import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/api/api.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/api/api_util.dart' as api_util; import 'package:nc_photos/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/bloc/list_sharing.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/cache_manager_util.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/share.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/event/event.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/exception_util.dart' as exception_util; import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/k.dart' as k; import 'package:nc_photos/snack_bar_manager.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/theme.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/empty_list_indicator.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/widget/shared_file_viewer.dart'; class SharingBrowserArguments { SharingBrowserArguments(this.account); final Account account; } /// Show a list of all shares associated with this account class SharingBrowser extends StatefulWidget { static const routeName = "/sharing-browser"; static Route buildRoute(SharingBrowserArguments args) => MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => SharingBrowser.fromArgs(args), ); const SharingBrowser({ Key? key, required this.account, }) : super(key: key); SharingBrowser.fromArgs(SharingBrowserArguments args, {Key? key}) : this( key: key, account: args.account, ); @override createState() => _SharingBrowserState(); final Account account; } class _SharingBrowserState extends State { @override initState() { super.initState(); _initBloc(); _shareRemovedListener.begin(); } @override dispose() { _shareRemovedListener.end(); super.dispose(); } @override build(BuildContext context) { return AppTheme( child: Scaffold( body: BlocListener( bloc: _bloc, listener: (context, state) => _onStateChange(context, state), child: BlocBuilder( bloc: _bloc, builder: (context, state) => _buildContent(context, state), ), ), ), ); } void _initBloc() { if (_bloc.state is ListSharingBlocInit) {"[_initBloc] Initialize bloc"); } else { // process the current state WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) { setState(() { _onStateChange(context, _bloc.state); }); }); } _reqQuery(); } Widget _buildContent(BuildContext context, ListSharingBlocState state) { if ((state is ListSharingBlocSuccess || state is ListSharingBlocFailure) && state.items.isEmpty) { return _buildEmptyContent(context); } else { return Stack( children: [ Theme( data: Theme.of(context).copyWith( colorScheme: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.copyWith( secondary: AppTheme.getOverscrollIndicatorColor(context), ), ), child: CustomScrollView( slivers: [ SliverAppBar( title: Text(, floating: true, ), SliverList( delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (context, index) => _buildItem(context, _items[index]), childCount: _items.length, ), ), ], ), ), if (state is ListSharingBlocLoading) const Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: LinearProgressIndicator(), ), ], ); } } Widget _buildEmptyContent(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: [ AppBar( title: Text(, elevation: 0, ), Expanded( child: EmptyListIndicator( icon: Icons.share_outlined, text:, ), ), ], ); } Widget _buildItem(BuildContext context, List shares) { const leadingSize = 56.0; final dateStr = DateFormat(DateFormat.YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, Localizations.localeOf(context).languageCode) .format(shares.first.share.stime.toLocal()); return _ListTile( leading: shares.first.share.itemType == ShareItemType.folder ? const SizedBox( height: leadingSize, width: leadingSize, child: Icon( Icons.folder, size: 32, ), ) : CachedNetworkImage( width: leadingSize, height: leadingSize, cacheManager: ThumbnailCacheManager.inst, imageUrl: api_util.getFilePreviewUrl( widget.account, shares.first.file, width: k.photoThumbSize, height: k.photoThumbSize), httpHeaders: { "Authorization": Api.getAuthorizationHeaderValue(widget.account), }, fadeInDuration: const Duration(), filterQuality: FilterQuality.high, imageRenderMethodForWeb: ImageRenderMethodForWeb.HttpGet, ), label: shares.first.share.filename, description: shares.first.share.uidOwner == widget.account.username ? : shares.first.share.displaynameOwner, dateStr), trailing: (shares.any((element) => element.share.url?.isNotEmpty == true)) ? const Icon( : null, onTap: () { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(SharedFileViewer.routeName, arguments: SharedFileViewerArguments( widget.account, shares.first.file, => e.share).toList(), )); }, ); } void _onStateChange(BuildContext context, ListSharingBlocState state) { if (state is ListSharingBlocInit) { _items = []; } else if (state is ListSharingBlocSuccess || state is ListSharingBlocLoading) { _transformItems(state.items); } else if (state is ListSharingBlocFailure) { _transformItems(state.items); SnackBarManager().showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text(exception_util.toUserString(state.exception)), duration: k.snackBarDurationNormal, )); } } void _onShareRemovedEvent(ShareRemovedEvent ev) {} void _transformItems(List items) { // group shares of the same file final map = >{}; for (final i in items) { final isSharedByMe = i.share.uidOwner == widget.account.username; final groupKey = "${i.share.path}?$isSharedByMe"; map[groupKey] ??= []; map[groupKey]!.add(i); } // sort the sub-lists for (final list in map.values) { list.sort((a, b) => b.share.stime.compareTo(a.share.stime)); } // then sort the map and convert it to list _items = map.entries .sorted((a, b) => b.value.first.share.stime.compareTo(a.value.first.share.stime)) .map((e) => e.value) .toList(); } void _reqQuery() { _bloc.add(ListSharingBlocQuery(widget.account)); } late final _bloc = ListSharingBloc.of(widget.account); late final _shareRemovedListener = AppEventListener(_onShareRemovedEvent); var _items = >[]; static final _log = Logger("widget.sharing_browser._SharingBrowserState"); } class _ListTile extends StatelessWidget { const _ListTile({ required this.leading, required this.label, required this.description, this.trailing, required this.onTap, }); @override build(BuildContext context) { return InkWell( onTap: onTap, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ leading, const SizedBox(width: 16), Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text( label, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle1, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), Text( description, style: TextStyle( color: AppTheme.getSecondaryTextColor(context), ), ), ], ), ), if (trailing != null) trailing!, ], ), ), ); } final Widget leading; final String label; final String description; final Widget? trailing; final VoidCallback onTap; }