import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart' as app; import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/database.dart'; import 'package:nc_photos/location_util.dart' as location_util; import 'package:np_string/np_string.dart'; enum FilesQueryMode { file, completeFile, expression, } typedef FilesQueryRelativePathBuilder = Expression Function( GeneratedColumn relativePath); /// Build a Files table query /// /// If you call more than one by* methods, the condition will be added up /// instead of replaced. No validations will be made to make sure the resulting /// conditions make sense class FilesQueryBuilder { FilesQueryBuilder(this.db); /// Set the query mode /// /// If [mode] == FilesQueryMode.expression, [expressions] must be defined and /// not empty void setQueryMode( FilesQueryMode mode, { Iterable? expressions, }) { assert( (mode == FilesQueryMode.expression) != (expressions?.isEmpty != false)); _queryMode = mode; _selectExpressions = expressions; } void setSqlAccount(Account account) { assert(_appAccount == null); _sqlAccount = account; } void setAppAccount(app.Account account) { assert(_sqlAccount == null); _appAccount = account; } void setAccountless() { assert(_sqlAccount == null && _appAccount == null); _isAccountless = true; } void byRowId(int rowId) { _byRowId = rowId; } void byFileId(int fileId) { _byFileId = fileId; } void byFileIds(Iterable fileIds) { _byFileIds = fileIds; } void byRelativePath(String path) { _byRelativePath = path; } void byOrRelativePath(String path) { _byOrRelativePathBuilder((relativePath) => relativePath.equals(path)); } void byOrRelativePathPattern(String pattern) { _byOrRelativePathBuilder((relativePath) =>; } void byMimePattern(String pattern) { (_byMimePatterns ??= []).add(pattern); } void byFavorite(bool favorite) { _byFavorite = favorite; } void byDirRowId(int dirRowId) { _byDirRowId = dirRowId; } void byServerRowId(int serverRowId) { _byServerRowId = serverRowId; } void byLocation(String location) { _byLocation = location; } JoinedSelectStatement build() { if (_sqlAccount == null && _appAccount == null && !_isAccountless) { throw StateError("Invalid query: missing account"); } final dynamic select = _queryMode == FilesQueryMode.expression ? db.selectOnly(db.files) :; final query = select.join([ innerJoin(db.accountFiles, db.accountFiles.file.equalsExp(db.files.rowId), useColumns: _queryMode == FilesQueryMode.completeFile), if (_appAccount != null) ...[ innerJoin( db.accounts, db.accounts.rowId.equalsExp(db.accountFiles.account), useColumns: false), innerJoin(db.servers, db.servers.rowId.equalsExp(db.accounts.server), useColumns: false), ], if (_byDirRowId != null) innerJoin(db.dirFiles, db.dirFiles.child.equalsExp(db.files.rowId), useColumns: false), if (_queryMode == FilesQueryMode.completeFile) ...[ leftOuterJoin( db.images, db.images.accountFile.equalsExp(db.accountFiles.rowId)), leftOuterJoin(db.imageLocations, db.imageLocations.accountFile.equalsExp(db.accountFiles.rowId)), leftOuterJoin(db.trashes, db.trashes.file.equalsExp(db.files.rowId)), ], ]) as JoinedSelectStatement; if (_queryMode == FilesQueryMode.expression) { query.addColumns(_selectExpressions!); } if (_sqlAccount != null) { query.where(db.accountFiles.account.equals(_sqlAccount!.rowId)); } else if (_appAccount != null) { query ..where(db.servers.address.equals(_appAccount!.url)) ..where(db.accounts.userId .equals(_appAccount!.userId.toCaseInsensitiveString())); } if (_byRowId != null) { query.where(db.files.rowId.equals(_byRowId!)); } if (_byFileId != null) { query.where(db.files.fileId.equals(_byFileId!)); } if (_byFileIds != null) { query.where(db.files.fileId.isIn(_byFileIds!)); } if (_byRelativePath != null) { query.where(db.accountFiles.relativePath.equals(_byRelativePath!)); } if (_byOrRelativePathBuilders?.isNotEmpty == true) { final expression = _byOrRelativePathBuilders! .sublist(1) .fold>( _byOrRelativePathBuilders![0](db.accountFiles.relativePath), (previousValue, builder) => previousValue | builder(db.accountFiles.relativePath)); query.where(expression); } if (_byMimePatterns?.isNotEmpty == true) { final expression = _byMimePatterns!.sublist(1).fold>(![0]), (previousValue, element) => previousValue |; query.where(expression); } if (_byFavorite != null) { if (_byFavorite!) { query.where(db.accountFiles.isFavorite.equals(true)); } else { // null are treated as false query.where(db.accountFiles.isFavorite.equals(true).not()); } } if (_byDirRowId != null) { query.where(db.dirFiles.dir.equals(_byDirRowId!)); } if (_byServerRowId != null) { query.where(db.files.server.equals(_byServerRowId!)); } if (_byLocation != null) { var clause =!) |!) |!); final countryCode = location_util.nameToAlpha2Code(_byLocation!.toCi()); if (countryCode != null) { clause = clause | db.imageLocations.countryCode.equals(countryCode); } else if (_byLocation!.length == 2 && location_util.alpha2CodeToName(_byLocation!.toUpperCase()) != null) { clause = clause | db.imageLocations.countryCode.equals(_byLocation!.toUpperCase()); } query.where(clause); } return query; } void _byOrRelativePathBuilder(FilesQueryRelativePathBuilder builder) { (_byOrRelativePathBuilders ??= []).add(builder); } final SqliteDb db; FilesQueryMode _queryMode = FilesQueryMode.file; Iterable? _selectExpressions; Account? _sqlAccount; app.Account? _appAccount; bool _isAccountless = false; int? _byRowId; int? _byFileId; Iterable? _byFileIds; String? _byRelativePath; List? _byOrRelativePathBuilders; List? _byMimePatterns; bool? _byFavorite; int? _byDirRowId; int? _byServerRowId; String? _byLocation; }