import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:kiwi/kiwi.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/api/api_util.dart' as api_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/share.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/share/data_source.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/event/event.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/or_null.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/remote_storage_util.dart' as remote_storage_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/find_file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

abstract class ListSharingItem {
  const ListSharingItem(this.share);

  final Share share;

class ListSharingFile extends ListSharingItem {
  const ListSharingFile(Share share, this.file) : super(share);

  final File file;

class ListSharingAlbum extends ListSharingItem {
  const ListSharingAlbum(Share share, this.album) : super(share);

  // Beware, the albumFile is null
  final Album album;

abstract class ListSharingBlocEvent {
  const ListSharingBlocEvent();

class ListSharingBlocQuery extends ListSharingBlocEvent {
  const ListSharingBlocQuery(this.account);

  toString() {
    return "$runtimeType {"
        "account: $account, "

  final Account account;

class _ListSharingBlocShareRemoved extends ListSharingBlocEvent {
  const _ListSharingBlocShareRemoved(this.share);

  toString() {
    return "$runtimeType {"
        "share: $share, "

  final Share share;

abstract class ListSharingBlocState {
  const ListSharingBlocState(this.account, this.items);

  toString() {
    return "$runtimeType {"
        "account: $account, "
        "items: List {length: ${items.length}}, "

  final Account? account;
  final List<ListSharingItem> items;

class ListSharingBlocInit extends ListSharingBlocState {
  ListSharingBlocInit() : super(null, const []);

class ListSharingBlocLoading extends ListSharingBlocState {
  const ListSharingBlocLoading(Account? account, List<ListSharingItem> items)
      : super(account, items);

class ListSharingBlocSuccess extends ListSharingBlocState {
  const ListSharingBlocSuccess(Account? account, List<ListSharingItem> items)
      : super(account, items);

  ListSharingBlocSuccess copyWith({
    Account? account,
    List<ListSharingItem>? items,
  }) =>
        account ?? this.account,
        items ?? this.items,

class ListSharingBlocFailure extends ListSharingBlocState {
  const ListSharingBlocFailure(
      Account? account, List<ListSharingItem> items, this.exception)
      : super(account, items);

  toString() {
    return "$runtimeType {"
        "super: ${super.toString()}, "
        "exception: $exception, "

  ListSharingBlocFailure copyWith({
    Account? account,
    List<ListSharingItem>? items,
    dynamic exception,
  }) =>
        account ?? this.account,
        items ?? this.items,
        exception ?? this.exception,

  final dynamic exception;

/// List shares to be shown in [SharingBrowser]
class ListSharingBloc extends Bloc<ListSharingBlocEvent, ListSharingBlocState> {
  ListSharingBloc() : super(ListSharingBlocInit()) {

  static ListSharingBloc of(Account account) {
    final id =
    try {
      _log.fine("[of] Resolving bloc for '$id'");
      return KiwiContainer().resolve<ListSharingBloc>("ListSharingBloc($id)");
    } catch (_) {
      // no created instance for this account, make a new one"[of] New bloc instance for account: $account");
      final bloc = ListSharingBloc();
          name: "ListSharingBloc($id)");
      return bloc;

  mapEventToState(ListSharingBlocEvent event) async* {"[mapEventToState] $event");
    if (event is ListSharingBlocQuery) {
      yield* _onEventQuery(event);
    } else if (event is _ListSharingBlocShareRemoved) {
      yield* _onEventShareRemoved(event);

  Stream<ListSharingBlocState> _onEventQuery(ListSharingBlocQuery ev) async* {
    try {
      yield ListSharingBlocLoading(ev.account, state.items);
      yield ListSharingBlocSuccess(ev.account, await _query(ev));
    } catch (e, stackTrace) {
      _log.severe("[_onEventQuery] Exception while request", e, stackTrace);
      yield ListSharingBlocFailure(ev.account, state.items, e);

  Stream<ListSharingBlocState> _onEventShareRemoved(
      _ListSharingBlocShareRemoved ev) async* {
    if (state is! ListSharingBlocSuccess && state is! ListSharingBlocFailure) {
    final newItems = List.of(state.items)
        .where((element) => !identical(element.share, ev.share))
    // i love hacks :)
    yield (state as dynamic).copyWith(
      items: newItems,
    ) as ListSharingBlocState;

  void _onShareRemovedEvent(ShareRemovedEvent ev) {

  Future<List<ListSharingItem>> _query(ListSharingBlocQuery ev) async {
    return (await Future.wait([
        .reduce((value, element) => value + element);

  Future<List<ListSharingItem>> _querySharesByMe(
      ListSharingBlocQuery ev) async {
    final shareRepo = ShareRepo(ShareRemoteDataSource());
    final shares = await shareRepo.listAll(ev.account);
    final futures = async {
      // include link share dirs
      if (e.itemType == ShareItemType.folder) {
        final webdavPath =
        if (webdavPath.startsWith(
            remote_storage_util.getRemoteLinkSharesDir(ev.account))) {
          return ListSharingFile(
              path: webdavPath,
              isCollection: true,

      if (!file_util.isSupportedMime(e.mimeType)) {
        return null;
      if (ev.account.roots
          .every((r) => r.isNotEmpty && !e.path.startsWith("/$r/"))) {
        // ignore files not under root dirs
        return null;

      try {
        final file = await FindFile()(ev.account, e.itemSource);
        return ListSharingFile(e, file);
      } catch (_) {
        _log.warning("[_querySharesByMe] File not found: ${e.itemSource}");
        return null;
    return (await Future.wait(futures)).whereType<ListSharingItem>().toList();

  Future<List<ListSharingItem>> _querySharesWithMe(
      ListSharingBlocQuery ev) async {
    final shareRepo = ShareRepo(ShareRemoteDataSource());
    final shares = await shareRepo.reverseListAll(ev.account);
    final futures = async {
      final webdavPath =
      if (path.dirname(webdavPath) ==
          remote_storage_util.getRemotePendingSharedAlbumsDir(ev.account)) {
        return await _querySharedAlbum(ev, e);
      if (path.dirname(webdavPath) ==
          remote_storage_util.getRemoteAlbumsDir(ev.account)) {
        return await _querySharedAlbum(ev, e);
      if (!file_util.isSupportedMime(e.mimeType)) {
        return null;
      if (ev.account.roots
          .every((r) => r.isNotEmpty && !e.path.startsWith("/$r/"))) {
        // ignore files not under root dirs
        return null;

      try {
        final file = await FindFile()(ev.account, e.itemSource);
        return ListSharingFile(e, file);
      } catch (_) {
        _log.warning("[_querySharesWithMe] File not found: ${e.itemSource}");
        return null;
    return (await Future.wait(futures)).whereType<ListSharingItem>().toList();

  Future<ListSharingItem?> _querySharedAlbum(
      ListSharingBlocQuery ev, Share share) async {
    try {
      // Not doing here to save some bandwidth
      // const dataSrc = FileWebdavDataSource();
      // final file = await LsSingleFile(dataSrc)(ev.account,
      //     "${api_util.getWebdavRootUrlRelative(ev.account)}/${share.path}");
      final albumRepo = AlbumRepo(AlbumCachedDataSource());
      final album = await albumRepo.get(
      return ListSharingAlbum(share, album.copyWith(albumFile: OrNull(null)));
    } catch (e, stackTrace) {
          "[_querySharedAlbum] Failed while getting album", e, stackTrace);
      return null;

  late final _shareRemovedListener =

  static final _log = Logger("bloc.list_sharing.ListSharingBloc");