import 'package:drift/drift.dart' as sql; import 'package:nc_photos/di_container.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/person.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/person/data_source.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/database.dart' as sql; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/type_converter.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/sync_person.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../mock_type.dart'; import '../test_util.dart' as util; void main() { group("SyncPerson", () { test("new", _new); test("remove", _remove); test("update", _update); }); } /// Sync with remote where there are new persons /// /// Remote: [test1, test2, test3] /// Local: [test1] /// Expect: [test1, test2, test3] Future _new() async { final account = util.buildAccount(); final c = DiContainer.late(); c.sqliteDb = util.buildTestDb(); addTearDown(() => c.sqliteDb.close()); c.personRepoRemote = MockPersonMemoryRepo({ [ const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), const Person(name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 2, count: 10), const Person(name: "test3", thumbFaceId: 3, count: 100), ], }); c.personRepoLocal = PersonRepo(PersonSqliteDbDataSource(c.sqliteDb)); await c.sqliteDb.transaction(() async { await c.sqliteDb.insertAccountOf(account); await c.sqliteDb.batch((batch) { batch.insert( c.sqliteDb.persons, sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), ); }); }); await SyncPerson(c)(account); expect( await _listSqliteDbPersons(c.sqliteDb), { account.userId.toCaseInsensitiveString(): { const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), const Person(name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 2, count: 10), const Person(name: "test3", thumbFaceId: 3, count: 100), }, }, ); } /// Sync with remote where there are removed persons /// /// Remote: [test1] /// Local: [test1, test2, test3] /// Expect: [test1] Future _remove() async { final account = util.buildAccount(); final c = DiContainer.late(); c.sqliteDb = util.buildTestDb(); addTearDown(() => c.sqliteDb.close()); c.personRepoRemote = MockPersonMemoryRepo({ [ const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), ], }); c.personRepoLocal = PersonRepo(PersonSqliteDbDataSource(c.sqliteDb)); await c.sqliteDb.transaction(() async { await c.sqliteDb.insertAccountOf(account); await c.sqliteDb.batch((batch) { batch.insertAll(c.sqliteDb.persons, [ sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 2, count: 10), sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test3", thumbFaceId: 3, count: 100), ]); }); }); await SyncPerson(c)(account); expect( await _listSqliteDbPersons(c.sqliteDb), { account.userId.toCaseInsensitiveString(): { const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), }, }, ); } /// Sync with remote where there are updated persons (i.e, same name, different /// properties) /// /// Remote: [test1, test2 (face: 3)] /// Local: [test1, test2 (face: 2)] /// Expect: [test1, test2 (face: 3)] Future _update() async { final account = util.buildAccount(); final c = DiContainer.late(); c.sqliteDb = util.buildTestDb(); addTearDown(() => c.sqliteDb.close()); c.personRepoRemote = MockPersonMemoryRepo({ [ const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), const Person(name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 3, count: 10), ], }); c.personRepoLocal = PersonRepo(PersonSqliteDbDataSource(c.sqliteDb)); await c.sqliteDb.transaction(() async { await c.sqliteDb.insertAccountOf(account); await c.sqliteDb.batch((batch) { batch.insertAll(c.sqliteDb.persons, [ sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), sql.PersonsCompanion.insert( account: 1, name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 2, count: 10), ]); }); }); await SyncPerson(c)(account); expect( await _listSqliteDbPersons(c.sqliteDb), { account.userId.toCaseInsensitiveString(): { const Person(name: "test1", thumbFaceId: 1, count: 1), const Person(name: "test2", thumbFaceId: 3, count: 10), }, }, ); } Future>> _listSqliteDbPersons(sql.SqliteDb db) async { final query =[ sql.innerJoin(db.accounts, db.accounts.rowId.equalsExp(db.persons.account)), ]); final result = await query .map((r) => Tuple2(r.readTable(db.accounts), r.readTable(db.persons))) .get(); final product = >{}; for (final r in result) { (product[r.item1.userId] ??= {}) .add(SqlitePersonConverter.fromSql(r.item2)); } return product; }