import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import 'package:woozy_search/woozy_search.dart'; abstract class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocEvent { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocEvent(); } class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocUpdateItemsEvent extends AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocEvent { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocUpdateItemsEvent(this.albums); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "albums: List {legth: ${albums.length}}, " "}"; } final List albums; } class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSearchEvent extends AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocEvent { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSearchEvent(this.phrase); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "phrase: '$phrase', " "}"; } final String phrase; } abstract class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocState { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocState(this.results); @override toString() { return "$runtimeType {" "results: List {legth: ${results.length}}, " "}"; } final List results; } class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocInit extends AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocState { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocInit() : super(const []); } class AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSuccess extends AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocState { const AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSuccess(List results) : super(results); } class AlbumSearchSuggestionBloc extends Bloc { AlbumSearchSuggestionBloc() : super(AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocInit()); @override mapEventToState(AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocEvent event) async* {"[mapEventToState] $event"); if (event is AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSearchEvent) { yield* _onEventSearch(event); } else if (event is AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocUpdateItemsEvent) { yield* _onEventUpdateItems(event); } } Stream _onEventSearch( AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSearchEvent ev) async* { // doesn't work with upper case final results =; if (kDebugMode) { final str = => "${e.score}: ${e.text}").join("\n");"[_onEventSearch] Search '${ev.phrase}':\n$str"); } final matches = results .where((element) => element.score > 0) .map((e) { if ((e.value as Album) .name .toLowerCase() .startsWith(ev.phrase.toLowerCase())) { // prefer names that start exactly with the search phrase return Tuple2(e.score + 1, e.value as Album); } else { return Tuple2(e.score, e.value as Album); } }) .sorted((a, b) { return a.item1.compareTo(b.item1); }) .reversed .map((e) => e.item2) .toList(); yield AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSuccess(matches); _lastSearch = ev; } Stream _onEventUpdateItems( AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocUpdateItemsEvent ev) async* { _search.setEntries([]); for (final a in ev.albums) { _search.addEntry(, value: a); } if (_lastSearch != null) { // search again yield* _onEventSearch(_lastSearch); } } final _search = Woozy(limit: 5); AlbumSearchSuggestionBlocSearchEvent _lastSearch; static final _log = Logger("bloc.album_search_suggestion.AlbumSearchSuggestionBloc"); }