part of '../collection_picker.dart'; @genCopyWith @toString class _State { const _State({ required this.collections, required this.isLoading, required this.transformedItems, this.result, this.error, }); factory _State.init() { return const _State( collections: [], isLoading: false, transformedItems: [], ); } @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List collections; final bool isLoading; final List<_Item> transformedItems; final Collection? result; final ExceptionEvent? error; } abstract class _Event { const _Event(); } /// Load the list of collections belonging to this account @toString class _LoadCollections implements _Event { const _LoadCollections(); @override String toString() => _$toString(); } /// Transform the collection list (e.g., filtering, sorting, etc) @toString class _TransformItems implements _Event { const _TransformItems(this.collections); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final List collections; } /// Select a collection @toString class _SelectCollection implements _Event { const _SelectCollection(this.collection); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final Collection collection; } @toString class _SetError implements _Event { const _SetError(this.error, [this.stackTrace]); @override String toString() => _$toString(); final Object error; final StackTrace? stackTrace; }