part of '../home_collections.dart'; enum HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType { // the order must not be changed sharing, edited, archive, trash, ; static HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType fromValue(int value) => HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType.values[value]; } class _NavigationBar extends StatefulWidget { const _NavigationBar(); @override State createState() => _NavigationBarState(); } class _NavigationBarState extends State<_NavigationBar> { @override void initState() { super.initState(); _scrollController = ScrollController(); _scrollController .addListener(() => _updateButtonScroll(_scrollController.position)); _ensureUpdateButtonScroll(); } @override void dispose() { _scrollController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return SliverToBoxAdapter( child: SizedBox( height: 48, child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Stack( children: [ _BlocSelector( selector: (state) => state.navBarButtons, builder: (context, navBarButtons) { final buttons = navBarButtons .map((e) => _buildButton(context, e)) .nonNulls .toList(); return ListView.separated( controller: _scrollController, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 16), itemCount: buttons.length, itemBuilder: (context, i) => Center( child: buttons[i], ), separatorBuilder: (context, _) => const SizedBox(width: 12), ); }, ), if (_hasLeftContent) Positioned( left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, child: IgnorePointer( ignoring: true, child: Container( width: 32, decoration: BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( colors: [ Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background, Theme.of(context) .colorScheme .background .withOpacity(0), ], ), ), ), ), ), if (_hasRightContent) Positioned( right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, child: IgnorePointer( ignoring: true, child: Container( width: 32, decoration: BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( colors: [ Theme.of(context) .colorScheme .background .withOpacity(0), Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background, ], ), ), ), ), ), ], ), ), const SizedBox(width: 8), const _NavBarNewButton(), const SizedBox(width: 16), ], ), ), ); } Widget? _buildButton(BuildContext context, PrefHomeCollectionsNavButton btn) { switch (btn.type) { case HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType.sharing: return _NavBarSharingButton(isMinimized: btn.isMinimized); case HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType.edited: return features.isSupportEnhancement ? _NavBarEditedButton(isMinimized: btn.isMinimized) : null; case HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType.archive: return _NavBarArchiveButton(isMinimized: btn.isMinimized); case HomeCollectionsNavBarButtonType.trash: return _NavBarTrashButton(isMinimized: btn.isMinimized); } } bool _updateButtonScroll(ScrollPosition pos) { if (!pos.hasContentDimensions || !pos.hasPixels) { return false; } if (pos.pixels <= pos.minScrollExtent) { if (_hasLeftContent) { setState(() { _hasLeftContent = false; }); } } else { if (!_hasLeftContent) { setState(() { _hasLeftContent = true; }); } } if (pos.pixels >= pos.maxScrollExtent) { if (_hasRightContent) { setState(() { _hasRightContent = false; }); } } else { if (!_hasRightContent) { setState(() { _hasRightContent = true; }); } } _hasFirstScrollUpdate = true; return true; } void _ensureUpdateButtonScroll() { if (_hasFirstScrollUpdate || !mounted) { return; } if (_scrollController.hasClients) { if (_updateButtonScroll(_scrollController.position)) { return; } } Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), _ensureUpdateButtonScroll); } late final ScrollController _scrollController; var _hasFirstScrollUpdate = false; var _hasLeftContent = false; var _hasRightContent = false; } class _NavBarButtonIndicator extends StatelessWidget { const _NavBarButtonIndicator(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ClipOval( child: Container( width: 4, height: 4, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.error, ), ); } }