import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/list_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/override_comparator.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; extension IterableExtension<T> on Iterable<T> { /// Return a new sorted list List<T> sorted([int Function(T a, T b)? compare]) => toList()..sort(compare); /// Return a new stable sorted list List<T> stableSorted([int Function(T a, T b)? compare]) => toList()..stableSort(compare); /// Return a string representation of this iterable by joining the result of /// toString for each items String toReadableString() => "[${join(', ')}]"; Iterable<U> mapWithIndex<U>(U Function(int index, T element) fn) sync* { int i = 0; for (final e in this) { yield fn(i++, e); } } Iterable<Tuple2<int, T>> withIndex() => mapWithIndex((i, e) => Tuple2(i, e)); /// Whether the collection contains an element equal to [element] using the /// equality function [equalFn] bool containsIf(T element, bool Function(T a, T b) equalFn) => any((e) => equalFn(e, element)); /// Same as [contains] but uses [identical] to compare the objects bool containsIdentical(T element) => containsIf(element, (a, b) => identical(a, b)); Iterable<Tuple2<U, List<T>>> groupBy<U>({required U Function(T e) key}) { final map = fold<Map<U, List<T>>>( {}, (previousValue, element) => previousValue..putIfAbsent(key(element), () => []).add(element)); return => Tuple2(e.key, e.value)); } /// Return a new list with only distinct elements List<T> distinct() { final s = <T>{}; return where((element) => s.add(element)).toList(); } /// Return a new list with only distinct elements determined by [equalFn] List<T> distinctIf( bool Function(T a, T b) equalFn, int Function(T a) hashCodeFn) { final s = <OverrideComparator<T>>{}; return where((element) => s.add(OverrideComparator<T>(element, equalFn, hashCodeFn))).toList(); } /// Invokes [action] on each element of this iterable in iteration order /// lazily Iterable<T> forEachLazy(void Function(T element) action) sync* { for (final e in this) { action(e); yield e; } } Future<List<U>> computeAll<U>(ComputeCallback<T, U> callback) async { final list = asList(); if (list.isEmpty) { return []; } else { return await compute( _computeAllImpl<T, U>, _ComputeAllMessage(callback, list)); } } /// Return a list containing elements in this iterable /// /// If this Iterable is itself a list, this will be returned directly with no /// copying List<T> asList() { if (this is List) { return this as List<T>; } else { return toList(); } } /// The first index of [element] in this iterable /// /// Searches the list from index start to the end of the list. The first time /// an object o is encountered so that o == element, the index of o is /// returned. Returns -1 if element is not found. int indexOf(T element, [int start = 0]) { var i = 0; for (final e in this) { if (e == element) { return i; } ++i; } return -1; } } extension IterableFlattenExtension<T> on Iterable<Iterable<T>> { /// Flattens an [Iterable] of [Iterable] values of type [T] to a [Iterable] of /// values of type [T]. /// /// This function originated in the xml package Iterable<T> flatten() => expand((values) => values); } class _ComputeAllMessage<T, U> { const _ComputeAllMessage(this.callback,; final ComputeCallback<T, U> callback; final List<T> data; } Future<List<U>> _computeAllImpl<T, U>(_ComputeAllMessage<T, U> message) async { final result = await Future.wait( async => await message.callback(e))); return result; }