photos grouped by person"
    "slideshowTooltip": "Carrussel",
    "@slideshowTooltip": {
        "description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection"
    "slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configura el carrussel",
    "@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": {
        "description": "Setup slideshow before starting"
    "slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duració de la imatge (MM:SS)",
    "@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": {
        "description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos"
    "slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mescla",
    "@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": {
        "description": "Whether to shuffle the collection"
    "slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repeteix",
    "@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": {
        "description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide"
    "slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverteix",
    "@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": {
        "description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order"
    "linkCopiedNotification": "Enllaç copiat",
    "@linkCopiedNotification": {
        "description": "Copied the share link to clipboard"
    "shareMethodDialogTitle": "Comparteix com a",
    "@shareMethodDialogTitle": {
        "description": "Let the user pick how they want to share"
    "shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsualitza",
    "@shareMethodPreviewTitle": {
        "description": "Share the preview of a file"
    "shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Comparteix com a una previsualització amb altres apps (només es suporten imatges)",
    "shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Arxiu original",
    "@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": {
        "description": "Share the original file"
    "shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descarrega l'arxiu original i comparteix-lo amb altres apps",
    "shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enllaç públic",
    "@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": {
        "description": "Create a share link on server and share it"