part of '../export_collection_dialog.dart'; @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> { _Bloc({ required this.account, required this.collectionsController, required this.collection, required this.items, required this.supportedProviders, }) : super(_State.init()) { on<_FormEvent>(_onFormEvent); on<_SetError>(_onSetError); } @override void onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { // we need this to prevent onError being triggered recursively if (!isClosed && !_isHandlingError) { _isHandlingError = true; try { add(_SetError(error, stackTrace)); } catch (_) {} _isHandlingError = false; } super.onError(error, stackTrace); } Future _onFormEvent(_FormEvent ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async {"$ev"); if (ev is _SubmitName) { _onSubmitName(ev, emit); } else if (ev is _SubmitProvider) { _onSubmitProvider(ev, emit); } else if (ev is _SubmitForm) { await _onSubmitForm(ev, emit); } } void _onSubmitName(_SubmitName ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { emit(state.copyWith( formValue: state.formValue.copyWith(name: ev.value), )); } void _onSubmitProvider(_SubmitProvider ev, Emitter<_State> emit) { emit(state.copyWith( formValue: state.formValue.copyWith(provider: ev.value), )); } Future _onSubmitForm(_SubmitForm ev, Emitter<_State> emit) async { emit(state.copyWith(isExporting: true)); try { final exporter = CollectionExporter(account, collectionsController, collection, items,; final Collection result; switch (state.formValue.provider) { case _ProviderOption.appAlbum: result = await exporter.asAlbum(); break; case _ProviderOption.ncAlbum: result = await exporter.asNcAlbum(); break; } emit(state.copyWith(result: result)); } finally { emit(state.copyWith(isExporting: false)); } } void _onSetError(_SetError ev, Emitter<_State> emit) {; emit(state.copyWith(error: ExceptionEvent(ev.error, ev.stackTrace))); } final Account account; final CollectionsController collectionsController; final Collection collection; final List items; @keep final Set<_ProviderOption> supportedProviders; var _isHandlingError = false; }