part of 'place_picker.dart'; @npLog class _Bloc extends Bloc<_Event, _State> with BlocLogger { _Bloc({ required this.prefController, required this.initialPosition, required this.initialZoom, }) : super(_State.init()) { on<_SetPosition>(_onSetPosition); on<_Done>(_onDone); } @override String get tag => _log.fullName; @override bool Function(dynamic, dynamic)? get shouldLog => (currentState, nextState) { return currentState.position == nextState.position; }; void _onSetPosition(_SetPosition ev, _Emitter emit) { //; emit(state.copyWith(position: ev.value)); } void _onDone(_Done ev, _Emitter emit) {; if (prefController.mapBrowserPrevPositionValue == null && state.position != null) { prefController.setMapBrowserPrevPosition(state.position!.center); } emit(state.copyWith(isDone: true)); } final PrefController prefController; final MapCoord? initialPosition; final double? initialZoom; }