import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart'; part 'draggable.g.dart'; @npLog class Draggable extends StatelessWidget { const Draggable({ super.key, required, required this.child,, this.onDropBefore, this.onDropAfter, this.onDragStarted, this.onDragEndedAny, this.feedbackSize, }); @override build(BuildContext context) { buildIndicator(alignment, isActive) { return Stack( children: [ Container(), Visibility( visible: isActive, child: Align( alignment: alignment, child: Container( constraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 2), color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, ), ), ), ], ); } return Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ LongPressDraggable( data: data, dragAnchorStrategy: pointerDragAnchorStrategy, onDragStarted: onDragStarted, onDragEnd: (_) => onDragEndedAny?.call(), onDragCompleted: onDragEndedAny, onDraggableCanceled: (v, o) => onDragEndedAny?.call(), feedback: FractionalTranslation( translation: const Offset(-.5, -.5), child: SizedBox( width: feedbackSize?.width ?? 128, height: feedbackSize?.height ?? 128, child: Opacity( opacity: .5, child: feedback ?? child, ), ), ), childWhenDragging: Opacity( opacity: .25, child: child, ), child: child, ), if (onDropBefore != null || onDropAfter != null) Positioned.fill( child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ if (onDropBefore != null) Expanded( child: DragTarget( builder: (context, candidateItems, rejectedItems) { return buildIndicator(AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, candidateItems.isNotEmpty); }, onAcceptWithDetails: (details) { _log.fine( "[build] Dropping ${} before $data"); onDropBefore!(; }, ), ), if (onDropAfter != null) Expanded( child: DragTarget( builder: (context, candidateItems, rejectedItems) { return buildIndicator(AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd, candidateItems.isNotEmpty); }, onAcceptWithDetails: (details) { _log.fine( "[build] Dropping ${} after $data"); onDropAfter!(; }, ), ), ], ), ), ], ); } final T data; final Widget child; final Widget? feedback; /// Called when some item dropped before this item final DragTargetAccept? onDropBefore; /// Called when some item dropped after this item final DragTargetAccept? onDropAfter; final VoidCallback? onDragStarted; /// Called when either one of onDragEnd, onDragCompleted or /// onDraggableCanceled is called. /// /// The callback might be called multiple times per each drag event final VoidCallback? onDragEndedAny; /// Size of the feedback widget that appears under the pointer. /// /// Right now a translucent version of [child] is being shown final Size? feedbackSize; }